Chapter 133 Saint Dragon Guardian
Like Li Qing's promotion, when he completes the promotion and determines his path, Long Shou's promotion is very simple. He directly applies his template and is promoted as a direct descendant of the ancestor of space, Gu Long.

Name: Long Shou.

Occupation: Dragon Warrior.

Strategic level: level eight.


Strategic Talent: Dragon Power LV5.

Strategic Skills: None.

Hero rarity: Legendary, a direct descendant of the ancient dragon, the ancestor of space.

Dragon's Power LV5: Hero strategy skills, improve subordinates' 100% constitution, 100% strength, 100% extra recovery, 100% extra stamina, immune to fear, immediate death, and gain the exclusive specialty of the descendants of the ancestor of the space - the space dragon.

Space Dragon Descendants: The direct descendants of the ancestor of space, the ancient dragon.

Attribute: Bestow the blood of the ancient dragon and dragon descendant of oneself, and promote any creature to a true dragon family with its own blood.

Reminder: 3/3 of the blood of the high-ranking dragon, one of which will be restored every year.

Hero: Dragon Guard.

Occupation: Dragon Warrior.

Level: Tier [-].

Basic skills: running LV8, archery LV8, one-handed LV8, two-handed LV8, pole LV8, throwing LV8, claw LV8, biting LV8, tail LV8.

Advanced skills: dual wielding weapons, chopping, jumping and chopping.

Hero Talents: Dragon Bloodline LV5, Dragon Might (upper Dragon Clan), Dragon Language Magic (lower), Space Mastery LV1, Space Force Field LV1.

Hero Skills: Dragon Scale LV5, Dragon Breath LV5, Dragon Wing LV5, Horror Strike LV1.

Dragon Bloodline LV5: Constitution +2000%, Strength +2000%, Stamina +2000%, Recovery +2000%, Speed ​​+500%, Resistance +100%, Damage Reduction +60%, immunity to fear, hypnosis, charm, deceleration , Confused, Weakened, Blind, Instant Death, Additional Feats: Greater Regeneration +3, Half-Dragon Transformation +2, Dragon Transformation +1.

In addition, Long Shou also inherited dragon language magic and space mastery.

It's just that he can only cast low-level dragon language magic now, and the space skills obtained by space mastering are the same as Li Qing's, only a weakened version.

The obtained space force field effect is also the same as that of Li Qing, and it is also a weakened version.

That is to say, after choosing to follow the route of ancient dragon, the ancestor of space, no matter Longshou or Longfa, or the new heroes enlightened in the future can inherit all of Li Qing's abilities, but they are all weakened versions, which are equivalent to a shrunken version of Li Qing.

Besides, the promoted Long Shou brought Li Qing an extra surprise.

That is, after Long Shou chose his route to be promoted to be a descendant of the ancient dragon, his level of faith changed qualitatively, and he was promoted to be his saint.

What is a saint?
That is the legendary believer, the believer that the gods dream of.

The saints can fully understand the teachings and concepts of believing in the true God, so that they can resonate with the true God.

The saints are the spokespersons of the true God, who can communicate with the true God at any time and borrow the power of the true God.

Even an ordinary person, at the moment of becoming a saint, will be infused with the divine power of the true god, and thus become the chosen one of the gods, possessing at least a legendary power, and the strongest terrifying power comparable to a demigod.

Saints like Li Qing transformed through blood are no different from real saints, and he can also infuse divine power to improve his strength.

It can also bestow divinity and priesthood, so that Long Shou can be promoted to a demigod.

The premise is that he has a divine priesthood.

It is worth mentioning that if Li Qing condenses enough divine power, divinity, and priesthood in the future, he can be 100% sure that he can successfully condense the two powerful priesthoods of dragon and space.

It is also worth mentioning that what he has mastered is the origin of space, which means that he will still be able to master the rare priesthood of the ancient god.

Possessing the priesthood of the ancient god, he is not bound by the power of faith.

Mastering the origin of space means that he can directly draw power from anywhere in the chaotic void, and from the underlying basic laws of space.

Even if there are no believers, they can continue to obtain divine power.

As long as the mastery of space is higher, the divine power will be stronger.

That is to say, in the future, as long as he becomes a god, he will directly surpass most of the true gods at the beginning.

The premise is not to die in the early stage.

After conferring the gods, you can't wave.

After all, he is not invincible, and there are still strong people who can kill him before reaching the top. If he is too rough and is targeted by some powerful beings, no one can save him.

It's like he is basically invincible in this plane at the moment, but if there are a bunch of official disaster lords in the wind of the undead outside the plane, if they are too high-profile, they may be looked down upon by a certain natural disaster lord means.

