Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 189 Resurrection and Post-war Summary

Chapter 189 Resurrection and Post-war Summary
After using up a chance of resurrection, facing the hostility of two true gods, and having no way out, Li Qing has no regrets at all, only regrets that he is not strong enough to completely kill the target.

At this time, Xia Yuanqing had already left this plane group. After breaking the seal and revealing his true self, he was an invading foreign evil god to the will of this plane group. The entire plane would reject him, and it was impossible to stay long.

But after his divine domain was exploded, he left a ball of light in place.

At the same time, Li Qing could feel that the will of this plane had recognized him, and he could even feel a little favor.

Obviously, after Xia Yuanqing was identified as an invading foreign evil god by the general will of the plane, he was recognized by the plane as a hero who exposed the true face of the evil god.

Even if he is also a visitor from a foreign land, he is still recognized by the plane.

For the general will of the plane, the foreign true god and the foreign visitor are two different concepts.

The essence of the foreign true god is too powerful, with the ability to change the rules and the nature of the plane.

The foreign visitor does not have that kind of essence, and is just a small bug to the general will of the plane.

As long as this little bug doesn't do anything harmful to the plane, it will slowly get permission to integrate into the current plane.

Even if these ordinary foreign visitors grow up in the current plane and become legends, they will not be disturbed by igniting the divine fire and being promoted to the true god. The will of the plane will not only not block it, but will actively accommodate it.

Because the essence of any foreign visitor comes from another plane group, if a god is conferred on the original plane, when the will contacts the original sea, the essence from another plane will also be known by the current plane Yuanhai.

In this way, the will of the plane corresponding to the current plane has integrated part of the essence of the foreign plane, which is a good thing for the will of the plane.

This means that if Li Qing becomes a god in this plane group in the future, it will be less difficult than others.

It's a good thing.

Li Qing communicated with Gu Qiangu again and asked:

"Second brother, have you seen what happened just now?"

Gu Qiangu replied with a smile:
"I see, you were stabbed to death by his finger!"

Li Qing
"How about it, do you have some experience of the power of the true god now?"

Li Qing nodded:

"It's really irresistible!"

"Then you should know what kind of enemy you will face in the future."

"You only have 100 years. The Supreme Order God gave Chunyu's descendants 100 years. The time for you to seize this plane group is also 100 years. After 100 years, the restrictions will be released, and he will kill him immediately. If you are not ready by then, you will surely die."

"I can do it!"

"I can feel your confidence, work hard!"

"Don't worry about anything else, one of my avatars will stay on this plane for 100 years."

"Thank you, brother!"

"This time you let me see your potential. This is also my investment in you, and I will pay it back in the future."

"Will not disappoint you!"

"I'll wait and see!"

After turning off the communication, Li Qing let out a sigh of relief, turned around and rushed back.

Halfway through, he opened the ball of light that Xia Yuanqing left behind when he was expelled. This is his domain of God. After unlocking all the essence of the seal, his domain of God has collapsed, leaving this ball of light in the end.

This is also considered a trophy, it is his collapsed God's Domain plus the essence of the plane, and he doesn't know what's inside.

Open the loot casually and take out a pure gold treasure chest with only one card in it.

Taking out the card, its attributes are automatically presented to him.

God's Domain Enhancement Card: Integrate into God's Domain to enhance an attribute for God's Domain.

Optional one: increase the upper limit of 10000 square kilometers.

Option 100: Increase the population limit by [-] million.

Optional Three: Increase the upper limit of hero slots by 20.

Optional 20: Increase the upper limit of [-] God's Domain building slots.

Optional Five: Randomly obtain a God's Domain feature.

"not bad!"

Although the benefits of 20 divine favors and a fragment of the Kingdom of God were missing, he breathed a sigh of relief and strengthened his confidence. With this reward, it was not bad.

As for options
After serious consideration, Li Qing chose to increase the upper limit of God's Domain population.

If there is no other reason, and he can only choose one, this is the most suitable for him.

It happened that 100 million people were pre-stored in Gu Qiangu, and this meeting can be taken over.

He finally understands that there are people who have a future, and if you want to accumulate enough power of faith, you still need a population.

If the quality of a population of one million is high enough and the level of belief is high enough, for example, a large number of believers of the space dragon descendant level can support a true god, let alone a demigod.

With enough population, he didn't even need to think about the main plane, and just lived in this barbaric plane until he was promoted to a legend or even a demigod.

