I was regarded as a demon god by a witch

Chapter 329 Unprecedented Possession!

Chapter 329 Unprecedented Possession!
When Ivita said about mobilizing the army before, he was actually mostly deceiving it. It was not worth mobilizing the army of Maple Leaf Town for the sake of a demon. It would easily arouse the horror of the entire caravan in the town, and in turn affect the commercial value of Maple Leaf Town.

But to deceive it in this way, it is easy to let it mess up and expose its flaws.

Sure enough, as soon as it saw that Kamiziri was about to go outside the door, it immediately jumped up and jumped on the wall, trying to pounce on Kamiziri who had just walked out the door.

But at this moment, a lightning gun blocked her way, and the girl possessed by the demon looked down, but just bumped into the Hearthstone Witch.

The Hearthstone Witch held the church scriptures that the priest had dropped on the ground before, and then used it as a brick to smash it directly on the girl's forehead.

"In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I command you to state your name and origin."

Under the influence of the church scriptures, the girl's pupils suddenly dilated. "How is it possible, you are just a witch! Why is the mass you held useful to me?"

The Hearthstone Witch sneered. "Even if I don't have a truly devout heart, as long as I hypnotize myself to believe in something completely, I can still have blind faith. Using the power of blindness and ignorance can at least drive out ordinary demons like you."


The possessed girl made an unwilling voice, "No...I...my name is - [LS Yaana]."

The girl's body is divided into two parts, one part is her own body, and the other part is the soul of the demon.

The body is heavier than the soul, so the demon's soul becomes a black mist with hellfire, roaring impotently in the air.


The man who had been silent - the girl's father - screamed. "Lord LS Yana! It was so hard for me to let LS Yana enter the world of mortals. How can I let you group of damned people destroy my plan, I..."

He rushed towards the Hearthstone Witch with an ugly look on his face, hating Hearthstone Witch to death.

It was just that the Hearthstone Witch stretched out her left hand to him, and the next moment, his heart exploded automatically in his body. He clutched his chest, looked at the ground under his feet in disbelief, and fell to the ground.

he died.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "That's right. It turns out that the girl's father was a follower of the Demon Cult, so the official wizard who died in the previous ceremony should have voluntarily sacrificed blood for the coming of the Demon."

"It's just that I didn't expect that a demon summoned by a second-level wizard could be expelled so easily."

Ivita said: "[LS Yana] is a high-ranking demon?"

The Hearthstone Witch shook her head, looked at the infernal flames burning in the air, and the demon soul that disappeared into the air, said: "[LS Yana] is just an ordinary demon."

"And he is a demon transformed from an ordinary human being."

"In some ancient villages on the mainland, there are still some people who worship the demon [LS Yana]. It is said that [LS Yana] was originally an ordinary human woman, but she fell in love with a second-level knight. This knight After becoming husband and wife with her, he cruelly abandoned her, but what the knight didn't know was that [LS Yana] already had his child at that time."

"In the end, under the excessive grief, there was one dead body and two lives. After death, [LS Yana] met the messenger of hell—one of the 72 demon kings [Amon]. The accumulated negative energy is so powerful that it polluted her cemetery, causing [LS Yaana] to crawl out of the cemetery. Of course, the price is that her child will fall into hell forever and cannot be reborn forever.”

"Mother's love was originally one of the most powerful magical powers in the world, but Amon's twisting magic reversed it and turned it into an evil power of hell, so that an ordinary woman who crawled out of the cemetery could become the world's undead One of the most powerful races on earth, the demon race."

The Hearthstone Witch whispered: "However, it is strange to say that even if [LS Yana] descends with his own body, he is at most a fifth-level ordinary demon, and it is not considered a high-ranking demon at all. Then what I felt before That terrible breath, why..."

Before she finished speaking, suddenly the girl who had fallen to the ground, and seemed to have successfully expelled the demon in her body, stood up and threw herself at Hearthstone Witch's chest.

The girl's left hand became permanently the claw of a horrific beast, slashing open the Hearthstone Witch's abdomen, causing it to bleed profusely.

The Hearthstone Witch, Evita, the Great Wizard of the Dead Bull, as well as the girl's mother and the old priest were all stunned.

Because the demon had left her body before.

