Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 180 Tyrannosaurus Demigod

Chapter 180 Tyrannosaurus Demigod
At the gate of the fortress, there were dozens of tall Tyrannosaurus illithids with many tentacles on their bodies.

This is the transformation of the spirit sucking monster occupying the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex, inheriting the powerful physique of the Tyrannosaurus plus the wisdom and spiritual power of the spirit sucking monster, it is very powerful.

The elite velociraptor and the steel golem have not moved, and every time the gathered cannon fodder gathers a certain amount, they will run in the other direction under the leadership of a humanoid illithid hero.

Li Qing was quite curious, so he jumped into the air and circled around the spiritual fortress, and saw a huge dinosaur city-state about [-] to [-] kilometers away from the meat mountain, and a steady stream of monsters were attacking this dinosaur. city-state.

This city-state is larger than the city-state of dinosaurs near Li Qing, but not many, and its main force has not been killed. Kill in a ball.

The main force of the illithids is all kinds of messy cannon fodder, but there are also a small number of serious illithid heroes mixed in.

The controlled velociraptors have been equipped with armor and steel claws, and their combat effectiveness is far stronger than the velociraptors of the dinosaur tribe.

More than a dozen Tyrannosaurus illithids were wearing four to five centimeter thick steel plate armor, rampaging like a tank, and their mutated claws rolled up two giant swords nearly ten meters long like tentacles, completely unstoppable .

The Tyrannosaurus of the Dinosaur tribe had no power to fight back against their mutated counterparts. They were suppressed head-on and retreated steadily.

Li Qing carefully inspected the combat effectiveness of the velociraptors and tyrannosaurs armed with illithids, with a serious expression on his face.

The Tyrannosaurus is equipped with thick full-body plate armor, and its combat power is already stronger than that of the Iron Golem. After all, the defense of the Tyrannosaurus is not inferior to that of the Steel Golem. It is also taller and more flexible. It is absolutely useful on the battlefield. Stronger than Iron Golems.

If in the future they face hundreds of thousands of mutated tyrannosaurs on the battlefield, how should they face it?

In addition to gathering a large number of space dragon descendants to set fire, the only way is to ask the space dragon to make a move.

Neither the Iron Golem nor the Constructed Knight can stop it. The transformed Tyrannosaurus is too ferocious, and the power impact brought about by its large size is too strong, and ordinary Constructed Knights can't stop it.

Only less than twenty tyrannosaurs were dispatched, and no one could stop them, but there were dozens of tyrannosaurs in the spiritual fortress who did not make a move.

"No, this is a huge threat and must be resolved in advance."

Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to Zhuo Shaohang beside him:
"Your perception is higher than mine. Did you feel threatened by that spiritual fortress just now?"

Zhuo Shaohang shook his head and said:

"I can sense the existence of the spiritual fortress, but it doesn't mean that my perception can pass through the fortress and perceive it inside."

"Then let's wait for a while to see if there is a chance."

This dinosaur city-state is bigger than the dinosaur city-state over there at the base, and what is enshrined must be a legendary totem. He is going to wait until the dinosaur city-state can't hold on and the totem is shot, and then see if there is a chance.

As time passed, the battle became more and more fierce, and the dinosaur city-state suffered more and more losses.

But what surprised him was that even in such a fierce battle, there was no fluctuation in the breath in the giant pyramid in the center of the city-state.

If he could not clearly sense the powerful aura inside, he would have thought that the totem was not there.

Li Qing was not in a hurry, he just stayed a few kilometers away from the battlefield, hiding his breath in a giant tree hundreds of meters high.

This big tree is several meters in diameter. A hole was dug in the back, and a wooden door cover that was exactly the same as the tree pattern was reassembled. Often small pterosaurs would not be able to find them when they flew by.

Time passed, half a month passed without knowing it.

The two sides don't know how many tens of thousands of troops died. Anyway, some old and weak dinosaurs have appeared in the troops sent by the dinosaur city-state.

It is also the dinosaur city-state that has always maintained the habit of troops. Almost all the people are soldiers. At critical times, women can be pulled into the battlefield. If they are replaced by normal human cities, the defenders will die in sevens and eights, and they will basically collapse.

But by this time, the city-state side basically couldn't hold on.

One day half a month later, Li Qing saw a large number of dinosaurs gathering in front of the pyramid in the center of the city-state to sacrifice blood and pray, and he knew that the totem of the city-state was about to be shot.

The continuous blood sacrifice slaughtered an unknown number of creatures, and the blood pool in front of the pyramid was filled with blood. At a certain moment, the pyramid suddenly shook slightly, and then a low roar that could be felt a little shocked even if it was four or five kilometers away sounded from inside the pyramid.