At that time, take another shot and sweep away all enemies in one breath.

At this time, Li Qing was immersed in the joy after the war, and did not notice the boiling in a certain channel.

More than a dozen Destiny's Children gathered in this channel, shocked by Xia Yuanqing's sudden exit.

What shocked them even more was the way Xia Yuanqing got out.

"This person is too fierce, so reckless, he actually forced Xia Yuanqing to give up his future and break the seal?"

"Unblocking him ahead of time, his God Realm must have exploded. In the future, the real body can only stick to a certain plane. It's too miserable."

"This man is too fierce, let's be more careful in the future."

"It's a good thing he's not on the main plane, otherwise I don't know how to deal with him."

"Yeah, killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads. He treated us like this, and he will treat us like this if we meet in the future."

Murong Shifang suppressed the shock in his heart, and continued in the group:

"I suggest that if he also comes to the main plane in the future, if you meet him, everyone should not fight alone, call a few more people to surround and kill, and don't keep the hole cards, kill him in one fell swoop with the momentum of thunder, don't give He was stalling the opportunity to play to his strengths."

After he finished his two sentences, the group suddenly fell silent.

After a while someone said:

"Murong Shifang, what are you talking about?"

Murong Shifang was startled, and hurriedly said:

"I didn't say anything. I said that if you meet him next time, everyone should not fight alone, but call everyone to fight together. There are more people and more strength."

The group was silent again.

After more than ten seconds, someone said:
"Did you not receive the news, or did your father not tell you something? Or do you have an enmity with Li Qing and are here to pick him off?"

Murong Shifang panicked and quickly explained:
"Why would I choose here, I'm just giving a suggestion, more people will be more confident."

At this time Ze Kun said:
"Xia Yuanqing told me that he wanted to deal with Li Qing because of your instigation. In addition, I believe that all the fathers and gods have warned you that you can compete with him, but don't use low-level methods to defeat him openly."

"The reason why Li Qing didn't accept any conditions and insisted on going his own way was because Xia Yuanqing said in full view that he would kill Li Qing, skin him and bone him, and refine his soul into a soul stone. Anyone who came over with such words would not be able to understand, let alone Will let the tiger go back to the mountain."

"His failure is his own fault, and it is also your instigation. Now you are here to pick other people, which is especially hateful."

After a pause, he said in a very serious tone:
"I declare that you will be expelled from our group. You will not be allowed to do anything in the name of any of us in the future. Don't blame us for being rude if you find out."

"In addition, any of you agree with his ideas and want to do the same, you can leave now, and you are also not allowed to do anything in the name of the group."

After speaking, Murong Shifang found himself kicked out of the group chat.

His face quickly turned livid, staring fixedly at the prompt being kicked out in front of him, gritting his teeth.

"Li Qing, just wait, I will make you look good."

In the group chat, Duan Zekun snorted coldly:

"Everyone in the group is sacred, independent and free. Logically speaking, I should not interfere with what you do, but Xia Yuanqing's lessons learned from the past are there. We are all born holy. As long as we grow up step by step, we will become eternal and immortal true gods. Because of this It would be a pity to ruin a bright future by doing something wrong."

"I won't interfere with your freedom. You can do whatever you want. I don't care if you don't like it. I don't care if you kill Li Qing in the past, but don't do it in the name of our group."

Li Qing was not clear about the decisions of the Sons of Destiny, and he was not qualified to join their small group in private.

At this time, he had already rushed back to his base, and on the way, he had already integrated the God's Domain enhancement card into the God's Domain, and contacted Gu Qiangu to get back the 100 million human civilians that had been stored before.

At this time, the ground outside the main city was full of battle marks and corpses. One part of the battlefield stretched hundreds of kilometers away, and many men were making up their swords.

After Li Qing came back, it wasn't long before An Erqiu came back with a group of prisoners.

He was surprised to find that it was Xia Yuanqing's many subordinates, there were eleven in total, and the rest either died or fled after hearing An Erqiu's report.

As soon as they saw Li Qing, they cursed:
"You don't keep your promise. You agreed to surrender and not kill. When we surrender, we will kill all our men."

Li Qing looked at An Erqiu in surprise, and immediately knelt down:

"The subordinate is guilty. The lord originally intended to surrender and not kill him, but they discussed how to kill the lord in full view, how to skin the lord and convulse. They were unwilling to humiliate the lord so much, so they defied the lord's wishes and killed them all."

