Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 207 Awakening, the Complete Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 207 Awakening, the Complete Ancestral Dragon (ask for a monthly ticket)

The difference in strength is too great, one is already a real demigod, and the other is only tenth rank, no matter how strong the blood is, it can't erase the gap of more than one big rank.

As Xia Zhihe stretched out his hands to grasp, the optical net shrank, and the giant dragon was cut by the optical net, turning into countless burning pieces and falling down.

At the moment Xie Heng fell, the earth suddenly shook.

The demigod totem paused, as if sensing something, looked around suspiciously.

I didn't notice anything at first, and said with a cold snort:
"Dare to give me a paw even if the legend is not there, I really don't know how to live or die!"

He looked at Long Luo at the top of the huge temple in the center of the city, and was about to say something, when he suddenly heard a dull, muffled sound, like the beating of a heart, but the sound was very loud and contained a sense of excitement. People feel the power of palpitations.

The demigod totem Xia Zhihe had already sensed something was wrong, so he flew up into the sky and looked around.

At the same time, many totems also noticed that the four legendary giant beast totems that were raging in the city also noticed something at this time, and raised their heads to look around vigilantly.

Soon they discovered that a huge arch appeared at some time more than ten kilometers outside the city.

And with every dull heartbeat, the arch was lifted up a little silently.


Many Dinosaur troops who knew about it retreated from the high slope one after another, revealing a five-six-kilometer-diameter arch that was already more than 200 meters high.

The demigod totem stretched out his hand to grab at the sky without hesitation, when a thunderbolt struck from the blue sky, an extremely thick bolt of lightning hit the arch, and countless soils were blown away, revealing the light film underneath.

Under the film of light, stands a super-sized giant dragon with its eyes closed but maintaining a posture of spreading its wings to fly like a sculpture, and chaotic air currents are surrounding this ridiculously huge dragon.

Wrapped in a light film, they can't feel a trace of breath, but to giant beasts, size represents strength, and this size
At just the first glance, the demigod totem Xia Zhihe recognized this giant dragon as the ancient dragon that bit off half of his divine body back then. Anger welled up in his heart in an instant, and he stretched out his hand to grab it. Countless golden divine power gathered and condensed into a single shot The huge spear of divine power was aimed at the arch and ruthlessly threw it down.


The dazzling golden light exploded, forming a golden halo that exploded and sent the soil flying, but the light cocoon remained motionless.

No, only a few seconds later, countless tiny cracks appeared in the light cocoon, and it quickly shattered like broken porcelain, and then
An unimaginable terrifying dragon power swept across like a tsunami, and swept around like a tide. The surrounding dinosaurs suddenly fled in all directions with fear on their faces, and the huge battlefield fell into chaos in an instant.

This is a huge dragon beyond ordinary people's imagination, covered with thick chaotic dragon scales, surrounded by chaotic airflow, and invisible space distortions swing around the ancient dragon as the center.

The ancient dragon spread its wings more than 2000 meters, and its head and tail exceeded 2000 meters.

Spread your wings, cover the sky.

When the light cocoon disappeared, Gu Long also slowly opened his eyes, his pupils were filled with chaos, inside which countless planes were generated back and forth, broken, and born and destroyed again in the chaos.

"I am the dragon of the ancestor of space!"

The faint announcement appeared directly in the ears of everyone, no matter the dinosaur man or the giant totem beast, they could clearly understand the meaning of this sentence.

After finishing speaking, the ancient dragon flapped its wings lightly, and the violent chaotic air blast exploded, and the space undulated accordingly, forming a strong spatial fluctuation to sweep across. Countless dinosaurs who were close were twisted back and forth as the space distorted, and soon Limp on the ground and twitching continuously.

The slowly rising Gu Long's pupils slowly shrank inward, condensing into a little divine light.

The abnormality just now was just the abnormality formed by his instinct beating the dragon's wings.

At this moment, Li Qing had completely awakened, and that bit of divine light re-condensed into a round of pupils like the sun. When he looked straight at it, the demigod totem shook violently, and the space within hundreds of meters around him instantly collapsed into countless space fragments. A violent space storm gushes out from it.

But before it could spread, the demigod totem Xia Zhiyuan snorted coldly, and a layer of golden light exploded, forcibly smoothing the collapsed space.

He looked at the huge dragon with a solemn face and asked:

"You are definitely not the so-called high-ranking dragon clan. It is impossible for the high-ranking dragon clan to be so powerful."

Don't blame him for asking too much. Even though the ancient dragon woke up and declared that he was the ancestor dragon of space, he still asked about the upper dragon clan, but most people didn't know the ancient dragon ancestor at all. He thought that the so-called ancestor dragon of space was what? A super high-ranking dragon family.

To put it bluntly, it was because of his lack of status and knowledge, he didn't know that level of things.

