Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 218 Plane Battlefield

Chapter 218 Plane Battlefield
Tree of Eternity, Blackstone Realm.

Li Qing stood on the transmission platform with a gloomy expression for a long time without speaking.

He didn't expect that Xia Yuanqing dared to risk the world and dare to tamper with the cross-boundary teleportation array. Fortunately, he mastered the original law of space, and even if Xia Yuanqing moved his hands and feet, he could not shake his absolute control over space.

It is a big taboo to attack the cross-boundary teleportation array in private.

Even if the true gods who were biased towards him before knew that Xia Yuanqing dared to do this, they would immediately turn their backs, even if it was not against them.

If you dare to treat others like this today, you will dare to treat me like this tomorrow.

The cross-boundary teleportation array is the only teleportation array they use to communicate with the Eternal Tree. It is not the only way to go back for true god-level powerhouses, but it is indeed the only way for ordinary war lords and heroes.

Once disconnected, if there is no way to reconnect, they will be lost in these planes forever.

Therefore, all major powers in the Tower of Eternity have prohibitions. No matter what the grievances are, it is absolutely not allowed to attack the opponent by attacking the cross-border teleportation array. Once this happens, other war lords are obliged to stop and judge.

If it is a true god-level powerhouse, it needs the four supreme beings to judge.

Li Qing didn't know if Xia Yuanqing didn't know about this ban, or if he was insane, or if he felt that he was a real god and attacked a legend, it was not easy to catch.

Anyway, he's going to be in trouble this time.

But Li Qing himself is not having a good time.

Because the hatred mark on his body has been activated.

Originally, I wanted to come back quickly and ask the Tree of Eternity to purify it by consuming divine grace, but I don’t know if it was because the space power that erupted when stabilizing the space attracted the attention of the ancient abomination represented by the abomination mark. Now the mark has not only been activated, but also What used to be an ordinary mark becomes a special imprint.

In layman's terms, it is a key mark.

The dark golden mark exudes a strange aura, forming a surging vortex with the mark as the center, with translucent tiny black whiskers surging inside.

It seems real, but in fact nothingness can't be touched.

Li Qing communicated with the Tree of Eternity, and the answer he got was that a high-level divine grace was needed to completely purify it, but only one ordinary divine grace was needed to temporarily block it for one year, and a new divine grace was needed to continue shielding after one year.

The so-called high-level grace is naturally an advanced version of ordinary grace.

Ordinary divine favors can be exchanged for a large number of resources, or some strange things obtained from foreign planes, or knowledge that the Eternal Tree does not have, etc. can be exchanged for divine graces.

Why do the gods have so many divine favors, and they can give more than a dozen divine favors at every turn.

That's because the true god often occupies several planes, and it is not difficult to search the planes to obtain some things or knowledge that other planes do not have.

But the main reason for them to obtain divine grace is the priesthood rules they mastered.

The laws are endless, and the priesthood laws mastered by each true god have their own uniqueness.

If the true god is willing to share the laws he has comprehended with the tree of eternity, he will be able to obtain a lot of divine grace.

Every time you understand some rules and share, you can get some.

As for the high-level grace, this general law cannot be shared. It must be obtained by very special and unique treasures, or knowledge, or a very unique understanding of certain laws, or by completing the tasks given by the tree of eternity.

Extremely rare, rare.

The effect is naturally very large, and you can even ask the Tree of Eternity to take action, or borrow the power of the Tree of Eternity.

Theoretically, it is possible to consume a high-level divine grace to directly kill a true god with the power of eternity.

It's just that most of those who have the ability to obtain high-level divine grace are true gods. They would rather use other methods than consume high-level divine grace, which is more valuable to them.

So now the question is, what to do next?
There is no need for Xia Yuanqing to worry. He himself is in danger now and needs to be tried by the Supreme Court of Order.

Although it is impossible to sentence him to death, he must shed a layer of skin.

There is a high probability that they will be sent to serve in the civilized battlefield, at least for hundreds of years.

The civilized battlefield is an area where human beings fight with other destiny civilizations. Generally, groups of planes are used as battlefields. The weakest participants are all above the tenth-level sanctuary. There are many legends, and there are also many true gods.

There, it is true that legends are not as good as dogs, and true gods walk all over the place, and only with moderate or above divine power can they shake a little.

Speaking of which, he was also out of his wits. In order to deal with him, he dared to directly destroy the interplanetary teleportation array at the transit base, and it was still under the noses of so many people.

