Chapter 124 The Collapse of the Underground Space

Then, without hesitation, Li Qing released all the power absorbed by Aluotu's magic vortex, and condensed all the absorbed power into a gray chaotic beam of light that blasted towards the core mage tower.

Everyone felt and heard a loud noise that trembled their souls, and the transparent crystal wall on the surface of the core mage tower suddenly sank inward.

Numerous rune circles on the surface of the core mage tower light up steeply, getting brighter and brighter, and soon a flame-like aura emerges, converging near the sinking crystal wall to form a light net to support the attack.

"It's now!"

Li Qing turned around and yelled to the dragon guarding the dragon method and the lava crystal dragon behind:
"what are you waiting for!"

The dragon guards and dragon techniques all paused, and no longer dodged the attacks of the mage towers. They passed through many spells and the danger close to the depths of the city-state and came to the vicinity of Li Qing.

The lava crystal dragon also rushed out, spraying a blazing white dragon's breath ray towards the core mage tower thousands of meters away.

The core mage tower lost its host, leaving only the tower spirit. Many permissions that only the master of the mage tower have could not be used, and could only watch three dragon breath rays spraying the mage tower body.

After being attacked, the defense system automatically defended, and a large number of auras could be seen from the position where Li Qing attacked and gathered in the other three positions.

However, the defensive crystal wall, which was barely resisting, suddenly withdrew part of its power, and the crystal wall sank visible to the naked eye. When it reached a certain point, there was a crisp 'bang', and the crystal wall was pierced.

The transparent crystal wall with the hole as the center cracked like glass and quickly spread to the entire mage tower.

At this moment, the defense of the core mage tower was forcibly broken by a round of concentrated fire.

At this moment, Li Qing opened his mouth without hesitation, and a fiery dragon's breath sprayed towards the mage's tower.

The body of the tower shone brightly, and the dazzling light exploded, turning into countless fine light nets covering the entire mage tower.

This is the second layer of defense of the mage tower. If the first layer of defense barrier of the mage tower is broken and the owner of the mage tower cannot open the second layer of defense for a while, the structure of the mage tower itself will be painted with a circle of magic circles, which can provide an instant It is an optical network that strengthens the structure of the mage tower and can greatly improve the rigidity and impact resistance of the mage tower structure.

This layer of optical network does not exist alone, but is attached to the structure of the mage tower, similar to the enchantment of the structure of the mage tower.

The walls of many super fortresses will also be enchanted in this way, increasing the resistance to various powerful spells and physical impacts, ensuring that the walls are not easily affected by various spells.

This kind of enchantment is very strong, but it's a pity that Li Qing's dragon's breath is 100% real damage, and the optical net only persisted for a few seconds before being pierced.

The hard obsidian at the bottom was quickly melted, and soon a large hole was formed on the surface of the mage tower.

But this is not the end, the dragon's breath made a circle, and within 20 seconds, it drew a large circle on the surface of the mage's tower, forming a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters.

Then he rushed towards the big hole in a flash.

Only then did Ta Ling react when a thick lightning bombarded him, he just crooked and rushed into the cave again.

After entering the mage's tower, Li Qing spoke dragon language without hesitation, and cast the second dragon language magic.

Low-level dragon language magic: Aluotu's space collapses.

Effect: The powerful force shakes the surrounding space and destroys the space structure, lasting for 1 round.

With the exit of the last word of the dragon language incantation, an invisible ripple was released centered on him, and the structure of the surrounding mage towers twisted rapidly, and the structure collapsed into pieces and began to collapse.

This invisible fluctuation is not a visual effect, but the space is really distorted.

The structure in this space is so forcefully distorted that when the structure is not strong enough, it will collapse with the distortion.

Normally, a mage tower of this level would not be able to shake it, but at this time he was inside the mage tower, and the defense system of the mage tower was all external, and there was no internal defense.

In addition, the outer defense of the mage tower was also destroyed by him, so the space collapse of Aluotu directly destroyed the inner and middle structures of the mage tower.

Yes, only the inner and middle layers, the outer structure of the mage tower is still stable and unaffected.

Like this kind of mage tower, there must be more than one layer of walls, usually three layers.

The outer layer is equipped with a defense system, the middle layer is the backbone support layer, which can cut off various sound waves and other factors, and is also one of the main support points of the mage tower structure, and the inner layer is the decorative layer. layer structure.

When the inner and middle layers are shattered and collapsed, only the outer layer of the mage tower is left to maintain the stability of the mage tower.

