Chapter 130 Violent Girl Gu Qingxin

Once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.

Nearly 20 human troops lined up on the battlefield, the scale is extremely large, more than ten kilometers from east to west.

On the opposite side of them, the army of undead, which was several times larger than them, did not have such a large front, and it looked similar.

The main reason is that the undead can't command, they rush forward when they are densely packed together, they can only rush forward with a huge number, and it is impossible to have subtle command.

There was no pre-war dialogue, and there was no room for the two sides to communicate at all. Amidst the thunderous battle drums, densely packed undead slapped on the coalition line like tides, and immediately the sound of swords and swords slashed.

As in the past, both sides did not change their tactics, and started to consume hard according to the previous tactics.

The two natural disaster lords and their undead heroes also fought step by step based on past experience. When they saw which troops were about to be unable to withstand it, they transferred the reserve troops to stand up.

According to past experience, this kind of confrontation will last for several hours, until the frontline troops on the human side have rotated for several rounds, and then they will slowly withdraw to the camp for defense, and they will withdraw their troops and wait for the next round.

Under normal circumstances, they can continue to attack by virtue of the characteristics of the undead who are tireless and unaware of injuries, and consume humans to death.

But it is a pity that the coalition forces have already prepared. Not only is there a moat outside the camp, but there is also a high wall behind the river. The key is that there is a God's Domain Castle not far behind the camp.

Playing undead in the field has a slight advantage, but it is not good at siege undead.

In addition, their mission was to intercept, so the two disaster lords gave up the idea of ​​finishing their work in one battle after one or two failed attempts at the beginning, and honestly consumed each other with the human coalition forces in tacit understanding.

The fighting continued, and the situation remained the same as before.

Unknowingly, three hours have passed, and the frontline troops of the human coalition have already rotated to the fourth round. According to past experience, they will be ready to withdraw in a few hours.

But at this time, an elite group of human coalition forces was assembled.

They are either powerful fighting heroes under the command of some war lord apprentices, or they are powerful creatures summoned, or they are extraordinary units carefully cultivated by their own men, etc. There are more than 60 extraordinary ranks in total.

In addition, there are more than 400 elite fifth-tier units, which are the accumulation of more than 70 war lord apprentices present these days.

After all, after fighting for so long, killing more than 40 and nearly 50 undead, it is not difficult to accumulate a batch of fifth-tier elite troops.

And this is only a part of the elite, after all, there is still a war outside, it is impossible for them to transfer all the elite.

In addition to this elite team, they also mobilized a total of more than 30 cavalry, the lowest being the second-tier cavalry, and more than [-] fifth-tier imperial elites equipped with arrows in the center.

Soon, this seemingly ordinary support force joined the central army's front line, and did not attract the attention of the undead heroes on the front line.

But after this unit joined the Chinese army's front line, it quickly demonstrated its powerful combat effectiveness, suppressing the front row undead army in less than 15 minutes.

Even the undead heroes didn't care by this time, because the situation wasn't surprising.

When the morale of the newly transferred troops is high and it is also the most powerful time, it is not uncommon for a wave of rushing to suppress the undead strikers full of skeleton zombie cannon fodder, and it is not unprecedented.

However, just as this elite group suppressed the front line of the Chinese army to a certain point, and when the undead heroes became alert, another cavalry unit began to enter.

They had already started to charge and accelerate in the space vacated in the rear, and the frontline troops quickly separated. The two thousand cavalry who had completed the acceleration rushed into the undead, and immediately smashed into it like hot knives cutting butter.

The two disaster lords sitting behind were not surprised when they received the news. One of the crystal skull disaster lords smiled and said to his companions:
"It seems that they are a little anxious, and they are delusional about defeating us."

The body of another natural disaster hero is a rare Lich. He didn't even move while sitting on the throne of bones. He turned the pages of the human skin book in his hand and said without looking back:

"Don't worry, they won't be able to attack."

The crystal skull opened and closed its jaw, as if smiling.

The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. It didn't take long for the frontline cavalry troops to plunge into the depths of the sea of ​​undead in one go. Then they didn't turn around and retreat as expected by the undead heroes of the Chinese army. Instead, they dismounted at the end of the charge and fought here.

This scene stunned the nearby undead heroes for a while, and they would not be able to figure out their intentions for a while.

At the same time, another group of elites also began to exert their strength. The superpowers who had been hiding in the center before began to attack. A dozen or so sixth-order archmages inside cast spells together. Thick chain lightning exploded in the group of undead, and countless skeletons Fried to the bone.

