Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 169 Surprised Mithril Vein Discovery

Chapter 169 Surprised Mithril Vein Discovery
The so-called totem is also a kind of god, the most primitive god.

Generally speaking, in the most ignorant stage of the plane, when the intelligent species is just born, the initial belief totem is produced.

Because at that time, they didn't know what faith was or what true gods were. The powerful beings who were enshrined all accepted the faith ignorantly, obtained divinity, then obtained the priesthood, and finally became gods in a daze.

The original belief was worship belief, or ancestor belief, so these totems were either tribal ancestor heroes, or powerful monsters enshrined. Affected by the power of belief, most of the priesthoods they were born were guardians of a certain tribe.

In this situation, in the age of the gods, most of them are regional patron saints.

In the age of ignorance, it is the first and most primitive totem god.

The totem gods are far inferior to the real gods. They don't know magic arts, and they don't have the protection of the kingdom of God.

With good preparation, a high-level demigod from the destiny civilization of mankind can confront a totem god head-on.

Of course, only the weak totem gods.

There should be no totem gods in this plane. After all, when Chun Yu'an descended two or three hundred years ago, he had already killed several demigods in this primitive wild plane.

But it's hard to say about demigods, after all, it's been hundreds of years.

The dinosaurs in this plane have evolved wisdom and become a new intelligent species. It is not impossible to enshrine a new demigod in hundreds of years.

It is not even impossible for new ferocious beasts and demigods to be born in these hundreds of years.

"I'm so envious!"

This primitive and wild plane is really suitable for Li Qing to herd her beliefs.

It is very suitable for space dragons and space dragons to live.

Throwing them into this plane, waiting for hundreds or thousands of years, you can harvest thousands of space dragons and millions of space dragon descendants, which is really not too cool.

Li Qing sighed enviously again, shook his head, full of regret.

Wait for his subordinates to kill all the dinosaurs in the tribe, including the old and weak, and finally condense a loot box.

Li Qing squeezed his chin and prayed routinely:

"Somewhere, if possible, I need more hero skill points."

Then decisively opened the treasure chest, and three cards appeared in front of him.

"It's so concentrated."

Li Qing felt that with the passage of time, or as he became stronger, this designated lottery ability seemed to become more and more accurate.

It's difficult for others to tell about a Dinosaur Civilization Luck Card, but Li Qing would usually issue one for eliminating alien races.

A source quality card, containing 6 points of source quality, will basically come out when destroying alien tribes.

A hero skill point card pack contains 16 hero skill points, all of which are ordinary hero skill points.

The strength of this dinosaur tribe is definitely stronger than that of the snake town during the experience, but the rewards are not as much as imagined.

The reason is very simple, because now it is not a newcomer experience, there is no preferential treatment for newcomers, now it is a normal loot, the same as those senior war lords.

Li Qing doesn't need the hero skill points now, and gave them all to Xie Heng, who was transformed into a high-level space dragon before, so that he can fill up the three talents.

Let him order a few extra hero skills to increase his strength.

The more the better, there are still several subordinates waiting in line.

In the future, if you want to be promoted to an official warlord and have more heroes, you need to transform into a high-level space dragon. Each of them needs a lot of hero skill points to fill up your talents.

After the war to clean up the tribe, the only thing of value is the totem pole of faith.

This thing can be transformed into a statue of faith and collect faith.

He used to have one, now he has two.

Go back quickly, directly open a space gate and send the large army back.

It was not used before, the main reason is to let the troops try primitive jungle warfare.

After resting for two days, on the third day Li Qing asked An Erqiu to call in a striker and set off first to open the way.

Again, let the heroes try primitive jungle warfare.

After all, there are thousands of planes, maybe the plane that needs to be conquered next time is a primitive plane, so accumulate experience now, so that you won't be confused when encountering it in the future.

But use it if it is convenient, so when you retreat and return, you can use the space gate to teleport home.

It was already eight days after An Erqiu sent the news that they had arrived, and they had artificially dug a road more than 50 meters wide in the primitive jungle, extending to the vicinity of the dinosaur tribe [-] kilometers away.

The following was just like the replica of the last battle, the dinosaurs gathered immediately after finding them, and then charged in a swarm.

This time they were not polite. The steel golem and the heavy infantry united to form a two-kilometer-wide front. After more than 400 dragon vein snakes and more than 400 space dragon descendants lined up behind the front, various spells aimed at the front and bombarded them indiscriminately. Let the dinosaurs who have lived in the wild for a long time experience the ultimate warmth.

