Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 215 The Patriarch's Request

Chapter 215 The Patriarch's Request

Li He immediately replied:

"The situation is not good. The last time we conquered an orc kingdom, it caused a strong backlash from the general consciousness of the plane. The remaining orc empires united with other forces. At the same time, the resistance of the kingdoms that have been conquered has always existed. Stalemate, great loss."

"That's it."

Li Qing asked curiously:
"Is there a real god in this plane?"

"Not sure, but there is a legend of a beast god in the mouths of the natives of the plane, and there is also a belief in a beast god, but we have never seen a beast god. In addition, there are two demigods in the plane, one is the holy beast of the orcs, One is a golden Behemoth, and the other is hidden in the deep sea, and it is an evil god worshiped by fishermen and sea natives."

"The demigod in the sea is not a big threat. We haven't reached the seaside yet."

"Only the golden Behemoth, as the holy beast of the orcs, poses a direct threat to us."

Li Qing asked:

"I wonder if the family has a way to deal with this holy beast?"

"This is dealt with by the patriarch. The main belief of another plane that the family has conquered is provided to the patriarch. Now that he has been promoted to a demigod, he should be able to withstand the golden Beamon."

"Well, the family has a demigod?"

"I don't know how many legends there are in the family!"

"There are not many legends, and the total number of all members and subordinates is less than ten."


Li Qing stopped talking, the sum of all this was not as strong as his own.

In recent years, he has more than fifteen legendary powerhouses under his command.

Not to mention the Dragon Law, the three brothers An Erqiu and Xie, as well as the three legendary giant beasts, there are four legendary space dragon descendants who have been promoted by using the Demon God Proving Ground, and two legendary high-level space dragons, three Head the legendary space dragon.

In addition, the war behemoths, the Lava Crystal Dragon and the Blue Wind Dragon, have all been promoted to legend.

Some of them promoted themselves to legends, lava crystal dragons, the three Xie brothers and An Erqiu and other high-ranking dragon heroes.

Some rely on the Demon Altar Proving Ground, such as Space Dragonborn and ordinary space dragons.

It is worth mentioning that over the years, more than a dozen subordinates tried to summon the Demon God Altar Proving Ground, but only these seven were able to be promoted successfully, and the others failed.

There are also those who rely on Li Qing's golden fingers to be promoted to legends, such as Cangqing Fenglong, and those two high-ranking dragons.

Li Qing's palm space is promoted this time, and he now knows the effect of an unknown divine light fused with every 100 sources of original light. It is only one of its functions to make the tenth-level peak powerhouse forcefully cross that step to become a legend.

This thing is equivalent to a super-enhanced version of the original light. After anyone is fused, in addition to making the essence of the soul stronger, it can fully strengthen the blood in the target's body to the apex of the blood.

For example, if a subordinate has a small amount of dragon blood, it is difficult to awaken naturally in a normal state.

If this super original light is fused, the bloodline can't help but awaken, and it can also transform to the apex of the bloodline, the LV5 upper dragon bloodline.

Li Qing just purified the bloodlines of Cangqing Fenglong and the two upper-ranking dragons again, transformed and strengthened their souls again, and they completed the legendary promotion by themselves.

This is only temporary. He has experienced so many wars in the conquest of the barbaric plane. Some of his early transformed space dragons and space dragons have already been promoted to the tenth level. When they are ready, they will try to promote one after another.

Every year, there are subordinates waiting in line to start the trial in the Gods and Demons Trial Field.

This means that Li Qing will have a bunch of legendary subordinates in the near future. This is a background that ordinary true gods can't compare to. For example, his family has been established for so long, and the accumulated legendary powerhouses are less than ten.

After chatting with Li He for a while, Li Qing had a little understanding of the current situation of the family.

The plane the family conquered before was a medium-sized plane, but it was mountainous. About 80% of the entire plane was ocean, and more than 8% of the remaining 600% were mountains that were not suitable for living, and the rest accounted for [-]% of the entire plane. Only [-] million square kilometers are suitable for living and farming.

The key point is that the area of ​​less than 600 million square kilometers is scattered in different places on the plane, between mountains.

After deducting cultivated farmland and animal husbandry areas, the purely livable area is actually not that big.

Even though the family has been operating in this plane for hundreds of years, many mountainous areas on the edge of the basin and plain have been developed, and the total population of the plane is just over 4000 million.