In the next second, an invisible force swept across, and all the blood in the blood pool flew up out of thin air and turned into a river of blood that flew into the pyramid gate.

After a while, a streak of blood shot out from the tip of the pyramid. Accompanied by a deafening bang and violent vibrations, a golden Tyrannosaurus that was not very tall slowly walked out from the gate of the pyramid.

The height is smaller than expected, even smaller than normal tyrannosaurs, only about six meters, but the whole body is golden yellow, without a trace of variegation, as beautiful as a golden sculpture.

"This Tyrannosaurus Totem."

Li Qing looked back at Zhuo Shaohang, with a solemn expression:
"Should be considered a demigod?"

Zhuo Shaohang nodded:
"In a way, it's actually a demigod."

"Yes, it is indeed a demigod!"

During this period of time, Li Qing deliberately flipped through the information given by Gu Qiangu, and his understanding of the true god is quite advanced. He can tell the situation of the golden tyrannosaurus totem in front of him at a glance.

The three elements of the demigod are the deification of the body, the deification of the soul, and the unity of the soul and the flesh to ignite the divine fire.

There is no priority for the first two elements. It is okay to deify the body first, or to deify the soul first and then deify the body.

Generally speaking, human beings with weak bodies first deify their souls, that is, condense their divinity.

Like dinosaurs, all kinds of beasts coincidentally become demigods, and most of them deify their bodies first according to instinct, so that they can improve their strength more intuitively.

The last element: to ignite the divine fire, you need to meet both the deification of the body and the deification of the soul before it can start.

Of course, this is just a general procedure. In fact, igniting the divine fire is the last step of conferring gods. Once successfully ignited, one will become a true god immediately. This step is very dangerous.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, before igniting the divine fire, the demigods will first condense their priesthood, accumulate enough divine power, fix a stable source of belief, and choose to ignite the divine fire after all preparations are sufficient.

As for the godhead, it is the product of transformation after igniting the divine fire.

If any of the three demigod elements are completed, one can be called a demigod.

It is worth mentioning that if Li Qing's four talents of the gods, wisdom, speed, body, and power, can all be raised to LV6 or above, they can also be called demigods.

Although it is the weakest demigod, barely touching the edge, but it is indeed a demigod.

Li Qing doesn't know how many levels of divine four talents this golden tyrannosaurus has, but even if all of them are only LV6, it is very powerful, after all, the basic physical strength lies here.

The golden tyrannosaurus came out of the pyramid, raised its head and let out a deafening roar, walked with heavy steps across the central avenue of the city-state, and walked towards the battlefield.

A large number of dinosaurs gathered on both sides of the avenue and knelt down to pray to the Golden Tyrannosaurus. From Li Qing's perspective, he could see the continuous power of faith pouring into the Golden Tyrannosaurus.

The speed of the golden tyrannosaurus seems to be not fast, but in fact it is very fast, and soon passed through the city-state to the edge of the battlefield.

As it roared with its head raised, the battlefield was silent, and then the morale of many dinosaurs skyrocketed, and many dinosaurs controlled by the power of the mind broke free of control at this moment and regained consciousness.

The illithid army, which was already in the upper hand, fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

The illithid hero commanded took advantage of the situation to gather troops, and fought and retreated, but all the people gathered were cannon fodder, and the main elite withdrew early.

The golden tyrannosaurus rushed into the army of illithids with its head held high, piercing through the entire battlefield like a golden streamer in an instant, and blood and flesh flew all over the sky in an instant.

"This speed, this power"

Li Qing made a calculation and felt that he did not have much advantage.

The cannon fodder army of the illithid was completely powerless to fight back, piercing through in an instant.

The Golden Tyrannosaurus, which rushed to the bottom in one breath, raised its right leg, and the infinite gravitational force converged on the right leg. As the right leg was stomped down, an explosive force exploded and spread to more than 500 meters away in an instant.

Everything in it collapsed into the sky under the explosive force.

Li Qing couldn't help swallowing, and looked at Zhuo Shaohang:

"Are all demigods this strong?"

Zhuo Shaohang pondered for a while, then nodded.

With one kick, one-third of the illithid cannon fodder army collapsed into powder. This earth-shattering blow not only stunned Li Qing, but also the heroes of the illithids not far away. It was obvious that they were confused. Yes, even some Tyrannosaurus heroes couldn't help but step back.

At this moment, there was a dull whimpering sound in the distance, and at the same time, ripples began to appear in the space, spreading outward to an extremely far place.

