Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 173 The Wild Hope of Seizing the Primitive Savage Plane

Chapter 173 The Wild Hope of Seizing the Primitive Savage Plane

Now that there is no owner for this plane, and it can be contested, then there is no need to think about whether it can be supported or not, and it will be built first.

I can't afford to feed myself, the plane is so big, there are all kinds of beasts everywhere, there is no problem of not being full and hungry.

Half an hour later, Li Qing walked out of God's Domain, along with 24 newly transformed space dragons.

An Erqiu and other subordinates were a little surprised:
"Boss, didn't you say you couldn't afford it? Why did you transform so much?"

Li Qing waved his hand:

"Whether we can afford it or not will be discussed later. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Let's kill these dinosaurs first."

"I will let 48 children cooperate with you. Is it okay to take down these dinosaurs?"

An Erqiu clenched his fist and slammed it on his chest, with a serious expression, and said loudly:
"Give me a day to completely defeat them!"

Li Qing nodded:

"give it to you."

An Erqiu nodded vigorously, turned around and communicated with the newborn space dragons to join another group of space dragons.

Although they are newly promoted, the two groups of space dragons were transformed from space dragon descendants before, so they are no strangers.

An Erqiu commanded the battle, while Li Qing returned to the castle, opened the panel, and accepted Wan Ziqing's invitation.

Before Gu Qiangu sent him a message, he received it, but he didn't have time to read it at that time, and now he has time to spare.

Entering a group communication channel, there was already a heated chat at this time, he went in just in time to see Murong Shifang talking:

"I have already contacted the family, and the Father God supports me to be promoted to the official war lord in this plane."

At this time, another son of destiny named Zhou Shenming said:

"If nothing else, everyone has received advice from their father or mentor, which means that a dozen of us will stay and be promoted to official war lords on this plane."

"This also means that we are all competitors. In the past, everyone used to rely on their own means, but this time there is a spirit sucker in the plane, the war lord of the Mandate of Heaven Empire. Naturally, we can't start a civil war first."

"I have a proposal. Let's talk about which plane we want to conquer first, and then we can temporarily unite to kill or drive out the warlords of the illithid monsters first, and then go to civil war to compete. How about ?”

After waiting for a while, someone replied:

"The idea is good, I agree, the plane I am going to conquer is the No. [-] colonial plane."

Another Son of Destiny named Wang Jidong also nodded and said:

"I also agree. I am planning to conquer the No. [-] colonial plane. The two of us can cooperate first."

Wan Ziqing also immediately said:

"I'm different from you, my strategy target is the main plane."

At this time, he asked the group:
"Boss Duan, Miss Gu, what do you think?"

After a few seconds, Duan Zekun replied:
"My target is also the main plane."

There was no sound for a while, and someone immediately asked:
"Miss Gu, what about you?"

At this moment, Gu Qingxin was talking to Li Qing, when she saw the reminder, she replied briefly:
"I am not participating in this contest."

Everyone was surprised, some were relieved, and some asked:
"At this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, isn't Ms. Gu interested?"

"Not interested in!"

Not to mention what everyone was thinking, she didn't pay attention to this at all, but was talking to Li Qing:

"We may not be able to see each other for a long time in the future. You have to be careful and hope to see you next time. You have become a demigod."

At this moment, Li Qing was still in shock and couldn't extricate himself. The news that his girlfriend revealed to him just now was too shocking.

The reason why she didn't stay was not that she didn't want to, but that she couldn't.

From the beginning, after the second month of Advent, a super lucky contestant left the main plane and was going to wander around in this plane group. He went through several planes, and the last stop was Fire element.

After staying on the elemental plane of fire for two months, when he was about to cross between the main plane and the plane of ashes and earth, and go to the elemental plane of water in the other direction of the plane group, an accident was involved in a hidden space , where a treasure left by an ancient god was discovered.

Open the treasure carefully and get the legendary treasure of the ancient god.

But the ancient god's relic is too powerful, and his strength is not strong enough. He is not even an official war lord.

We all know what happened next, when he fled back to Chunyu'an's main base and prepared to use the base's teleportation array to return to the Tree of Eternity.

But before he left, a powerful divine power from the Illithid Empire of Destiny came down with the power of the Eternal Brain Pool, and smashed the main base, including the digital true god companies above, into powder with one blow, including the unlucky His Highness Fu Yu'an.