The rain of fireballs rained down, and soon the jungle began to burn and spread rapidly to all directions.

Li Qing was not worried about whether it would trigger a fire that would sweep the entire plane.

In such a huge wild world, there are weed jungles one or two meters high everywhere, and the dry leaves and weeds dry up in summer.

Thunder and lightning trigger flames, and fire-breathing monsters can cause big fires. The jungle must have a way to extinguish the flames. Otherwise, according to the density of weeds in the jungle, once the fire breaks out, the entire plane will be burned.

As he expected, when the fire spread to a certain extent, the fire did not become more and more intense, but gradually became smaller, as if there was corruption in the air.

There are nearly ten thousand dinosaurs in this tribe of dinosaurs, but the ending is the same as that of the last tribe of dinosaurs, they are piled up frontally by the elite troops.

When the death reached a certain point, the worship totem hidden in the tribe couldn't bear it anymore.

A huge shadow flew out from the back of the mountain. It was an Aeolus pterosaur with a wingspan of more than 160 meters. With its huge wings beating, sharp wind blades swept across the sky.

The Fengshen pterosaur opened its mouth and let out a long roar, and the airflow from the ground converged and quickly condensed into four super-large tornado columns with a diameter of more than 20 meters and a height of [-] meters.

As the Fengshen pterosaur roared continuously, each tornado column was formed.

The swirling airflow in the tornado column is like a blade, and the trees that are drawn in are easily cut into small pieces and thrown out.

A large number of dinosaurs were accidentally involved, and were quickly turned into pieces of meat and thrown out.

The steel golem quickly stood on the ground, and the dragonscale hoplites in heavy plate armor grabbed the steel golem beside them one after another, but many of them were rolled up and down and couldn't control their figures, and the wind blades cut sparks everywhere.

Fortunately, the dragon-scale plate armor is hard and heavy enough, and the plate armor weighs more than 300 kilograms, so the tornado column cannot be rolled up.

Seeing that the tornado column crossed the front line of defense and approached the mage troops behind, An Erqiu immediately looked at Long Shou and Long Fa, and said loudly:
"Go and destroy the wind pillar!"

The two immediately flew into the air, transformed quickly in mid-air, and turned into two giant dragons with a wingspan of more than 50 meters, rushing into the two tornadoes respectively.

The tornado column itself is only 20 meters in diameter. After the giant dragon rushed in, it was cut off at the middle, lost control immediately, and collapsed very quickly.

A total of four tornado columns were destroyed by two giant dragons in less than 20 seconds.

At the same time, under the leadership of Xie Zhu, 24 space dragons rushed towards the Fengshen pterosaur in the air, entering a state of siege.

Fengshen pterosaur controls the power of the wind, and is very fast and flexible.

But the space dragon is also flexible, and also has space talent spells.

The Fengshen pterosaur immediately opened its mouth and howled, and the invisible wind converged on a space dragon to restrain it, and then slashed at it with an incomparably sharp giant half-moon-shaped wind blade.

Space fluctuations on the dragon flashed, and the flash failed.

The giant wind blade slashed at the target, only to hear a shrill howl of pain, and the blood shot out. There was a huge wound on the space dragon that cut into nearly one-third of its body.


"Space confinement!"

Xie Zhu looked up to the sky and chanted, and many space dragons cast space confinement one after another.

The 24 space dragons were released continuously, even though the Fengshen pterosaur was extremely resistant, it was still affected by this continuous release.

At the moment of being imprisoned, even if it lasted less than a second and regained freedom, at this moment, half of the space dragon seized the opportunity to pounce on it, and its sharp dragon claws grabbed the Fengshen pterosaur's wings and dunked it hard.

Then, the Fengshen pterosaur roared up to the sky, the blue light all over his body soared, and countless sharp wind blades burst out, turning into a huge ball of wind blades within a few hundred meters around him.

Ten seconds later, the blue wind blade ball fell out of control, and the wind blade slowly dissipated, revealing a scene where a group of scarred dragons were tearing apart a huge Fengshen pterosaur.

Soon a group of giant dragons carried an injured space dragon back. Li Qing immobilized his body with divine power to stop the bleeding, and then took out a large amount of pure flesh and blood essence crystals to replenish his physical strength and recover from the injury.

Fortunately, it didn't cut open, and it didn't cut into vital parts like the heart. With the strong vitality of the Dragon Clan, it wouldn't kill it on the spot.

