Chapter 90 Mr. Sloth's Art Review

"Is that what the board of directors of the magazine meant, or did you mean, Mr. Brown?"

the girl asked calmly.

"This is... everyone's decision." Mr. Brown said slowly: "We are not the only art review magazine with a long history in Europe, and "Oil Painting" magazine is also facing a lot of market competition."

"Is that so?"

Anna seemed a little dazed.

Sir Brown thought he had persuaded Anna, and said in a persuasive tone: "In the past ten years, the profits of traditional media all over the world have been declining rapidly. Although we are an old-fashioned publication, the times are different now. Even the newspaper founded by the Queen of Sweden Losing money to stop publishing, no one would have imagined this in the past. You have also seen the annual revenue chronology of the magazine."

"This is for the common interests of our magazine." He licked his lips.

"Common interests?"

Ana looked out at the brown walls of the quaintly furnished office.

There are portraits of the heads of the "Oil Painting" magazine in the past.The elders of the Elena family have all left their shadows on it.

The frontmost place on the wall belongs to the old earl, the founder of the magazine.The portrait of the count is dressed in the uniform of an army senior officer, which is the uniform dress of the great nobles of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the portrait.

Different from the flamboyant French royal family, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had a military tradition, and even the emperor liked to dress himself as a captain on a daily basis.

The old earl in the portrait is neither leaning on a cavalry sword nor carrying a pistol on his waist. He is sitting sideways behind the long walnut table in the office, holding a small picture frame in his left hand, and holding a small frame between the fingers of his right hand. with a burning pipe.

Sir Brown noticed Anna's gaze, and seduced him with reason: "The magazine is the painstaking efforts of generations of Irina's family, and you also hope that it can become better, right? We are indeed an art magazine , but we are more of a business magazine, and a business magazine must consider the impact of society.”

"I understand." Anna nodded slightly.

"This is a necessary sacrifice." Sir Brown felt relieved, and smiled to ease the tense atmosphere that had just become tense. "I know that you admire that online artist, and you have your own persistence. But sometimes, in order to survive until the next spring , the violin had to be chopped into firewood for warmth. Whether Detective Cat draws well or has artistic attainments is even more insignificant in front of the future of the magazine."

"Go write an apology letter, if you would like to make a call, I have Van Dorn's contact information."

Sir Brown picked up the landline on the table.

"No...I refuse." Anna shook her head.

Sir Brown froze, and the smile on his face faded little by little.

"Son! This is not only in the interests of the magazine, but also for yours."

He became a little angry: "If you notify me before accepting Mr. Hyperion's video shooting invitation, I will never allow you to participate in this kind of program. Why are other critics unwilling to do such an offending thing? Participate, Anna, haven't you thought about it!"

"Please stop your preaching, Mr. Levinson Brown."

Anna stretched out her palm to stop Sir Brown's chatter.

She turned her head slightly and looked directly into the chairman's eyes.

"Since I stepped into this office, I have endured your humiliation all the time, tea, coffee, Filipino candied fruit, what kind of conversation do you think this is... The principal disciplines disobedient female students?"

She was obviously a young girl, but Anna's voice was majestic.

Her voice was cold and capable. Compared with Sir Brown, who was facing him with a white beard, she seemed to be a superior person in the wheelchair at this moment.

"I'm tired of you pretending to be a kind priest leading a lost lamb. Director Brown, please observe at least a little workplace courtesy. Call me Ms. Elena, or Editor Elena. I am neither your child, You have never been allowed to call me by my first name."

"Besides, you seem to have misunderstood my purpose. I'm not here to beg your forgiveness, I'm just here to inform you of my dissatisfaction. I'm an editor hired by a magazine. It's me who expresses my personal views on the art field. rights and jobs. You can fire me if you don't want to, but I won't be coerced into changing any of my opinions. Good is good and bad is bad. I love Detective Cat and I hate Van Dorn, It's that simple."

"It has nothing to do with art, but only with reality? What the hell is this cold joke? The reason why "Oil Painting" magazine has survived for 200 years is not based on financial reports and profitability, but only on persistence in art."

