Chapter 98 Detective Cat and Mr. Sloth's First Draft Request

[Currently copying the painting - "The Old Church in a Thunderstorm" has been completed! 】

in the studio,
Holding an oil painting knife, Gu Weijing dabbed lightly on the canvas the candle shadows projected between the windows of the old church.

The steel piece of the painting knife is wiped across the canvas, mixed with wet paint, and a little soybean-sized candle diffuses into a dense red color, adding a bit of psychedelic color to the whole painting.

He took a few steps back and looked at the completion of the facsimile painting.

The small oil painting knife subconsciously flipped and jumped between his hands, as if a magician performed fingertip magic at will.


This is the biggest change that Gu Weijing felt when painting oil paintings after he acquired the skill of painting with a knife.

Just like professional e-sports players put on expensive mechanical keyboards, long-distance runners get a pair of springy carbon plate running shoes.

Whether it is cleaning paint or mixing colors, wherever an oil painting knife can be used, there is a smooth feeling of flowing clouds and water.

Gu Weijing could even use it to deal with the candlelight at the end of the final scene.

In principle, this kind of small and precise color point mixing is by no means Huadao's strong point.

The knife is too shallow, the pigment is not fully mixed, and it is easy to appear dirty.

Hit too hard and you'll scrape all the paint away.

It is difficult to grasp the lightness, depth, and depth.

Use an oil painting knife to mix the color points, which is a bit similar to wielding a nine-ring knife to cut tofu in the kitchen.

In fact, the best way to deal with this kind of picture is to use the thin rubbing method, using a bristle brush such as a brush with relatively hard bristles to slap the canvas, or simply apply your fingers directly.

Fingers are the most direct and dexterous drawing tool for a normal person.

Dip your fingers in the paint, which is primitive but a great way to mix paint over.

Not only children who are new to painting like to dip their fingers in paint and smear randomly,

The same goes for the guru.

According to records, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Geya, Turner, etc., who are famous throughout the history of art, like to use their fingers to smear paint to neutralize the light and shadow of color.

On the contrary, very few people use painting knives.

The advantage of the drawing knife painting method is that it is bold, the picture has a unique aesthetic tension, and the painting is fast.

If you want to paint a picture completely by dipping your fingers in paint, you will have to paint forever.

However, the legendary knife drawing skill provided by the system is really too powerful.

Gu Weijing was even able to cut a plate of Wensi tofu abruptly with a nine-ring machete, which was faster than using a professional kitchen knife.

This is the generation difference brought about by proficiency.

As he finished, a system prompt sounded in his ears at the right time.

[The similarity of copying this time - 33.7%, you have obtained a primary treasure chest. 】

"Last week, the similarity of my highest copy reached 20.00% [-]... Well, even if the oil painting knife is not suitable for handling such a scene, it has brought about an improvement of nearly ten percentage points, which is terrible."

Gu Weijing smacked his lips.

This should be the limit of the painting knife.

After all, in non-professional knife painting, the oil painting knife is only an auxiliary tool no matter how proficient it is, and it can bring about a [-]% improvement, which is already considerable.

As he thought about it, he thought about opening the primary treasure chest.

[You have obtained 314 oil painting experience points! 】

[Current Oil Painting Techniques: Professional Painter First Class (1202/5000)]

Such a prompt flashed on the virtual panel in front of him.

"It's a pity that the oil painting experience points drawn this time are not knowledge cards."

Gu Weijing shook his head slightly disappointed.

He is now opening the primary treasure chest, and he has already opened the rules.

The knowledge card that jumped out of the first copy of "Old Church" is the best reward in the primary treasure box, similar to the orange that comes out of the first box of a mobile game.

Under normal circumstances, the content provided in the primary treasure chest is the experience value of oil painting.

Gu Weijing copied many pieces of "Old Church" in the past half a month.

Among them, two pictures did not reach the basic passing line of 20.00% similarity because they were not calm enough and did not get rewards.

The others are basically between 20.00% and 20.00% five.

In addition to the original "Royal Court Dance Gait Chart", only one other "Purple Macaw Feather and Skeleton" by Nagel Marvin, an Oxford University ornithologist, was opened in these treasure chests. Anatomy Diagram's Knowledge Cards.

The rest of the primary treasure chests are full of oil painting experience points ranging from one hundred to several hundred points.

This is of course very good. It takes thousands of dollars to exchange for dollars, but in terms of its preciousness, it is still not as good as a knowledge card that can be met but not sought.

Gu Weijing glanced at his panel.

There is a reward bonus for the primary treasure chest that copies "Old Church" for the improvement of oil painting proficiency.