The golden tyrannosaurus, who was about to make another kick, looked up and saw a huge phantom appearing in the center of the space ripples.

It looks like a huge octopus hanging in the air, with a large number of thick tentacles flying around it.

"Soul Fortress?"

The gigantic octopus with a size of over a thousand meters solidified quickly, and several tentacles 3000 to [-] meters long gathered together, pulling out a huge black portal, and a figure shrouded in clear light stepped out from it.

Li Qing recognized it almost instantly as a war lord of a spirit sucker.

The spirit soul of the war lord of this illithid should be human in essence, and its appearance is almost the same as that of a human, except for the tiny hairs on the back of its head.

Speaking of which, the evolution method of this spirit sucking monster is quite restrained, and it grows tentacles at every turn.

The moment the master of the spirit sucker appeared, the golden tyrannosaurus disappeared in a flash, and when it reappeared, it bumped into the master of the spirit sucker in the air.

But the three thick tentacles around the master of the spirit sucking monster lighted up at the same time, and quickly stretched out to hook the net in front of the master.


The huge spiritual fortress vibrated violently, the dazzling golden light exploded, and the tops of the three thick tentacles shattered into countless pieces of meat and fell, with viscous liquid falling from the fracture.

But it also blocked the impact of the golden tyrannosaurus, forcibly knocking it back.

The illithid master who appeared did not dare to pretend anymore, and immediately took out a golden card with a large palm and a large number of tendrils on its surface, and threw it away. The card collapsed, turned into a huge ball of golden light and exploded, forming a huge golden circle of light.

In the next second, a golden tentacle that could not be seen flew out of the golden light circle and hit the golden tyrannosaurus.


With a muffled sound that shook the soul, the Golden Tyrannosaurus shook violently, and countless cracks appeared in its body, and the golden liquid slowly seeped out from the cracks.

The golden tyrannosaurus immediately let out a scream and fell directly from the sky.

The golden tentacles quickly retracted after sending out this blow, and quickly disappeared.

"It's now!"

Li Qing looked at Zhuo Shaohang and said excitedly:

"The golden tyrannosaurus is dying, let's grab it."

Zhuo Shaohang immediately reached out and grabbed him:

"Wait a minute, a demigod doesn't fall so easily."

Li Qing was surprised:

"The body of the god is shattered, and the source is leaked out. Is this still not dead?"

Zhuo Shaohang nodded:
"If there is another blow, he will definitely die, but just one blow will only make him seriously injured and near death, and he still has the power to die!"

He looked at Li Qing seriously, and said:
"He still has the power to make a final desperate blow. Now you go up and hit the muzzle of the gun, and even blocked a shot for the enemy."

"Then when are we going?"

"Let's go directly to his temple, and when he escapes back, he's basically exhausted in one breath. At that time, the backlash is the lowest, and you and I can bear it."

"Then go!"

Li Qing came out of his hiding place resolutely, and quietly flew towards the dinosaur city-state.

At this time, the battlefield was in chaos, and the follow-up of the illithid's true god attack had not yet passed. Now, the perception of both the illithid and the golden tyrannosaur was compressed to the extreme by the terrifying power of the gods, and the two who had quietly teleported there were not found at all.

Master the origin of space, even in the harshest environment, you can teleport with flicker.

Li Qing's teleportation is not a spell, but a natural ability.

The dinosaurs in the city-state did not notice the two sneaking over, and their attention was focused on the attack just outside the city.

Quietly came to the pyramid, the huge stone gate was bare, the nearest guards were on the left and right sides of the gate, no dinosaur dared to stay at the gate.

The tyrannosaurus demigods they enshrine are not very intelligent, and it is not uncommon for them to be caught and eaten by the demigods if they get too close.

It can be seen from the blood sacrifice that has been maintained that this tyrannosaurus demigod is quite brutal.

The inside of the pyramid is very simple, it is a tower-shaped space, and there are many nests made of precious stones and gold in the middle.

The inside is quite clean, and there are no dead bones, but the space is filled with a mixture of death and divine power, which is very depressing, and the air has become sticky. Normal people basically cannot breathe here.

Li Qing looked at the size of the inner space of the pyramid, and his figure slowly expanded, slowly turning into the real body of the ancestor ancient dragon.

The huge wings spread out to support the top of the space, and they had to retract their strength for fear of bursting the pyramid.

The pyramids built by a group of indigenous people don't need to be strong.

Standing in a good position is equivalent to the ancient dragon squatting in the space with his body bent. The huge head of the ancient dragon is facing the gate. He needs to lower his head to see the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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