The Hearthstone Witch said angrily: "This is wrong. You cheated, and I have successfully expelled the demon, how could it be possible to return to the girl's body."

"LS Yana, you fucking crazy woman, you cheated."

The girl raised her head slowly, her hair fell down, and she had half a face like a man's. "You're right, Hearthstone."

"After being expelled, demons are generally unable to return to the same body for a short period of time."

"But, I'm not [LS Yana]."

"I am... Karl Pruitt!"

In the eyes of the Hearthstone Witch and Ivita, the demon named [Karl Pruitt] had an iron chain in his hand at some point. He tied the iron chain to the Hearthstone Witch who was attacked by him, and then Take the Hearthstone Witch to the fireplace.

He looked at Evita. "Wizard, don't do unnecessary things."

Then, her voice changed again, no longer like a man, but more like an old woman. "That's right, don't do unnecessary things, our goal is just a Hearthstone witch. Hello, I'm Mrs. Fusang."

When he got to the fireplace, he spoke again, and the voice was that of a young adult woman, very charming, as if seductive. "I am the demon Asmodeus Hellfire, use this fireplace to burn the soul of this witch."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was only a pile of half-burned firewood and ashes in the fireplace, and a raging flame burst out.

That flame is not an ordinary flame, but the fire of hell.

It wasn't until this moment that the Hearthstone Witch and Evita realized that the ten-year-old girl had never been possessed by one demon, but four.

They share a single body and are drawn to the blood sacrifices of Shamanic sorcerers.

The Hearthstone Witch muttered to herself. "That's right, only in this way do you need a second-level wizard to perform the blood sacrifice."

"The demon [Asmodeus Hellfire] is the only high-ranking demon among the four demons. It has never been a human being. She was once a perfect human being created by the old gods. Legend has it that she died in the flames of hell. , It has turned into hellfire since then, I didn't expect it to be true."

The Hearthstone Witch watched her get closer and closer to the flames in the fireplace, sweat streaming down her brow.

Her magic power is controlled by the [Karl Pruitt] demon, and she cannot use much magic.

A blue flower suddenly jumped out from behind the Hearthstone Witch, and the sad flower hit the little girl's face all at once, and in just an instant, the sad flower got into the girl's face.

"What kind of flower is this? An element I haven't seen before?" The three demons in the girl's body were arguing, "No, I can't defend against it. As expected of a fourth-level witch, she is also quite powerful. It will take some time for us to contaminate that element."

"Then what should I do? It won't fall short, right? I managed to sneak attack on her. Next time I want to set a trap, it will not be so easy to count a fourth-level witch. What are you looking at me for? What! Just because of me The weakest, you're going to push me out, you bastards."

The next moment, a soul burning with hellfire was forced out of the girl's body, together with the blue sad flower.

The sad flower quickly entangled the soul of the demon's body consciousness, and then began to shrink. Amid Fusangpo's screams, bursts of white mist came out.

Violence was entwined in the girl's eyes. "Fusang woman, what are you barking at, your barking has affected our ability to display our strength."

"Wait until we force this witch to let you go, it will be fine."

Fusang woman cried out. "This witch's magic plant is hurting my main body soul. If this continues, I will not have time to return to hell, and I will lose a large part of my soul! My status in hell is already low. If I continue to weaken, hell will be destroyed. There is no place for me!"

"Get me down quickly."

The girl grabbed the Hearthstone Witch by the neck, lifted her up, and carried her to the flames of hell. "Witch, if you don't unlock your magic, we can only throw you into the flames of hell."

The Hearthstone Witch made a faint sound. "You promise to let me go, and I will break the magic."

[Asmodeus·Hellfire] Borrowing the girl's body, making charming movements, and giggling, "Even if I agree, do you dare to believe it?"

"We demons never keep our promises."

"Speaking is no different from farting. You must die today. Even if other demons are dead, your body must be mine. So you are free to let go."

"But if you don't release Fusangpo, I will not only let you die, but also burn you to death slowly with hell fire instead of burning your soul to death all at once. This is a multiple-choice question, you can either choose the long-term Pain, or choose short-lived pain."

[Asmodeus Hellfire] looked at the Hearthstone Witch who was about to suffocate with interest.