On his current experience panel, the oil painting technique has almost become his most proficient skill.

Gu Weijing finished arranging the painting tools, turned on the phone, and found Mr. Sloth in the address book.

"Are there?"

He hit send.

"Yes, Ms. Detective Cat, the podcast salon that will be recorded in the evening, how are you preparing?" Facing his inquiry, Mr. Sloth replied as quickly as ever.


Gu Weijing glanced at the clock on the wall.

When I got home, Professor Lin Tao had finished his class, and he spent several hours copying an oil painting. It was already late at night.

Counting the time difference, Mr. Sloth, the anonymous art podcaster, should be European.

However, this is not a remarkable discovery.

This was originally an English podcast. Although the real identity of Mr. Sloth is very mysterious, there is a high probability that he lives in Europe.

"Ms. Detective Cat, how do you appreciate the five fan-submitted works of our salon?"

Europe, Elena Manor.

in the sauna,

When Detective Cat sent the message, Anna had just finished upper body yoga training every afternoon, and according to the plan of the plastic physiotherapist, she had to go to the sauna for another half an hour.

She was covered with light gauze, her long wet hair was scattered on the back of the oak bench behind her, and the thrilling and beautiful curves on the frosted glass door panel covered by moisture were looming.

Anna took a small sip of light salt water, and as she lowered her head to concentrate on typing, a drop of crystal sweat dripped from the tip of her upturned nose and disappeared into the neckline of the veil.

Under the reflection of the lights above her head, her figure is as white as snow.

Anna never wanted to hide her beauty.

Many people with disabled legs are either skinny or fat due to long-term inactivity.

Different degrees of atrophy of the muscles of the whole body are almost unavoidable.

She maintains a very perfect body curve.

Not only because Anna has a very good medical team to serve her, but since she was a little girl, she has controlled her diet and fitness day after day according to the training plan with a strict to almost cold attitude.

After being suspended from the "Oil Painting" magazine, she even took the initiative to increase the amount of physical training every day.

This is not only the self-discipline brought by tutoring,
It is also Anna's way of fighting against the tragedy of fate.

She really liked the feeling of her body being stretched and relaxed again and again, and her clothes were wet with sweat.

It made Ana feel like she could take life into her own hands.

She didn't know why Detective Cat contacted her at this time, and it was not yet the time for the agreed podcast salon recording.

Anna wonders if something is wrong with Detective Cat.

"These five works are great, you are really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon among your fans."

Gu Weijing gave a small compliment.


Seeing this news, Anna was even more worried.

She felt that although the five paintings were passable, they were definitely not great.

She wondered if Detective Cat had seen what was going on.

In fact, this is not a question of appreciation ability, but a question of living circles and cultural differences.

Gu Weijing identified the works submitted by fans who participated in the salon, and found that these five paintings included three first-level professional works, one professional second-level work, and one even with oil painting techniques that reached the third professional level. work.

This level is enough to take part in the art exhibition.

For the audience of a mass-oriented art podcast program, it is indeed a high-quality product.

In addition, Gu Weijing has a gentle personality in traditional oriental culture, although he can clearly see the shortcomings of these works with the help of calligraphy and painting appraisal techniques.

Facing Mr. Sloth's inquiry, he would still choose to answer politely.

Why not give others a step down?

In turn, neither Anna nor Curator Tonks.The works they come into contact with every day can really be said to be famous paintings like clouds, and they are all authentic works of the masters.

The bar for judging "great" is naturally higher.

And, there is another important reason.

The traditional social culture of the East is a gentleman's culture, while Europe and the United States are more inclined to the culture of the strong.

Awesome, I admire it.

Your drawing is poor, I didn't discuss it with you.

Westerners think Easterners are hypocritical, and Easterners think Westerners are stupid.

At least in Anna's opinion, curator Tonks would never call these five paintings "great".

"Ms. Detective Cat, do you have a speech outline? Director Tonks is not an easy guest to meet. If you really don't know much about oil painting and don't know what to say... There is still some time, maybe I can give it to you." Do you have any suggestions?"

Anna thought for a while, then suggested with a frown.

"I'll give you some advice."

Anna said this to take care of the other party's self-esteem. To put it more bluntly - if you really don't understand, or I will teach you how to say it?
She didn't really want to do that.

Even if I take the analysis of these five works that I gave to the other party like an endorsement, and follow the script, it may not be possible to make a fool of myself when recording.

Anna is a girl who respects art very much.

If Detective Cat has good aesthetic ability, she will naturally be very happy.

But if Detective Cat doesn't see why, especially the four oil paintings and watercolors other than the sketches, I don't know how to appreciate them at all,

She also understands.