Like most ordinary families, the family is doing its best to support a strong man.

All the power of faith is supplied to the patriarch or the strongest in the clan, supporting at least one demigod to lead the rise of the clan.

Most of the families operate in this way, but they are generally stuck at the demigod level, and only a very few can successfully complete the deification of the gods.

Conferring the gods has stumped ninety-nine out of ten demigods.

The difficulty in the front is not too big, whether it is condensing the divinity, the divine body, or the creation of the kingdom of God, etc., no matter how poor the qualifications are, it will take time to get to the end.

The main difficulty lies in the last step of igniting the divine fire to condense the godhead, which stumps ninety-nine percent of demigods.

When igniting the divine fire, everything will be burned as firewood to pursue the transformation of the soul, body, and will. It requires the unity and complete transformation of the three, and find that little self during this period.

After finding the real self, use this point of Yuan Hai, which was originally entrusted to the original plane, to borrow the power of Yuan Hai to transform oneself, transcend the mundane, and become a true god.

The process looks simple, but it is quite difficult to operate.

Whether it is to find the true self, or use this source to entrust Yuanhai, and ignite the eternal divine fire, it is extremely difficult.

This requires that the conferred gods do not have any shortcomings. If there is any difference, it will lead to incompleteness, which will lead to a series of problems.

It is difficult to describe in words how difficult it is to become a god, you just need to know that it is very difficult.

The next day, Li Qing entrusted Li He to send a letter to the patriarch of the plane where the family was fighting, entrusting the patriarch to adjust the division of labor between the parents and let them return.

In the letter, he clearly told the patriarch that he has been promoted to legend, and already has a plane of his own, and wants his parents to come and help him.

He didn't expect that less than two days after the letter was handed in, Li He would come to tell him that the patriarch was coming back, he came back specially for him, and his parents would come back together.

Li Qing was quite surprised that he reacted so quickly.

"Son, are you interested in returning to the family?"

Li Qing was shocked by the first sentence of the meeting:
"If you are willing to come back, the second plane conquered by the family will be your place of faith. I will persuade the clansmen to fully support you in becoming a god."

Li Qing was stunned, and Li He who accompanied him was also stunned, looking at him in shock.

Li Qing was stunned for a while before replying:
"Will this be too hasty?"

Patriarch Li Weizong said with a smile:
"The old man has lived for so many years, and his abilities are average, but his eyes can recognize people. At first I thought you were just lucky enough to meet a chance to quickly become a legend. The true gods under his command are not much different, you are definitely not an ordinary legend, you have the appearance of a true god!"

Li Qing
God is so godlike.

But this description is quite appropriate, the old patriarch really has a good eye for seeing people.

"Don't worry, the old man has some authority in the family. With your potential, it is not difficult to persuade the people to support you fully. After conquering this plane, it will only take less than 100 years to complete the complete conquest."

"This plane is different from the first plane of the family. This plane is suitable for immigrants, and orcs are also good dependents. We estimated that based on the situation of this plane, it is not a big problem to reproduce more than [-] million orcs at the peak period, which is enough to support You make a god."


Li Qing was a little confused.

The patriarch's sudden hospitality made him a little tangled for a while.

Too decisive, the patriarch can make a decisive bet even before he has fully demonstrated his talent and capital.

Seeing him hesitated, Li Weizong asked:

"Do you have any worries? If it's your parents, don't worry. When you become a demigod in the future, I will pass on the position of patriarch to you. At that time, Xisheng and the others will be taken care of by you, so there is no need to worry."

Li Qing was completely embarrassed.

He couldn't say that he didn't like the position of the patriarch of the family.

And he has no interest in the plane the family is conquering.

A plane full of orcs is really not interesting.

He didn't want the kingdom of God to be full of orc petitioners in the future, that would be too uncomfortable.

So after struggling again and again, he said with an apologetic face:

"I'm sorry patriarch, I already have a plan for my life, you can choose another good talent in the family."

Li Weizong was stunned for a moment, and asked in great surprise:
"You only need to agree, you can get the full support of the family, and get a completely conquered medium-sized plane within 100 years, isn't that good?"

Li Qing nodded seriously:

"To be honest with the patriarch, I have completely conquered a plane, which is a large plane, and there are hundreds of millions of dinosaurs in it, which can be used as my own basic board. Those who conquer the family can choose another elite from within the clan , I don’t need it anymore.”

