Chapter 151 Just a question, why do you suddenly have a girlfriend?
After adding friends, Tai Shujing sent him a short message:
"This summer camp will start in four days. At that time, your access to the communication network platform will be temporarily closed. If you want to buy something, you'd better prepare it now."

"In addition, I am in charge of communicating with the organizing committee for this summer camp. If you have any questions or conflicts with any students, please tell me immediately, and don't act recklessly."

"This summer camp is roughly the same as the previous ones. It is divided into four items: individual strength, hero strength, and troop strength, and comprehensive strength. Both of you are very good, and you are expected to achieve good results."

"The summer camp is a stage to show your potential and strength. Not only the major high war academies are observing, but also many true god-level war lords are also observing. Don't hide your armpits. If you have something to show, the better you perform, yes The better you are."

After reading the information, Li Qing rubbed his nose. There were so many doubts in his heart that he had a channel to ask, so he immediately asked:
"Teacher, I have a doubt. You said that the better you perform, the better it is for yourself. How good is it? Top ten, top three, or No.1?"

Uncle Tai laughed lightly and replied:

"The top 50 points on the four lists can get 200 points, which is equivalent to the favor points of the Tower of Aion. The four lists can be taken repeatedly. If you have the ability to be in the top [-] on all four lists, you can get [-] points in one go. point."

"In addition, the top ten of the four lists will get an additional 50 points."

"No.3 gets an extra 100 points in addition to the top [-] and top [-] rewards."

"No.2 gets an extra 200 points in addition to the top [-] and top [-] rewards."

"In addition to the top 1 and top 300 rewards, No.[-] will get an extra [-] points and a divine favor."

"Among them, the top three on the comprehensive list all have an extra divine favor."

"In addition, the top three of any list and the top ten of the comprehensive list have the opportunity to receive personal guidance from a true god-level war lord for at least ten years."

"In addition, the top three in each list and the top ten in the comprehensive list may all receive special additional rewards. This special reward is not guaranteed every year. I don't know what this year's special reward is now."


"The reward is really shocking!"

Tai Shu Jing didn't specify the exact number of names, but judging from the rewards, the higher the ranking, the better.

One point is equivalent to one point of favor from the Tower of Eternity. Even if it is only the top 50 points, there will be 200 points, and if the four add up, there will be [-] points.

In the previous experience, I only got such a high reward when I encountered the wind of the undead, and in the end I didn't accumulate enough [-] points.

But in Li Qing's view, the most valuable thing is the personal guidance of the true god-level war lords who won the top three and the top ten in the comprehensive list. If you meet a true god boss who values ​​​​as an official disciple, you will take off.

With the protection of a big boss, both opportunities and resources are much better than being alone.

If the mentor pays enough attention, he can even walk all the way to the level of legend or even demigod.

"Yes, at least get a quota."

Li Qing made the first decision to come to the summer camp.

This is not difficult for him. The blood of the ancestor ancient dragon can sweep everything in his real body. If he shows all his strength regardless of everything, he will be guaranteed to be in the top three of all lists, and the number one has a great chance.

The reason why I can't guarantee that all of them will take the first place is mainly because of their background.

He earned everything by himself, but most of the contestants in this summer camp were from extraordinary backgrounds. There were many descendants of true gods, and even many direct descendants of gods.

After all, gathering at least one-fifth of the forces of the entire human destiny civilization, such as Gu Qingxin, is definitely a lot of innate holiness.

Don't think that Gu Qingxin's own strength is strong and her subordinates are not good.

That's because she kept a low profile. If she wanted to, she could instantly find several heroes of the legendary level and call in a large number of troops of the extraordinary level.

Apart from other things, is it a problem to transfer hundreds of steel golems from her unknown god father?
no problem!

No problem at all.

It's just whether she wants to do it or not.

In addition, they can easily own the tree of eternity blessing points and magic pattern construction that Li Qing has worked so hard to accumulate.

Don't talk about cheating, it's something that people are born with, and Li Qing can cheat. Is it a problem for them to use the resources they are born with?
Therefore, judging from the importance they attach to this so-called summer camp, they will definitely use their natural resources to improve their strength.

