Almighty painter

Chapter 634 Where to Go

Chapter 634 Where to Go (Part )

Mona suddenly said this and then fell silent.

Katsuko Sakai didn't know how to respond.

It was raining heavily outside the window, and they were the only customers at the table in the coffee shop.

In silence.

The crackling of raindrops is like the crackling of tears...


Not like tears.

It’s hard to tell what’s in Miss Mona’s eyes.

But there is no feeling of wetness.

She is a person who never regrets a decision she makes.

Even if I really regret it in my heart.

She would also tell herself that she has no regrets.

At this point, running over with tears in her eyes would be too ugly. Mona had tried every possible means to please and get close to Katsuko Sakai.

Only in this matter.

She didn't want to look pitiful to win others' sympathy or beg Shengzi not to cross her leg or anything like that.

Miss Shandenu has her own dignity and she thinks this is disgusting.

Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit.

Since she had chosen something that she felt was more important to her, she had no right to shed tears here.

Everyone has their own needs.

Everyone gains something.

No matter who regrets it or not, the current result is fair to her. Only she knows whether she regrets it or not, and whether she can let it go is also her business.

But the sobbing and entanglement were too embarrassing.


The crackling sound of the rain was like the crackling of a small drum, breaking the awkward silence. The two girls looked at the rippling water outside the window, each thinking about their own thoughts.

They are like two statues of different shapes created by a sculptor.

The body remains still in one position, silent and silent.

But each has its own meaning.

Finally, it was Mona who broke the silence.

She raised her chin, sat up, and pushed the newspaper in her hand towards Katsuko Sakai.

"During the Spring Festival this year, Gu Weijing came to me with some small gold coins and said he wanted to exchange them for some cash so he could go visit the children in the orphanage. At the time, I felt that he was not telling the truth and I was not happy."

Katsuko Sakai took the newspaper.

It was a special English commemorative issue on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

The newspaper reviewed the changes in the drug problem in the Golden Triangle region since the 35th anniversary of Khun Sa's surrender, and tracked some issues related to local drug orphans.

these years.

From drugs to scams.

The Golden Triangle region, especially the Golden Triangle region within Myanmar, remains the most notorious den of evil in Asia.

There is governance without "ability", an economy without "order", and an environment without "law".

The chaos of the "three noes" has caused the scale of opium cultivation to continue to expand to this day.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime publishes investigative reports every year, but poor farmers are still unable to resist the insinuations and control from major family interest groups.

For some issues, I only dare to give a brief description in the article.

The focus of the entire report is still on tracking the life growth of millions of orphans caused by drug problems.

In these aspects, reporter Du Wen has more room to play.

Katsuko Sakai casually scanned two lines of the commentary article and then turned her attention to the news photos on the newspaper page.

The photo timing was great.

The boy in school uniform looked at the little girl he was holding hands with. The little girl stood on tiptoes and spun around. As she spun, the hem of her skirt slightly flew up like a lotus.

In a news report with a very gloomy atmosphere, only this photo has a warm and clean background.

That was Gu Weijing and little girl Jasmine.

The caption next to the news: "Amid the dire situation of drug orphans, there is still a heartwarming scene. This photo was taken at a family in Hlaingtha District, Yangon..."

Katsuko Sakai looked at the words here in the newspaper with a smile and gentle eyes.

"That's what good things do to good people. This photo is much more impressive than most of the social activities on his resume. It may help him throughout his life."

Mona watched Katsuko Sakai's expression.

She went on to say, "It's ridiculous. He told me all the answers, but I didn't want to believe it. But actually, even if I believed he was telling the truth that day, what would it matter? If time could go back, and I believed he was telling the truth that day, I would probably still feel that it was not worth it for him to spend his time on these meaningless things when he was about to graduate. What do the children in the orphanage have to do with us? Our future is to move up."

"Even though this news photo was placed in front of me today, the first thing that came to my mind was still what benefit this photo could bring to him, rather than whether the lives of those children had been changed. This is the difference between Gu Weijing and me. From childhood to adulthood, Gu Weijing has always been more patient and kinder."

"I always look up, but Gu Weijing prefers to look down."

Mona shook her head with emotion, looked at Sakai Katsuko, and said with a double meaning: "So, it's only natural that he has better luck than me."

"There's nothing to regret." Miss Sandenu sighed softly, not knowing whether she was talking about Gu Weijing or herself.


That's how it is a lot of the time.

In fact, everyone knows it.

Sometimes the more you say words like "no regrets" and "no regrets".

The more you regret it, the more you will feel.

It's as if a wet tear has been dropped on a clean pen drawing. The harder you try to wipe it clean with a tissue, the blurrier it becomes.

Lies are pain's only friend.

"There is no regret medicine in the world, but if I could go back in time, I would probably still make the same choices as today at every turn. When Gu Weijing told me his dream, I criticized him. When Gu Weijing told me he wanted to visit the orphanage to see the children, I laughed at him. When he told me he wanted to go to CAFA or Hamburg Academy of Fine Arts, I was not optimistic."

Mona shrugged. "My dream was too big, the orphanage was too dirty, and Hamburg was too far away. I have always been such a shrewd person, almost mercenary. When I was 18, I had already planned everything for my 80-year life. I felt that climbing up step by step was the best choice to maximize my benefits. When I felt that Gu Weijing could not keep up with my pace, I left him behind and walked forward without looking back."

"One day, when I suddenly wanted to run back to look for him, he was no longer there."

"Since I am this kind of person, then talking about whether I regret it or not is completely meaningless."

"Even if there are a thousand parallel worlds in this world, then of these thousand parallel worlds, probably nine hundred and ninety-nine of them will make exactly the same choice, and will say the same thing to you, Miss Sakai, at this moment, in this coffee shop."

