Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 210 Dragon Shoulong Law Promotion Legendary

Chapter 210 Dragon Shoulong Law Promotion Legendary (ask monthly ticket)

PS: There is only one chapter today. In addition, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month.


One after another thick gray lightning exploded in the chaotic space, and circles of invisible space fluctuations continued to spread outward around the two light cocoons.

Li Qing looked into the space, and immediately understood that Long Shou and Long Shou were about to be promoted to legend.

Without any bottlenecks or barriers, they turned into light cocoons and fell asleep for a while. With the help of the ancestral spirit in the chaotic space, after the blood boiled, they naturally crossed the barrier that blocked the existence of an unknown number of ten levels, and were promoted to legend.

When the light cocoon shattered, the two giant dragons curled up inside were revealed.


A gray lightning struck one of the giant dragons, and a transparent wave swept across the dragon, as if a layer of gray had been wiped away, and a fresh breath of life quickly emerged.

The statue came alive, and its wings slowly spread out, revealing a giant dragon that was only the size of Li Qing's ninth-level, but very similar in appearance.

It looks like a shrunken version of the ancient ancestor dragon. Its wings spread out nearly 400 meters, and the head and tail are nearly 500 meters. The surging space ripples sway, and the sky-shattering dragon chant echoes in the chaotic void.

After Long Shou woke up, Long Fa on the other side also woke up in less than half a minute. The two dragons were almost identical in appearance.

"my child!"

A huge pupil slowly appeared in the void, and the sound attracted two newly awakened dragons, who flew to the pupil and lowered their heads respectfully.

The voice rang in their ears:

"Congratulations that you have grown up, but this means that you will have a heavier responsibility. In the future, you will need to reproduce more descendants."

Long Shou Long Fa understood what Father God said, and nodded in unison:

"We will spread the glory of God the Father to billions of planes in the chaotic void."

"Well, I'm sure you'll do well."

An invisible force constrained the chaotic energy to form a huge vortex, and two legendary dragons roared with their heads raised, and got into the vortex.

After they disappeared, Li Qing's phantom emerged, and he stretched out his hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of him, which displayed the attribute panels of Longshou and Longfa.

After being promoted to Legendary, their attributes will naturally increase. A series of abilities are very similar to Li Qing, which is equivalent to a low-profile version of the ancient dragon, and their combat effectiveness is very powerful.

What pleased him the most was that after they were promoted to legend, one of the abilities that could not be used due to lack of strength and blood was finally available.

Space Dragon Descendants: The direct descendants of the ancestor of space, the ancient dragon.

Attribute: Bestow the blood of the ancient dragon and dragon descendant of oneself, and promote any creature to a true dragon family with its own blood.

Tip: 3/3 ancient dragon's blood, restore one every year.

They have had this ability a long time ago, but they have been lacking in strength before, and their own bloodlines are not stable before being promoted to legend, so how could they use their blood essence to transform into a new space dragon.

Now the bloodline is strong enough to use this ability after being promoted to legend.

All descendants of Li Qing's direct line have this ability after being promoted to legend, and it is also one of the important means to expand the space dragon clan.

Why is there a family of giant dragons in so many planes in the Chaos Void Sea? It is impossible for the ancestors of each dragon family to travel to so many planes.

After closing the panel, Li Qing scanned the inner space left and right.

In the depths of the space invisible to the naked eye, a steady stream of chaotic energy is being lost, seeping into his divine domain.

His plan is to integrate this space with the domain of the gods, one side is the domain of the gods and the living area of ​​​​the living believers, and the other side is the kingdom of God.

But before the fusion, he had to shrink this space first, and transfer the separated energy into the God's Domain to expand the area of ​​the God's Domain.

The two spaces merge, and the size must be the same.

Now the total area of ​​his divine domain is around [-] square kilometers, which is quite large.

But the dimensional dragon world opened up in his body has a diameter of one thousand kilometers, and its total area is as high as 314 million square kilometers, a difference of more than 300 times.

He had to transfer the energy in the Dragon Realm to the God Realm. The Dragon Realm shrank and the God Realm expanded. Finally, they could only be merged when both sides had the same area.

Fortunately, under his active adjustment, the expansion of God's Domain space is very fast, and it may not take long to achieve a balance.

After not observing for a long time, Long Luo reported to him that the reconnaissance team found the escaped high-level coalition forces more than 100 kilometers west of the Dragon Kingdom, including the Tyrannosaurus leader of the coalition forces.

To their surprise, in just two days, they not only escaped so far, but also restrained a group of dinosaurs by some means.

Based on this, they began to re-constrain and control the dinosaurs around them.