Of course Li Qing didn't have the time to explain it to him, he just looked away, looked in a certain direction, opened his mouth and sucked in, a large piece of ground meat flew up, quickly congealed into a ball of blood, and then a ray of light flew from his right pupil out into the blood cells.

Soon there was a sky-shattering dragon chant, the blood ball exploded, and a familiar dragon flew out of it.

The revived dragon hovered in the air, and quickly turned into Xie Heng before flying to the ancient dragon. He lowered his head in joy and shock:
"My lord, you are finally awake!"

At the same time, Long Luo also transformed into a space dragon and flew over. He is only ninth rank, and his size is much smaller than Xie Heng.

He quickly approached Gu Long, his eyes were only respectful and fanatical, and he was not shocked:
"Supreme Father God, you have finally woken up."

Compared with Xie Heng who was born on the tree of eternity, birth and experience are different, even if Li Qing bestows the blood of the ancient dragon, it is impossible for him to be regarded as a reborn parent.

And Long Luo and Long Shou Long Fa's subordinates are all natives. When Li Qing bestowed the blood of the ancient dragon to make them reborn, it was equivalent to rebirth for them. Li Qing who bestowed the blood of the ancient dragon was the father god in their eyes.

This is also why Li Qing's subsequent heroes who bestowed the blood of the ancient dragon were all selected from the God's Domain troops. These are relatively more obedient, more loyal, and more valuable.

Because it is easier for them to be promoted to exclusive saints.

The three brothers An Erqiu and Xie are smarter and have the ability to manage independently and sit on one side, but they cannot become saints.

Therefore, even if Li Qing instills new ancient dragon blood in the future, most of them will be selected from God's Domain. There will be more subordinates like An Erqiu and the others in the future, but not many.

Resurrecting Xie Heng, Li Qing looked down at the tragic battlefield below, and the allied forces with the dinosaurs who were retreating. His eyes quickly boiled with anger, and he raised his head and let out a roar that trembled even the space. People's coalition forces don't know how many crashes.

The power displayed by Gu Long made the demigod totem palpitate, but he had already unlocked the seal to become a demigod, accumulated a lot of divine power, and gathered so many troops and totems, Xia Zhihe was unwilling to retreat.

Especially after not seeing each other for more than ten years, the opponent is already so powerful. At this time, he can feel that if he leaves this time, he will definitely not be able to defeat this giant dragon when he meets again next time.

As he made up his mind, his divine power surged, and an invisible distortion slowly spread out around him. His figure expanded rapidly, and soon a golden body covered in glazed glass appeared.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that the lower body of the god body is slightly dim, not as bright as the upper body.

The flames of divine power in his pupils were burning, and he stretched out his hand to grab it. A large amount of golden flames of divine power converged on his right hand, and quickly condensed into a golden lightning javelin of divine power, which was hundreds of meters long in the blink of an eye.


Li Qing looked in amazement at the demigod totem, which displayed the divine body and condensed divine power, and his coaxing voice echoed between heaven and earth:

"I admire your courage!"

"As the first sacrifice after being promoted to legend, I will remember your name."

As soon as the voice fell, an invisible ripple exploded centered on him, the space was suddenly quiet, and all sounds disappeared instantly.

The demigod totem, which was condensing the big move, swept across with the stillness, and paused as if suddenly stuck, Xia Zhihe snorted coldly, surging golden divine power gushed out, and the divine body burned with golden flames.

But in the next second, Xia Zhihe's face changed abruptly, and a more intense flame of divine power burst out.


The ancestor ancient dragon, who was obviously several kilometers away, appeared in the space where the demigod totem was located without warning at this moment.

The two overlapped, and the space with a radius of several kilometers collapsed directly, and violent void storms spewed out from countless cracks, and they sank directly into the void.

Generally speaking, after the space is broken, there is another layer of space on the plane, such as the shadow plane, ether plane and so on.

But what Li Qing grasped was the origin of space, which had undergone a qualitative change after being promoted to Legendary, and could directly shatter several layers of space and fall into the endless void.

The void is full of berserk void energy, and any existence that falls into it will be cut and stirred endlessly by the void storm, and non-legendary powerhouses will be smashed to pieces if they cannot persist for a minute.

Even the legendary strong can't last long, if they can't find the way back, they will soon run out of strength and fall.

Compared with legends, demigods are stronger than legends because they have stronger divine bodies and possess divine power to resist void storms, but if they cannot return to the plane before their divine power is exhausted, they will also fall into the void.

Only the true god can stay in the void for a long time.

But only for a long time, not forever.

As soon as Xia Zhihe fell into the void, he felt the ubiquitous power in the void cutting off his divine power. He immediately withdrew his divine power and formed a divine power shield to protect himself. When he looked up, he saw the huge ancient dragon pounced down, heavily Knock him into the depths of the void.

