Chapter 42 The Art Critic from Austria

A week later,

Austria, Graz city.

A black Lincoln car parked in front of the gate of an old house with the oak plate of Elena Gutsherrs (German: Elena Manor), followed by a fully enclosed van with the words DHL Express printed on it.

"Countess Irina, you look so radiant today. What should I do according to the etiquette? Kiss your hand, or kneel down on one knee?"

Thomas got out of the bulletproof car and started with a joke to greet the owner who was already waiting outside.

He pointed to the camera in the hands of the camera crew beside him, indicating that it was recording now.

The owner of this manor turned out to be a girl. Her dark black hair was tied neatly by a veil crown on her forehead, and there were tiny pearl earrings on her earlobes.

She looks only about 20 years old, but she has a calm and peaceful temperament.

This kind of temperament is often the privilege of senior elders who have experienced the ups and downs of the world.

Thomas said the glamorous compliment came from the heart.

There are countless beautiful girls of all kinds in the world, and this lady in front of me is uniquely beautiful.

The two contradictory propositions of wisdom and youth are fused together, that fresh and sweet face, the slightly fluffy hair under the silver gauze crown, and the sharp and deep eyes.

All of a sudden, there is no dregs left on the Twitch that he used to see in the past or those female Internet celebrities who sell butchers on Youtube.

Anna Elena.

Art critic, student of WYN Academy of Fine Arts, Austria.

She inherited the estate from her aunt, the last heiress of an ancient family whose ancestors were known for their generosity to needy artists.

When her great-grandfather, the old count, founded the famous art journal "lgemlde (oil painting)", the last monarch of the Habsburg family ruled the land of Austria.

Anna did not rise to welcome the guests.

It wasn't arrogance because she was sitting in a wheelchair with Fat Mama's nurse behind her pushing the wheelchair.

"Just call me Anna. I'm not a countess. I'm not those British people who like to associate with the royal family. I'm just an ordinary citizen in Austria. If there's anything special, it's because I'm born lame."

The girl's voice is very cold, and German is a language that sounds very dry, which makes her voice feel like a cold spring.

It is a pity that such a beautiful girl is disabled.

The European aristocrats are very complicated, the progressive ones are very progressive, and the retro ones are also very retro.

Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire, like the Kingdom of Prussia, were sufferers who collapsed in World War I, they abolished the monarchy and aristocracy almost at the same time.

But the attitude of the Austrians towards the nobles is also very different from that of their German relatives across the wall.

Although there is no such privileged document as the noble passport, you can still see the words [Duke of such and such] and [Count of such and such] on German documents today.

This is because after World War I, with the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the Weimar Republic allowed them to keep their titles of nobility, but only with surnames.

For example, it turned out that you were Mr. Zhang San, the Earl. Later, the emperor disappeared and the aristocracy disappeared.

You can change the name to "Lord Zhangsan Earl".

It looks like you are still a decent earl.

But in Austria, in order to prevent the Habsburg family from making a comeback again, it is illegal to do so.

All traces of nobility are to be erased.

Starting from the generation of her great-grandfather, the Anna family, even "Don" or "Von" in the name, which obviously bears the traces of nobility, was clearly removed by law.

However, not all descendants of nobles are as willing to become civilians as Anna.

Many people miss the superior life in the past.

The British royal family still recognizes their Prussian relatives. If you are going to Britain, you can still have the cheek to let others call you SIR (jazz) or LORD (lord).

And among them, descendants of nobles with clear bloodlines, they can intermarry with the royal families of old Europe without hindrance.

The existing royal families in Europe will also send people to attend their weddings with gifts.

"It's a critic's opening line."

Thomas smiled and shook hands with the wheelchair-bound girl.

He confirmed that the photographer captured the shot just now.

In the field of video, no one is more expert than Thomas, and no one understands the commercial value of eyeball effect better than Thomas.

Finding a girl with a better figure who wears a bikini and plays the piano can easily attract millions of fans.

He made an estimate.

A girl with a queenly temperament is sitting in a wheelchair, and the cover of the video is accompanied by corresponding subtitles-"I am just an ordinary citizen of Austria. If there is anything special, it is only because I am born lame."

The whole artist's temperament came out.

He knows that there are not many painting lovers among the hundreds of millions of viewers.Most of them are attracted by the guise of challenging one million dollars for one dollar.

But who doesn't like a beautiful and sassy young lady?

After the video is finished, use a green screen with a sea of ​​green cash paved with millions of "Washington" (one-dollar bills). The cover alone can increase the number of video views by 1000 million within a week.

"Hi, Ms. Anna, I think I have already indicated my intention before coming here. We want to invite an art critic to judge the seven illustrations from one dollar to one million dollars with professional eyes and the level of collection value."

Thomas decided to think about the cover issue while pointing at the armed security guard who was taking the painting from the truck behind him.

"I originally wanted to take the photography team and send the painting directly. Obviously the insurance company didn't think it was a good idea. They insisted on an armed escort."

Limited by the mobility and fragility of artworks, basically every famous painting will be insured when it is exhibited or moved in a museum.

There are indeed art thieves in Europe, and there are quite a few. Snatching a piece of paper is easier and more profitable than robbing a pocket of cash.

Even the National Gallery of Art has published a book with a funny title "Mr.Rembrandt is lost again! tells the history of their theft.

This time, Thomas spent a real $100 million for one of the illustrations. Some of the paintings in those art museums can't be sold for such an expensive price.

If this million-dollar painting is accidentally damaged or stolen, a small art insurance company will go bankrupt if it pays twice.

"Millions of dollars... It's not a wise choice to buy a proposition illustration for 100 million dollars." Anna tilted her head and looked at the DHL delivery truck.

"Illustration keeps going down in the art market."

Anna said coldly, "Especially the works of living painters. Illustrations are not oil paintings, they focus on realism, and it is difficult to have a special art style. Its value lies in the story, and you have already specified the subject matter, which obviously stifled the creativity of the painters.

It was a failure from an investment point of view, and a complete failure from an artistic point of view. I don't expect to see works that surprise me. "

The girl said it very straightforwardly.

"WOW, I should have asked you to be my investment advisor before I signed the check."

Thomas smiled.

He knew that what Anna said was reasonable, and before spending a hundred dollars to ask the master for a draft, the other party's studio also explained this point.

The story value of illustrations is higher than the artistic value.

In the case of a specified subject matter, there is not necessarily a clear difference in skill between a work worth $100 million and a work worth $[-].

However, it's still the same sentence.

What Thomas needs are eyeballs, gimmicks, and contrast.

He is not a professional art collector, but a big internet celebrity.

Whether it's a dollar car to a million dollar Bugatti, or a dollar windsurf to a million dollar deep-sea diving, there's a stark contrast that audiences love to watch.

But if everyone draws their own paintings, and finally the art critic explains the spiritual connotation of love and peace bulabula contained in each painting, it will become an art seminar again.

If you want to watch a professional art seminar, it is better to go to an art exhibition. Why watch his video?
(End of this chapter)

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