Chapter 127 Super Rich Harvest

Looking at the attributes of the Destiny Card, Li Qing has nothing to say.

This baby hasn't figured out how to use it yet, so Li Qing put it away first, raised his eyelids, and looked at the second card.

Source Quality Card: Completely destroy a civilized city-state, gain 525 points of source quality.


"not bad!"

It is not much different from what I imagined. Destroying a snake city gained less than 525 points of source quality, and the harvest of [-] points for a mage city-state is very generous.

Look at the third card——

Magic inheritance card: Contains all the magic inheritance of a mage city-state on a different plane, including a set of floating city construction plans, a set of mage tower construction plans, a series of magic rune packs, a set of magic pattern construction packs, and a set of war magic package, a set of golem manufacturing package, and a set of magic technology package.

"Sure enough, they are all there."

It is both reasonable and expected.

With this set, his background has increased a lot.

Look at the fourth card——

Human Civilization Luck Card: Contains the luck of human civilization, which can determine the main race of God's Domain.

"and this?"

Li Qing pinched the card and flipped it left and right. Unlike the Snake Man Civilization Luck Card, the luminosity emitted by this card far surpassed the few snake man luck cards he had obtained.

If the previous luminosity was only [-] points, this luminosity should be at least [-] points or more.

There is nothing to say about this, and it is not clear whether to use it for personal use or to sacrifice it.

However, if it is used as a sacrifice, at least twenty or thirty points of Eternal God's favor can be sacrificed.

The fifth card——

Terrain card: two-star underground world card.

Attribute: After use, change the underground structure of God's Domain and open up underground space, with a maximum impact range of 100 square kilometers.


Still have nothing to say.

It can't be said that it is not good, it can expand the underground space of God's Domain, and it is useful no matter what time it is.

But the underground space expanded by this thing will not increase with the growth of the space of God's Domain. If you want to continue to expand the space, you need to spend time, manpower and material resources to dig.

But no matter what, it's still quite useful, and Li Qing plans to use it when his God's Domain expands to 100 square kilometers again.

Now the God's Domain is only about one square kilometer. If it is used now, the underground space opened up will only be so large, and the expansion of the God's Domain will not be changed in the future. The space of 99 square kilometers is completely wasted.

Ten cards, half of which are read, and there is nothing that directly enhances strength.

Li Qing can only place his hope on the next five cards. According to the law, the cards that directly increase the strength are generally at the back.

The sixth card——

God's Realm Building Card: Flesh Puppet Factory, put in 100 kg of steel, 200 kg of flesh, and a spirit to summon a flesh puppet.

Note: The maximum number of calls per day is 24, and the call cooldown time is 1 hour.

Note: You can invest 100 points of source quality to upgrade once to increase the speed of summoning.

"A little embarrassing!"

Things must be good things, there is no doubt about it, but it is a bit embarrassing that the summoned flesh and blood puppets are undead creatures.

Not to mention the steel needed, flesh and blood is not a big problem, anyway, there is no limit to the flesh and blood that this thing needs, pork, beef or even rotten meat is fine.

The main reason is that the spirit is a bit troublesome.

This thing is just a general term, whether it is the ghost core, the pure soul essence he refined, or the dead soul, etc. are all considered soul essence.

But the cost of the first two is too high, and the latter involves the soul, which requires a few specialized necromancers to arrest the soul.

Necromancy is a role that everyone shouts and beats in any plane. If you use necromancy, you will bring a bunch of flesh and blood puppets to the plane in the future, and you will definitely be discriminated against and hostile by the local natives.

To put it bluntly, the benefits and risks are not equal.

"You can keep it for now, and sell it after this experience is over, in exchange for God's Domain buildings that are useful to you."

This thing is a little tasteless to him, but it can be called a magic weapon for war lords who follow the necromancer route or don't care about these issues, and can definitely sell for a good price.

After putting away the things, Li Qing looked at the seventh card, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Hero Skill Point Card Pack: Contains 50 hero skill points.

Note: The upper limit of use cannot exceed hero skills above LV5, and cannot be added to extraordinary talents.

"It really came out."

This hero skill point card pack includes mage city-states, natural disaster lords, and several natural disaster heroes. It is not an exaggeration to add up to 50 points.

The ancestor ancient dragon's three talents need 3 hero skill points to upgrade to a level. Now all LV1 points, 5 points are needed to upgrade to LV12, three 12 points total 36 points, and there are 14 points left, which can greatly improve the strength of dragon defense and dragon magic.

Gladly putting away the hero skill point card bag, Li Qing looked at the eighth card again, with joy on his face again.

Troops Helicopter Card Pack (Silver): Contains 10 Super Troops Helicopter Cards and 200 Regular Troops Helicopter Cards.