After all, he is an online illustrator from Algeria.

Anna will not ask too much, but just hopes that she can accompany the other party to improve her aesthetic appreciation ability a little bit, and uncut jade needs to be polished by famous experts.

However, this kind of behavior of providing the other party with a speech outline is suspected of fraud.

"No, thank you for your kindness, but I think I can do it myself."

Seeing that Detective Cat rejected her suggestion to help, Anna was a little relieved, but also more worried.

After all, it was the first time that the other party participated in this kind of celebrity-level art dialogue, and it was normal for him to perform poorly.

"I do have something I want to ask you to ask, can I ask you to find it for me, is there any suitable draft?"

Gu Weijing stated his purpose of contacting Mr. Sloth this time.

After seeing the wonderful use of the painting knife again.

Gu Weijing feels that his legendary skill [Drawing Knife Painting Method] is simply used as an auxiliary method for traditional oil painting, which is a bit too wasteful.

The reason why he was able to make money with the alias of Detective Cat was because of the perfect skill [Menzel's Basic Painting Experience].

However, the rating of the drawing knife painting method on the system panel is even higher.

The problem is that pure drawing with a knife is not like a general illustration skill like sketching, and the audience is too narrow.

It can be difficult to find suitable draft assignments online.

He just thought of Mr. Sloth, please.

Such a draft assignment must be rare, as long as the commission is within a reasonable range, Gu Weijing can accept it.

"Of course, I'm honored. It's great that you finally want to paint something more professional."

Mr. Sloth didn't even mention the commission.

The uncle seemed very happy that he was finally not obsessed with just drawing simple anime illustrations online.

"What type of illustration do you want to do? Movie posters, book publishing or..."

asked Mr. Sloth.

"I want to try oil painting." Gu Weijing typed.

"Oil painting, of course." Anna was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Detective Cat's reply.

Internet illustration is like a salivary song, and traditional oil painting is like a symphony.

Detective Cat has such good skills in sketching and modeling, and draws animation illustrations all day long, just like a piano master obsessed with accompaniment for square dances.

Anna always felt that the other party was not doing his job properly.

At this time, seeing that the other party is willing to try oil painting themes, she feels happy no matter whether the painting is good or not.

"What kind of painting do you prefer, classicism? Impressionism? Hyperrealism? Why don't you try to participate in art exhibitions. There are several art exhibitions in Paris, London, Singapore, and Hamburg this year."

Anna typed fast.

"Uh, drawing with a knife... is that okay?"

"Painting with a knife?"

Looking at Detective Cat's reply, Anna was silent for two seconds, frowning slightly.

"If you want to learn oil painting, I can recommend you a very good teacher. But... drawing with a knife, with all due respect, ma'am, are you sure you haven't been deceived by others?"

There is a lot of controversy in the painting circle about painting with a knife.

No matter Dongxia’s Zhihu, Japan’s 2ch forum, or Q&A sites like Quora in Europe and America, or any forum related to art.

It's easy for people to find similar questions - "Why is painting with knives so annoying/defamatory?"

In mainstream art criticism circles, when a professional artist hears that a person is good at painting with knives and knives, he will immediately bring an inscrutable smile on his face, and then exchange a knowing look with each other.

Basically, I met a professor in the mathematics department of a university who was out of middle school, but claimed that he had proved Goldbach's conjecture.

It's not that there is something wrong with painting knife painting itself, but that there are too many liars in the painting knife painting industry.

Painting knife painting belongs to the category of oil painting, but it is different from traditional oil painting, and does not require you to master any basic art skills.

To learn traditional oil painting, it takes time to learn from the basics. It is enough for a person to learn for several years just for the initial sketch modeling to enter the room.

But painting with a knife is not necessary.

In theory, you just find a shovel to stir in the paint twice, and smearing it on the canvas is also painting with a knife.

This breeds a lot of room for scams.

This Louis is hard to learn.

Professional knife painting learning is a long process.

Not only does it require a teacher to lead the door in, but it also requires long-term practice to develop a sense of familiarity with the oil painting knife, which is far more difficult to control than a paintbrush.

Any artist in the world who is famous for his sword painting will expend no less energy on the way of painting his sword than a person who normally paints traditional oil paintings.

But on the Internet, you can often see slogans such as "Getting started with zero foundation, learning in one month, mastering in two months, and making a lot of money in three months."

This is obviously nonsense.

The point is, there are quite a few people who feel that they can make a lot of money by finding other ways.

It doesn't matter if you pay the tuition to cultivate yourself, but after three months, a bottle is less than half a bottle, and there are really many people who feel that they are more or less artists.

This is very annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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