Li Qing raised his head against the enhanced ice cone shot by the mage tower spirit again, and was about to use Aluotu's space collapse again.

Then he just opened his mouth to read the first sentence, but he heard a loud "click" sound, and then saw the outer wall of the obsidian structure of the mage tower collapsed and collapsed suddenly cracked, and the whole layer of stone collapsed into powder at the crack .

Li Qing was stunned for a moment, this is a vision that will only appear when the structure has withstood unimaginable huge force and cannot bear it.

"It's going to collapse!"

Li Qing immediately stopped casting the spell, spread his wings and rushed out along the gap where a corner had collapsed.

As soon as I rushed out, I heard another loud cracking sound. Looking back, I saw a large cloud of dust bursting from the fracture of the Mage Tower again. An invisible distortion spread to the bottom of the Mage Tower through the crack. Wherever it went, the light on the outer wall of the obsidian quickly collapsed and disappeared. .

This means that the outer structure of the mage tower was crushed by the terrifying force, and it completely collapsed.

This is a good thing in itself, which means that even if there is no need to do anything next, the core mage tower will collapse by itself.

But at this moment, there was no excitement on Li Qing's face. Instead, his mouth was slightly opened, and he looked up at the sky solemnly.

"Are they crazy?"

Accompanied by a loud clicking sound, the dome above the head was filled with smoke and dust, and a huge crack suddenly appeared when the core mage tower collapsed.

At this time, Li Qing already understood that the core mage tower whose feet supported the ground and supported the dome of the underground space turned out to be the supporting pillar of this huge underground space.

After they dug out several underground spaces and expanded a huge underground space, the original dome structure was unable to support the earth as large as the dome.

So use the core mage tower to support it.

But now that the core mage was destroyed by Li Qing, the supporting force was not enough to withstand the hundreds of millions of tons of rocky land above his head, and it had begun to collapse.

Li Qing ran towards his troops almost immediately, and ordered Xie Zhu to assemble the troops.

The dragon guarding dragon method and the lava crystal dragon also ignored the attack from behind and fled frantically for their lives.

And the mage towers in the city-state had no time to attack them at this time, and a large number of mages escaped from the mage towers.

Fortunately, Li Qing's speed was very fast. He even flashed and added any door. When the second crack appeared, he had already rushed to Zhong Haiying's God's Domain, opened the gate of God's Domain in the city, and summoned troops to enter it.

At this time, the space lock of the eight-ring spell has expired, and it can be teleported again.

The other apprentices also saw this terrifying scene, and they were gathering troops to take back the God's Domain.


Accompanied by a deafening bang, a large crack suddenly appeared somewhere in the dome, cracked in all directions around a certain point, and sank.

In the next second, there was a loud bang, and the sky collapsed.

Everyone was scared to death. Many apprentices of the war lord quickly closed the domain of the gods and ran away, regardless of the fact that there were still subordinates who had not recovered.

Some of Li Qing's troops did not take back, but most of them were recruits and low-level soldiers. The high-level soldiers were the first to take back. Long Shou, Long Fa, and Lava Crystal Dragon all fled back. These are the most important ones, and they were immediately included in the God's Domain.

He resolutely gave up the remaining thousands of unreturned troops, and as soon as God's Domain closed it, he flashed and added any door to the edge of the stone wall and flew towards the passage not far away.

There was another loud 'click' in the middle, and the crack had spread to this side. Hundreds of millions of tons of rock lost their support and fell into this underground space. The unimaginable shock wave was wrapped in countless gravel and dust, and the world was dark.

Relying on continuous flashing and flexible flying, Li Qing narrowly escaped into the passage before this underground space completely collapsed.


Standing in the passageway and looking out, the outside looks like the end of the world, the earth weighing hundreds of millions of tons collapsed, completely submerging the underground world where the mage city-state is located.

Li Qing stood at the entrance of the passage speechless for a long time, and he did not expect that destroying the core mage tower of the mage city-state would have such consequences.

If he had known earlier, he would still do it.

The entire mage city-state has turned into a kingdom of the undead, and the living are born to be sworn enemies, so there is no pity.

But for the three-headed liches, the sudden collapse of the underground world that their school had survived for thousands of years was like the collapse of the whole world to them.

Even at the critical moment of attacking the core tower of the Calamity Lord God's Domain, they couldn't help but look back distractedly.

But at this critical moment, no matter how angry he is, he can't escape.

Even worrying about Li Qing's interference at this time, he could only order the undead near the passage to intercept them.