But thinking about it in another way, it's not impossible for him to do so.

No one thought that a true god's real body would not be able to affect the teleportation formation, which was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

As for failure penalty
Even going to the civilized battlefield to serve is not a dead end for the true god. As long as you stick to it, it is not difficult to survive the service period.

It is not a loss to use this price to exchange the life of his enemy.

It's just that I didn't expect that I broke the rules, but the enemy didn't kill me. I guess Xia Yuanqing would die of anger.

However, the mark of hatred on Li Qing's body has been activated, and he has been targeted by a certain ancient hatred, so it can only be regarded as a lose-lose situation.

"Go to someone and ask what to do."

Li Qing pondered for a while, then sent a message to Gu Qiangu, telling him all about his current situation.

After almost half an hour, Gu Qiangu rushed over with a projection.

As soon as they met, he stared at his eyebrows with a solemn expression, and remained silent for a long time.

Li Qing couldn't help asking:

"Second brother, what should I do in this situation?"

Gu Qiangu gritted his teeth, and suddenly sighed, which made Li Qing's heart skip a beat.

"You are not in a good situation now. This abomination mark has been activated, and you have been targeted by a certain ancient abomination."

Li Qing immediately asked:

"I don't know if there is a solution."

"Well, there are several ways, but they are all difficult."

"The first method is the simplest. Use a high-level divine favor to purify it at once, and there will be no after-effects. But the high-level divine grace is rare. I think you definitely don't have it, and don't count on me. I don't have it either."

"The second way is to ask a great divine power to help purify it."

He glanced at Li Qing, shook his head and said:
"There is no need to count on this, only the four supreme gods have this ability, but what can you come up with and ask the four supreme beings to help you?"

"By the way, it can also be done with the powerful divine power of purifying the priesthood, but again, the price to be paid for inviting these big guys to take action will not be much worse than a high-level divine favor."

"The third method is that you go to a certain powerful crystal wall system to complete the god conferring ceremony, and then you can forcibly remove the abomination mark by yourself if you are promoted to medium divine power before the owner of the mark, that is, the ancient abomination arrives. "

Li Qing
There are three methods, after much deliberation, it seems that only the third one is relatively reliable.

However, only relatively speaking, it is actually still unreliable.

He now has 8 ordinary divine favors, and he can only be sealed for 8 years, and it is absolutely impossible for him to complete all the preparatory preparations before becoming a god in 8 years.

Even if you borrow more than a dozen divine favors here and there, a total of more than 20 years is enough.

At this time, Gu Qiangu said:
"I have a few suggestions here, you can refer to them."

Li Qing quickly said:

"Second brother, please tell me."

"The first suggestion is that you can sell yourself to His Majesty the Supreme Order God. With your talent, maybe His Majesty can take a fancy to you."

Li Qing
"The second suggestion is to get married. If you want to marry my sister, my father will help you come forward and ask someone who has the powerful power to purify the priesthood, or even the Supreme Being to help you purify the mark of hatred on your body."

"The third suggestion, you can see if there are any missions that reward high-level divine grace among the missions issued by the Tower of Eternity."

"The fourth suggestion is to apply to participate in the Civilization War, and accumulate enough merit points in the Civilization War to exchange for high-level divine grace."

After saying this, Gu Qiangu looked at Li Qing with a smile.

Li Qing frowned, thinking about these four suggestions.

No, there are two suggestions.

The first will not be considered at all.

The time limit for selling one's body to His Majesty the Supreme Order God Throne is often measured in thousands of years, and he doesn't want to sell himself for that long.

The second one will not be considered either, he will only marry a wife, not marry.

Then only the third and fourth proposals remain.

He first communicated with the Eternal Tree and inquired about the tasks issued by the Eternal Tree.

However, just after he inquired, a prompt popped up in front of him, showing a task:
"Sneak into No. 8 Chaos Wind, collect designated items, and reward 3 high-level divine graces."

In Li Qingzheng's doubts, a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind out of thin air, and he suddenly understood.

This task is exactly a favor owed to him by the Tree of Eternity long ago when he transformed two dragon exclusive relics and lairs. He needs to complete a task for the Tree of Eternity at some point.

It's been so long that he forgot about it. He didn't expect it to be this kind of task.

He looked at the mission target again, feeling a little vain.

"This is too difficult!"

The target location of the mission is No. 8 Chaos Wind. It can be numbered, and it is still the top ten number. I don't know what level of Chaos Wind it is.