Batch after batch of fire rain fell, and a large number of skeleton zombies were burned to ashes.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the undead hero, and quickly reported to the leader.

The Calamity Lord of the Crystal Skull immediately became alert, and the Lich on the Throne of Bones also closed the human skin book and said:
"It seems they really want to do something."

Looking up at a terrifying knight hero in black armor on the right, he ordered:
"Immediately mobilize the death knight guards, and be sure to intercept them."

The Crystal Skull on the side also said to his subordinate, a corpse witch in a robe:
"Assemble the Lich Guards, unite with the Death Knight Guards, and kill their cavalry first."

As for the other group of elites, they will be temporarily resisted by the Legion of Abomination.

The Legion of Abomination did not move in the previous battle, and the main force of the undead was all cannon fodder such as skeleton zombies.

As the two disaster lords mobilized their main forces, the encircled two thousand cavalry immediately fell into crisis.

But the commander in the rear was not surprised but happy when he saw this. Zhao Dingzhen and others looked at the back happily and prepared to say something, but found that there was no one behind. Wu Jiuyuan said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Miss Gu has already made a move."

The war continued, and as time went by, the two sides seemed to be fighting for real, and a large number of elites gathered in the direction of the Chinese army.

The two Scourge Lords' guards besieged the cavalry, and a large number of abominations and other high-level undead came to resist the main force in the middle, and even many undead heroes also participated in the battle.

The guards of the two Scourge Lords are all absolutely elite. The death knight guards are at least Tier [-] units, the backbone is all Tier [-] units, and the leaders are all Tier [-] units.

The other Lich Guard is stronger. Although the configuration is the same, the Lich can cast spells.

Hundreds of corpse witches were cast at the same time, countless death clouds exploded, and the cavalry suffered heavy losses. Almost every second, several cavalry died in battle.

Those who died in battle were quickly awakened by the Lich with necromantic spells, and joined the siege of their former companions.

It took less than 10 minutes for the two guards to participate in the battle, and nearly half of the two thousand cavalrymen were killed.

Looking at this trend, it is estimated that the remaining cavalry will all die in less than 10 minutes.

At this time, the core of the army of the undead army, at the top of the Bone Castle, two Scourge Lords, the Crystal Skull and the Lich, are standing on the top railing of the Bone Castle and looking into the distance.

Feeling that a large number of new dead elites were awakened to join their side, the Crystal Skull laughed loudly:

"I don't know why their leader has such a tactic. Just relying on [-] cavalry to attack the army of the undead. It's a dead end!"

Another Lich Scourge Lord returned to the Throne of Bones, reopened the human skin book in his hand, and said:
"Don't take it lightly, human commander."

Speaking of this, the Lich suddenly stopped, closed the human skin book in his hand, and said strangely:
"It's not right, the human commander has been fighting with us for so long, and has never made such a low-level mistake, how is it possible?"

He stood up abruptly, and said in a deep voice:

"No, they must have a conspiracy!"

Crystal Skull also became alert and said loudly:

"This is the case, isn't it?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his skull, like a needle prick.

Turning around quickly, I saw a petite and stunning girl appearing outside the railing of the Bone Castle at some point, a pair of pure white little whites were pushed out and patted on the crystal skull's chest without any fireworks.


Crystal Skull felt as if he had been hit by an adult dragon, and an unimaginable force sent him flying on the spot.

The Lich reacted super fast, stretched out his finger, and a force wall formed between the girl and the flying crystal skull.

Then the girl flashed, and the transparent power wall shattered like a glass mirror, and then the figure flashed and the crystal skull in the air was forcibly interrupted by an unimaginable force and fell rapidly at 90 degrees. With a loud bang, the top of the Bone Castle was smashed through.

The crystal skull fell into it, and the girl disappeared, leaving only the slightly dazed corpse witch.

It wasn't that the Lich Lord and the Calamity Lord didn't know it, it was because the scene where the girl smashed the force wall scared him a little bit.

The force wall is different from other defensive spells. This thing is similar to the space crystal wall. In the case of being unable to move and the defense method is fixed, the defense is very, very strong, even if the dragon hits it, it will be blocked.

However, such a terrifying wall of force was shattered like a mirror by this girl, which is unheard of for this Lich and Scourge hero.

