Chapter 135 Conditions for Promotion to Official Warlord

PS: There was a power outage today, so I went to my mother-in-law’s house and coded [-] characters.

An Erqiu's template is almost exactly the same as Long Shou's, but because there are only 5+7=12 hero skill points, the three talents are not full, and his strength is slightly inferior to Long Shou's.

However, there is no difference in the key bloodline talents of the high-ranking space dragons, because the rank is only fifth-order, and the specialty of half-dragon transformation is only first-level, and the talent specialties such as dragon transformation and space force field that are only available at the sixth-order are not available for the time being.

But it's not a big problem, there are still a lot of natural disaster heroes all over the surface, just spawn a few more.

Even the Scourge Lord has four, if he can find a chance to kill one, one will be enough for him and Xie Zhu's hero skill points.

After the promotion, Li Qing sent him and Long Shou Long Faquan out to find the lone natural disaster heroes, or to find the apprentices or heroes hidden in various places.

Can be saved or saved, after all, they are all of the same race.

Once the subordinate is strong, there is no need for him, the lord, to do everything himself.

With the three of them working on their behalf, Li Qing can continue to dig underground with his hands free.

He still remembers that there are a lot of various rare resources in the underground mage city-state, especially the fine gold and mithril that he urgently needs now.

In order to complete the excavation faster, he turned into an ancient dragon, pressed down the huge dragon claws, and the hard rock was easily dug down like soft mud.

With a copy of the claw, a stone as big as the villa was dug out, and the effect was very fast.

In addition, the lava crystal dragon was also called to help, and several special crash cars kept colliding, and the excavation efficiency was very fast.

In less than a month, nearly one square kilometer of space has been dug out.

After cleaning up the gravel, some undead souls were found in some cracks in the ground, most of them were ghosts, which were incorporeal, and they cleaned them up.

He had a great time digging here. After resting for almost a month, the surface coalition forces and the Scourge Lord began to test each other again, and it seemed that they wanted to fight again.

In addition, An Yiqiu and the others also found another natural disaster descendant on the other side of the plane, and he was fighting with the other four joint teams.

Two of the four teams are joint apprentices under the name of ordinary mentors, and two teams are under the name of five-star mentor Xiao Zhenqian, including the team of Wu Mayun, the chief mentor of Xiao Zhenqian.

An Yiqiu just observed from a distance, and didn't approach them to disturb them.

According to An Yiqiu's observation, they seem to have been facing each other for a long time, and they have fought several times. The battlefield between the Allied God's Domain Castle and the Undead Camp is full of broken bones.

Combined, these four teams now have about 23 troops, and it is estimated to exceed 30 in their heyday.

On the opposite side there is only one lord of natural disaster gods, plus some natural disaster heroes, the number of undead is still more than one million. The descendant of the natural disaster god on the side of Renwang City is stronger.

Judging by the cautious appearance of both sides, whether a decisive battle will be launched in a short while will determine the outcome.

After An Erqiu reported the news to Li Qing, Li Qing's instruction was to ignore it.

Both sides have fought to the point where it is not easy for him to participate. This is the default unspoken rule.

Actively asking if you want support, this is making a wedding dress for others, not asking for support, you will not get any benefits if you join in.

We can only wait until the outcome is decided.

The victory of the human coalition forces is all that matters. If the lord of the natural disaster gods wins, he will have a reason to go up and take over.

There were seven natural disaster lords in total, Li Qing killed one underground, and Miss Gu killed two.

Fight one with the Wumayun team.

There are two confrontations between Miss Gu's team, which means that there is another Scourge Lord in some corner of the plane, and this is Li Qing's goal.

But to his surprise, it took them a whole two months to turn around the entire plane fragments, but they didn't find the last Scourge Lord.

"Could it be that the last Scourge Lord also ran underground?"

The underground is not easy to search, even if there is no complete map, it is impossible to use the high-mobility reconnaissance of your subordinates.

After thinking about it, Li Qing decided to give up searching.

Let's dig up the mage city-state first.

If there is a chance in these two big battlefields, go for a wave. If you don't have a chance, just brush the wandering natural disaster heroes to collect some hero skill points, and then wait until the wind of the undead leaves. Anyway, he will not lose money.

In the following days, Li Qing went back and forth between the underground and the surface.

Dig the stone for a period of time, and when your subordinates find the wandering heroes, they will lead the troops to besiege and kill them.