Anna said coldly: "I just kept thinking, if my ancestor were here today, then he would throw the pipe on your face and tell you—"

"—everything that happens in this building is only related to art."

Anna turned the wheelchair and left the conference room without hesitation.

As soon as she left the building and came to the street outside, her cell phone vibrated, and she received an email from the HR Department of the magazine.

"Miss, they won't really dare to fire you, will they?"

The nursing lady's voice seemed a little nervous. She had been waiting at the door just now when she heard the quarrel coming from the office.

This is a magazine that has poured the efforts of several generations of the Yi Lianna family.

"A vacation notice?"

Anna turned on the phone, glanced at it, and pursed her lips.

No matter how angry Sir Brown was, he still didn't have the courage to expel Anna directly.

He just informed the personnel department that due to lack of social experience, Miss Yi Lianna was not suitable to continue to be in charge of the work of related magazines in the field of visual arts, and she took an indefinite leave of absence.

in the mail,
Sir Brown also suggested to her in a polite but rather eccentric tone that a girl of this age is more suitable to stay in an ivory tower, and she can continue to study for a Master (master's degree) or something.

I was ordered to take a vacation!

It is also a legal saying in the popular sense in Europe and America-[Garden Holiday].

In the Western workplace culture, the company's management, core personnel or senior veteran employees are judged to be unsuitable for their current positions due to scandals, non-compete restrictions, internal investigations and other reasons.

Officials will use mandatory vacation reasons such as arranging employees to "travel", "accompany family members", "keep a pet" or "spend time to tidy up the garden at home" to make the other party resign.

It's a euphemism for "you're suspended."

Sir Brown is using his actual actions to express that the magazine does not welcome her very much.

Anna thought for a moment, opened the official website of "Oil Painting" magazine with her mobile phone, entered the relevant information of Detective Cat, and clicked search.

[Unfortunately, there are 0 pages and 0 search results under the current keyword, and there is no such person.Please check your keywords and try again. 】

The buyer's recommendation about Detective Cat has been completely deleted from the website, as Sir Brown said.

This is a very big blow to the artist's reputation.

It means that the artist himself has become useless in the eyes of professional art review organizations. Instead of lowering your star rating, you will be deleted directly.

Anna stared at the phone screen for a few seconds and opened the Whatsapp chat tool.

She sent a message to Detective Cat.

"If you really want to participate in the new Art Critic Salon, then come here."

Facing Detective Cat's previous request, the girl has not made up her mind.

In her mind, Detective Cat is a master of sketching and illustration.

But aesthetic attainments and painting skills have never been positively correlated.

It is normal for online illustrators to have congenital deficiencies. She wants to become the agent of the other party, and there is a reason why she wants to lead and cultivate the other party's aesthetic accomplishment and aesthetic ability.

Now that he has the artistic endorsement of the oil painting magazine, there is absolutely no need to let the other party take the risk of embarrassment because of the unhappiness between himself and Van Dorn.

Moreover, many painters are naturally dull and not good at expressing.

Now, with Director Brown revoking the recommended rating of Detective Cat.This is worse than before I didn't give the other party a two-and-a-half-star rating.

It almost confirms Van Doorn's claim that Detective Cat is an aesthetically incompetent monkey.

Anna, who has been suspended, can no longer help the other party.

The only thing she can do is to provide the other party with a platform to prove herself.

And those who can help Detective Cat,
Only herself.

"Don't be brave." Seeing the message sent out, she was worried in her heart.

After a few days,
Dulwich College Yangon, Opening Ceremony.

"...According to the usual practice, this year's school fellowship party will be held on Rose Valentine's Day on May 5th. Students in grades 14 to 7 need to prepare formal attire for the party. The softball field on campus will be renovated and closed to clubs. Anyone who wants to Students who intend to open a new club, please also submit the application form to the Student Union Office on the third floor of the teaching building on the north side before 13 pm this Friday..."