"After thinking it over, the only possible difference is that day, after being ignored and rejected by your mother, I was wiping tears under the tree, and then Gu Weijing found me, gave me a painting, and asked me if I was willing to believe him. In the end, I crumpled up his painting and threw it into the trash can."

Mona pursed her lips.

Use a spoon to gently stir the coffee cup to break up the floating heart-shaped cream carving on the mocha.

"At that moment, I was actually a little hesitant. I felt that what I did was excessive, but I was angry and my brain was hot, so I was willful and didn't care. The second I finished kneading the painting, I regretted it and felt that I shouldn't have done it anyway. But I still threw it into the trash can——"

"——Because I can't save myself."

She laughed to herself.

"I've already told you that I've calculated everything very clearly. On the scale of measuring the weight of feelings, I've always believed that I'm the one with more value. I'm smart, good-looking, and respectable, so I have more bargaining chips. People with more bargaining chips certainly have reason to be more willful. So even though I regret it, I can't bring myself to apologize to Gu Weijing. After all, whoever apologizes is inferior to the other person."

Miss Sandanu unzipped her bag.

Remove a piece of paper.

It was a line sketch of a painting done with a pen.

Shengzi recognized it as a painting by Gu Weijing at a glance. The other party had practiced this kind of sketching method for some time before and had drawn quite a few paintings. This should be one of them.

The girl in the painting has tight eyebrows and eyes, a slender mouth and nose, and her hair is tied into a neat ponytail. She is smart and has a delicate confidence.

It was undoubtedly Miss Sandenu.

Judging from the remaining wrinkles on it, the painting seemed to have been crumpled, carefully flattened, and then sealed with plastic paper and mounted.

"do you know?"

"In fact, as soon as Gu Weijing left that day, I immediately went back and picked up the painting. I flattened it with a book and remounted it. I thought that the next time Gu Weijing came to my house to see me, I would casually show him the painting. This way he would understand that I was actually sorry and that I cared about him, but I was just too embarrassed to say it out loud."

"From childhood to adulthood, every time we had a disagreement, Gu Weijing would always come to comfort me."

Mona was smiling as she spoke, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Just a slight sadness.

Gu Weijing was like the little donkey she raised. From childhood to adulthood, the two of them snuggled together and moved forward on the road of life.

Some times.

She couldn't help but feel that the little donkey was a little silly and stupid, and couldn't compare to the fine horses of other families passing by on the road.

and so.

She got angry and whipped him twice to make him go away.

After smoking, she regretted it and walked slowly, waiting for the little donkey to run over and lick her arm gently.

She would put on a sullen face and use this time to secretly run to the bushes on the side of the road to find radishes for the dog to eat.

Let the other person know that she is actually very sorry.

Gu Weijing is a bit clingy when it comes to love matters.

But in fact.

Mona, who grew up with him, is also a conflicted girl.

"I can't remember how many times this happened. I thought it would last forever, but that was the last time. I stood there waiting for him, but he never came back."

"I can't help but wonder, if I could go back to that day, if I had a little more patience, a little more trust. If I had hesitated a little longer when I lost my temper, would the result be different? Or if I had been a little braver at that time..."

Just like what Eileen Chang said.

If "if" had a taste, it would truly be the greenest and most astringent fruit in the world.

Katsuko Sakai fixed her eyes on the sketch paper in her hand.

She didn't know what mood she should feel.

"You can keep this painting."

Mona shook her head.

"Are you going to give it to Gu Weijing? Wouldn't it be better to say some things in person?" Miss Katsuko Sakai asked softly.

"In person?"

Mona stared at Katsuko Sakai's cheek.

a long time.

Mona was sure that Katsuko Sakai really thought so, and there was no sarcasm in her expression.

"Ms. Sakai is really generous."

She couldn't help but laugh.

It was gentle, sarcastic, and cold like tiny raindrops hitting the glass.

Katsuko Sakai frowned.

"So confident. Ms. Sakai, I know you don't like my cleverness, but to be honest, I have never liked you either. I don't like your gentleness, your tranquility, your generosity, your confidence... To someone like me, these are too lofty and too frivolous."

“To live or to die, to climb to the clouds or to fall into the mud. Gu Weijing and I are both born on vines. We are facing the pressure of making choices every moment.”

"Choose life or choose love, go to this university or that university. How to find a job, how to live a decent life. We must climb up with all our strength. When we relax, we will be dragged down to the ground by gravity."

"But you are different. I don't like you, just like I didn't like the Koko in the past. You were born on a hot air balloon. You were floating in the clouds the moment you were born, so you don't have any pressure. You are a little princess. Anything you wish for will automatically float to your side."

“If you want to transfer to Yangon, you can transfer to Yangon. If you want to go to any university, you can go to any university. If you want to sign a contract with a gallery and hold an exhibition, you can sign a contract with a gallery and hold an exhibition.”

Mona sang like a song: "I am Katsuko Sakai, my father is Kazunari Sakai, my family is worth billions, I can have whatever I want."

"You don't feel the overwhelming pressure of life, so you are generous and confident in everything you do. You can be magnanimous, tolerant, and do whatever you want, because you know that everything will be yours in the end. So you never need to calculate-"

"Because there is no weight on you, any decision you make... is so calm and elegant, and you seem fearless."

"No, Ms. Sakai, you know what? You're not actually braver than me, not at all. You just have more than I was born with."

Mona stared at Katsuko Sakai's face.

"You fell in love with Gu Weijing because of his good paintings and amazing potential. But when he was just an unknown student. When he had nothing and was still an inferior child, I was the one who stayed by his side the whole time."

(End of this chapter)

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