Chapter 78 Opinions
Gu Weijing saw the [0\1000] progress bar on the skill panel.

This skill has no cooldown time, but it needs to consume free experience points to activate the skill, and it is not cheap.

Fifty free experience points.

Activating a skill once is equivalent to throwing out 100 million Myanmar coins.

Although his current business on Fiverr is much better than before, when he upgrades his Chinese painting to the level of a professional painter, the remaining free experience points are only a little over a few hundred.

If this skill is fed to the thousand times required for leveling up, a full 50 free experience points are needed, which is enough for him to upgrade his first-level painting skills for a profession ten times, which is [-] US dollars.

But Gu Weijing knew,
Appraisal and appreciation of calligraphy and painting has always been a very professional matter, and it is not cheap to ask someone to look at a painting and talk about it, just like asking a treasure connoisseur to look at antiques.

It is not difficult to find out where the difference is in the face of painters who are not as good as yourself.

Just as there is no need for calligraphy and painting appraisal skills, Gu Weijing can also analyze based on his own painting experience that Sakai Tsunasaka's sketch level is probably hovering around the mid-level of Lv.3 semi-professional level.

But when it came to Professor Lin Tao, he knew that the other party's sketches were good.

Gu Weijing can only express a vague feeling about how good the painting is and where it is.

Aesthetics is an abstract concept, and everyone has the instinct to feel beauty.

But to be able to accurately evaluate beauty and understand beauty, one must have the vision and sufficient artistic accomplishment tempered by appreciating and observing famous paintings.

Many people do not have this ability,
Even Gu Weijing dared not say that he had it.

For those works that are too much higher than his own level, even he can only sigh meaningfully in the shock.

It's like the moment Cao Lao painted the effect of Bodhisattva's eyes opening in the "Picture of Respecting the Buddha and Protecting the Dharma".

Gu Weijing felt a tremor in his soul.

This kind of shock is the appeal of the master.

But from the professional point of view of painting, did he really understand the painting?
He understood what kind of skill Cao Lao's light strokes revealed, and he understood how turbulent the other party's inner emotions were?

This is difficult to capture accurately.

This is why professional curators and art critics are so important to the painting and calligraphy industry.

The influence of these people on the trend of painting art is even higher than that of the painter himself.

Even the godfathers of many art circles and the directors of museums, portrait galleries, and art galleries are not painters, but professional art critics or curators.

They don't need to know how to draw, they just need to know how to appreciate pictures.

Want to invite these people to come and see the painting?

five hundred dollars?

Sorry, who do you look down on.

Please at least add two zeros to the end, and you still can't get it.

To give a more intuitive example, a work of art is like a smooth water droplet in the three-body system or a lunar stele whose ratio is always 1:4:9 as described by the science fiction writer Clarke.

And everyone's eyes to observe beauty are the microscopes in the hands of scientists.

Everyone's natural magnification is slightly different, and with the improvement of acquired art courses and artistic accomplishment, your magnification will become larger and your observation ability will become more and more refined.

There is no perfect work in the world, if a painting is unbelievably beautiful in your opinion, it means that the level of the painter is too much beyond yours.

Of course, if your magnification is too small, it's easy to see all the paintings are similar, and you can't understand some art forms that are too advanced.

This is why some unlucky masters will disappear in the dust.

Although Gu Weijing can't be called rich, if fifty experience points can disassemble a work from beginning to end, from lines to colors, it is undoubtedly very worthwhile.

It's like following a top art teacher to guide you to improve.

He walked around the painting and calligraphy store and pressed his finger on a painting called "Kingfisher Singing Bamboo" in the gallery.

This is a work received by my uncle.

Before that, Gu Weijing had always felt that this painting was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell why it was so strange.

He threw a calligraphy and painting identification technique.

next second,

The whole picture changes.

The paintings hanging on the walls were quickly disintegrating right in front of his eyes.

The beak, cheeks, and silky feathers of the kingfisher, the claw hooks dyed in rouge, hundreds of distinct tail feathers...

All the elements on the rice paper are like spring silkworms being stripped of their cocoons by the dexterous hands of a peasant woman, and they are pulled away and decomposed bit by bit.

A curtain of light appeared in Gu Weijing's mind.

The paint brushes and lines of the whole painting, like crystals smashed by a hammer, burst into countless colorful and beautiful fragments in an instant.

They merged again in a very short period of time.

A new panel appeared in front of Gu Weijing.

【Work Title: "Kingfisher Singing Bamboo"】

[Chinese painting technique: lv.4 professional first level (3968/5000)]

【Emotion: Perfunctory】

Gu Weijing blinked, the painting in front of him was still the same painting, but a new sense of enlightenment appeared in his heart.

