Chapter 32 Childish


Always a must for any painter.

A painter, at least a relatively successful painter's life is absolutely inseparable from the market and the recognition of others.

A Van Gogh-like life cannot be called happiness.

If you ask the acquaintances of Van Gogh to evaluate the Van Gogh he knew, it is difficult to connect the crazy and down-and-out painter with the great painter.

Of course, the real masters of others may not care about this.

But we use the worldview of ordinary people to measure, success and fame, and the pursuit of thousands of people must be everyone's life expectation.

Even if it is not vulgar to equate art with market prices.

This sense of gain and satisfaction of being affirmed by others and appreciated by the audience cannot be replaced by all the beauties of Xiangche.

The Biennial is such an art form that can make a painter famous.

As the name suggests, "bien-nial" (two years), the Art Biennale is an art exhibition held every two years.

Internationally, many biennales are held with cities or even countries as the main body, which cost a lot of money and are held regularly.

It is not only a grand event in the art world, but also an important event to enhance the image of the country and the status of the city. Like the Olympic Games and the F1 Grand Prix, it is a city's external art business card.

Regardless of whether it wins an award or not, being able to participate in any category of any international art biennale is a milestone worth remembering forever for a painter.

To evaluate whether a painter's work is valuable, a very important and rigid criterion is whether he has participated in an art exhibition or not.

Art exhibitions can be divided into individual exhibitions belonging to a single artist, and themed unit exhibitions that everyone can participate in.

The biennial art exhibition is the most powerful category of the latter.

Being able to participate in a serious international biennale is much better than opening a small personal art exhibition in an unknown place.

Almost all well-known contemporary painters worth billions have the experience of winning awards in various biennales. As long as you can participate in a well-known biennale, your paintings have a certain collection value. This standard can be found anywhere on the five continents. generic.

Singapore Lion City Biennale,

Although it is not comparable to the centuries-old old exhibitions in Europe, it is also a very important exhibition in Asia in recent years.

He is as famous as RB's Yokohama Triennale and the Shanghai Biennale, and there are many award-winning works that have sold for several million dollars.

Each art biennale has a special curator and a special theme, and the basic exhibition is divided into two categories: "master (professional) group" and "amateur group", and each category is divided into first, second and third prizes.

The amateur group is just called the amateur group, but it is not for ordinary painting amateurs.

It is not amateur at all, on the contrary, the difficulty of participation is already daunting.

The amateur group is sometimes called the student group, or the young artist group.

Those who can participate in this group are generally outstanding students from major art academies, and outstanding young artists under the age of 28.

In school days, only the most outstanding art students were given the opportunity to participate in the amateur category.

For prestigious schools with many opportunities for international cooperation, such as Qingmei and CAFA, the Lion City Biennale will allocate no more than one or two places to them.

Mr. Cao called Gu Weijing a young genius, but every young painter who can participate in the student group is a young genius.

It's like the ancient imperial examinations. After winning the imperial examination, Tongsheng, a scholar, is already a well-known child prodigy in ten miles and eight towns. Unfortunately, if he wants to be an official, he wants to participate in an art exhibition. After that, there will be government examinations, general examinations, palace examinations... all the way through, meet people In addition to geniuses, there are even more talented opponents.

Olga Aiticica, a 57-year-old late bloomer, is a contracted artist at the French gallery L'art De Peindre and sold a work last year for $690 million.

Such a painter was still defeated in the campus selection when he was a junior at the Lyon International Academy of Fine Arts in his student days, which led to his failure to participate in the student group of the Paris Biennale of Fine Arts at that time.

In the calligraphy and painting shop of the Gu family on the banks of the Yangon River, the biggest transaction made in the past few years was a work of the student group that participated in the (French) Brewster Biennale.

The theme of that exhibition was [Drama]. In terms of scale and popularity, it was far inferior to the Biennale in Lion City, and it was only the least influential category of biennials.

The oil painting "Joker" inspired by Gotham clown actor Heath Ledger was finally sold for [-] US dollars, which was already a huge deal for a small gallery like theirs.

Professor Lin Tao believes that taking Gu’s age and level as the basis, after a good polishing, there may be a chance to produce enough works to participate in the Lion City Art Exhibition when he is in his third and fourth year of junior high school.

If he was lucky enough to win the second and third prizes in the amateur group, even he, a teacher, would be honored.

As for the more difficult master group, that is already the territory of professional painters through and through.

"Oh, forget it."

Lin Tao shook his head.

A 17-year-old painter can win an award in the master category, even if it is a competition, the degree of shock may not be much smaller than the closed disciples that Cao Lao wants to accept.

That is to say, only a master like Mr. Cao who grows older and more childlike can say such things.

Letting a child like Gu Weijing participate in the Lion City Art Exhibition and even win prizes, if an ordinary person said that he was overreaching, it would make people laugh out loud.

Professor Lin Tao was a little worried that the teacher first gave Gu Weijing unrealistic fantasies and hopes, and then cruelly crushed the hopes with a fundamentally unattainable request.

This approach may hurt Gu Weijing's confidence and vigor in painting the road.

He turned his head and comforted Gu Weijing in a warm voice.

"Xiao Gu, Mr. Cao is encouraging you. You can just come to my studio with peace of mind when the time comes, and you don't have to think too much about it. Although I am not comparable to the teacher, it is still very popular when I take it out. Signboard. Generally, the children of rich merchants spend 10,000+ hundreds of thousands and want me to point them out, but I am not happy!"


Lin Tao turned around and found out.

Gu Weijing was not so frustrated because Mr. Cao made an embarrassing request that seemed to ask him to climb up to the sky and pick off the moon.

He looked at Mr. Cao, as if he was thinking about something.

Lion City Art Exhibition... Lion City Art Exhibition...

If I want to participate in the International Art Biennale, my current panel is definitely useless. It is the most basic to reach a professional level and above, and not only the basics of sketching must reach LV.4.

Chinese painting and even oil painting must reach the professional level of LV.4.

"No, if you want to win the prize, maybe Lv.4 is not enough, you have to go higher."

In addition, inspiration and knowledge that fit the theme of the art exhibition are also essential.

Considering the latest registration time for exhibitors, I only have a few months to prepare.

It's hard, but not necessarily impossible with the help of the paint panel.

Gu Weijing was not discouraged at this time.

After seeing Cao Lao's unique skills, he not only longed to follow him to learn painting, but also had an urge to go to the outside world to compete with real masters on the same stage.

"How about it, Gu boy, do you have confidence?"

Seeing Gu Weijing's contemplative expression, Mr. Cao asked with great interest.

"Confidence I don't know, but I want to try."

Gu Weijing raised his head, his eyes were frighteningly bright.

"Okay, the kid I'm looking at should have such drive and the ambition to compete with the God of Heaven."

Boss Cao laughed and stretched out his hand: "Gu Weijing, I'm waiting for you to kowtow to me as a teacher, clap your hands."

"Clap your hands."

in the sun,
The palms of the old and the young clapped together, making a crisp sound.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tao felt a little helpless.

"It's childish."

(End of this chapter)

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