The meaning is very clear, there are 10 quotas for the direct promotion of extraordinary arms, if there is an extraordinary arm with a promotion limit of six or more levels, you can directly click on it.

It is worth mentioning that the upper limit of the promotion card for extraordinary arms refers to the upper limit of extraordinary arms. If the upper limit for the promotion of extraordinary arms is the sixth level, it will instantly rise to the sixth level.

But if the upper limit of promotion for this extraordinary unit is the eighth rank, it will be promoted to the eighth rank in one go.

The upper limit of extraordinary arms is the ninth level, and the tenth level is the sanctuary level.

So in theory, this thing can create ten ninth-tier units in one go.

Therefore, it is very disadvantageous to use ordinary Transcendent units at this point, which is also why the number is so small compared to ordinary helicopter cards, one is two hundred, and one is only ten places, mainly because the upper limit is too high.

Needless to say, this is an absolute good thing.

And then, the ninth card——

Legacy: Undead Buster.

Grade: Three-star legacy.

Attribute: The morale of all troops in the territory is always high when facing the undead.

Attributes: The basic resistance to undead spells is adjusted to 50%, and the effects of all undead spells are weakened by 20%.

Attribute: Cannot be awakened by undead spells within 2 hours after death in battle.

This is another good thing, the relics that can be passively effective when placed in the domain of the gods, the more the better, anyway, there are still a lot of vacant relic slots.

The attributes of this thing and the name of the relic are a perfect match. The three attributes are very strong, and it is a true nemesis of the undead.

Especially the last one, which means that his dead troops will not be awakened by the necromancer to become new undead for two hours, which is an epic weakening for undead heroes.

The most fearful thing about fighting undead heroes is that when the subordinates die, they will be awakened into zombies and become enemies. With this, there is no such worry.

Nine of the ten trophies have been released, and Li Qing is quite satisfied. Both his strength and potential have greatly increased. If he stays here for a year, when he comes out in the future, he may be able to confront a natural disaster lord head-on.

The tenth card was a card emitting a strong black light. When Li Qing saw the attributes on the card, he was stunned for the second time.

Mark of Scourge: The mark of a certain Calamity Lord, which is an extension of the will of the Scourge Lord.

Attribute: Activate the imprint, and can communicate with the master of natural disasters.

The attribute is super simple, but the fewer words, the more difficult it is. God knows what will happen after communicating with the natural disaster master.

Li Qing didn't dare to look at this kind of thing at all, so he decisively put it in the space in his palm, and was going to ask the instructor after the experience was over.

After reading the ten cards, Li Qing twisted his neck, his joints creaked, and he was in a very good mood.

This harvest is definitely worth it.

A little destiny point, a set of magic inheritance card packs, [-] hero skill points, and a set of troop upgrade card packs, just digesting these points is enough to make his strength surge.

Not to mention anything else, Li Qing first took out the hero skill point card pack and split it up, used 35 of them for his own use, and kept the remaining 15 for Dragon Shou and Dragon Law to use later.

He himself has a little hero skill points, plus these 35 points exactly 36 points.

Opening the personal panel, the eyes fell on the first talent: the ancestor ancient dragon dragon body LV1, 3 hero skill points were clicked on it without hesitation, changing from LV1 to LV2.

Ancient Dragon Body LV2: Constitution +1000%, Endurance +1000%, Strength +1000%, Speed ​​+200%, Resistance +150%, Damage Reduction +55%, Extra Specialty: Advanced Regeneration +2, Dragon Scale +2 , Dragon Wing +2, Dragon Might +2.

Feat +2: Unlimited Fire Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of legendary fire damage and effects.

The feats of the ancestor ancient dragon dragon body are all myth-level feats, and they are immune to various elements.

Li Qing didn't have to worry about it at all, just choose one. Anyway, he can be immune to three in the future.

After resting for a while, and after confirming that he had adapted to the skyrocketing physique, Li Qing added 3 hero skills again, changing this talent from LV2 to LV3.

Ancient Dragon Body LV3: Constitution +2000%, Endurance +2000%, Strength +2000%, Speed ​​+300%, Resistance +200%, Damage Reduction +60%, Extra Specialty: Advanced Regeneration +3, Dragon Scale +3 , Dragon Wing +3, Dragon Might +3.

Feat +3: Unlimited Frost Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of frost damage and effects below legendary.

Two hours later, Li Qing once again consumed 3 hero skill points to upgrade this talent to LV4.

Ancient Dragon Body LV4: Constitution +4000%, Endurance +4000%, Strength +4000%, Speed ​​+400%, Resistance +250%, Damage Reduction +65%, Extra Specialty: Advanced Regeneration +4, Dragon Scale +4 , Dragon Wing +4, Dragon Might +4, Half Dragon Transformation +1.

