Rekindle 2003

Chapter 473 Message from parents when entering school

Chapter 473 Message from parents when entering school
No matter how much Qin Manman acted coquettishly, Qing Yun just refused to let go completely, "Let's take care of things first. We have to put on a good posture in front of our parents, so as not to keep saying this and that on the phone every day."

Qin Manman knew clearly that he was talking nonsense at this moment. If the two of them didn't cooperate and didn't want to have a child like this, their parents' urging would be useless!
Could it be that because of this matter, Magnolia officinalis and Yanhuang are going to have a business war?
But seeing her smelly brother being so insistent, she couldn't say anything else.

The worst case scenario is life!
Although there are all kinds of disadvantages to giving birth earlier, for her, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in the end.

Giving him an elbow in annoyance, Qin Manman puffed up his face and walked forward, "Hurry up! After making your bed, I have to go back to the dormitory to treat my roommates to dinner."

Qing Yun followed behind in a funny tone, "Just recognize the door. It's not like I don't know how to make the bed."

He has taken care of himself for so many years. When it comes to his skills in this area, he is not just bragging. How could Qin Manman be as good as him?
The way she made the bed?

It's not like he hasn't seen it before!
Very beautiful.

Well, the beauty is over.

Anyway, what he likes to see most is Qin Manman kneeling naked on the bed changing the sheets.

That could directly lead to World War II.

As for normal times, let's put it this way, that time is enough for him to eat.

Qin Manman turned around and glared at him, "Stop blabbering! This is my obligation as a wife!"

Emperor Yun shrugged his shoulders, indicating that Qing Qin was right.

This woman is a little confused in this regard now. After all, she still doesn't feel safe enough for her.

But he had no intention of repenting at all.

You are a scumbag, and no matter how much you say it, it will be even more harmful.

In his previous life, Qin Manman owed him, and in this life he owed Qin Manman.

Once the two are clear, they will be entangled like this for the rest of their lives, and that's it.

It's not business, what should Li do if he knows so well?
Even if you are doing business, if you are too clear about the rights and wrongs, you will not be able to do much business.


"Son, before I leave, daddy, let me tell you some things you need to pay attention to in college.

Remember, the university dormitory is not your home. From now on, you have to face the human affairs of society alone. If the relationship with the dormitory roommates is handled well, it means that I love my family. If it is not handled well, it will be a sin.

If it still feels like living in your own home, then your dormitory must be infernal.

You must remember what I will talk about next about how to get along.

First, we must first observe the personality characteristics of each roommate and learn the ability to observe words and emotions..."

"Daughter, restrain your personality and keep a low profile. In this world, the only people who can pamper you are your parents. No one outside will pamper you!"

"Protect valuables and money, and don't show off or show off. Once they are lost, it will be very difficult for the teacher to deal with them. In the end, it will make the entire dormitory unhappy."

"Whether it's a classmate or a roommate, don't put your heart and soul into everything you do. Your family situation, past experiences, who you like, who you don't like, etc. Don't tell others easily, not even in a dormitory, no one can It’s my duty to protect your secrets.”

"Don't talk about other people's rights and wrongs behind their backs. There is no impermeable wall in this world."

"Don't blindly agree with what others say. Your blind obedience will easily make enemies and take the blame."

"When it comes to money matters between friends, it's best to do it AA, so that the friends can stay on good terms for a long time."

“Remember to say hello when using other people’s things, don’t take it for granted after using it, and be polite when doing things.”

"You should charge money when you buy things for others. Our money doesn't come from strong winds."

"The university dormitory is a collective life. It's time to go to bed and get up when it's time to get up."

"Once a dispute occurs, never argue for more than three sentences. Warn the other party seriously that I don't like your behavior, and then walk away immediately. Son, remember, if you argue for more than three sentences, the matter will definitely turn sour. .”

"Remember! Life and safety are above any rules..."

Qing Yun and Qin Manman pointed their ears and listened while walking.

"Do you think that after you go to college, you can have a romantic relationship? Dad tells you, this is a very stupid perception. Without long-term thinking, there will be short-term worries!
Many people are like this. They were confused in college, and it wasn't until they started looking for jobs in their senior year that they realized that they couldn't find any decent jobs in their majors. At this time, they didn't even have decent skills, so they couldn't take the public examination. When I took the postgraduate entrance examination, I found that the competition was for thousands of people to be admitted.

The cruelty of reality caught them off guard.

So, child, from now on, you have to plan your life - what kind of person you want to be and where you want to go.

The four years of college are the last four years of your life when you don’t need to think about your livelihood.Do you want to lie down and play games for four years, fall in love for four years, or do you want to grow down-to-earth and reborn for four years?

University teachers will not care about you, and as parents, we cannot see you either.Every day you live, everything you do, and every decision you make, you need to be responsible for.

In these four years, every seed you plant and every drop of sweat you shed will become your future..."

"There is no competition for interests in high school. Students in the same college, department, and class compete directly for resources in the university, such as scholarships, internship recommendations, and other opportunities. Even if you don't care, you can't resist the villain.