At this time, eight apprentices of the Lord of War also gathered here, and they gathered beside Li Qing involuntarily. One of them asked:
"Your Excellency Li Qing, what should we do next?"

Li Qing stretched out his hand and pressed it, a huge door of God's Domain opened, followed by a wave of heat, and a lava crystal dragon whose scales were shattered and seven or eight arm-thick armor-piercing crossbow arrows drilled out.

Li Qing took out a whole hundred units of pure soul essence, gathered together with a thousand pure flesh and blood essence crystals, and threw them into the mouth of the lava crystal dragon.

Then flew to his back, hugged the thick armor-piercing crossbow and forcibly pulled it out.

The fiery dragon's blood fell on the ground and burned quickly.

The high-level dragons themselves have super recovery power, and there are a thousand pure flesh and blood essence crystals to replenish the lost physical strength, and the wounds are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then the dragon guarded the dragon law, walked out with many troops, and easily wiped out the undead at the entrance of the passage.

After finishing this, he said to the war lord apprentices:

"You can rest, and then leave it to me."

The entire army of the mage city-state was wiped out, and the main force of the disaster lord also fell into the collapse of the underground space. Although there are still 10,000+ undead in this underground space, the main combat power is basically absent. The overall combat power is estimated to be only at the peak of the disaster lord Less than [-]% of the total.

Of course, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity cannot be missed, and he wants to take it all alone.

Of course the apprentices knew of his idea of ​​monopolizing, but no one had any objections, and they dared not.

In the few battles just now, they had seen Li Qing's strength. They didn't think that the eight of them together could snatch a piece of flesh from him.

After all, the losses in the previous series of battles were huge, and some of them failed to escape just now. Now the eight people can only gather about [-] troops.

Facing Li Qing's more than 3000 elites, plus [-] dragon-veined snakes, and a high-ranking dragon, they didn't have the courage to make demands at all.

Elite infantry lead the way, with more than 100 rock golems and 26 steel golems in the backbone, followed by dragon vein snakemen, dragon defense and dragon magic, and lava crystal dragons to deal with abominations and other large monsters.

As for the air units, there are long-range shooters from the army to deal with them. Anyway, the shooters are not very effective against skeleton zombies.

The troops were in position, Li Qing gave an order, and the front row began to move forward.

The undead army on the interception road can't be stopped at all, and it can't be stopped.

At this time, whether the disaster lord Saral has been resurrected, and one or two undead heroes under his command are currently presiding over the defense of the three-headed Lich Carnovino. No energy to care about the many skeleton zombie cannon fodder on the periphery.

The overwhelming rain of fireballs swept across the battlefield, piled up all the way to the end of the passage, and saw the underground space with a diameter of about two or three kilometers on the opposite side.

The God's Domain of the Calamity Lord completely covers this underground space, that is to say, as long as one enters the underground space from the passage, it is equivalent to entering the scope of the God's Domain of the Calamity Lord.

The moment they stepped into the Calamity God's Domain, the three-headed liches who were fighting and the undead heroes in the core of the God's Domain all noticed.

The undead hero immediately proposed to Kanovino to defeat the humans first and then decide the outcome, but was rejected by the three-headed lich and stepped up their offensive instead.

Although his hatred for Li Qing reached its peak at this time, the Lich Kanovino still had a head to maintain his sanity, knowing that he had only one choice at this time, and that was to grab the phylactery of the Scourge Lord Saral first There is a chance to stand up.

Without the support of the city-state and without the phylactery, once the disaster lord is resurrected, he will undoubtedly die.

Li Qing also knew this, so after reaching the edge of the God's Domain, he ordered the troops to attack without hesitation and advance towards the center of the God's Domain.

And myself and the dragon guarding the dragon law, together with the lava crystal dragon, the ground and the sky, entered the realm of the gods in two ways.

Thanks to the three-headed lich, many undead defensive buildings in God's Domain had been destroyed along the way, and Carnovino forcibly controlled the Scourge Lord's troops and destroyed them by himself.

He flew all the way, except for a small number of undead to resist, no other undead to resist.

In less than 20 seconds, he flew to the center of God's Domain, and saw the three-headed Lich Carnovino hanging in the air only a few tens of meters away from a high crystal bone tower, burning blue flames all over his body like a blue meteor crashing wildly Crystal Tower of Bones.

Every time it hits, a small piece of the crystal white bone structure at the hit site will be broken. At this time, a large crater with a depth of more than one meter has appeared at the hit position, and countless fine cracks spread around the big crater.

(End of this chapter)

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