Even Gu Qingxin was no exception. He estimated that when the summer camp started, he would see a brand new Gu Qingxin appear in front of him.

Li Qing was apprehensive about this, but also full of expectations.

He also wants to see how far the strength he has accumulated through his own ability and hard work is different from those who are naturally divine.

Li Qing sent another question to the tutor:
"Teacher Taishu, I remember that there are no restrictions on this summer camp. Can some descendants of true gods who are born holy directly inherit a large number of extraordinary units and legendary heroes from their parents?"

Soon Taishu responded:
"They will definitely inherit a lot of resources from their parents, which they are born with and will not limit, but the organizing committee has considered that after all, the summer camp trains juniors rather than elders, so it is important for them to inherit resources from their parents or family. Access to resources is limited."

"First of all, the additional hero rank and unit level obtained cannot exceed the apprentice's individual rank, and the sum of all resources must not exceed one divine grace, which is 100 billion, regardless of heroes, arms, resources, hero treasures and God's Domain buildings, etc. According to the average market price."


This is not outrageous.

Generally speaking, the apprentices of the same period as Li Qing should be the strongest at the seventh and eighth ranks, and the ninth rank is unlikely, let alone the tenth rank of sanctuary.

It means that even if they inherit heroes with legendary talents from their parents or families, their ranks are only seven or eight ranks, which is not outrageous.

The types of arms also do not exceed the seventh or eighth rank, and the number will not be too outrageous. After all, the upper limit of the total resources is here. If this is strengthened, the resources in other directions will have to be reduced.

Heroes with legendary talents are so expensive. The market price of hero conversion cards that can transform legendary talents is close to 100 billion, and those with powerful inheritance may be more than [-] billion or even tens of billions. This accounts for most of the resources.

But rules are dead, people are alive.

There is indeed an upper limit to the additional resources obtained, but there is no upper limit to the resources obtained by oneself.

They have a lot of ways to bypass the rules and send extra resources to their descendants, arrange a mission with super rich rewards during the experience, or dig up a super treasure, is this reasonable?
You can't wave, first find out the situation before you talk.

After disconnecting from Grand Uncle Jing, Li Qing opened Gu Qingxin's communication, thought for a while, and decided to cut straight to the point, and sent a communication:

"Miss Gu, I would like to take the liberty to ask you. I don't know if it is convenient for you to disclose how much extra subsidies you received from your uncle and aunt during this summer camp trip."

After finishing speaking, he immediately added:
"Don't get me wrong, I just want to speculate on the strength of other players."

When Gu Qingxin received Li Qing's message, Li Qing's appearance immediately appeared in Gu Qingxin's mind, and she immediately recalled the good smell on him when she saw Li Qing last time, it was the best smell among her peers she had ever seen, so she nodded road:

"If you want to know your current level, come to me and let you see my current God's Domain."

Li Qing nodded quickly:

"Excuse me, by the way, where do you live?"

"Building No. [-], Floating Island No. [-]!"

"I'll come over now."

Li Qing is now living on Platform No. [-], which is quite a large platform with a large community on it, not even a floating island.

The size and price of the floating islands are sorted by numbers. The No. [-] floating island is the largest, with the most luxurious decoration on it. Any building with a garden covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. Before Building No.

At the door stood a middle-aged waiter standing straight in an exquisite dress. When he saw Li Qing, he saluted with a smile on his face. The etiquette was impeccable, and he said in a magnetic voice:

"Is it Mr. Li Qing? Miss is already waiting in the study, please follow me."

Li Qing nodded:

"It's troublesome."


The waiter walked in front, his every move was impeccable, he looked like a waiter who was born in a great aristocrat and had undergone strict training.

The waiter led him through the garden. Before arriving at the manor, there was an old butler wearing a dark uniform with an unknown blue flower on his chest, and several maids.

The waiter led him to the old butler, bowed and saluted:
"My lady's guests have arrived!"

After speaking, he stepped aside and stopped talking.

The old butler nodded, faced Li Qing with a smile on his face, and said softly:
"Your Excellency Li Qing, please follow me."

After speaking, he saluted with empty hands, turned around and entered the manor.

