Almighty painter

Chapter 606: Old Possum's Practical Cat Guide

Chapter 606: Old Possum's Practical Cat Guide

The advantage of knife painting lies in its hazy temperament.

Its shortcoming also lies in the portrayal of this hazy temperament.

For production-related peripherals, we are not afraid of how fine the workmanship you require or how special the materials are. From resin, composite materials to titanium, the difference is just the cost of production.

Inlaying silver with gold is a very simple matter, and it is also convenient to increase the price and make some money.

I’m afraid no one can figure out what your specific requirements are.

Words like "hazy temperament" are simply fatal in the eyes of toy manufacturers.

Someone come here.

You like playing with abstractions, right?

Someone, hang the client's painter on the beam of the workshop and beat him hard until he doesn't want to be beaten anymore.

Please translate for me, what does hazy temperament mean?
What the hell is this called a work with a "diffuse sense of beauty".

Humph, swing the whip harder and pour salt water on it.

Let him show me a diffusion and hazi performance!
The creator's skills are good enough.

The audience can easily feel the indescribable atmosphere that the creator wants to create on the canvas.

Similar to "The moonlight thirty years ago was like a hazy copper coin" and "There was a sea of ​​clouds floating on the sea, the sun was rising in the east, and at that moment, I saw Byron in it."

It has abstract emotional appeal - it is a unique aesthetic expression ability of creative forms such as painting, writing, and poetry.

When you try to turn it into a toy that can be seen and touched, and into related peripheral products.

The more artistic the original work is, the more hair the product managers in related fields will lose accordingly.

Unless it is the simplest secondary printing product with the lowest profit margin, which is printing poems or paintings on mugs or T-shirts.

It is impossible to produce fan peripherals that are slightly more difficult.

Everyone can understand what the phrase "a painting is very abstract" means.

"A doll is abstract" - this description, even if it is just written on paper, will look strange.

At least when people say that Picasso's paintings are "abstract" and describe a toy as "abstract", the abstract in their mouths should not have the same meaning in most cases.


In the field of literature and art, the original meaning of this word is to extract the essential characteristics of the appearance and make a highly condensed summary of the spirit.

The concept it essentially wants to convey is almost completely opposite to that of fan-related toys, resin figures, and other toy categories that need to emphasize the expression of appearance characteristics.

Take ten thousand steps back.

Consumers may still understand what the toy company wants to express by using the term "abstract doll".

Change to "hazy doll" or "diffuse doll".

The figures we produce are "Moonlight Thirty Years Ago" or "Byron in the Clouds".

Whoever dares to write these words in an advertising slogan will definitely think that you accidentally ate some strange fungus and burned away your sanity.

The key to the popularity of trendy toys is that they are “cute” and “vivid”.

At least it should be very "eye-catching".

The success of Pop Mart, KAWS, and Bearbrick all follows this route.

They have very distinct characteristics of their own.
For example, Pop Mart’s iconic cute dolls, and the classic alien-like dolls designed by KAWS...

Fashion toys and fan peripherals require very distinct memory points, rather than very vague memory points.

Currently, trendy toy brands are mainly divided into two major market camps.

Artist toys and designer toys.

The boundary between the two is not very clear.

Some fans believe that toy companies like Pop Mart, which invite designers from all over the world to make expensive dolls that cost thousands of dollars each, are exquisite dolls that are still within the purchasing power of ordinary people and are considered designer toys.

And people like KAWS and Takashi Murakami.

Dominated by the personal IP of world-renowned painters, it is unreasonably expensive.

A collectible that could sell for hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

They are artists' toys.

Using price to distinguish the attributes of trendy toys is not very accurate.

Now Pop Mart is also cooperating with KAWS, and Murakami Takashi also has relatively "cheap" and popular joint products.

If you really want to distinguish the difference between these two trendy toys.

A more accurate summary should be the difference in the nature of their production:

One is from bottom to top.

One is from top to bottom.

Designer fashion toys are based in the industry.