Wearing a black jacket, a beige knitted shirt, and a dark blue bow tie, Miss Mona is delivering the opening speech.

There was no sound in the auditorium.

There are a total of eight international high schools with a good reputation in Myanmar, five of which are in Yangon, and this British-style private high school is the most famous for art education.

The school is located on the outskirts of the city, covering an area of ​​about [-] square meters.

In addition to ordinary general education, it also provides three major categories of art courses: classical music, sculpture, and painting.

Miss Mona is the president of the Girls' Union at the school.

In international middle schools, the student union has great power and is responsible for arranging all aspects of social activities in the school.

When applying for an excellent foreign university, in addition to hard grades, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, interviews and even daily social services are very important.

Gu Weijing, who was sitting on the back corner seat of the senior group, let out a sigh.

He was very familiar with the content of Miss Mona's regular lecture every year at the beginning of school. After listening for a while, seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly took out his IPAD from his schoolbag.

Whether it's tuning, painting or modeling.

Art students often use the professional software on the tablet, so the use of electronic products is not prohibited in the school.

Gu Weijing opened Apple's own official podcast, and clicked on the private radio station in the favorites—【Artists Review By Mr.Folivora】

The page jumps to Mr. Sloth's podcast channel.

The background poster of the channel's homepage is Van Gogh's famous painting "Starry Night", and the host's photo column is a fat sloth with palm-colored hair.

Below that are podcast ratings.

It currently shows that there are a total of 19 subscribers, and more than 600 people have scored, with a comprehensive score of 4.8.

In the field of art podcasts, this score and popularity are already very good, and even surpassed NBC (National Broadcasting) "The Voice of Art" in this week's classification ranking.

The homepage of the podcast has been updated with a new radio poster—[Art Salon Series Ninth Issue: When Classical Meets Modern, with Mr. Tonks, Director of the Taylor National Gallery of Art, and Detective Cat, an online illustrator, talk about the art of painting Light and Shadow (next Tuesday at [-]:[-] p.m., online on time)]

Like previous art salons, below the title is a Keynote (similar to Apple PPT) file for fans to download.

A total of five artworks are included in the file.

These works were selected by the curator of the Taylor Art Museum from the contributions of podcast fans, which he thought were good works.

Originally, there were only four paintings, one of which was a watercolor painting, and three were submissions of oil paintings.

After Anna decided to add another guest, she was worried that Detective Cat would not be able to understand these paintings, so she picked out another sketch, making a total of five paintings.

The format of this salon is to revolve around these five drawings. Everyone chats with each other and expresses their personal views and opinions.

About four to ten minutes in total.

The post-production of audio files is not complicated. For this kind of salon with three guests chatting, it is enough to make a timeline after recording.

The podcast will go live next Tuesday, and the recording is scheduled for the end of the week.

Anna sent Gu Weijing a link to an online meeting room, and calculating the time difference, it should be late at night on Friday, Yangon time.

There is still a week,
Gu Weijing has already started intensive preparations.

First, he needs to work on his voice.

Online voice changers that can change male voices into female voices are everywhere on the Internet.

To be on the safe side, he specially bought a long-term-use sound-changing sound card on Amazon to adjust the thickness of the voice.

After trying the effect, he was quite satisfied with the gentle female voice.

Then there is the preparation for the content of the salon.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is contributed by fans of premium art podcasts, and there are even some established professional painters.

The works that can make the curator of the National Gallery of Art in Taylor's comments are very high.

Appreciating several paintings can bring a certain degree of mental shock to Gu Weijing. In order to have a clear and accurate judgment on these works, there are even several works that require him to repeatedly use the calligraphy and painting appraisal technique more than once.

Gu Weijing has almost consumed all the accumulated free experience points these days, and he looks very tired.

In order to impress the audience deeply enough in the art salon, to testify for Detective Cat and the art critic named Miss Irina,
This is undoubtedly a necessary sacrifice.

The people I talk to are all bigwigs in the art circle.

Needless to say, Mr. Sloth, another Mr. Tonks is the curator of the Taylor National Gallery in the United Kingdom.

