Chapter 220
"Captain Yu, I have a question I want to ask."

At the team's residence, Li Qing found Yu Boping who was practicing swordsmanship in the middle of the courtyard.

After hearing this, Yu Boping put away his long sword and said with a smile:
"Ask anything, and I'll tell you what I can say."

"That's it. When I sent to the main base, I saw the exchange list. It said that what kind of deception can be exchanged for a divine favor, and a deceptive source quality can be exchanged for a high-level divine grace. What are these two things?"

After hearing this, Yu Boping replied without thinking:
"The so-called paranormal substance is a special thing that falls off after killing a paranormal object, while the paranormal source quality is something obtained after destroying a paranormal domain."

"The so-called weird thing is a very weird thing formed by the will of the dead planes in this crystal wall system, the dead billions of creatures, and the distorted underlying laws."

"It's the same situation in the strange domain, but in an area, there are many strange things in it, including a very scary king of strange things."

"There is such a thing?"

Li Qing felt his eyes were wide open, and couldn't help asking:
"Is this weird thing and weird domain strong?"

Yu Boping only replied:
"Run when you see it, don't hesitate!"

Li Qing said in surprise:

"Is it so powerful?"

Yu Boping shook his head and said:

"It's not very powerful. Generally speaking, legends with stronger monsters can deal with it, but this thing is immortal. It can be reborn immediately after death. You can kill it once or twice, and the strong one can kill it ten times or dozens of times. You Can you kill ten thousand times?"

Li Qing was extremely surprised:

"So strong? How did this weirdness come about?"

"After killing many times in a row, there will be a very small probability of falling off some tricks that can be collected."

"Well, can't it be completely killed, and the true god can't deal with ordinary tricks? For example, can't he have the powerful divine power to purify the priesthood?"

Yu Boping nodded first, then shook his head and said:
"Of course a powerful divine power can do it, any powerful divine power, even a medium divine power with the priesthood of purification can do it, but the strange thing is the product of the distortion of the underlying law of the crystal wall system. As long as the crystal wall system still exists, it will be the source of energy. It keeps appearing, and it can't be killed at all."

"At the beginning, both humans and spirit suckers sent strong men to try to purify, but they all gave up later."

He glanced at Li Qing and said seriously:

"The monster is easy to recognize. As long as you see it, you will naturally know that it is a monster. In this case, you run away directly, or leave the current plane. The monster will keep chasing you in the plane. If you face them, they will lose your position and will not chase you any further.”


"By the way, what is Paradox?"

"The distorted plane area is equivalent to an independent space. If you enter below the true god, you will definitely die, and even the true god may fall into it."

"But you don't need to worry too much about this. Paradoxical domains are extremely rare. Generally, only broken main planes and a few powerful planes exist. We are only going to the subsidiary planes. Generally, such things as paradoxical domains are impossible."

"I've been here for more than [-] years, and I've only heard of one case where a ghost realm appeared in an ordinary plane."

"Okay, that's all right."

After Li Qing heard this, he had nothing to worry about.

The ghost domain basically does not appear in the normal plane, and the monsters are not strong. With their own strength, they can almost kill them in seconds. If they are annoying to kill later, they can easily leave the current plane to avoid hunting. It is not a big problem.

In the following time, Yu Bo usually went outside to recruit people from time to time, and finally recruited ten members after ten days.

After half an hour of preparation, the team was ready to set off.

A group of ten people passed through the teleportation array of the main base, and were directly transported to a plane numbered D451, which was an outpost on a flattened mountain top of the plane.

This outpost is the transmission point and assembly point for human beings. It is located on a high mountain of more than 2000 meters, with a diameter of only about 500 meters. There is a small castle on it.

There is such an outpost no matter humans or spirit suckers, and it is a teleportation site for both sides.

This teleportation site can allow attacks, if you have the ability.

There are not many people in the outpost, and there are no so-called guards. Some workshops, blacksmiths, etc. in the base are empty, and everything is placed there.

"If you need to repair equipment, do it yourself."

Yu Boping pointed to the things in the outpost base and introduced Li Qing and other newcomers:
"When we teleport over, we have already entered the battlefield. Even if we stay in this base, it may not be safe. Everyone, please be more vigilant."