Remember, you are an adult. University is a university for adults. University is society. Social rules also apply in university. So don’t just walk with your head down, but also look up at the sky. It is very important!Remember, remember! "

Walking in the dormitory area in the South District, everywhere you look you see parents holding their children and giving them instructions.

This is very different from when I was at Shu University in my previous life.

Qing Yun glanced at this scene with envy. He had to say that he was indeed awesome in taking the second-generation exam.

In their previous life at Shu University, they were the first generation to take the exams, and they could only explore everything by themselves.

Taking the second-generation exam is really an advantage.

Most of the parents of these people are the first generation of college students after China resumed the college entrance examination. What they are talking about now are all real experiences and lessons learned in college.

In fact, the gap between college students at the same university and at the same level has widened from the first day they entered school.

Some people live their lives in a muddleheaded way, while some people start working hard towards their goals as soon as they enter school. Four years later, the difference is huge.

However, I have to say that this is the difference between poor information. Many children have no idea what to do when they enter college.

However, the eyes of most children at this moment were full of impatience, "Oh, I got it! Got it!"

Qing Yun bumped Qin Manman's shoulder and raised an eyebrow at her, "Do you regret not letting your parents come?"

However, he felt that even if Qin Tianchuan and Chen Wan came, they probably wouldn't tell them this. They would probably even say that it was best to be pregnant in college, and they would do prenatal education during class.

Qin Manman looked at him funny, "Do I need it? If you need it, I'll call them right away. They will definitely come over overnight."

Qing Yun rolled her eyes angrily, "Don't bother your parents, especially dad, who's been busy lately."

Qin Manman suddenly felt a little ridiculous in his heart at this moment.

As a daughter, she doesn't even know what her dad is busy with.

But Qing Yun, the son-in-law, knew it.

So, does she not care about her father, or does her father really regard her as his daughter-in-law now...

Seeing other parents sending their children to study together, Qing Yun said in her heart that she was not envious at all, but that would be a lie.

However, this life is better than the previous life.

Then he looked at the perfect profile of Qin Manman, who was walking beside him while eavesdropping on other people's tutors. Emperor Yun was actually happy at this moment.

What's the big deal? !

This look made Qin Manman a little confused, and he quickly poked him, "I'm warning you, magic cloak!"

Qing Yun leaned close to her ear, smiled and whispered, "They were sent by my parents, but I was sent by my wife! Just ask them if they are envious!"

Qin Manman burst out laughing after hearing this.

A beauty is always charming when she smiles, let alone Qin Manman, a girl for whom God even demolished the load-bearing wall.For a moment, all the boys around who were bored and listening to their parents' education were all stunned.

There are such beautiful girls in this world!
This figure!

In particular, some Qingbei seeds who had chosen to apply for admission conservatively this year, who had been struggling with annoyance since the day they received the admission notice, suddenly felt relieved at this moment.

It's hard to say at Yan University. Occasionally, one might appear, but Huaqing definitely doesn't have such beautiful girls!


Fudan University, you came to the right place!
However, when they saw the tall boy next to the girl clearly, they could only roll their eyes and sighed inwardly.

Well, it turns out to be Qin Manman.

What makes Qin Manman a little unbelievable is that her popularity is now far less than that of her man.

In high school, even if Qing Yun finally rose again, when people looked at him, their first reaction was that he was Qin Manman's boyfriend.

But now, people's first reaction is: Qin Manman—Mr. Xiaoqing's fiancée.

This made her feel a little sad, but at the same time it was extremely glorious.

However, less than three seconds after being happy, Qin Manman's face turned dark as he heard the cute "Mr. Xiao Qing" coming and going.

Qing Yun responded with a smile. After switching the snakeskin bag to his left hand with his right hand, he then grabbed Qin Manman's left hand without leaving a trace.

Qin Manman didn't care about losing face. He smiled gracefully and took his arm. Together with him, he responded to the greetings of these promiscuous people and enjoyed the envy and jealousy in their eyes.

The parents on the side sighed inwardly when they saw this scene and the silly sons and daughters beside them. After Qing Yun and Qin Manman passed by, they quickly said,

"Son, you can legitimately fall in love in college. Your first love should be beautiful, but unfortunately, many people's first love is a nightmare that lasts a lifetime. So, you must remember dad's advice.

Don't fall in love just for the sake of falling in love. Romance is certainly romantic, but you have more important things to do. Only by 'graduation and employment' can you love longer..."

"Daughter, don't just try to be nice to you. Think about it, who wouldn't be nice to you when you're in love?
It's normal for a boy to be nice to you when he wants to chase you. When a man wants to chase you, he will do everything he can to be nice to you.But this good thing will slowly fade over time.

And a man's responsibility, sense of responsibility, and ambition will not disappear just because your passion fades. So, when looking for a boyfriend, you should look for Xiaoqing. Don't just look at whether he treats you well at the moment. , useless!
First, look at character and responsibility, and look at self-motivation. This is very, very important!His family may not be rich, but as your significant other, he will make progress and make your family rich and happy. Such a person is worth entrusting to you.

