Chapter 62 The Will of the Pope and the Five Days (revised)

When the golden double-headed eagle flag fluttered over the low walls of the baron's castle, the children of the forest also launched an attack in the early hours of the next day.

Amidst the rain of thousands of arrows, the eagle flag is still flying.

Iveta's random design of the flag, the effect is not bad.

The eagle flag fluttered in the air, like a falcon soaring high in the sky, patrolling its territory.

Under this banner, the human beings defending the city unexpectedly boosted their morale.

The Centaur Khan rushed to the bottom of the city wall at the first, and shot down the eagle flag with his bow and arrows, so as to lower the high morale of the human beings.

But the demon hunter Hei Lang drank a bottle of potion called [Hyperopic Potion], then raised his crossbow and shot an arrow.

The arrow shot by the centaur Khan, the archer, collided with the short arrow shot by the demon hunter Hei Lang in the air, and the two arrows were cut in half.

Demon hunter Hei Lang stood on the city wall, looking at the Centaur Khan on the wasteland below the city wall.

Centaur Khan's face darkened. "Witcher!"

"Damn it, I will meet you here!"

The black wolf also noticed the true occupation of the centaur Khan. He said to Ivita who was observing the situation, "That centaur is a marksman. The two professional camps of marksmen and demon hunters have a feud."

"The Great Horde Khanate, the base camp of the sharpshooter, once stepped on the palace of the [Raven King], and destroyed the base camp of the Demon Hunter Griffin School, [Kerlahan Castle], which is the territory of the king of the Magyars Kingdom."

It was only then that Ivita realized that it was a natural enemy relationship in the profession.

Centaur Khan shouted loudly from below the city: "Demon hunters shouldn't have appeared. The reason why you appeared in the first place was because the ancient civilization wanted to fight against sharpshooters and wolf cavalry."

The witcher Black Wolf shook his head. "By now, the heydays of these two professions are gone, and our professions are no longer mainstream. However, the hatred between us continues."

"That's ridiculous."

The Centaur Khan was under the city, and insisted on shooting a few arrows, trying to shoot down the flag.

But Hei Lang was always protecting the flag, preventing him from succeeding.

All arrows shot past will be knocked off by the demon hunter's crossbow.

Instead, it was Ivita who turned the triple crown bracelet on his wrist and almost hit the centaur's chest with a deeply malicious curse, which almost made him feel angry on the spot.

It's a pity that the centaur Khan jumped on all four legs and dodged it.

However, the most interesting thing about magic is that it cannot disappear so easily, but continues to exist in an unexpected way.

The harm spell failed, but the magic power did not dissipate.

The bursting magic power poured into the nearby Centaur Khan's body like a cloud of mist, destroying his body.

Although he was not directly hit by the Harming Curse, it caused the Centaur Khan to temporarily fall into a state of injury, and his state dropped significantly.

In this way, the Centaur Khan could only bring his people back to the camp.

Today's mission is just to harass, since he is already injured, there is no need to continue the fight.

In the camp of the Children of the Forest, God Pan inspected the wound of the centaur Khan, and frowned when he touched the centaur's wound. "Such a deep malice, how could that child have such a deep malice. He doesn't look like that kind of person."

"This level of malice... is second only to the malice of the [Evil King] I saw in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies."

The Centaur Khan cursed Evatar sharply, "Hateful wizard."

"These wizards and witches should all be hanged."

When he scolded like this, it immediately caused the reaction of Iveta's magic power in his body, which made the Centaur Khan vomit and diarrhea, as if he had a serious illness.

"Don't mention the wizard's name after being cast by the wizard, or it's better to speak as little as possible." Pan Shen suggested, saying: "Because you don't know which word you will stimulate yourself because of." Curse."

"Magic is not so easy to deal with."

"You don't need to participate in the next battle, I will arrange for my priest to heal your injuries."

Pan Shen didn't intend to do anything himself, because after taking a look at the spell, he knew that it was only a spell with the strength of an official wizard level.

God Pan called the Snake Girls and asked them what happened to the spies they arranged to sneak into the city?
Chief Snake Girl smiled and said: "These days they are still trying their best to let the refugees hide in the castle. We also deliberately let a few groups of humans enter the castle, and at the same time installed a human craftsman informant. He will act tonight."

"Humans have charm magic, but the children of the forest also have ancient rituals."