Feat +4: Unlimited Lightning Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of lightning and air damage and effects below legendary.

Ancient Dragon Dragon Body LV4, gain a new talent feat, Half-Dragon Transformation.

As soon as Li Qing wanted to activate this specialty, he saw that his body size was rapidly expanding, and soon reached about six meters.

The body surface is covered with a thick layer of crystalline dragon scales, the dragon claws are sharp and sharp, the dragon horns on the top of the head, and a dragon tail full of spikes protruding from the back, and a layer of flames burns on the surface of the broad dragon wings, gently flapping Li Qing was enlightened, and he could easily control the elemental energy around him, thus creating a small storm.

In addition, in this half-dragon state, Li Qing will acquire a series of special combat skills and specialties.

Such as penetrating, piercing, tearing, crushing, smashing and so on.

It took Li Qingkuai a day to adapt to the soaring power in his body this time, and he didn't get used to it until the next day, and began to add points for the last time.

After investing three hero skill points, Li Qing instantly felt an explosive force gushing out of his body. He couldn't help but let out a low growl, and involuntarily turned into a half-dragon state, and then his body began to swell again.

Ancient Dragon Body LV5: Constitution +10000%, Endurance +10000%, Strength +10000%, Speed ​​+500%, Resistance +300%, Damage Reduction +75%, Extra Specialty: Advanced Regeneration +5, Dragon Scale +5 , Dragon Wing +5, Dragon Might +5, Half Dragon Transformation +2.

Feat +5: Immunity to Unlimited Earth (Myth): Immune to any form of legendary earth damage or effect.

After half-dragon transformation +2, Li Qing's half-dragon figure has swelled to about 12 meters, and a series of additional combat specialties have been strengthened again.

A hundred times the bonus of physique, he already has a super physique because of the bonus of the basic bloodline, and after a hundred times the bonus has reached an extremely exaggerated level, it can be said that now he can wrestle with the lava crystal dragon just by strength.

You must know that he is only at the fifth level, and the lava crystal dragon is now at the seventh level.

When he is promoted to the sixth level of extraordinary in the future, the strength of his current bloodline will soar, and he will be able to easily surpass the lava crystal dragon by then.

After adding talent, after a two-day delay, Li Qing began to add some pure dragon breath of the ancestor ancient dragon.

Compared with strengthening the talent of the dragon body, this is relatively easier. After all, you already have a strong dragon body, and it is easy to adapt to strengthening the dragon breath.

Without taking a long break, he completed five levels of this talent in one go, and completed the selection of specialties one by one.

Ancestral ancient dragon pure dragon breath LV5: Activate the original power in the ancestor dragon's bloodline, and after a short charge, spray out flame dragon breath in the front range. The dragon breath is divided into two forms: cone and ray, and each spit consumes 5%+ 1% of maximum stamina.

Cone: The maximum width is 200 meters, the maximum length is 600 meters, the lethality is 200% of the own maximum lethality, every second it lasts +1% of the maximum physical strength, the maximum duration is 60 seconds, and the fire damage is formed on the ground for 25 seconds .

Ray: 15 cm in diameter, the longest distance is 5000 meters, the lethality is 700% of its own maximum attack power, every second it lasts +1% of its maximum physical strength, up to 25 seconds.

Tip: The pure breath of the ancient dragon is real damage.

Specialty +1: Corrosive breath, dragon breath has additional corrosive properties, which can melt the enemy's defenses, including armor and horny, scale armor, etc.

Specialty +2: Purify breath, dragon breath has additional purification characteristics, immediately purify and remove all gain effects on the target after spraying it, purify the upper limit of five rings, and add a purification afterglow effect to the target, after purification, it cannot be used again within [-] seconds Obtain any buff effect of the fifth ring and below.

Specialty +3: cracking breath, dragon breath has additional cracking characteristics, defensive spells below the fifth level can directly penetrate, and the legendary ones above the sixth level can cause double damage.

Specialty +4: Forbidden breath, dragon breath additionally gains anti-magic characteristics, the place where the dragon's breath burns will leave an anti-magic halo, cannot cast spells with fifth ring and below within 1 hour, spell casting time and time for spells with six rings and above legendary and below +100%.

Specialty +5: Time plundering breath, dragon breath can plunder the target's lifespan, base 10 years + 1 years/second.

These special effects are just one of many mythical special effects, and there are many other special effects, including the breath of many real dragons in the world.

There are scorching breath, ice breath, lightning breath, poisonous breath and other common dragon breaths.

There are also powerful breaths, breaths of disintegration of will, breaths of paralysis, breaths of opposition, breaths of rainbow light and other rare breaths.

But there is only one choice at a time, so Li Qing completed the following five breath characteristic choices amidst all kinds of entanglements.

(End of this chapter)

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