Li Qing quickly returned a salute, looking at the figure of the old housekeeper, the corners of his mouth twitched.

From the super soul perception of the ancestor Gu Long, he felt an extremely terrifying coercion from this old housekeeper. This old man who looks like an ordinary housekeeper is definitely an extraordinary powerhouse.

It's not just legends, ordinary legends can't give him such terrifying pressure.

Just a housekeeper is a powerhouse above demigod, which can only be said to be more powerful.

Going around the manor a few times, passing through a few buildings with extremely simple and low-key decoration but absolutely extraordinary, they came to a small three-story building behind the manor.

The old butler led him to the small building and said:
"Miss is inside, please come in!"

Li Qing nodded quickly:


Subconsciously clasped his fists back and saluted, turned around and entered the small building.

The old butler watched Li Qing enter with a smile on his face, and when the figure disappeared, a trace of doubt appeared on his face, and he suddenly said to himself:
"Strange, did the young man see anything?"

A calm voice sounded in his ears:

"It should be obvious."

"This is the first time Miss has invited a boy back."

"The master should know."

"Go and tell the master."

The voice hesitated for a moment:
"Wait a minute and see how long he stays."

"You decide."

Inside the small building, it looks like an ordinary inner hall from the outside, but entering the gate feels like entering another plane through a transparent space membrane.

Moreover, the layout inside is not the hall on the first floor as imagined, but a hall ten times larger than the small building, surrounded by many rooms with signs.

Obviously, the interior of this small building is an independent space.

At a glance, there are two anthropomorphic clay golems standing at the door of each room. The appearance is exquisite and exactly the same as that of a human. Although this kind of golem is made of clay, it is very flexible and is no different from a human being. Like more expensive.

As if sensing his arrival, a crisp voice came from the hall:

"There are guests!"

"There are guests!"

Follow the sound and look carefully, it is a beautiful bird shrouded in a faint clear light, with a long light belt trailing behind it when flying.

At this time, one of the doors was opened, and Gu Qingxin, who was wearing a set of work robes, came out of it, took off the robes, and handed it to a clay golem beside her.

Gu Qingxin walked up to Li Qing, a smile appeared on her delicate pretty face, and said:

"I'm glad you came to see me."

Li Qing
How come it sounds weird to hear this.

He smiled and said:

"You are the most powerful I have ever seen, suitable as a reference."

"You are the only man I have ever met who is stronger than me, and you can be my husband."


Li Qing's eyes widened, and for a moment he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

There was no shyness on Gu Qingxin's face. She walked up to Li Qing, leaned forward with her delicate and flawless pretty face, sniffed lightly with her small nose, nodded and said:

"I love the taste."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but a blush appeared on her flawless pretty face, as if she was drunk.

Then, as if he was really drunk, his delicate little hand pressed lightly on his chest, and he fell down like this.

Li Qing was stunned for a moment as if he had been electrocuted.

Not only have I never seen this operation, but I have never heard of it.

However, it was a strange feeling to feel the soft body of the girl in his arms and to touch it.

It is difficult to explain in words, but it can be explained in metaphysics. At the moment of contact, I feel inexplicably comfortable with her. I feel that she is the partner I am looking for, and I can feel that she has the same feeling as myself.

Love at first sight is nothing more than that.

He obviously just came to ask a question, but suddenly he has a girlfriend. The impermanence of the world is really unpredictable.

Li Qing only hesitated for a second, then decided to follow his own heart, and stretched out his hands to gently embrace her in his arms.

Just a hug, nothing else.

Because Li Qing knew that all he could do at this moment was hug, and he couldn't do anything else he wanted to do.

Whether it is him or her.

He has a strong reaction, if there is any excessive movement, it will touch the seal on her body, which will be discovered by her parents immediately, and then
The consequences are unpredictable.

What's more, it is not suitable to do anything at this time, which will affect their future. If they want to make substantial progress, they must wait until after Li Qing becomes a god, and the day when she can unlock all the seals by herself.

Similarly, if they want to formally combine and get married, both parties must be promoted to true gods.

PS: It’s the end of the month, and if you have a monthly pass, hurry up and vote, it will become invalid after the expiration date.

(End of this chapter)

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