"The subordinate is guilty, please punish the lord!"

Li Qing remained silent, he knew that An Erqiu was taking all the blame on himself to protect his reputation.

This is the end of the matter, and this is the end of the story, and with the ruin of Xia Yuanqing's future, the breath he held back can be regarded as released, and the killing intent in his heart is not as strong as before.

Don't expect to kill Xia Yuanqing, Li Qing knows that it is impossible, at least not now.

Even if Xia Yuanqing stood still, he couldn't help it.

If it was a god corpse that could be slowly swallowed and digested, the living true god would not even be able to bite, and his mouth full of teeth would be automatically shattered by the god body.

It's not a level of strength, he was mentally prepared from the beginning, and it is already good to be able to cut off his future.

If he wanted to kill him, Li Qing had to at least be promoted to a demigod.

But don't worry, they are already deadly enemies, and after 100 years, I will definitely be more than a demigod, and I have the power to fight back.

As long as he does not die, he will definitely be promoted to a true god in the future, and then it will be his death.

After pondering for a moment, he said:
"Temporarily deprive you of your knight title, and allow you to perform crimes and perform meritorious service, and continue to handle official duties."

An Erqiu hurriedly bowed down to thank him.

Li Qing waved his hand to signal him to go down, then looked up at the captured summer camp players.

They also looked at Li Qing expressionlessly, of course they could see that Li Qing was putting on a show, but what could they do, they were prisoners now, their life and death were in their hands, and they dared to expose it.

Li Qing thought for a while and said to them:
"Since ancient times, winners and losers have been kings and losers. You have fallen into my hands. Follow the rules and notify your family members. Prepare a ransom."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked them.

Li Qing nodded, and waved his hand to signal his subordinates to take them down.

It's not bad that they didn't kill them, but he is not in the mood to talk to them, he still has a lot of things to do now.

As soon as they left, An Erqiu, Xie Zhu and the main subordinates came in through the inner gate. They met with Li Qing, sat down, and began to report the situation of the battle to him.

Steel Golems, 133 lost.

Space Dragonborn, 785 killed.

Constructed knights, only 24 of them died.
Regular troops, killed 13000+
Two of the space dragon died, and they died in the hands of the sword master.

Needless to say the results of the battle, the enemy was almost wiped out, only a small number of extraordinary units escaped, most of the regular troops were wiped out, and there were tens of thousands of prisoners.

The loot doesn't, since they belong to the racial civil wars, there are no loot chests.

And the spoils he got from defeating Xia Yuanqing were rewards from the plane's general will, depriving Xia Yuanqing of his collapsed God Realm, combined with the fusion of a trace of the original power of the plane.

There is no normal situation.

However, although there are no spoils, after this battle, there are many benefits of invisibility.

Defeating such a huge coalition army with the weak and the strong, the combat experience alone can greatly improve the overall strength of the troops.

Many space dragon descendants and space giant dragons have greatly improved in strength in this battle. Now there are no space dragon descendants of the fifth rank, and at worst they have all been promoted to the sixth rank.

As long as the regular troops are not dead, they will be promoted at least once, and many will be promoted twice. There are more than 8000 third-tier elite infantrymen and more than 5000 third-tier archers, which are considered elite.

In addition, many troops left behind a large number of corpses, as well as weapons and equipment, all of which can be stripped off.

All the corpses of the thirty or so giant war beasts that died in battle can be used, especially the corpses of a few giant dragons.

Although the losses in this battle were large, the overall strength has not weakened, but has become stronger.

And this is only part of the spoils. Li Qing left the main city with dozens of space dragons only half an hour after he came back, and went to the wasteland city with a few prisoners.

Xia Yuanqing has accumulated a huge amount of materials there, including tens of thousands of grains, various seeds, a large amount of steel, weapons and equipment, which cannot be wasted.

The most valuable thing in it is a large open-pit iron mine near Wasteland City, which cannot be wasted.

Li Qing rushed to the wasteland city. At this time, the city was in some chaos. Two huge convoys were transporting supplies and leaving. It should be the few summer camp players who escaped before.

No other forces were found. He moved too fast. Other forces may have received the news, but it was too late to organize a large-scale convoy to grab resources.

Li Qing didn't spend much effort, he just led the giant dragon formation back and forth in the air, and the two teams gave up the convoy and fled.

Li Qing didn't intend to pursue them, but just opened a space door and summoned a troop to take over Wasteland City.

(End of this chapter)

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