But this blow also touched the Tree of Eternity. The same powerful divine power descended and intercepted it before the Eternal Brain Pool took away the ancient god's relic. The two powerful divine powers used the eternal power to fight at the edge of the plane group.

On the human side, it was Gu Qingxin's godfather, the Lord of Huiyao, who made the move.

The Lord Huiyao, who cared about his daughter, left a powerful divine power and a trace of will on her body, which can not only protect her, but also use it to locate and descend quickly at critical times.

It was discovered by him immediately when the main base collapsed and the teleportation fluctuated. He was paying attention at this time, so he was assigned by the will of the eternal tree to descend.

The situation at this time is that both sides are at a stalemate, and no one can do anything to the other.

At this time, Gu Qingxin was no longer on the main plane, but on the edge of the plane. At this time, she was in a sealed state.

It was sealed by her father himself so that she could safely fuse the relics of the ancient gods.

Yes, the ancient god relic is in her hands at this time.

In addition to smashing the main base, the strike of the illithid Destiny Civilization also killed the lucky person who got the relic of the ancient god.

This thing has not recognized its owner yet, and it has its own repulsion, so it is not easy to teleport away for a while.

So the Lord of Huiyao simply gave this thing to his daughter and asked her to forcibly fuse it.

Well, Li Qing admitted that he was a little sour.

She didn't do anything, the treasures that people got with their lives, the treasures that were obtained by sacrificing several true gods and a large number of demigods and legendary powerhouses, just fell into her hands.

But there is no way, this is fate, who knows that someone has a good background and has such a powerful father.

This also proves that Li Qing is indeed not the protagonist in the legend.

The relics of the ancient gods, which had been lost for tens of thousands of years, appeared in the world, and he did not participate from the beginning to the end.

I'm a hooker!

No matter what the relic of the ancient god is, it is not as good as capturing this primitive wild plane for him.

At this time, Li Qing found someone in Aite himself, and after looking at the group, it was Wan Ziqing who was asking about his plan.

He thought for a while and replied:
"My goal does not conflict with everyone. What I am going to attack is the primitive and wild plane."

On the distant main plane, in a temporary camp on the border of the Star Empire, Murong Shifang stopped what he was doing immediately after seeing this message, squinted his eyes slightly, and sent a message to an acquaintance.

At this time, someone in the group chat asked:

"As far as I know, this plane doesn't seem to be able to immigrate or grow common food. It's just a resource plane."

Li Qing just glanced at it and didn't answer, but someone answered for him:

"This plane is indeed not suitable for human immigration, but it is rich in resources, and I heard that the latest pioneering team found dinosaur natives in it. If you can find a way to conquer it, you may be able to obtain a powerful species as your family in the future. "


Murong Shifang looked at it and sneered in his heart.

He has seen images of dinosaurs in the primitive barren plane, and they have indeed evolved rudimentary intelligence, but not very high.

The body is very strong, not inferior to the orcs, but the brain capacity is very low, which not only means that the power of faith produced is very low, but also means that the potential is limited, and it can only be used as cannon fodder.

Low brain capacity means that the upper limit of IQ is extremely low. There is no need to count on legal professions, and even combat professions are difficult to be competent. This kind of pure cannon fodder is of very low value.

The Sons of Destiny in the group certainly knew this, so apart from someone mentioning him at the beginning, no one mentioned him later.

He was not familiar with it, and he gave up the main plane of the strategy and the other two small planes that had been developed. In their eyes, Li Qing was giving up this opportunity voluntarily, and naturally they would not pay attention to him anymore.

except someone.

Of course, Li Qing wouldn't push forward, talked to his girlfriend for a while, and then shut down the communication.

When he came back to his senses, An Erqiu had gathered his troops in the square at the north gate of the city, and 48 space dragons were hovering in the air, about to open the gate and take the initiative to fight out.

After all the steel golems gathered, the city gate slowly opened.

The heavy sound of the door opening immediately alarmed the dinosaurs outside the city, and they were taken aback when they saw the city gate open automatically.

Steel golems weighing hundreds of tons walked out of the city gate with heavy steps and fanned out.

The dinosaur man quickly realized that although he didn't have much brains and didn't know why the enemy came out of the giant city on his own initiative, he knew to take the opportunity to launch an attack.

A large number of Dinosaurs came rushing forward with shouts and chaos, and the pterosaurs in the sky were also infected by this, and charged 48 space dragons above the city.