Li Weizong looked at Li Qing with a strange face, and nodded in shock after a while:

"Since you have made up your mind, the patriarch will not force others."

After a pause to calm himself down, the patriarch asked:
"Do you need anything else besides picking up Xisheng and Baifeng when you come back this time?"

"If you can succeed in becoming a god, the family will also be honored. If you have any needs, you can mention them. If the family can help, they will definitely support you."

Li Qing immediately cupped his hands and replied:

"The younger generation does have some things that need the support of the patriarch. I need to recruit some heroes or professionals in the family, preferably newcomers, under the age of 40."

"That's no problem. It just so happens that the new members of the family who are studying at Blackrock Spire College are about to graduate and return. You wait for a month, and I will call them back quickly. Then you can choose some from them."

Li Qing cupped his fists and saluted:
"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Li Weizong stroked his beard with a smile and said:
"It should be them thanking you. Except for a very small number of war lords who have awakened the domain of the gods, most of the new clansmen have difficulty getting much resources within the family, and their prospects are limited. And you are in the rising sun, and there are not many people under you. They As long as you performed well in the past, your future would definitely be better than staying with the family."

Li Qing also nodded and set an example:
"As long as they work hard, they will not be treated badly as fellow clansmen."

The patriarch is right, following him is definitely better than staying in the family.

Although the family is not very big, the Li family can only be regarded as a second- or third-rate family in the Blackstone world, but it has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are already hundreds of thousands of descendants.

The family's resources are limited, even if they conquer another plane, the resources are still the priority, and it is difficult for the newly born descendants to get much benefit.

Following him is different. Those who follow him now belong to the land reclamation and belong to the first batch. As long as they lay down the land, there will be many benefits.

There are only a few of Li Qing's subordinates, and it is not difficult for any one of them to mark out a piece of land near Longcheng that can be passed on to future generations.

It is worth mentioning that after a period of time, the center of the original wild plane will no longer be the wild city.

The location of the original wild city is not good, it is located on the west side of the plane, away from the center of the plane.

The place is not good either, it is on a wasteland that is not suitable for farming, there is no water source around, and the resources are not rich.

After Li Qing completely unified the barbaric plane, he has re-planned the center of the new plane, centered on the original Dragon City, and used that super sky road with a width of 100 meters and a height of 50 meters to encircle a super-large area as a The new wild center is still named Dragon City.

As for the original wild city, the interplanetary teleportation array was demolished and used as an ordinary central city in the west of the plane.

The planned total area of ​​New Dragon City is 3000 million square kilometers, which will be divided into living areas for space dragon descendants, allowing some space dragon descendants to multiply here.

It is also worth mentioning that as Li Qing was promoted to legend, more and more high-ranking dragons under his command were promoted to legend, and the number of space dragon descendants also increased.

In addition to using the space dragonborn lair to transform humans into space dragonborn, you can also use the dragon blood of upper dragons and space dragons to artificially transform space dragonborn.

Ordinary space dragons don't transform much at one time, and it takes a long time to extract some dragon essence and blood, but the victory is that there are enough space dragons.

The bloodline of the upper dragon clan is strong enough, ordinary dragon blood can be transformed without blood essence.

Li Qing is even stronger. A drop of his blood can dilute hundreds of times or a thousand times, and one drop can create hundreds of space dragon descendants.

As long as the frequency is slower, doing it once a year will not affect the blood and strength.

In this way, dragonborn can be artificially created on a large scale.

Then these dragon descendants lived in the dragon world for a long time, influenced by the breath of the ancestors, intermarried with the same kind, the blood would not be diluted, and would be passed on normally, becoming a serious dragon descendant.

Now Li Qing only has less than [-] dragon descendants in his hands, which is really not many, let alone dare to use them casually.

At least millions of dragon descendants must be accumulated, and only then can they stop and let them reproduce by themselves.

Li Qing estimates that it will take at least a hundred years of accumulation to reach that point.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry now. The time he has set for himself as a god is 200 to 300 years, which is still plenty of time.

Being a god is different from being promoted to an official war lord, there is no time limit, don't worry, it doesn't matter how many years you are a god.

300 years of conferring gods is already considered very fast. Except for being born holy, Zhengerba has never conferred gods for less than 100 years by himself. Not soon.

The accumulation of basic divine power is here, and some accumulations cannot be solved in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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