He and a few of his men turned into half-dragons, or swooped down from the sky in the form of giant dragons to behead the natural disaster heroes, and the troops surrounded and killed the undead for training.

Compared with the difficulty of dealing with these natural disaster heroes in the past, it is more than ten times easier now.

Now he is completely a supermodel level existence. Whether it is the apprentice of the human war lord or the natural disaster lord in this plane fragment, he is not at the same level of strength as him.

He didn't even need to transform into a dragon, and he had never turned into an ancient dragon in full view, and he could lightly step through thousands of troops and behead a natural disaster hero with just a half-dragon state.

Without the command of the natural disaster heroes, the remaining tens of thousands of undead are scattered. Li Qingte only mobilized troops below the fifth rank to fight, and specialized in training.

In the fourth month, Li Qing had dug the underground world to the location of the mage city-state, and could already see the city-state buildings that had been smashed into ruins.

At the same time, all the natural disaster heroes that can be found on the surface have been wiped out.

A total of 8 Scourge heroes, including a combined team of four Scourge heroes.

A total of 18 hero skill points and 220 arms upgrade cards.

A scroll of war magic: a second-order war magic gathering spirit thaumaturgy, the effect is to reawaken the undead killed on the battlefield, the number and quality of the undead bones determine the scale and strength of the awakened undead.

A death knight transfer card pack*200.

A Lich career change card pack.

Three High Death Reincarnation card packs.

A building in the domain of the gods: the skull pit, throwing a corpse, can summon a skeleton corresponding to the strength of the corpse.

The Skull Pit, a building in the God's Domain, directly exhausted all the energy of a loot box, and after opening this thing, nothing else came out.

In addition, there are several trophies related to the undead, which he does not need.

To be honest, after counting the trophies on his body, Li Qingzhen felt that if he wanted to cultivate a professional undead hero in his God's Domain, the undead used too many good things.

Adding all these things together, it is completely possible to forcibly pile up a good apprentice of a war lord.

Which war lord's apprentice changes careers now, and he can immediately gain the strength not inferior to that of a five-star mentor apprentice.

The single natural disaster hero was wiped out, and Li Qing paid attention to the current confrontation status of the two big teams. They have had more than one battle in the past few months, with wins and losses, but neither of them has a decisive victory.

Both sides are very cautious, did not dare to fully invest, just constantly testing the bottom line of both sides' strength, looking for opportunities.

It is worth mentioning that Li Qing helped them a lot by killing all the wandering natural disaster heroes on the surface of the plane, which meant that the two natural disaster lords' troops would not have new support.

It also means that if the two battlefields are decided and the human side wins, this experience may end early.

After all, the lords of natural disasters are all dead, and it is meaningless for the wind of natural disasters to surround them again.

The underground world, the former site of the mage city-state.

After they excavated day and night, a large number of fallen boulders were broken, hollowed out, and moved away, and the entire underground space became empty again.

At this time, they have dug out nearly half of the entire underground space, and have dug up the wreckage of several mage towers. They have dug up more than 300 kilograms of pure gold, hundreds of kilograms of mithril, a large number of magic gems, and other precious magic materials. .

A steel golem needs ten kilograms of pure gold and more than three kilograms of mithril, which means that only the current digging is enough to make thirty steel golems.

Naturally, there is no need to keep it, and it will be manufactured on-site while digging.

Most of the processes are made on-site outside, and only the most core and complex processes will use the palm space.

Since awakening to grasp the original power of space, Li Qing found that his grasp of space has undergone a qualitative change.

The magic circle itself is the embodiment of mastering the sense of space. How to orderly distribute the ultra-complex magic runes within a square inch is a test of the painter's sense of space.

When Li Qing's sense of space reached the peak in an instant, coupled with his own super talent in soul and spiritual power, combined with multiple aspects, he instantly changed from a fake genius to a real genius now.

But no matter how genius you are, it’s still not as cool as opening and hanging directly, so although you can make these yourself now, most of the time you still use the palm space to quickly make them.

Only when I have spare time, I will try to make it slowly by myself.

Whether it's a golem, a war spell, or a magic pattern structure, they all try to make it themselves.

While practicing, continue digging.

About half a month later, they dug near the original core mage tower, and found a lot of precious magic materials and some lost materials in the ruins.

Although he had obtained the most precious inheritance materials in the form of trophies, there were still a large number of magic books in it.