Just as he was in a daze, there was a muffled sound from below, and then a strong shock wave rushed out along the gap.

The Lich quickly ordered the few guards around to come to support him, and he blessed himself with a bunch of defensive spells before he dared to jump down.

Then I saw a big hole in the second floor, and the bottom was in chaos. The girl was hammering the crystal skull.

With a casual punch from that Su Bai's little hand, all the crystal bone shards from the crystal skull can be punched out, the power is terrifying.

At the same time, there was an invisible force field on the girl's body, and the flying broken bones flew, and were bounced away by the invisible force field.

The natural disaster lord, whose strength was close to the seventh level, was helpless against the girl, and was smashed to pieces by the hammer.

Literally pressing the hammer, the visual contrast is huge.

After the Lich jumped down, the Crystal Skull hurriedly asked him for help. The Lich quickly cast a series of negative spells and binding spells, but all of them were useless. They couldn't do anything to her, not even the invisible force field that protected her body. open.

Seeing this scene, the Lich and Scourge Lord had a flash of inspiration:
"Aren't you at the Snake King City?"

No one responded, and Ms. Gu didn't care about anything, just pressed the crystal skull and hammered it hard.


A crystal bone was smashed, and a smooth little hand grabbed half of the crystal bone and broke it hard, and there was another crackling sound, and half of the bone was dismantled.

The Lich Lord Scourge felt his scalp tingling, quickly took out a scroll and opened it, and chanted a spell, the scroll lit up, and a white light flew out.

A layer of white light immediately appeared on the surface of the Crystal Skull, and Gu Qingxin's hand was forcibly bounced away by the powerful magic power. The Crystal Skull immediately rolled back and stood up, and a jade hand slapped on the surface of the body. Slap him flying tens of meters and stick him on the wall of bones.

Standing up, the crystal skull took out a crystal bone sword from its crotch, and with a wave of its right hand, the bone in its arm proliferated rapidly, turning into a crystal bone shield with a skull embedded on its surface.

As soon as she assumed a fighting posture, the girl rushed up and smashed down her fists, and the Crystal Skull only had time to raise the shield in front of her.


The man and the shield were embedded into the bone wall again, and the huge force shook the bone debris on the wall.

The Crystal Skull's backhand sword was caught by Bai Nen's small hand, and it was pulled off forcefully. The backhand sword slashed at the head and neck of the Crystal Skull, debris flew, and a finger-deep gap appeared.

After three consecutive sword strikes, a large gap appeared in the neck of the crystal skull, which scared him and shouted to the Lich:
"Hurry up and save me, if I die, you will die too."

The Lich shouted in exasperation:
"You thought I didn't want to, my spell wouldn't work on her."

"Where is such a perverted guy?"

What mages are most afraid of is this kind of guy who is infinitely powerful but can't get in. No spells can take effect, and it's like killing all mages with blood.

Although this kind of guy is very rare, as long as you encounter one, it will be disgusting.

The Lich cast several six-ring spells in succession at the fastest speed in his life, but none of them could help her. Seeing that the Crystal Skull was about to be pressed to death, he hesitated for two seconds before decisively turning around and flashing away.

The Crystal Skull, who was waiting for his companion to save his life, froze for a moment, then continued to struggle and cursed:
"Bastard, you can't run away even if I die."


The white light of the bodyguard suddenly disappeared, and then the neck was twisted violently.

The girl pinched the crystal skull and watched it curiously. With five fingers, the crystal skull creaked, frightening the fire of the soul inside.

Just as he was about to beg for mercy, he exerted force with his five fingers, and there was a crisp 'click' sound, and his skull was pinched and exploded.

Once the Crystal Skull died, half of the undead army on the battlefield lost control and became dazed. Some continued to fight, and some looked around in a daze.

The Lich immediately knew that his companion had been killed in battle, so he was frightened and quickly joined the men who rushed to him, and quickly fled to the rear.

Fifty to sixty thousand undead had already gathered there, and there were quite a few hatreds inside. He was going to flee there and use his men to resist that perverted girl.

However, Gu Qingxin's beheading tactic this time was aimed at the two of them.

Immediately after killing the Crystal Skull, he rushed out of the White Bone Castle, saw the Lich joining his subordinates, threw the bone residue in his hand, leaped hundreds of meters high, drew an arc, crossed nearly 200 meters and smashed heavily Skeletons.

Then he jumped again, and he jumped to a place not far from the Lich, scaring him to run away in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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