Seeing that his subordinates were safe, Xie Zhu walked up to Li Qing and knelt down on one knee:
"Boss, blame me, I was careless."

Li Qing nodded:

"You are careless. You think that if you have a large number of people, you will win. This is a lesson. I hope you can learn from it. I don't want to see this happen again."

Xie Zhu bowed his head seriously:

"It will never happen a second time."

"Well, get up."

Li Qing didn't punish Xie Zhu, because he would occasionally commit such emotions himself.

The first time he makes a mistake, he will basically give it another chance.

In addition, he is already a high-ranking dragon descendant personally enlightened by himself, the first generation of high-ranking space dragons, as long as he does not betray himself, there cannot be multiple punishments for this kind of thing.

Once the enshrined totem pterosaur died, the subsequent battle situation was basically stable.

Just two hours before the end of the battle, when Li Qing was about to leave, he suddenly received a message from An Erqiu's subordinates. He stopped in surprise and came to this dinosaur tribe.

To be precise, it was behind the tribe, at the foot of the mountain that worshiped the Fengshen pterosaur.

Li Qing took a stone from An Erqiu, pressed his fingers hard, and the stone shattered, revealing many tiny silver spots inside.

I rubbed my fingers lightly and blew, and the stone powder flew, revealing a few silver dots. When I pinched it hard, the silver dots turned into silver cakes.

"This is."

Li Qing was a little uncertain.

Trying to infuse mana, feeling the silver smooth magic channeling performance, a hint of surprise appeared on his face:
"It's really Mithril!"

"Is there a mithril mine under here?"

All the subordinates also looked at Li Qing with surprise on their faces:

"Boss, we are going to post this time."

Li Qing put away the silver in his hand, clapped his hands and raised his head to look at the mountain which is probably 8000-[-] meters high, nodded and said:

"It's about to be sent."

"Clean up this dinosaur tribe first, open a door and move the temporary base over."

Now that the Mithril mine was discovered, the main base naturally had to be built here.

Mithril is a good thing. All magical creations can be used, and it is the most consumed magic material, not one of them.

Whether it is building a mage tower, a floating city, or various high-level golem puppets, Mithril is needed.

Why hasn't Li Qing started to build the mage tower until now, because there is a lack of mithril.

Now that he found a Mithril mine, it really solved his urgent need.

After confirming the main base, Li Qing started preparations. The first step was to determine the location of the Mithril Mine, send his men to circle around the foot of the mountain, and dig east and right above the mountainside to see the distribution of the open air.

It took only two days to determine two open-air locations, located on the side of the dinosaur tribe and outside the tribe on the right.

The dinosaurs knew that it was a kind of ore, but mithril was not hard, and if it couldn't be used as a weapon, it was waste to the dinosaurs, and they didn't dig it specially.

Li Qing thought for a while, then called the lava crystal dragon, and began digging the foundation of the city wall around the mountain peak.

Melt the ground with high temperature, and then dig out a foundation with a width of 15 meters and a depth of five meters.

Because after melting at high temperature, the lava cools down and turns into hard rock. At that time, a large area around the city wall will harden into hard stone, which can effectively prevent digging.

Then, using the ability of the space in the palm, very skilled hands rubbed out sections of composite stone city walls 20 meters wide and high, and 200 meters long.

There is a 15-meter-wide and 20-meter-deep foundation groove under the lower floor, which fits into the foundation. The second section of the [-]-meter-wide and high city wall is built on it, and the joints are embedded in the concave and convex parts, and the [-]-centimeters are roughed. The fine gold steel bars are nailed into the reserved holes to clamp the upper and lower layers.

In less than a week, a huge city with a length and width of about two kilometers was built around half a mountain peak.

Then he sent his subordinate Dragon Clan to the unencircled area on the other side of the mountain, and used dragon claws to plan out the slopes at the edge of the mountain, forcibly digging out a cliff with a height of more than [-] meters, so as to prevent the enemy from climbing up the mountain from the other side and making a detour. into the city.

In addition, after the city is built, the giant dragons will live on this mountain, dedicated to driving away other large beasts.

As soon as the city wall was completed, Li Qing built two mining farms at the foot of the mountain before the construction of the buildings in the city started, and he called in a large number of peasants to start mining mithril.

Then, slowly plan the city, build stone houses, city hall and so on.

There is no need to go anywhere in the future, just dig the mithril mine here, and try to dig out the mithril mine within two years. If you are lucky, you may be able to get all the mithril needed to build the floating city.

(End of this chapter)

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