Normal saints can provide at least 100 million power of faith to the Lord of Faith every day, that is, a little divine power.

Long Shou, as his direct blood descendant, and himself a high-ranking dragon clan, can provide him with the power of faith far surpassing that of humans and other races. Just now, he can provide him with 16 points of divine power every day.

This is just a promotion, and as time goes by, this value will continue to rise until it reaches the limit of the upper dragon clan.

He remembered that the power of faith provided by the giant dragon was more than 100 times that of human beings, and Longshou was a high-ranking dragon clan. It would not be a problem to provide hundreds of times, right?

This is one of the reasons why the gods are so eager for saints. In addition to strength, there is also a huge amount of power of faith. Who doesn't like it.

After completing the promotion, Li Qing and Long Shou came out from the Shenyu Ranch.

He immediately communicated with the dragon method through the power of blood.

Long Fa, who was rushing through a narrow underground passage, immediately sensed Li Qing's existence, and then a portal appeared in front of him. After walking out of it, he found that he had returned to God's Domain.

Li Qing waved his hand and said:

"Don't look for it, let's go back in another way."

The origin of space masters its own space skills - advanced teleportation: teleports to any place where coordinates are left, which can be believers, subordinates, or blood descendants as coordinates, can pass through soil and barriers, and cannot cross planes.

Then communicate far away at the place where a large group of believers gather on the surface, reach out and grab in front of them, and with a pull, a teleportation light gate appears in front of them.

Li Qing walked in with his hands on his back, Long Shou and Long Fa looked at each other and followed.

Pass through the portal, and outside the gate is the fortress square on the ruins of the snake man fortress on the surface. When you come out, you can see An Erqiu rushing over with a group of soldiers.

Seeing Li Qing approaching, An Erqiu was stunned for a moment, and immediately waved his hand to signal his subordinates to stop, walked quickly to him, cupped his fists, and said:

"Boss, you are back. The portal on the dwarf's side suddenly collapsed, and I was in a hurry."

Li Qing patted him on the shoulder without explaining anything:
"Good job. I have been promoted to Transcendence, and my strength has greatly improved. Tell me about the situation in the nearby battle. Is the stalemate still going on?"

An Erqiu shook his head and said:

"The fight started a long time ago, as early as half a month ago, two disaster lords died, and another natural disaster god was forced to retreat and leave the Snakeman King City, and now we are fighting with another new disaster lord Convergence, now the three parties are at a stalemate."


"Two Scourge Lords died?"

Li Qing was quite surprised and asked:
"The coalition army is so big?"

An Erqiu nodded and said:

"That's it. I heard that Miss Gu, the leader of the coalition army, was very powerful. She killed a natural disaster lord on the spot with beheading tactics, and then hunted down and surrounded her for almost a week before killing another natural disaster lord."


I was very impressed with that Miss Gu, I knew she was very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Killing among ten thousand armies is much stronger than him a month ago.

At that time, it took him a lot of effort to kill the natural disaster lord Salar, but Miss Gu faced two natural disaster lords at the same time and forcibly killed one and ran away the other, which was indeed much stronger.

It is estimated that he will be full of the three talents of the ancestor Gu Long, maybe a little worse than him.

After all, he is full of three talents, and he is confident that he can beat Salar to death in a few strokes.

Now that he has been promoted to Transcendence, he has mastered the origin of space, and his strength has skyrocketed. Now he must be far stronger than Miss Gu.

But it's hard to say, it seems that Miss Gu is only at the fifth level, and has not yet been promoted to the sixth level.

If he is promoted to the sixth level, his strength will definitely increase dramatically.

Generally speaking, Li Qing is confident that he can overwhelm her, but she is definitely not made of mud, and she will not be easily defeated.

It can only be said that her talent is really far superior to their group, and she is definitely a bloodline or talent of the legendary level.

After Li Qing teleported over, he reopened a high-level space gate in the fortress, connecting the surface and the underground gods.

The difference between the high-level space gate and the high-level teleportation is that it can be fixed and exist for a long time. As long as a mage injects mana, it can be maintained forever.

And the door of space is big enough to teleport troops.

Advanced teleportation only temporarily opens a portal, and it can only be maintained by the caster. If the caster stops inputting mana, it will disappear.

After fixing the door, Li Qing dispatched a group of troops from God's Domain, and he left here alone, entering the depths of the plane.

Not going to the Snake King City, but to other places on the plane.

Right now, Longfa is still short of hero skill points, and An Erqiu and Xie Zhu are also short of some hero skill points before they can be promoted. He has to farm some natural disaster heroes and some hero skill points.

After the dragon wing +5, the speed is [-] kilometers per hour, and the entire plane does not add up to [-] kilometers, so it can turn around very quickly.