Second, look at the family of origin. 80% of a person's character is shaped by the family of origin. If the other parent or education provider engages in domestic violence, alcoholism, gambling, abuse, etc., no matter how good he is, you cannot have him.Because there is a high probability that he will have the genetic genes for such behavior.If something goes wrong later in life, this gene will be easily activated.

I won’t say whether this will definitely happen, but why would you bet your life on this probability?Or you may spend a lot of time trying to save a loved one who is mentally unhealthy, even leaving you in pain for the rest of your life. "


Walking in the stairwell of the dormitory building, Qin Manman held his arm and asked with a smile, "Brother, what do you expect from your college roommate?"

Qing Yun smiled, suddenly remembered something, and then shook his head, "I don't have any expectations."


he remembered.

In his previous life, when Qin Manman was in college, his relationship in the dormitory was not harmonious.

Can't even talk about getting along peacefully.

Everyone in the Department of Mathematics at Yanda is a genius, and they are all arrogant and arrogant, and they don’t obey anyone.

As for Qin Manman's identity, not only does it not play any positive role there, it is even negative.

At that time, Qin Manman didn't have the paper he pointed out to her years in advance.

Although Qin Manman is very strong, mathematics is a basic subject, and various researches have reached a very extreme level. In the Mathematics Institute of Yan University, where there are many masters and geniuses, Qin Manman, who has just entered the university, cannot prove his strength at all. .

They all have 100 points, how can you prove that you are better than others?
As for the Qin family's donation to the International Center for Mathematics at YSU, the school leaders were overtly or covertly biased, which made many people think that she was just a 'money student'.

Especially when it comes to judging excellence and awards, anything she evaluates will definitely be very controversial.

Even if Qin Manman later proved his strength by passing countless exams and competitions, it would be useless.

Once people's stereotypes are formed, it is difficult to break them. People with ulterior motives may even stir up emotions and think that all this is done by money.

This made Qin Manman cry to him countless times on the phone.

Fortunately, that was not the era of short videos.

In the short video era, the school didn't even dare to give her any awards.

If any of the students who were unsuccessful came to the video platform and cried out about social injustice, asking for no money and just being fair, the school would really be nothing but shit.

The biggest contributor to Qin Manman's original predicament was the plastic sisters in the dormitory.

Qin Manman has a fatal flaw, that is, he is too soft-hearted.

Of course, without this, Emperor Yun would not dare to open a harem at all.

With this woman's unparalleled intelligence and the top-notch rich second-generation methods she naturally possesses, if she is really hard-hearted, let alone Chen Yue and Su Caiwei, there is a question mark as to whether Tang Qianying can survive.

This kind of heroine, in The Legend of Zhen Huan, is a perfect combination of the Queen, Huan Huan, and Concubine Hua, and she is definitely the one lying on the bed.

If you stand in a certain class, you will naturally have a class's thinking and vision.

Even though Qing Yun was just at the beginning of his sudden wealth, he also learned a lot about the secrets of this class through his nonsense with top bosses such as Shi Yuzhu, Sun Hongbing, and Song Ruhua.

It was not unreasonable for him to pay attention to the medicines Qin Manman and Tang Qianying took every day.

The last time Qin Manman drugged him, it was hard to understand whether this kind of thing would be forgiven by ordinary people.

But when it comes to Qin Manman, as time goes by and his strength grows, Qing Yun understands more and more that for Qin Manman's class, this method is really only one of the methods available to them. , a gentler approach.

Even if Shi Yuzhu only has an only daughter, the 'Aunt Cheng' who accompanies him in his most difficult times and is his lifelong spiritual sustenance, is also infertile for life.

Who did this?

Whoever benefits is the one who did it.

Qin Manman, on the other hand, is always tying himself up, whether it's him or the world.

Of course, such an empress is a good empress, and only such Qin Manman deserves his love.

Therefore, what Qin Manman said at this moment did not surprise him at all.

"How can we not have expectations? Brother, we have been living and eating together for four years. We should become best friends and have a good relationship with everyone. This will help our reputation."

Seeing her natural expression at this moment, Qing Yun shrugged his shoulders and said calmly, "You are wrong."

He simply stopped, leaned against the wall of the corridor, and said seriously, "If you were an ordinary person and entered the workplace, would you be friends with everyone?"

Qin Manman quickly shook his little head, "You definitely can't treat your colleagues as friends right away. You can become friends if you get along with them during the relationship, but you definitely can't be heart-to-heart because there may be conflicts of interest between them. "

When Qing Yun was an intern under Guo Jing, she didn't sit idly by and watch. The two of them would often get together at night to review the gains and losses of the day.

Qin Manman understood instantly, and the few words she heard on the road just flashed through her mind.

She felt a little regretful now.

Parents should be called. There are some truths that should be explained to parents.


If my parents really came, I would probably have the same eyes full of impatience as those of the freshmen below.

So, it’s better to be a husband!

Please vote for me~!Recommended vote~!

(End of this chapter)

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