After Li Qing received the news, he was a little surprised, thought for a while, and asked Long Shou and Long Luo to take the newly promoted thirteen high-level space dragons and hundreds of newly transformed space dragons to the past.

"The order of the Father God is to kill it completely!"

Long Shou led the dragon group to fly to the west, and quickly crossed the scattered alliance routs all the way, and found a large group of reunited dinosaur troops a hundred kilometers away, including more than a dozen totems.

When Long Luo gave an order, Long Qun rushed forward.

And he and Long Shou used the dragon's breath to clear an open space on the ground, quickly opened the door of space, and pulled people from the Dragon Kingdom.

What Long Shou opened was a legendary door to space. The huge door was opened, and the legendary Tyrannosaurus emerged from it.

Feng Shui took turns. A few days ago, four legendary behemoths plus a demigod totem crushed them with strength. Now they crushed the coalition forces with legendary ranks. Long Luo stood in the air overlooking the battlefield, feeling quite refreshed.

At this time, the tyrannosaurus leader had gathered no less than [-] dinosaurs, only half of them were regular troops, and the rest were logistics troops.

If he is given another week, it is estimated that most of the troops can be regrouped.

But it's a pity that he didn't have this time. Many dragons swooped down in one round, and the morale of the newly gathered dinosaurs collapsed again, and they began to flee before fighting.

The huge body of the legendary tyrannosaurus rampaged on the battlefield, trampling crazily, and no one knows how many dinosaurs were trampled to death.

Long Shou flew to the sky above the battlefield, spread his wings and stood still in the air like a statue, and a cadenced dragon language sounded.

With the sound of the dragon's language, the sky began to slowly change color, and a large number of clouds gathered, slowly turning red and burning.

The 15-minute chant came to an end, and thigh-thick pillars of fire fell from the fire cloud covering more than ten kilometers, falling like rain, falling on the ground and splashing circles of flames, turning the whole world into a sea of ​​flames.

Legendary Dragon Language Magic: Fire Punishment!
A super-wide-range fire-type forbidden spell, the power is extremely terrifying.

The only disadvantage is that the singing time is too long, and 15 minutes is only suitable for use on large-scale battlefields.

After a wave of forbidden spells ended, there were basically few people standing on the battlefield, only a few totems and the high-level coalition forces in the center of the battlefield.

After clearing the battlefield, the battlefield was instantly cleared up. The dragons aimed at the living totems and swarmed up. Several giant dragons from the upper space rushed to the center, and each of them sprayed down their dragon's breath.

Multiple streams of dragon's breath rushed back and forth, and the guards of the tyrannosaurus leader were submerged by the dragon's breath after only holding on for more than ten seconds.

Half a minute later, the dragon group closed the team, and Long Luo came over and glanced at Mosaic who was on the ground, and ordered the teleported troops to turn around.

Once the Tyrannosaurus leader died, the biggest threat was gone, and it was impossible for another such powerful dinosaur to appear in the entire southern part of the plane.

The next step is to recruit these fleeing dinosaurs, and then clean up and recover the lost ground one by one.

Li Qing was not in a hurry to mobilize troops to return to Dragon City, but just sent Long Fa to cooperate with Zhuo Shaohang who lifted the seal, which was enough to stabilize the situation.

As long as the illithids don't attack aggressively, he won't upset the balance there.

Now that Tianshi is on his side, he has quite a number of tenth-rank subordinates under him, who are only one step away from the legend. Take advantage of this time to accumulate more, so that you can have more confidence in the decisive battle in the future.

At the same time, Li Qing also consumed the blood of three ancient dragons to transform the three subdued legendary beasts into high-ranking dragon descendants.

Although it is a legendary giant beast, it only needs a stroke of ancient dragon blood to complete the transformation.

The transformed legendary behemoth has not changed drastically in size, nor will it change form.

The legendary tyrannosaurus remained the same after transformation, it would not grow dragon wings, and its size did not increase, but shrunk a little, and its height changed from 320 meters to less than 300 meters.

But there are many changes in appearance, first of all, the body is covered with a thick layer of dragon scales, the head has dragon horns, and a row of sharp sword spines extend from the head to the tail on the back.

Possesses a series of unique abilities of dragons, such as dragon breath, dragon language magic, various space spells, including flicker teleportation and so on.

The size has shrunk, but the strength is stronger than before. I don't know how many times.

The same is true for the legendary Triceratops. After being transformed into a high-ranking dragon, its size has shrunk a bit, but it looks stronger and more powerful.