Moreover, his real vision can see through all darkness and mist. The originally dark and lightless plane is like daylight to him. Flying at an altitude of 3000 meters, he can clearly see everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

In less than half an hour, he saw four Scourge heroes and their remaining tens of thousands of undead on the easternmost edge of the plane fragment, chasing and killing a group of routs of apprentices.

It seems that an academy coalition fought against the coalition of four natural disaster heroes, and they lost.

According to past experience, the four natural disaster heroes add up to at least [-] undead legions, and this time there will be less than [-] left, and all others will die in battle.

And this apprentice coalition army is even worse, the total number is now less than two thousand.

After confirming the target, Li Qing spread his dragon wings and flew to the front of the rout. He quickly opened a high-level portal, and Long Shou and Longfa walked out of it. He quickly summoned two smaller portals, and a large number of troops walked out. Under An Erqiu's command, They lined up quickly.

There are only about [-] troops in total, including [-] dragon snakes.

Most of them were troops who stayed on the surface before. They did not participate in the battle in the underground world, and their strength was at the bottom.

After Li Qing assigned tasks to An Erqiu and Longshou Longfa, he soared into the sky, an invisible crystal light exploded, and his whole body swelled rapidly, and soon turned into a 20-meter-tall half-dragon covered with crystal-like dragon scales.

The huge dragon wings spread out, turning into a stream of light and darting into the distance at super fast speed.

On the wasteland at the edge of the plane, a large group of rout soldiers were fleeing along the edge of the plane. Every once in a while, a group of soldiers would be ordered to stop and form a simple formation to die at the rear, buying time for the front to escape.

But this is of no use, there are too many undead, and it takes almost no effort to drown the queen.

Among the fleeing crowd, Zhang Jishan turned his head and glanced at the back, with a trace of worry on his embarrassed face, he wanted to say something, but he sighed for a long time and continued to run with his head buried.

A group of them formed a joint team. Originally, they wanted to find a place to hang out, and then see if they could take the opportunity to surround and kill a few natural disaster heroes.

In the beginning, he did kill two of them. Not only did he get a lot of benefits, but he also used tens of thousands of undead to train an elite team.

After tasting the sweetness, they began to become more courageous, and began to actively look for strategies for natural disaster heroes.

As a result, after killing another natural disaster hero, he hit the iron plate.

When he lured a natural disaster hero into the encirclement, four more natural disaster heroes ran out from behind, and an army of more than 20 undead rushed over.

They immediately fled back to the expanded God's Domain, and the undead surrounded them and began to attack the city. A fierce battle lasted for five full days. Finally, the God's Domain Castle was breached, and half of the team's apprentices and a large number of heroes died in battle.

After fleeing for several days, the number of troops became smaller and smaller, and now it is less than [-].

Zhang Jishan knew that unless a miracle happened this time, he would be doomed.

Just as he was reflecting sadly and pessimistically, he suddenly felt something out of the corner of his eye, and quickly looked up, seeing a huge bright silhouette passing over their heads in the sky.

There were quite a few people who noticed this scene, and before they had time to ask each other, they were dumbfounded to see a huge and incomparably hot torrent in the distance like a falling waterfall, and like the Milky Way pouring down, it sprayed from the sky into the pursuers of the dead.

Li Qing transformed his dragon's breath into a flame state, and sprayed a mouthful of dragon's breath from the head to the tail of the undead chaser.

In just half a minute, a river of flames nearly 200 meters wide and several kilometers long was left behind.

The undead in it, ranging from skeleton zombies to ghost lich and even abominations, were all turned into ashes, and even the four natural disaster heroes in the center of the undead army were burned to death on the spot.


After rushing to the end of the undead army in one breath, Li Qingxuan looked at his masterpiece in the air, feeling extremely refreshed.

And for the fleeing human army, this scene is like a dream.

Encountering a giant dragon passing by and destroying the enemy during the rout feels like a dream.

They didn't see Li Qing's appearance clearly in the dark night, and thought it was a giant dragon, although they didn't know where the giant dragon came from, there was obviously no trace of a giant dragon in the plane.

But soon as Long Shou Long Fa led the troops to kill them and passed them by, An Erqiu also saw Zhang Jishan who was fleeing in embarrassment.

They crossed the rout and rushed towards the undead army that had died for two days and was in chaos. They surrounded the undead army with another group of troops that Li Qing reopened another portal to summon from behind the undead army.

 Push the author's old book of [Lord of Star Wars], click on the author's works to see, Lord of Star Wars is the mainstream, if you are interested, you can go and see if it suits your appetite.

(End of this chapter)

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