"The sacrifice of the snake girl can affect the mind of human beings. Although it is not like charm magic, it can control human beings with low willpower in an instant, but under the effect of long-term rituals and drugs, the willpower of human beings will also become stronger and stronger. Low."

"In the end, that artisan completely became our puppet, and he can do whatever we ask him to do."

The centaurs on the side who heard this were all scared and slightly moved away from her.

The snake girl clan is also unpopular among the children of the forest.

Pan Shen praised her. "You guys are doing a great job."

On the morning of the third day of defending the city, the children of the forest launched another harassing attack as usual, causing the centaurs to wander around the city wall and shoot several rounds at the top of the city wall.

This attack, of course, did not break through the city wall.

Just at noon this day, something happened.

It was the human beings guarding the city who found that the well in the castle had been poisoned and the water source was polluted. Several farmers who drank the well water had diarrhea and vomiting. Fortunately, after the well water was diluted, their lives were fine. .

But the well water cannot be used in a short time.

In the afternoon, the children of the forest sent another letter of persuasion.

Black Wolf, Branton, and the old witch read the letter of persuasion together with Iveta in the study, to the effect that God Pan promised that Iveta's efforts were not useless.

The Children of the Forest will only drive them out if they are willing to open the gates and surrender, throwing away all weapons including magic items.

without killing them.

Ivita didn't believe the content of this capitulation letter at all.

After three days of fighting the Children of the Forest, he discovered that the Children of the Forest were not a centralized group at all.

Then God Pan is lying to ghosts!
What did he use to guarantee the lives of tens of thousands of humans in this castle?
Can he control the son of the forest who hates humans so much?
So, Evita shot the letter back, and wrote back to warn God Pan that it had been delayed for three days.

If this continues, will the children of the forest be discovered by the major human forces?
How many refugees are there now, and they have fled from the territory to all directions?

How they will spread rumors and fabricate stories about the children of the forest!

Pan Shen was noncommittal about this.

The struggle between Ambrose's urban capitalist faction and the land noble faction was more intense than he had imagined.

In a short period of time, no one will find out that such a... war took place on the edge of Ambrose's western border!
God Pan said to the chief snake girl next to him, "I want to see how long humans can live without drinking water?"

Chief Snake, licked her tongue. "Dried human jerky is also delicious."

However, Pan Shen and Snake Girl miscalculated.

The ones who really couldn't hold on first were actually the children of the forest.

A plague has broken out among the children of the forest.

Two days later, the humans guarding the city hadn't died of thirst due to the pollution of the well water, but for some reason, a fierce plague broke out on the children of the forest.

A black-yellow substance that stubbornly grows on many of the Children of the Forest.

This kind of human pus actually only infects the children of the forest, not humans.

It seems like it was specially designed for the children of the forest!
Immediately Pan Shen understood that this was done by humans.

For a while, the army of the children of the forest was full of mourners, and God Pan was almost at a loss.

The most important thing is that they received the news——

There is a force they didn't expect, which actually entered the Ambrose Basin among the mountains from the southern peninsula!
It is the cardinal general from the most loyal vassal state of the Papal State—the feudal state of the Church of Ferrara!

From the southern peninsula, he brought the Golden Seal Royal Order issued by the Pope after learning about Ambrose's situation.

This means that God Pan can no longer be blocked by Ivita here, wasting time.

On the other side, Ivita was a little happy after learning that the army of the Children of the Forest had a plague.

And for some reason, the total amount of magic power of his destruction attribute is rising rapidly.

But suddenly something happened that made him not so happy.

He received a letter.

It was a notification letter from Basang, an assassin of the Little Lutheran Assassin Society.

He stated in the notification letter that after learning about the business you are doing, I express my deep admiration for the business you are doing.

But please God forgive me for killing a good man.

I will come to assassinate you tomorrow - the current guardian of Baron Moluo's territory!

Please enjoy the last day of your life, or use the last day to strengthen your defenses, in any case, please use this day well.

Ivita was speechless, damn it.

So that's what it means to be upright.

Feelings are to send a notification letter first, and then come to assassinate me?
The assassins of the Little Lutheran Brotherhood are all personalities.

It's just that tomorrow I will fight against the children of the forest, and I will guard against the brotherhood's assassins all day long!

 Pursue reading
(End of this chapter)

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