The Hearthstone Witch said with difficulty: "Then I won't let it go. Because the more sins I have, the fiercer the hellfire will be. I have committed too many sins. No matter how you control the hellfire, when the flames of hellfire touch my body In an instant, I will be completely swallowed by hellfire."

"Is my choice useful?"

[Asmodeus Hellfire] His complexion changed slightly, followed by endless rage. "Do you think I dare not? Anyway, Fusangpo is so weak, I don't want it."

The soul of Fusangpo, who was controlled by the sad flower in mid-air, cursed [Asmodeus Hellfire] deeper than the abyss, and she said angrily: "Bastard [Asmodeus Hellfire] Huo], how dare you give up on me!"

"I want to betray you in hell! I..."

[Asmodeus Hellfire] Throwing the Hearthstone Witch into the fireplace, the Hearthstone Witch was about to fall onto the flames in the fireplace, she screamed.

But the moment she was about to fall into the flames, the flames in the fireplace were instantly neutralized by a golden flame.

The hellfire collided with the golden flame and exploded. After the explosion, the fireplace was completely shattered, and the flame disappeared.

The explosion knocked out the Hearthstone witch and the little girl possessed by a demon.

When she and the Hearthstone Witch climbed up again, the Hearthstone Witch found that the chains on her body were gone, and the soul of the chain demon [Karl Pruitt] also appeared in midair, and then disappeared into hell.

The Hearthstone witch laughed while holding her stomach, and said to the possessed girl: "Hahahaha...Karl Pruitt was implicated by the flame explosion and was forced to leave the girl's body. Now you are a demon, so what to do You are the same as dealing with ordinary possessions, there is no difference."

"Your Majesty, thank you."

Evita also did not expect that the process of signing the contract between the Hearthstone Witch and the devil was so dangerous.

It is very troublesome to face four demons at once, even if none of them come to the world physically.

[Asmodeus Hellfire] stood up and swept over Ivita indifferently. "The fire of the law? There seems to be a little change, but it's all so annoying. Trampling all the laws, breaking all the rules, and reducing the world to an anarchist eternal darkness is the mission and philosophy of our hell, and it is also this The end to which the world is finally headed.”

"Today, I'm here to extinguish a legal flame that shouldn't exist in this world."

"It seems that destroying you will allow the chaos of Ambrose to exist forever."

Ivita is ready to counterattack with magic, and the cloak of destruction magic is also eager to try, wanting to fight the high-ranking demon through a mortal body.

But in an instant, Ivita suddenly felt that his hands and feet were not his own.

He was horrified to find that his left eye, which controlled the flame of the law, was no longer under his control.

A strange voice appeared in his mouth. "This kid's strength is very different, just the second level, but even if he fights against the fourth level, he may not be much weaker."

This voice is...

Ivita keenly discovered that [LS Yana], who used to speak with the body of the possessed little girl, was actually speaking with her own body.

At the same time, another strange voice appeared in Ivita's mouth. "Hey, they all seem to think that we have returned to hell, but in fact we just want to be possessed by someone else."

This is the voice of a man, the voice of the chain demon【Karl Pruitt】.

At the same time, Ivita felt that his spiritual world was being eroded by three demonic forces, and the third force was the hellfire demon [Asmodeus Hellfire].

At this moment, they actually shifted their possession target to Ivita.

I'm afraid their target from the beginning was not the little girl, but a second-level wizard next to the Hearthstone Witch.

They want to use this body as a springboard to release more power, and then possess the Hearthstone Witch.

Their plans are actually very powerful. The combined absolute power of the four demons has even surpassed the combined power of Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch. The only problem is...

The Hearthstone Witch looked strange as she watched the demon possessing himself towards Ivita, preparing to take Ivita's body.

She went from tense to relaxed all of a sudden.

Fusang Po was extremely proud. "Quickly let your plant let me go, you run for your life now, your friend will never come back."

"He will be lost in hell forever."

The Hearthstone Witch looked at it strangely. "No, the situation may be just the opposite. Only Your Majesty Evita, you guys must never attack him mentally or invade him physically."

"That's suicidal."

"The things hidden under his mortal soul... are not something you can covet. If you don't do this, I may lose. But now it seems that you are dead."

(End of this chapter)

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