More than a dozen huge Fengshen pterosaurs wrapped in the blue wind also flew from behind, flapping their wings continuously, gusts of wind composed of countless wind blades rushed towards the space dragon.

Dragon Shou Long Fa immediately turned into a dragon and jumped into the air to pounce on Fengshen pterosaur. An Erqiu and several other heroes took out spell scrolls one after another and began to cast war magic.

They are all war magic scrolls made by his previous upgrade practice, either magic lightning or attack acceleration.

A series of lightning bolts thicker than a human fell from the sky, and the lightning column quickly dispersed into countless small lightning beams in mid-air, hitting all dinosaurs within 150 meters by 150 meters, as high as 22500 square meters.

A series of four bolts of lightning struck, instantly over 2000 dinosaurs were killed on the spot.

The terrifying power of lightning made many dinosaurs fear, but with the melodious sound of horns coming from the rear of the dinosaur army, the fear was dispelled and morale gradually rose.

[-] to [-] dinosaurs flocked to the north gate of the city without any rules. From a high altitude, the dense sea of ​​people rushed to the shore like a tide.

The group of pterosaurs in the air also rushed towards the group of space dragons led by more than a dozen Fengshen pterosaurs, and the two sides quickly fought into a group in the sky north of the city.

Their battlefield is not very far from the city wall, archers and space dragon descendants can stand on the city wall, pouring arrows and spells condescendingly.

In a lush jungle more than 3000 meters away from the battlefield, a dozen Velociraptors who looked somewhat different from the same kind were hiding under the jungle, observing the battlefield through some kind of magic.

One of the velociraptors with a circle of tiny tentacles behind his head observed the battlefield carefully, and said in a low voice:
"This human war lord is very strong, and these dinosaurs can't do anything to them."

Another velociraptor with similar appearance also nodded and said:
"It's stronger than we expected. If we don't interfere, even if the dinosaur-human coalition army is wiped out, it won't be able to kill much of the human warlord's vitality. This is inconsistent with the master's plan."

"However, our infiltration plan has not been completely successful. Now the highest-ranking person can only command less than 2000 people, and there is only one infiltrator at the top, which is not enough to influence the grand strategy."

The scene became a little quieter, and a Velociraptor said:
"Perhaps we can ask the Master for instructions and change our strategy. We will take the initiative to attack."

"I think so too. Anyway, our original plan is to sit back and catch the fisherman after the war. We still have to fight in the end. Why don't we take the initiative to attack now and use the dinosaurs to fight now, which can share part of our pressure."

"The plan is feasible, I will apply to the Master!"

After 3 minute, the voice sounded again:
"The Master has passed our proposal and is now urging the Death Star to come over."

"How long?"

"About two hours."

"Well, contact the same race in the dinosaur coalition army, as well as the middle and lower levels of our mind-controlled dinosaurs, and try to hold on for as long as possible."

Their ideas and plans are very good, but there is a key premise that the dinosaurs can persist for such a long time.

If you fight normally step by step, even if the dinosaurs can't beat them, they can still last for two hours.

But Li Qing and the others knew that the expedition of the dinosaurs was guided by the war lord of the spirit sucker, how could they give them such a long time.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for the two sides to engage in an all-out battle, and Li Qing personally made a move, transforming into the ancient ancestor dragon and entering the battlefield.

The ancient dragon with a wingspan of over 260 meters brought too much oppression to all things. The might of the dragon swept across the battlefield. I don't know how many dinosaurs fled in fear because of the might of the dragon.

On the battlefield, many dinosaurs controlled by spirit suckers, or dinosaurs whose minds have been robbed by spirit suckers, are frightened by Longwei, and many dinosaurs controlled by spiritual power even appear to be unsteady and lucid.

"This is???"

Many velociraptor form spirit suckers watching the battle from a distance were shocked when they saw Li Qing appearing.

"What kind of dragon is this? Why is it so big?"

"I've never seen a giant dragon in this form. It doesn't even look like a legend. How could it be so big?"

"I have seen quite a few high-ranking dragons, and there are also two legendary-level high-ranking dragons, and I have never seen such a huge body."

Just as they were in shock, the ancient ancestor dragon had rushed into the battlefield, opened its mouth and sprayed out a flame of dragon breath, just like the collapse of the Milky Way, immeasurable flames descended from the sky, quickly engulfing everything within a radius of several hundred meters.

Regardless of Deinonychus or Velociraptor, even Tyrannosaurus with thick skin, thick flesh and tenacious vitality were quickly burned into coke in the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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