When he set his sights on the kingfisher picture hanging in front of the gallery again, he could almost clearly feel the artist's brushwork and thinking when painting.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the kingfisher, about to fly, lands on the lotus on the river...

Lotus?River water?
He knew why he found the painting strange.

Kingfisher is also called Kingfisher Fisherman in Chinese painting tradition.

Because kingfishers are good at fishing, they are often paired with scenes such as lotus and river in the artistic conception of Chinese paintings.

But this picture is called "Kingfisher Singing Bamboo", and what I want to show is a forest scene in the mountains, and there is not a drop of water in the whole picture.

"Why did I think of lotus?"

He felt that the mood of this painting was very strange, as if it had been deliberately split in the middle.

Gu Weijing's eyes fell on a particularly thick spot of ink that seemed to be splashed on a certain part of the bamboo joint.

" that so?"

He rested his chin in thought.

Gu Weijing saw that there were no customers in the store at this time, and there were guards standing at the door, so there shouldn't be any trouble.He took this picture of "Kingfisher Singing Bamboo" off the wall of the gallery and brought it into the house.

He had already guessed what the painting was about.

If he guessed right, this should be a defective painting.

It is quite normal for an artist to have unexpected variables when painting.

Sometimes it is a change in the way of painting, and sometimes it is simply a mistake.

For example, the color is not adjusted properly, the brush is accidentally touched on the paper, or the dry work is dropped on the ground and black footprints are stepped on the blank space...

Many art students have encountered this situation.

If it is an oil painting, you can use a painting knife to shovel it, or simply cover it with another color when painting the next layer, but there is no way to do this with rice paper.

If you don't want the whole painting to be scrapped, you can only repaint it from scratch.

There is some ridicule in the traditional cross talk of Eastern Xia. If the painter draws a fan, if he makes a mistake in the painting of a beauty, he can change it to Zhang Fei. If he makes a mistake in painting Zhang Fei, he can change it to a willow tree.

Although an exaggeration, this situation is not uncommon.

Gu Weijing wanted to verify his conjecture. He felt that the bamboo in this painting should have been modified later.

"Grandpa, do you think there is something wrong with this painting?"

"What's the problem?"

Hearing Gu Weijing's question, Grandpa Gu Tongxiang didn't say anything, but Auntie frowned.

"There is a problem with the drawing paper, and the picture is damaged or stained. Impossible. Our old Gu checked it when we bought it. Did you not pay attention to it when you looked at the store by yourself a few years ago, and the picture was stained. It’s fine if you don’t know how to do business, and you’re going to make trouble for the family…”

She started rambling accusations.

This painting is not Gu Tongxiang's work, but it was sent by an art agent who is familiar with the uncle in charge of the shop.

In the calligraphy and painting market, there are big fish and small fish, and there are dried shrimps under the small fish.

Gu's Painting and Calligraphy Shop and Xiaosong Gallery are as shabby as street stalls, but in this area of ​​Yangon, they can already be regarded as big business in the gallery.

The high-end galleries in Yangon are mainly concentrated in a few of the two areas.

One is the banks of the Yangon River where cruise ships come and go every day, and there are several similar calligraphy and painting shops scattered in the streets of Golden Valley (Golden Village), a wealthy area in the north and where diplomats gather.

These galleries mainly serve foreign tourists.

The rest are scattered in various shopping streets, snack streets, alleys selling tourist souvenirs and other calligraphy and painting night markets with a lot of people.

Most of the works sold here are paintings by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts, hanging on the wires or laying on the ground like dry rags.

There is a certain gap in the industry between a well-decorated small art gallery like Gu's Painting and Calligraphy Store and this small street stall that can't stand on the table.

In the small stalls on the street, even if there are occasional boutiques, they can't sell at a high price.

And the business of Gu's Painting and Calligraphy Store is not big enough to have a complete set of lower-level contract brokers and agent artists like those large galleries, and provide a steady stream of paintings.

Basically the only permanent "signed" artist is the old man Gu Tongxiang.

In the past few years, the old man has gotten older, and Gu Weijing is too young to be well-known, so he often needs small art agents and second-hand dealers to purchase goods.

These agents have some connections, and they will collect good art boutiques and ancient paintings in the corners of various cities, or through various relationships, get a few works from the hands of familiar local painters.

If you can find a buyer, sell it yourself.

If you can't find a painting for sale, send it to the secondary market like Gu's Painting and Calligraphy Shop, and ask if the Painting and Calligraphy Shop would like to sell it on behalf of you or take it away directly.

This has formed an industrial chain.

This picture of "Kingfisher Singing Bamboo" was collected by Gu Weijing's uncle from an art dealer for more than 200 million kyats.

About one thousand dollars, which is not cheap for a painting and calligraphy shop of their size.

When my nephew said there was something wrong with the painting, my aunt immediately became unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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