After the transformation of the legendary Fengshen pterosaur, it is not a blue wind dragon, but a new high-ranking dragon family with both the power of wind and the power of space. Its combat power surpasses that of the legendary Tyrannosaurus and the legendary Triceratops.

These three legendary high-ranking dragons can also give birth to new descendants based on themselves as the template, just like the Dragon Guarding Dragon Law. This is also the source of so many different dragons in the Chaos Void Sea.

There are a total of five legendary high-ranking dragons, and their combat power can easily beat two ordinary legendary powerhouses.

As a demigod, Zhuo Shaohang may not have much divine power and cannot display the powerful combat power of a demigod, but it is no problem to pick two ordinary legends.

In addition, Li Qing's fighting power is unparalleled at this time, almost reaching the limit of the plane.

Putting it all together, the front is definitely not the dozens of war lords of the Void Spirit Suction Monster War Lord Coalition Army.

"Let's wait for a few more years, wait for An'erqiu and Xiezhu to accumulate enough combat experience to be promoted to legend, and counterattack immediately!"

Li Qing made this decision and contacted the three brothers An Erqiu and Xie Zhu to tell them to be more diligent.

His ideas are good, but the development of the world is often not determined by people's will, and there are always some surprises that make people change their plans.

One day in less than a month, Li Qing suddenly received a message from Gu Qiangu who hadn't spoken for a long time:
"The Son of Destiny, Nie Zong, formally defeated the native demigods on Heishan Island outside the main continent of Aiger half a month ago, completed the unification, and has been promoted to the official war lord. Now he is releasing the seal. It is estimated that it will be within two days. Ascension!"

"So fast!"

Li Qing frowned. To be honest, the speed wasn't too fast, but the timing was a bit strange.

Pure Nie Zong's re-ascension to the gods will not affect the barbaric plane, and there is no enmity between them.

But Nie Zong's re-ascension to the gods is a signal, and it will put great pressure on other natural gods, causing them to speed up their pace and even lower their requirements.

This means that in the near future, there will be innate holiness re-emerging as gods one after another, including the innate holiness of illithid civilization.

Now he can be sure that the leader of the Illithid war lords in the barbaric plane is a natural sacred one.

He will certainly receive the news, and there will be pressure.

And the only way to solve the pressure is to break through Dragon City.

Li Qing ordered without hesitation to call back Longshou, the two legendary dragons who had gone out to regain the territory, and most of the space dragons, ready to stand by.

There are basically no opponents in the Dragon Kingdom, as long as a legendary dragon is enough to suppress everything.

As he expected, within three days after Li Qing received the news, at a certain moment he suddenly seemed to feel something and looked up in a certain direction, where ordinary people could not see and feel, a loud voice sounded from the main plane, quickly It spread throughout the entire plane group, and any strongman whose rank has reached legend or above can hear this voice:
"I am the God of Courage!"

Courage is a priesthood capable of supporting medium divine power, and it is also considered a combat priesthood. It is one of the subordinate priesthoods of the war priesthood, and has good development potential.

Less than two days after the announcement, Li Qing received the news from Dragon City. The scouting giant dragon discovered that several spiritual fortresses in the rear were moving forward, and at the same time, two spiritual fortresses had left. The main force, leading a group of troops, is moving towards the rear of Dragon City, presumably they want to divide their troops to attack Wild City.

Li Qing pondered for a while, first transferred Long Shou back, and then told An Erqiu to prepare for the opponent's full attack.

I opened a space door leading to the nearest big city after Dragon City, ten high-ranking dragons plus two hundred space dragons, and about [-] space dragon descendants and [-] dinosaur troops.

Observe the situation here temporarily and intercept another enemy force.

However, if the enemy's main force launches an all-out attack on Dragon City, they can teleport there to support at any time.

While waiting in the city for the arrival of the illithid troops, Dragon City finally started an all-out attack.

A total of six spiritual fortresses were suspended in the air behind the battlefield, and more than 200 million dinosaur troops launched a fierce attack on Dragon City day and night regardless of losses. The losses on both sides suddenly became very serious.

The six spiritual fortresses approached Longcheng slowly, and stopped after a certain distance. Tentacles were raised one by one, and the energy in the port on the top of the tentacles overflowed.

"They're going to bombard the walls."

An Erqiu hesitated for a moment, but did not move.

Instead, the returning Long Shou Long Fa came to the top of the city.

After a short charge, a dazzling beam of energy pierced through the air and blasted towards the city wall.

At this moment, Longshoulongfa stretched out his finger at the same time, and the space in front of the city wall suddenly lit up with a layer of space mirror. The energy beam hit the mirror and bounced back, but there was no ripple on the mirror, as if there was no feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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