This time, Li Qing didn't even need a claw attack, he just slammed into it, directly smashing half of the divine power condensed into the spear.

"How could he be so powerful?"

Xia Zhihe was a little flustered at this time. He had accumulated no less than [-] divine power over the years, but every time he took a blow, he needed to consume nearly [-] divine power, which was an exaggeration he had never seen before.

Under normal circumstances, a casual blow from a newly promoted true god is nothing more than that.

Compared to his struggle to survive in the void, Li Qing was extremely flexible after entering the void like a fish entering water.

The berserk void storm was like a breeze to the face of the ancestor ancient dragon, and there was no response.

Xia Zhihe wanted to leave, and wanted to use the believer as a coordinate to return to the wild plane, but he could clearly sense that the believer was not very far away, but he couldn't teleport back, as if there was a solid layer of glass between the two, which he could clearly see but couldn't reach .

The gigantic ancient dragon looked ferociously at the ball of golden light floating in the void, opened his mouth and sucked in fiercely, and the surrounding void storm wrapped in golden light and flowed into his mouth.

Xia Zhihe sensed the danger immediately, and quickly mobilized the remaining divine power to blast forward.

The extremely thick golden lightning pierced through the void and hit the dragon's mouth. Li Qing just gave his head a slight pause, which did not affect the mouthful of swallowing a large amount of void energy and light ball.


The huge dragon's head vibrated violently, and dazzling golden light exploded from the gap between the teeth. The golden light shot out, reflecting a golden demigod in the dragon's mouth with its hands supporting the sky and feet on the ground.

"You can't escape!"

Gu Long's coaxing voice shook the void energy like ripples, and his words revealed unparalleled confidence.

He has reason to be confident.

It turned out that he thought that the promotion of the ancestor ancient dragon to legend was just one of the qualitative changes.

But when he really started to transform, he realized that this qualitative change was completely stimulated by the blood power of the ancestor ancient dragon.

In other words, his promotion this time is equivalent to becoming an adult.

Using the True God route as an example, his promotion this time can be equivalent to the Conferred God system in the Conferred God system.

Of course, his change is not as great as that of Fengshen, but the essence of life has changed, and the powers possessed by a series of ancestor ancient dragons have all been opened to him.

In the future, the bloodline of the ancestor ancient dragon will not have any new promotions. As long as time goes by, he will become stronger and stronger until he reaches the level comparable to a true god, with weak divine power, medium divine power, and strong divine power, until he becomes the ultimate perfect body, fully mastered The origin of space.

Ancient Space Ancestor Dragon (Legendary): Increases subordinates' constitution by 300%, strength by 300%, extra recovery by 300%, extra stamina by 300%, extra resistance by 300%, immune to negative effects equal to the rank of the unit, and gets the ancestor The ancient dragon's exclusive specialty 'Ancestor of the Dragon'.

The ancestor of the dragon: the ancestor ancient dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan, and each ancestor ancient dragon can create a brand new dragon clan population.

Attribute 10: The ancestor ancient dragon can give any creature the blood of the dragon, and turn it into a real dragon, *[-] per month.

Attribute 10: Bestow the blood of one's own ancient dragon, promote any creature to a high-ranking dragon with its own blood and power, 10/2 points, recover [-] points every year.

Space Progenitor Ancient Dragon (Legendary)
Attributes: The hero template is adjusted to the unique template of the ancestor ancient dragon, immune to any negative effects of the same level.

Attributes: The ancestor of the ancient dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan. The power of blood will gradually transform itself, and its physical fitness, mana and spiritual power will gradually improve with the passage of time.

Attribute: The ancestor ancient dragon is immortal and not affected by time.

Attribute: Complete body of the ancient dragon blood of the ancestor.

Ancestral Ancient Dragon Complete Body LV1 (Law)
Talent: Ancestral Ancient Dragon Law Dragon Body LV1, Space Origin Law LV1, Dragon Language Magic (Legendary).

Specialties: Energy Immunity (law), Eternal Freedom (law), Dimensional Dragon Scale (law), Dimensional Dragon Body (law), Space Dragon Breath (law), Space Force Field (law).

Ancestral Ancient Dragon Law Dragon Body LV1: Reduce damage by 95%, including real damage, immune to legendary skills and any of the following skills and effects.

Specialty +1: Ancient Dragon's Blood +1, the annual recovery of Ancient Dragon's Blood increases by 1, and the upper limit of accumulated Ancient Dragon's Blood is +10.

The talents and specialties have been readjusted, all of which are higher-level talents and specialties, which have covered all the original talents and specialties.

Dragon language magic (legendary): The ancestor ancient dragon is proficient in all dragon language magic, all super magic skills +10, the casting distance of dragon language magic*100 times, and the power and effect*10 times.

There is no level of dragon language magic, because the legend already includes all dragon language magic, even those super dragon language magic that can kill gods.

(End of this chapter)

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