Chapter 12 Pen and Pen Drawing

The final decision of the quarrel was that the two drew a stick-pen picture on the spot with the same theme.

There was no objection to this decision.

Because the person who put forward this opinion was Master Cao, Mr. Cao.

The old man had a serious personality when he was young, and he was famous for being rigid and square among the older generation of painters, but as he got older, now that he was an octogenarian, his temperament became a bit childish, and he agreed with the proposal of the competition.

"Painting is the way to solve the problems of painters. Those who win stay, and those who lose keep their mouths shut. This method is straightforward, and I like it."

Cao Xuan tapped on his crutches and made a final decision.

As soon as he opened his mouth, those in the crowd who originally wanted to get out of this nonsensical farce with frowning faces stopped expressing their opinions.

The reason for choosing pen drawing is also very simple. This may be the kind of painting that consumes the least time and requires the least tools.

Pen drawing, in a broad sense, is classified as a kind of sketch because of the use of monochrome ink in the five or six categories of painting.

Since the [-]th century, the publishing industry of novels in Switzerland and the United Kingdom began to prosper, and they are usually widely used as illustrations for storybooks or some comics.

As long as a person has a pen, a piece of ordinary A4 paper can draw. Theoretically, the graffiti on the textbook with a pen by elementary school students is a kind of pen drawing.

Many of the people present are masters of traditional Chinese painting.

But under the modern art education, no one can do the basic painting skills of sketching and sketching.

Only Gu Tongxiang looked at his grandson worriedly.

Gu Weijing gave his grandfather an affirmative look, expressing his peace of mind.

Following the arrangement of the accompanying officials, someone has already fetched the paper.

Seeing that Mr. Cao was unwilling to leave, he was interested to see the comparison between the two young men, and even brought a chair for Mr. Cao to rest his legs on his own.

"Lin Tao, come and show the young man."

Lin Tao is the second apprentice of Mr. Cao, and now he is a professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is almost 70 years old this year, and he is also a famous painter when he is alone.

And he combines east and west, not only good at Chinese painting, but also a great painter of Western painting.

"There's not much time. Let's keep it simple and use local materials. The pen to draw the outline of the Shwedagon Pagoda is finished. The time limit is 5 minutes."

Lin Tao picked up the pen, took off the cap, and said to Gu Weijing and Tanaka Masakazu.

Pen drawing can be drawn very slowly. If you need to lay out gray tone shadows on a large area, you need to use a very fine art pen or a needle pen specially used for painting, and use short lines to draw each stroke.

But if the basic skills of painting are solid enough, and the subject matter of the painting is architecture or natural scenery with a relatively uncomplicated basic structure, it can be very fast if it is fast.

A British artist who graduated from Slade School of Fine Arts, University of London used to draw a pen drawing as a tip to the driver while waiting for the taxi to change.

But in any case, 5 minutes is definitely not ample time. It not only tests painting skills, but also tests psychological quality.

If you can't finish the painting or make a mistake, there is no second chance. At this time, it is impossible for you to draw with a pencil and copy it with a pen.

If the hands are shaking, the basic skills of drawing are not solid, or you simply sneezed when you were unlucky to draw lines, you will be eliminated directly.

"Let me make a sample for you two first, as a demonstration."

Since it is a pen drawing competition and the time is so short, everyone must draw the same content to compare.

Lin Tao took off the cap of the pen and pressed the timer button.

Gu Weijing stared at the pen in Lin Tao's hand without blinking his eyes. This was the first time he saw this kind of famous old professor in the world painting with his own eyes.

Lin Tao didn't act disapprovingly or casually just because he was demonstrating to two juniors.

The moment he took off the pen cap, his whole demeanor changed.

Focused, confident, and in high spirits.

Lin Tao took local materials and used horizontal composition to draw the Shwedagon Pagoda in front of him and a total of three sub-towers on his left, one on the right, and two on the right.


The only sound in the air is the rubbing of the nib against the paper.

Every straight line is as precise as a ruler, and there is no offset at the intersection of every curved line segment representing the shape of an object.

And without any hesitation during the period, it was a success.

Except for the movements of his wrists, Lin Tao only raised his head to glance at the Shwedagon Pagoda lightly from time to time, and the movements of his hands didn't stop at all, as if he didn't need to think about it, he just remembered the perspective view of the building in front of him in his heart.

Gu Weijing felt that even with the blessing of [Menzel's experience], he could only achieve this step at most.

The painters who can become famous all have their own real materials.

"Okay, that's it. Although it can't be called a work, the basic appearance of a pen drawing can be calculated."

Lin Tao finally stopped writing, looked at the draft paper in front of him, nodded, and showed it to everyone around him.

A large tower and three sub-towers are already vivid on the paper. Although there are still a lot of light, shadow and details that can be added, professional old painters can see that the foundation of the whole work has come out.

As long as you carefully add some gray and white levels and corresponding painting patterns, it will be a very good work.

And the time is too fast,
The time on the timer on one side will be less than 3 minutes.

"Be confident."

Many people thought of this idiom in their minds. It was unknown who applauded first, and there was a burst of applause from the crowd.

"You don't need to draw shadows, you don't need to draw sub-pagodas. If you can draw the outline of the main tower of the Shwedagon Pagoda like me in 5 minutes, and the structure is not deformed, you are qualified."

Lin Tao nodded his thanks to the crowd applauding all around, and then he tore the drawing paper in half and crumpled it into a ball under the regretful eyes of many people.

An artist who has reached his status will not let out any paintings that are not satisfactory to him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cao, I have a presumptuous request, can we give it a try?"

Sakai Katsuko in the crowd raised her hand. Today she saw an excellent painter of her generation like Gu Weijing, and also saw the handwriting of an artist like Lin Tao, which made her a little bit happy to see Lie Xinxi.

"Go if you want, don't drag me along."

The corners of Sakai Tsunasho's eyes twitched, and he subtly moved to the side and rear, away from his sister's position with small steps.

Since Mr. Cao was interested in watching these children's competitions, none of the master artists left.

This group of people can't count the number of international awards with two hands, and they can hold a special exhibition of art masters for them alone.

Sakai Tsunamasa couldn't get mad at this time.

As much as you show off if you perform well, you will be ashamed if you perform poorly.

"Yes. You are... Sakai Katsuko, right? I have seen your sketches and put in a lot of hard work. You are not bad. Even if you are in the [-]s and [-]s, there are not many children who can compare with you .Asian painters will still rely on you young people in the future.”

Mr. Cao actually nodded appreciatively at Katsuko Sakai.

Painters born in the [-]s can be regarded as uncles nowadays, but in the mouth of Mr. Cao, they still look like children who have not grown up.

A discussion broke out among the crowd.

"You have worked hard, you are not bad."

It is an exaggeration for a young painter to get Cao Lao's words, and to lose ten years of struggle.

But if you have a thicker skin, you can print this sentence on the cover of your portfolio.

No matter how good the painting is, at least for the sake of Mr. Cao, it is not difficult to apply for a top [-] art academy in the world.

Such a good thing made some long-established artists cast jealous eyes on Sakai Katsuko, secretly feeling sad why they didn't meet such an old man who liked to support others when he was young.

(End of this chapter)

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