When they were creating, they knew what kind of toy design would be easy to produce, convenient for mass manufacturing, and convenient for large-scale assembly line replication.

Build on this.

Then consider expressing the artistic concepts you want to convey.

Artists’ fashion trends are from top to bottom.

The creator comes up with an artistic concept with a stroke of his pen, and then throws it to the industrial world, which starts to throw a tantrum like a giant baby.

Come, make it for me, I want this.

I don’t care whether it’s easy to make or not, and I don’t care whether you use 3D printing or dig a gold-pulling immortal out of the ground and hit it with a hammer.

I don’t care, I don’t care!
Anyway, I must see it!
Those who engage in this kind of trendy play are often well-known artists - this phenomenon is not because they are more likely to lose their temper.

It’s only when you are famous enough that people will pay attention to you when you throw a tantrum, and only then will you have the capital to be willful.

You won’t have a sack put over your head, secretly hung from the beam and beaten.

In order to realize the creativity of great artists, the production costs that brands can afford are an order of magnitude higher than the project budget for toys designed by ordinary designers.


No matter how tolerant we are of the personalities of famous artists.

There is also a bottom line.

That is, the thing must at least be able to be made in theory, and your concept must be accurately understood and captured by consumers.


What they are looking for is not the magician, but Aladdin's lamp.

Portray the real thing, not the imaginary temperament.

This is precisely the biggest shortcoming of knife painting.

Even the legendary knife painting skills could not accurately depict the lines of Miss Elena's facial features. And the commercial promotion company behind the musical could not produce dolls according to the psychedelic lines drawn by the knife.

"Jane Arnold hopes that you will not produce paintings like 'Amy', but realistic works like 'Batman' in the Hyperion video. Vividness and authenticity are important. Do you understand what I mean?"

Anna felt a little regretful.

The lines of Detective Cat's sketches are accurate enough, and her technique is superb. But the feeling given by the whole work is still not as good as those of her knife paintings.

There is always gain and loss in everything.

Since you want to take advantage of Party A's publicity resources at the art exhibition and take Party A's money.

Even in Jane Arnold's studio, one must create within the other party's requirements and standards.

Dancing in shackles.

This is the professional constraint of illustrators. "Try to make the drawings as cute, vivid and realistic as possible. We'll talk about the details tomorrow when we read the book. In Eliot's Old Possum's Practical Cat Guide, each cat is very distinctive and there are many examples to choose from."

"Cute cat. I get it."

Gu Weijing nodded and spoke into the microphone.

cute cat?

Awang, who was lying on the ground, seemed to hear something and thought someone was calling him.

It meowed.

He rolled over on the floor, raised his tail and started wagging it.

Is someone calling me?

Mirror, mirror, King Awang is the cutest cat in the world.

"Bustover is the fattest cat in the world!"

"He is the cat who walks down the street and all the animals bow and nod to welcome him!"

"Bustofer doesn't go to pubs. He manages eight or nine clubs in the city. All the chefs are happy to serve him!"

"He ate cabbage, rice pudding, and fresh lamb."

"Wherever the smell of curry appears, Bastofer's figure will appear."

"He's clearly growing in circles."

"He was a twenty-three-pound fat man. Perhaps this description is too harsh. To be precise--"

It's another lazy Wednesday.

Gu Weijing was lying on the yellow ground of the yoga moisture-proof mat at the Good Luck Orphanage.

While listening to the light music coming from the radio, he turned the last page of the poetry book in his hand.

He read softly: "Bustopher is the fattest, fattest cat in the world!"

"Budao, tell me, is the person described in this collection of poems my Awang?"

He asked the fat kid beside him who was staring at his hands in a daze, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Ah...Wang, Fatty!"

Bu Dao heard it, he raised his head and stared into the distance, then slowly repeated it.

The language classes are quite effective.

After two months of training, he can already speak some simple continuous sentences.

Even though he spoke very slowly, and his words still jumped occasionally.

Sometimes others also need to jump with their thoughts in order to understand what the little boy Butao is trying to express.

But overall.

