Chapter 30 The finishing touch, the Buddha opens his eyes

"I told you before that the virtue of a gentleman cannot be contaminated by alcohol, sex, wealth, or anger."

Cao Lao is holding a paintbrush, his wrist is hanging in the air, and he seems to be looking at the Guanyin on the mural.

He was not in a hurry to finish writing, but said softly to Gu Weijing.

"The qi here refers to bad habits. Naturally, it is better not to touch bad habits, but the artist cannot do without a qi accumulation in his chest as a support."

"This kind of aura is the upright aura of seeing the injustice in the world and wanting to draw swords to help. It is the anger of seeing the family and country broken and the common people displaced. It is the joyful aura of getting the title on the gold list and the wedding candles in the bridal chamber, or it is the bleak aura of seeing the withered old trees and the thin horses in the west wind... ..."

Cao Lao hissed and said: "A soft-tempered Mr. Hao Hao can't be a painter. Without this desire to see the turbulence in his chest, the scroll will not have the soul to support it, and it will not be able to stand up."

"This is emotion. Painters are humans. The biggest difference between humans and machines is that we have emotions, and we can inject our emotions into the painting to infect and impress more audiences."

"A painting has no emotion, only an empty shell is left, and most of the meaning of painting does not exist. Then it is better to be a photographer. The click of the shutter is faster than your meticulous tracing stroke by stroke. too much."

"Remember, the second lesson I teach you is skills, knowledge, and emotions. The three complement each other to create a satisfactory work."

Mr. Cao didn't talk, but silently watched the pale eyes of Master Guanyin on the mural.

Skills, the old man has already reached perfection.

It is said that the great master of Chinese painting can make the finishing touch. Zhang Sengyou, the great painter of the Liang Dynasty, has the legend of finishing the finishing touch and flying away through the wall.

He is good at painting concise, but also rich in variety.

Zhu Jingxuan said in "Records of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties" that the painter Zhang Sengyou tasted pommel horses with Yue brushes, painted flowers and water.

Mr. Cao is going to imitate the ancients, and use clever freehand dots and clusters of brushstrokes to add the finishing touch to this mural.

Know how,

In his life, he has walked through no less than a thousand ancient temples in high mountains, and he has seen countless bodhisattvas and fierce ghosts painted by famous masters of the past.

The reason why he spoke to Gu Weijing was not only to point out the younger generation, but also to wait.

Judging from Mr. Cao's experience, the gaze of Guanyin in this painting should highlight a feeling of compassion, peace, solemnity and majesty.

Therefore, the ink on the nib must be just right. If it is too dry, it will dry out, and if it is too moist, it will become flattering, which is not good.

Cao Lao is waiting, waiting for the ink on the nib to reach a point where it is neither dry nor wet, just right.

As for emotion.

At the age of nine, he learned painting from a great master of Jiangsu and Zhejiang painting in the last years of the previous dynasty.

He once saw the Shili Yangchang in old Shanghai, full of romance, he painted the most fashionable champagne parties in modern clubs, and he painted portraits of Jewish executives who entered and exited the ballroom in Rolls-Royce.I also wrote a pen with tears in my eyes, and recorded the joys and sorrows of life and death of ordinary people in the camp near the towering Art Deco Building in the Concession.

He has been slandered, ridiculed, and looked down upon by art critics. He also became famous for his paintings in Venice, and was vying for tens of millions of dollars from collectors.

Mr. Cao has seen the troughs and peaks that a person can witness in his life. He has experienced ups and downs. When he was old, he got used to calming down and became a Buddhist layman who tuned the plain qin and read the golden scriptures.

This visit to Yangon may be the last time Mr. Cao writes in his life.

He is very grateful to fate, for all the suffering and joy that fate has given him, and for coming to Yangon this time. Meeting such an interesting little guy may bring a perfect ending to his career as a painter.

Such a small child said that he tried out the paint formula by himself.

Does Mr. Cao believe it?

Of course.

In the art industry, talented people are so unreasonable, and masters who want to start a school, how can they do it without a little aura.

He even regarded it as a gift from fate.

"Bodhisattva, open your eyes."

Cao Lao said silently in his heart.

I saw the little old man lightly tapped the pattern with a paintbrush, and a pair of benevolent and majestic eyes appeared under the eyebrows of the Guanyin master in the center of the mural.

Gu Weijing took a sharp step back.

It's hard to describe the feeling.

Even though he was born in a family of calligraphy and painting since he was a child, Gu Weijing has always felt that the so-called finishing touch is just an exaggerated idiom, just to boast of a painter's superb skills.

In essence, it is no different from false legends such as Kuafu Chasing the Sun and Jingwei Reclaiming the Sea, which everyone knows are myths.

A painter is not a magician.

Click on the eyes, and the dragon will fly away, how is that possible.

But at this moment, although the Bodhisattva on the mural in front of him did not walk out of the mural, the whole painting really seemed to come alive.

He can even personally feel the Zen spirit from the ancient Buddhist temple in the murals.

A heavy bell rang in the distance.

In an instant, everything was silent, and Gu Weijing could hardly tell whether the bell sounded from a temple not far away or from a painting.

There is really a sense of religious solemnity in which the Bodhisattva opens his eyes and the little devil retreats.


A young monk who came from the temple to help clean up the brushes and desk cases just happened to see this scene. Although he was by no means a professional art scholar, he really felt the shock of the Bodhisattva's eyes opening at this moment.

The monk sat cross-legged on the spot, bowed his head and chanted the Buddha's name in Burmese, as if he had some enlightenment, and started meditating and practicing on the spot.

This is the artistic appeal that a master can cause!

Can painting go this far?
Gu Weijing was shocked.

"Whenever I feel like I'm somewhat of an artist, seeing my teacher paint makes me realize how small I am."

Lin Tao sighed on the side.

In his impression, even Mr. Cao didn't always have such good results in his paintings.

What's more, painting on a solid wall is more difficult to render sufficient emotional appeal than painting on paper, silk, or linen canvas.

Mr. Cao himself was not too excited to draw such a wonderful work.

He just casually looked at the effect of the whole picture, nodded slightly, and saw that the main Buddha, concubines and empresses had all been repaired.

For those second ladies, little ghosts and so on, Mr. Cao thought for a moment, he seemed to be tired, and he seemed to have lost interest in continuing to draw.

He handed over the brush to Gu Weijing again.

"Come on, let's draw, Lin Tao will take a look."

"Okay. Teacher, please rest. My apprentice, I will teach you."

Professor Lin Tao fully agreed.

Facing the teacher's eccentricity, he has now figured it out.

Since Gu Weijing is going to become his apprentice, Cao Lao's partiality to this kid is to partiality to himself.

"You haven't arrived this year, have you prepared a portfolio to apply for university?"

Cao Lao suddenly asked.

"Professor Lin Tao wants me to go to CAFA and his studio. If possible, I am very honored."

Gu Weijing looked at Lin Tao and saw the professor nodding his head, the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Don't wait for dry food with bean buns,

Look at Lin Tao's obsequiousness in front of Mr. Cao, it depends on who he compares with.

If in normal times, a painter like my grandfather greeted the other party, would he agree to say hello or not?

This kind of master is willing to accept himself as an apprentice, and he has no right to refuse, and there is no reason to refuse.

It is no exaggeration to say that becoming a disciple of Master Lin Tao will save ten years of hard work on the road of art.

It's an honor for others to look at me, so don't be shameless.

"I feel bad."

Lin Tao was about to happily pat Gu Weijing's head to express his satisfaction, when he heard this sentence, he froze suddenly.

Because it was Mr. Cao himself who spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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