Including various subject books, various magic materials, experience notes of various senior mages, etc.

Although many books were destroyed by the collapse of the ground, many books were preserved.

This is good stuff.

If such information is complete enough and enough, he can set up a college in his domain to teach all kinds of magic knowledge and train his own mages.

It's nothing more than an indigenous mage, it's too difficult to train, but he has a lot of dragon veins and snakes in his hands.

These dragon-veined snakes themselves are either fifth-level or sixth-level, and they have sufficient foundations. He doesn't expect all of these dragon-veined snakes to become real archmages, but only needs to teach them some additional functional spells besides bloodline spells.

Such as mage armor, grease, spider web, flash, teleportation, flight, various control spells, BUFF gain spells and so on.

Combined with their many violent talent spells, their combat effectiveness can definitely soar a lot.

Not to mention that when he unfolds the halo, his subordinates will automatically have spells such as flash teleportation. The range of his halo is so large that it is impossible to cover a large battlefield. He has to move at any time during the melee, and it is impossible to stay in one place for a long time as a buff tool.

They still have to rely on themselves, and what they know can be used at any time.

After the main part of the entire mage city-state has been excavated, the rest will not be dug. Anyway, it is all open space and there are no resources.

However, it is worth mentioning that he hollowed out this area that is nearly seven or eight kilometers long, four or five kilometers wide, and about four kilometers high. The billion-ton rocks are not all stones, but a lot of other minerals Elements, including a large amount of iron ore, were all decomposed into blocks by him in batches and stored.

He now has no shortage of stones in his God's Domain, and he won't be short of stones for a long time.

Even if he is promoted to an official war lord in the future, the domain of the gods will expand dozens of times, and there will be no shortage. This time, he has done too much.

A small part is piled up on one side of the God's Domain, and most of them are stored on the third floor of the God's Domain Ranch.

It will not be used for the time being, but when he returns to the academy after this experience, he will take most of the sacrifices that can be sacrificed to the favor of the tree of eternity.

Then this time, he killed a lot of heroes, and now the total number of kills is 23, and he can get a full 46 points of the tree of eternity.

At that time, even if it is not enough to be promoted to an official war lord, it will be enough for him to greatly expand the area of ​​​​the God's Domain, increase the population limit, a large number of hero slots, and a large number of God's Domain building slots to increase his background.

It is worth mentioning that these increased foundations will determine the area and population limit of the god's domain after being promoted to an official war lord in the future.

Because after being promoted to a warlord, the area of ​​God's Domain, the upper population limit, hero slots, and the slots of God's Domain buildings will all be multiplied on the current basis.

The specific multiple is evaluated according to the comprehensive potential when promoted to the official war lord.

Because apprentices are promoted to official war lords, the Eternal Tree will have a comprehensive potential score, which is personal potential, hero potential, unit potential, and special potential. The higher the score, the more bonuses will be gained after promotion.

The minimum bonus is 100%, and the maximum has no upper limit.

Theoretically, it can be multiplied tenfold.

Although I have never heard of anyone whose potential can be doubled by ten times, but the theory is true.

Of course, just because he hasn’t heard of it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have it. After all, his knowledge is limited, and those gifts from the real Tianjiao who were promoted to the Tree of Eternity are all secrets, and they will definitely not gossip around.

The size of God's domain, the upper limit of population, the number of hero slots, etc. do not directly determine the potential.

But if the domain of the gods is large enough and the population is larger, this in itself can enhance the potential, which in itself is a manifestation of strong potential.

It is also worth mentioning that the upper limit of the period for an apprentice of a war lord to be promoted to a full-fledged war lord is ten years.

It's not that you can't be promoted after ten years, but after ten years, no matter how good your talent is, no matter how much you have accumulated, no matter how high your potential is, you can only be promoted according to the minimum standard.

In other words, the upper limit of the bonus is fixed at 100%.

Even if you have divine grace to force a promotion, it is still the minimum standard.

Of course, this is no problem for Li Qing, this experience is only three years, even if it is overtime, it will be four years, and there are still six years for him to accumulate.

 Pushing the book: [Restraining the cultivation of immortals, I use forbidden techniques to win longevity]

  Introduction: Immortals and Buddhas are in the twilight of the old days, falling into hell.

  Open the door, Lao Tzu Chu Sheng!

  Link below

(End of this chapter)

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