Rekindle 2003

Chapter 233 Conspiring to Add a Junior Brother?

Chapter 233 Conspiring to Add a Junior Brother?
Su Caiwei just doesn't know much about the world, but she is not stupid.

The other senior brothers have finished discussing, and now they just inform themselves.

What's wrong with traveling at public expense?
Seeing Su Caiwei nodding her head like pounding garlic, Shi Guangyong smiled and turned around.

Very good, a little girl must have the vitality of a little girl, what's the point of burying your head in those formulas and theorems all day long.

As for Qing Yun...

Although the old headmaster arranged for him to be Qing Yun's mentor, Shi Guangyong knew very well that he couldn't hold back Mr. Xiao Qing.

It is different for an academic master like my own teacher.

Not to mention other things, but the teacher's huge network in the economic circles of China, he does not believe that Qing Yun is not coveted.

And, he knows it.

In fact, for so many years, the teacher has always had some regrets in his heart.

Several of my senior brothers have inherited the mantle of the teacher academically, but they can't apply it.

Economics is a science that pays attention to managing the world and benefiting the people. The most important task is to study how to develop the economy and benefit the people.

Academics, especially those in the humanities and social sciences, if they cannot be used, are like stones in the latrine, not only useless, but also disgusting.

The concepts of supply and demand are the cornerstones of economics.The balance between them, and the role played by prices, together determine the operation of a market economy.

The old man has spent his whole life studying planned supply, but the reality at this moment is that market demand is in power.

The teacher who was born in the year when the cherry blossoms withered, devoted his entire life to the construction of the country. He has experienced the waves of national shame, rebirth, turmoil, and reformation. The old man knows very well that the pure plan has ended his life. duty of.

Now it really needs market demand to inject new vitality into Huaguo, a behemoth.

However, the old man always believed that pure marketization always has disadvantages.

However, such a voice, under the current market upsurge, is simply going against the trend.

It is not so much that he does not ask about worldly affairs because of physical reasons, but rather that his academic views are not integrated into the world, and he chooses to remain silent.

Regardless of academic right or wrong, the old gentleman does not have such a big selfish desire to win or lose, but she is deeply worried about the frenzied market at the moment.

Shi Guangyong even believes that the reason why the teacher's health is so bad now is because of the depression in his heart.

And Qingyun...

Shi Guangyong laughed, "Youngest, what do you think of Qingyun's corporate promotional video?"

Chu Jian, who turned the steering wheel and turned off the airport expressway, chuckled, "Young people! Haha! I just like to play with fancy things! But he chose this market very well."

Shi Guangyong shook his head, "He definitely didn't choose this market, or it definitely wasn't right now."

Taking advantage of the traffic light, Chu Jian gave his senior brother a strange look, and then said with a playful smile, "What? Third brother, are you being played into a psychological shadow by him? You think he's just a feint, don't you?"

Shi Guangyong glared at him angrily, and then smiled wryly, "It's because he played a hand with me that I understand him better. Do you think that what he said in the interview about respecting the needs of young people is actually a kind of ' Supply creates demand'?"

Chu Jian was stunned.

It wasn't until there were bursts of horn sounds from behind that he hurriedly stepped on the accelerator and continued to drive.

The third child said so...

Chu Jianli immediately understood Shi Guangyong's intentions, and then frowned, "I just don't know the teacher's body..."

He has nothing against it.

There are many rich juniors, for them, it is a matter of great benefit and no harm.

It's just that I don't know if the teacher's body can still undertake the task of teaching disciples.

Cultivating students and cultivating disciples are two different concepts.

The latter is more to worry about.

Simply put, it is the difference between teaching students and teaching sons.

Students, if they can't learn it, it's none of the teacher's business, 'Niu teaches three times and still knows how to spin around'...

Son, you can’t learn it. No matter how hard it is to be a father and mother, you can only teach it the fourth time or even the 10086th time, and you can’t give up.

Shi Guangyong grinned, "You don't have to worry about this, since you have the title of master and apprentice, a wealthy disciple like Qing Yun may look forward to the teacher's long life.


He shrugged helplessly, "This kind of student is also a headache for Fudan University. Will he come to the school honestly?"

Chu Jian understood immediately, and then laughed, "That's just right for the teacher to take with you, and give lectures at any time!"

The brothers in the front row were discussing how to lure the teacher to go to Fudan, but Su Caiwei had a pair of deer eyes, thinking in her heart, if she was not in a hurry to go back, should she go to see the giant panda Gun Gun tomorrow?

Thinking of what happened ten days ago in the villa area of ​​TOP Software Park in Huating, Fang Yuan felt lingering fear.

In just half a day, those Gestapo-like security teams made them suffer.

In the room filled with the smell of feces, a group of people were vomiting, while enduring the stinging pain from their fingers, typing the code half-deadly.

However, just when he thought that he would have to endure such suffering for the next month, things took a turn for the better.

Huating's patrolmen descended from the sky, rescued them, and arrested the group of demons at the same time.

Rolling and crawling out of the cage, and seeing the sun, everyone who survived the catastrophe collapsed on the ground.

While desperately breathing in the fresh air, Fang Yuan made up her mind to leave TOP.

However, after only 15 minutes, he changed his mind.

Because, the person who hid in the elevator shaft directly gave everyone a bank card with 5 yuan in it after he came out, making them forget everything about today.

He said that he was from HOPU Group, Zhang Zhiqiang, the director of HOPU Security Department.

While Fang Yuan and the others were shocked by this, they also felt that it seemed reasonable.

After all, TOP originated from Western Shu, and they have analyzed it on a daily basis. The only thing that can save TOP now is the Hopu Group, which has the power of an imperial business.

Of course, the money was not sent directly.

The condition is that as long as they stay in the hotel arranged by Hopu until the end of the month, the 5 yuan will belong to them completely.

5 yuan, no more, no less.

At the turn of the century, it was a small windfall.

At least for Fang Yuan, this is almost half a year's salary.

The highest-ranking deputy minister, Zhou Yan, discussed with everyone and thought that there was no need for the other party to lie to them.

Everyone got on the minibus in doubt, and followed Zhang Zhiqiang away.

To their surprise, Zhang Zhiqiang actually arranged for them the best Shangri-La Hotel in Huating at this time, which made everyone feel more at ease.

After all, this is a five-star hotel, and it costs more than 1000 yuan a night.

There are so many of them, and by the end of the month, the rent alone will cost tens of thousands, and the cost of selling them is too high.

Fangyuan's ten days are like a dream, every day is full of good food and drink.

But it's kind of boring.

(End of this chapter)

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