Let him mix in this kind of place, wouldn't he die too quickly?

He quickly turned off this thing, and now he dare not accept this task.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this task, and it does not restrict him to receive it now.

Then he formally checked some tasks that the Eternal Tree had released.

The light curtain popped open, and there were only a dozen or so tasks on it.

Scanning these tasks roughly, the eyes are either the wind of chaos or the true god, or the civilization of alien destiny.

Most tasks only reward one high-level divine favor, and only a few reward two or more divine graces, and the highest-ranked
"Destroy the eternal brain pool of the destiny civilization of the illithid, capture a piece of eternal brain, and reward 1 eternal divine favor."

Nothing to say.

The meaning of this task is equivalent to that a spirit sucker Destiny Warlord ran to the Human Eternal Tree and cut off a branch of the Eternal Tree.

With this difficulty, I am afraid that even if the great divine power is gone, it will not come back.

Remove three of the four suggestions, and there is only the last one left—to participate in the battle of civilizations.

The battle of civilizations has an advantage, no matter whether you can accumulate meritorious deeds in exchange for a high-level divine favor, you don't have to worry about the ancient abhorrence over there.

Thousands of true gods were mobilized on both sides of the Civilization War, with more than ten powerful gods. Each side has a great god, which is more powerful than the ancient abomination. There is no need to be afraid even if the abomination mark cannot be suppressed.

"So, this is the only option."

Li Qing made a decision in his heart, raised his head and said to Gu Qiangu:
"Second brother, I'm going to the civilized battlefield."

Gu Qiangu was slightly surprised, but didn't say anything, just nodded and said:
"This is a good choice, at least you don't have to worry about the ancient abomination coming over."

"If you choose this path, then make preparations early. Don't worry on the barbaric plane. I've already let you know. If anyone dares to make trouble, don't blame me for inviting parents."

Li Qing nodded:

"Trouble second brother."

Gu Qiangu said coldly:
"Some people are used to being crazy. If I don't do something, it doesn't mean I can't do it. Don't worry, there will be no next time."

Li Qing was relieved about this.

Before, no one thought that Xia Yuanqing would be so insane that he would rather be judged than do something during the teleportation.

Now that Gu Qiangu was also irritated, whoever dared to do something at this time, he would ask his father to do it.

Then Li Qing asked some more about the situation of the plane battlefield, and when Gu Qiangu left, he opened the interface about the civilized battlefield in the tree of eternity.

There is not only one civilized battlefield of human civilization, but there are only two in general, and each has many branch battlefields.

They are the battlefield of destiny civilization between humans and illithids, and the battlefield of destiny civilization between humans and orcs.

Yes, among the many destiny civilizations, there are orcs.

Among so many planes in Chaos Void Sea, orcs are also a race not inferior to humans in scale, covering almost all planes. It is not surprising that orcs on a certain plane get the destiny to become a civilization of destiny.

It is worth mentioning that there seem to be six or seven Destiny Civilizations that humans have discovered in the Chaos Void Sea, but the illithids and orcs that are close enough to the Human Destiny Civilization are the only two in the civilized battlefield.

Li Qing thought about it for a while, and the civilized battlefield he was going to was on the side of humans and illithids.

The reason is simple, orcs are stronger than illithids in terms of individual combat effectiveness.

The overall strength of the two sides is equal. Among them, the strength of the illithid is the powerful power of mind and spirit, and the strength of the orc is stronger individual combat power.

The civilized battlefield is dominated by fighting, of course choose opponents with weaker individual combat effectiveness.

The civilized battlefield with illithids is in the depths of the chaotic void, a huge group of planes with a broken crystal wall system as the core.

It is said that a long time ago, both human beings and spirit suckers discovered the crystal wall system. It was a normal battle for the crystal wall system, but it was not known why the war got out of control and led to the destruction of the crystal wall system.

The indigenous gods inside died and fled, and the various tribes suffered heavy casualties. A huge and powerful crystal wall system capable of supporting the birth of great divine power has thus become a battlefield between the two tribes.

As time goes by, small and medium planes are constantly being drawn closer to this crystal wall system, slowly forming a huge battle group of planes.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the two civilizations simply used this super huge plane group as a battlefield to fight against each other.

After fighting for so long, the crystal wall system has long been beaten into chaos, and the resources have been plundered long ago, and there are not many mineral deposits left.

(End of this chapter)

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