He still has a long future ahead of him, and the current results are already very gratifying.

"No, Awang. Awang doesn't eat cabbage and rice. He only eats pork tenderloin, chicken breast, chicken thigh, beef, cod, rabbit, chicken liver, beef bone meal, fish oil and meat floss!"

Jasmine raised her hand and reported obediently.

The little girl is obviously much smarter.

She accurately summarized Awang's distinctive features and recited the ingredient list of Awang's can of cat food mix.

Cats are carnivores.

And Awang is a foodie among cats and a super fighter among foodies.

"Yes, how can cheap ingredients like cabbage and rice be qualified to appear on the table of our King Awang? Now it won't even eat a bag of ordinary low-end grain additive cat food that costs five dollars. Shengzi, if you keep spoiling her like this, the cost of raising her will be higher than raising me!"

Gu Weijing looked at Awang, who had no dignity at all and was standing next to Sakai Katsuko, rubbing his head against his older sister's calf, while stepping on the ground with his two front little paws.

He commented somewhat sadly.

When kittens are young, they will hold their mother's belly with both paws and press it gently.

This way of squeezing will allow you to get better milk.

After the kitten grows up and leaves its mother cat.

They no longer drink milk, but this biological learning has become part of the cat's body instinct.

Retained by muscle memory.

Whenever they look for their mother, they stand on a soft place and push the ground with their front paws.

In pet terms, this is called stepping on milk.

When cats knead milk, they usually have silly, intoxicated, and flattering expressions.

For example, Awang, a chubby ball of flesh, is curled up beside Miss Sakai's legs, trying to disguise himself as a light, soft and cute kitten.


Gu Weijing felt that it was wrong to say that people were not smart because of this.

Awang has now learned to recognize the differences in the trademarks of cat canned food brands at different price points. I don’t know whether it is through vision or nose.

I'm too lazy to even touch cheap grain cat food.

It is true that it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. The ancients were right.

hard to imagine.

Half a year ago, this was still a working cat who worked 996 hours a day and would rarely get two pieces of rotten pork ribs that Old Man Wu couldn't chew, which was considered an improvement in his food.

After being corrupted by the sugar-coated bullets of imported cat food for a few weeks, he became a big shot!
Looks like he has thick eyebrows and big eyes.

He was separated from the hardworking and simple people so quickly.

Now, Awang takes a walk every day to catch sparrows, chase butterflies, and bully the lion dog next door.

Gu Weijing even saw Awang fanning an innocent little grass snake to death in the bushes outside his home.

But for Awang, that's just for fun.

It just likes to devote itself tirelessly to the cause of provoking neighbors and destroying the ecological environment along the Yangon River.

Awang would be satisfied if he could catch big insects or bite flying birds and suppress them under the tyranny of the Cat King.

Eat or not eat.

Where is the cheese beef canned food that is delicious when I go home?
Gu Weijing heard from Professor Lin Tao that in the 1950s, the cat kept by Lin Huiyin's family was known as the Southern Tyrant in Tsinghua University.

He acts tyrannically and violently every day.

This made Qian Zhongshu, who lived next door, worry that his cat would be beaten, and he couldn't sleep well at night.

There is a bamboo pole standing at the door.

When he heard a cat meowing, he picked up a bamboo pole and rushed out to help his cat fight.

Yang Jiang was also very worried for a while because this incident affected the neighborhood relationship between the two families.

Gu Weijing saw this kind of shadow in Awang.

"Also, I was curious this morning, so I just put the cat on the scale and weighed him. It turns out that Wang weighs more than 25 pounds."

"At 23 pounds, they dare to call themselves the fattest and roundest cat in the world... The British really lack imagination."

Gu Weijing curled his lips.

He took out a pencil and wrote the keyword note "Awang, Super Fat, Super Round" next to the page title of the last chapter of the poetry collection, "City Cat: Bastorfer".

In the past two days.

Gu Weijing also read Eliot's "Old Possum's Practical Cat Guide" from beginning to end several times.

(End of this chapter)

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