Chapter 171 The third nuclear success!Continuous call!

Seeing these "lesions" covering the body of the Tyrannosaurus, caused by absorbing the data of the virus species, all under the control of the Tyrannosaurus began to move towards the heart, Qingliu let out a sigh of relief.

Although the drastic change of Tyrannosaurus just now was a bit unexpected, but from now on, there is no big problem.

And generally speaking, the things summoned by the summoning panel are indeed good things that overwhelm the bad things.

The data of Virus Tyrannosaurus was activated in just an instant, and at the same time, the form switching was directly completed in a short period of time, and the Virus Tyrannosaurus became stable.

In this way, the operation of condensing the digital core again can be taken out.

Although the progress of controlling the accumulation of these virus species is very slow, as long as it is developing in a good direction, it is only a matter of time.

"One Digicore is equivalent to one heart, and three are three hearts. With such a blessing, the fighting power of Tyrannosaurus should be raised to another level."

Now the 26th-level Tyrannosaurus has the ability to defeat regular Pokémon that is 20th level higher than itself, which is around level 46.

In the face of Pokémon with great racial potential and outstanding talent, the upper limit of the strength of Tyrannosaurus is around level 40 and level 41.

This is only the innate race value of the tyrannosaurus and the explosive combat power of the digimon due to the strong physique tempered by the environment, not counting the bonus of the digital core.

After activating the second Digicore before, the strength of the Tyrannosaurus began to soar. If it succeeds this time, the combat power of the Tyrannosaurus will take another step forward.

As for what level this third digital core can reach, Qingliu doesn't know, but I believe it will be known soon.

Thinking of this, Qing Liu couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Under the breath-holding stare, all the blue-black energy was finally gathered at the position of the heart, and finally very strangely condensed into a point in front of the body, and directly merged into the body of the Tyrannosaurus after a touch.

Negative emotions and energy surged rapidly in an instant, coming and going fiercely, and finally wrapped the whole body of the tyrannosaur in it.

Suddenly, a heartbeat sounded suddenly.

And as time changed, this speed became faster and faster, faster and faster, and it even started directly without any sign at all.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom! ! !
Boom boom boom!

The number of heavy and powerful heartbeats increased again, gradually changing from two to three.

The light in the Tyrannosaurus beast's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the momentum of the whole body became more dignified.

At this moment, as if its body was squeezed dry, the Tyrannosaurus, which was stimulated by the virus and made it fat and strong, began to change again. Without the interference of the core, the Tyrannosaurus returned to the body of the Earth Tyrannosaurus .

The body is strong, fierce and abnormal, and the terrifying fighting machine that combines attack and speed is reproduced.

However, there are some subtle differences from the original Terra Tyrannosaurus.

I saw those blue ferocious lines distributed all over the body, and I don't know when they have been mixed with a touch of blue and black, adding a sense of heaviness.

Until now, the body of Tyrannosaurus has simultaneously reflected the data performance of three mature Digimon.

One is himself, a land tyrannosaur, and the other is also a blue tyrannosaurus.

And on the panel that no one can see, only Qingliu can see, the [Divine Plan] column has started to change quietly.

【Attribute】Dragon, Fire
[Divine Plan] One of the evolution requirements has not been met (Level 40/60/70)
A new digital core is being activated——(the current number of digital cores is 2→3/12)

"Finally... it's finished."

Seeing that the number has clearly changed from 2 to 3, which means that the third Digicore of Tyrannosaurus has been completely formed, Aoyagi can't help being a little excited.

"Three [-]-grain particles are far away from the limit, and it's already a quarter, Tyrannosaurus, how do you feel?"

Qingliu looked up at the Tyrannosaurus and asked
"I feel like I have strong physical strength now. Even if I face the lightning bird again, I feel that the blue-eyed white dragon doesn't need to help at the beginning, and can buy enough time while keeping a certain distance.

Tyrannosaurus looked at his claws carefully, feeling the waves of energy fluctuations coming from his body, and continued: "And I don't just feel like this, I even think this energy is a bit too abundant, If we can get two more, we will definitely be able to meet the Lightning Bird head-on."

Qingliu was a little surprised by the bold words and ambitions of the tyrannosaurus, and immediately reacted.

The lightning bird it was talking about was naturally the lightning bird that could suppress it and the blue-eyed white dragon at the beginning when it was injured, not a level 50 beast that had returned to its normal state.

As soon as the third core is released, the level of the Tyrannosaurus that can leapfrog the battle will be raised again, and the power of the moves that can be exploded will definitely increase accordingly.

Especially the Gaia Flame, the Gaia Energy Cannon, which is the ultimate move, will definitely increase in power.

But if it's the same as the Lightning Bird in its heyday... well, it's still a little bit worse.

It's just that if you stay at the tyrannosaurus stage and don't evolve, at least you can only fight when you are basically at the same level, or what the tyrannosaurus said, you need to condense the fifth or sixth digit to have a game.

But if it can evolve, this disadvantage will be greatly reduced.

Because Digimon are famous for their many evolutions and miscellaneous. Judging from the last Zombie Tyrannosaurus illustrated book information, the race value of a full-body Tyrannosaurus has already far surpassed the level of a second-level god.

"Currently level 26, there is still a long way to go from the level 40 shown in the divine plan..."

While thinking about it, Qingliu said to Tyrannosaurus: "Next, let's get used to the body after the power surge, and then check if there is anything wrong."

Hearing Qingliu's words, Tyrannosaurus suppressed the joy in his heart and nodded heavily.

Qingliu opened the panel, and swept the tyrannosaur's body up and down over and over again.

After all, this is the first time that something as "evil" as a virus has appeared. It may have some bad side effects or sequelae in the future, so it's better to be careful.

After carefully checking several times to confirm that there is no problem, the Tyrannosaurus began to patrol and guard again, preventing anyone from approaching here.

And Qingliu was ready to call again.

After all, this time is not like the previous ones who clicked and searched every time. This time, they directly swiped the two legendary Pokémon, Lightning Bird and Lugia, and had two summoning opportunities.

Next, what he was about to use was the sixth summoning.

"Five times in total, two times are new versions of Pokémon, three times are things like items, I don't know what this time will be like..."

 and also

(End of this chapter)

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