The Taylor National Gallery of Art is one of the most popular art galleries in the world. It is located on the east bank of the River Thames in the UK. It was funded by sugar tycoon Tyler Henry. There are four branches in Liverpool, Scotland and other places. It is the largest in the UK. non-state galleries run by private foundations.

The A&HCI publication "Taylor Art" that Uncle Sakai once mentioned is their professional journal.

It is a rare opportunity to have a dialogue with such a big cow, and at the same time, it is also full of danger in the dark.

The classic French proverb, the salon can make a polymath famous overnight, but it can also make an ignorant one forever.

There is a saying in the showbiz that "pressing drama",
A little fresh meat and an old movie king may not be able to speak a few lines before being forced to open their mouths by the opponent's aura, or they will be submissive, or they will become exaggerated and uncoordinated.

This is the crushing of acting skills,
In the end, the effect of the show is presented. The better the performance of the old drama, the worse the performance of the little fresh meat.

A more classic example is that a natural actor like Xiao Li in "The Wolf of Wall Street" was a bit suppressed by the veteran actor Matthew McConaughey during the confrontation.

The same is true for conversational salon podcasts. Experts will know if they exist as soon as they open their mouths.

Several experts who have been immersed in the industry for many years talked with each other. The in-depth collision of thinking and hearty brainstorming naturally made the audience mesmerized.

But if one person is an obviously weak layman.

When someone talks to you about the lines, the colors, or the emotion of the painting, but you don’t even know which painting the other person is talking about, the audience will still criticize you for not discussing it.

This is especially true in niche areas such as art, where there are many capable professionals among the audience, and there is no way for them to pretend to be fooled.

Mr. Tonks may not have been the most academically honored guest Mr. Sloth has ever invited.

But my detective cat is definitely the painter with the weakest "resume" in this podcast in the past year.

So thin that even Gu Weijing was a little surprised that this Mr. Sloth, whom he had never met before, was actually willing to agree to be a guest on the other party's podcast.

Veteran fans of many shows below the poster also expressed their incomprehension of Mr. Sloth's decision.

"Detective Cat? Who is Detective Cat..."

"A very popular online painter some time ago, the first online illustrator in history to be featured in the "Oil Painting" magazine. However, it seems a bit unqualified to talk to Mr. Sloth."

"The online artist who draws anime illustrations for a living? I read the report of "The Moon", and it seems that she doesn't think too highly of her."

"There is no need to bring news from third-rate newspapers like "THE Moon" here. Their words are simply disgusting... But to be honest, I am really a little worried about the quality of this podcast. Detective The cat and the other two guests are not from the same world at all, can they chat together?"

"It is said that the artist Van Dorn questioned the professionalism of "Oil Painting" magazine, thinking that he and Detective Cat can only stay one. I don't know if this news is true or not. But "Oil Painting" seems to have deleted the article about Detective Cat. Page. Do you think that participating in the Art Salon this time will be a chance for Detective Cat to fight back?"

"It's good to fight back, don't be ashamed. She is like a broom star. I heard that Miss Irina from the "Oil Painting" magazine has been affected. Mr. Sloth shouldn't invite him to be a guest..."

The professional art circle is so big, any gossip spreads quickly.

Soon some people in the comments below gossip about Van Dorn's grievances with Anna and Detective Cat.

The online illustrator who has just appeared in the "Oil Painting" magazine for a few weeks - his related page was discovered a few days ago and disappeared from the recommended page on the "Oil Painting" official website.

Also gone is the new editor in the Visual Arts section whose initials are AE.

Someone put this message @vandoorne.

The other party only replied with a photo of a circus clown with the text "There is no such person! (There is no such person)"

I don't know whether he is mocking Anna or Detective Cat. Of course, it is more likely that he is saying that both of them are clowns.

Many artists who are acquainted with Van Dorn forwarded the news.

At least in the eyes of most podcast fans, Detective Cat is still just an insignificant joke in this professional salon show that tests aesthetic ability.

(End of this chapter)

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