"Plane battlefields are generally fought in the form of small teams. Everyone needs to perform their duties and have a clear division of labor. The newcomers report their occupations and specialties so that they can assign positions."

After speaking, he looked at Li Qing and said with a smile:
"Li Qing, you are the vice captain, you come first."

With a flip of his wrist, Li Qing took out a low-grade rare object 'Golden Bone Shield' and a high-grade treasure 'Death Scythe' that he had obtained a long time ago, and said:

"As you can see, I am good at frontal combat. I have the ability to transform into a dragon. I have many innate spells including teleportation and flash. I can take a lot of damage."

Yu Boping's eyes lit up when he saw it:
"Okay brother!"

The other team members also showed joy.

Players like him who are good at frontal combat and can take a lot of damage have a professional name-tank, MT, is one of the most needed and important members of any team.

Then the other members also introduced their abilities one by one, and Li Qing took notes by the way.

Everyone's occupations are roughly divided into combat type and mage type. There is only one auxiliary type hero, which is a druid.

After all, it is not a game, and there are not so many professions to speak of.

Half an hour later, a magical aircraft left the platform and sailed into the plane.

The main goal of plane combat is to accumulate merits, and merits are obtained by killing individuals of the enemy camp. Staying in the outpost base does not need to expect someone to come to you, you have to take the initiative to find it.

Although theoretically the outposts can be attacked, in general, the two sides will not take the initiative to attack each other's outposts, which is not only meaningless, but also dangerous.

The outpost is under attack, and someone will be teleported from the main base at any time. Once they come, they will be surrounded and they will not be able to run.

The aircraft quickly passed through the mountains, and soon appeared on a plain, and a huge city ruin appeared in front of him.

A faint gray mist shrouded the ruins of the city, and the dust rolled up by the wind and sand covered every corner. Here, there was no trace of vitality. The buildings that used to be the city were destroyed beyond recognition, and became a A heap of ruins or chaotic piles.

The aircraft flew over from a high altitude, and could only see some dilapidated structures that could not be recognized as they used to be. Many undead skeletons wandered among the ruins, gray shadows were reflected on the ground, and the whole city was dead silent.

"This plane has been completely destroyed. Except for a few mutated survivors with tenacious vitality, most of them are undead and demons that were left behind."

Yu Boping stood in front of the aircraft with his arms around him, and said indifferently:

"By the way, some distorted evils may be born in some planes. If you see them, you'd better kill them, lest they grow up and become a threat."


As soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise from a distance, and everyone looked up immediately, and saw a ball of light exploding in the sky.

Yu Boping immediately said:
"Be careful, there should be a battle ahead, let's go and have a look."

The aircraft accelerated, and many teammates involuntarily stood up, holding their weapons tightly.

Soon he came to the location of the sound, and saw a human team and a illithid team fighting above a dry black forest in the distance.

The two sides caught and killed each other, and four corpses fell to the ground. It happened that there were two humans and two illithids each, and there were a few injured behind them. It seemed that they were evenly matched.

When seeing the human figure on the aircraft, the illithid team immediately started to evacuate, but was tightly entangled by the human team.

Li Qing drew out the sickle of death and said to Yu Boping:

"I'll go first."

After speaking, the man disappeared, and reappeared in front of the two wounded soldiers who had flashed behind the illithid. The scythe slashed down, and the sickle cut a unprepared illithid hero in half.

Another tenth-level illithid hero next to him was so frightened that his tiny whiskers stood up on the back of his head, screaming and raising his sword to block it.


A large canopy of sparks exploded, and the spirit sucker plummeted down like a meteor.

Halfway through, Li Qing's figure appeared behind him out of thin air, and was split in two with a scythe.

It was only at this time that Yu Boping realized that he opened his mouth slightly in shock.

"So fierce!!!"

He could also kill two wounded tenth-level heroes head-on, but it was absolutely impossible so quickly and easily. This flash of his hand was simply elusive, and Yu Boping thought that he would never be able to block it easily.

After only two strikes, Yu Boping realized that the new vice-captain was definitely stronger than himself.

Not only was he not jealous at all, but he shouted excitedly, pointing at Li Qing:
"Captain Li Qing, Niubi!"

Li Qing returned a gesture, and he appeared in front of the human captain and illithid squad leader who were fighting.

The two legendary powerhouses also saw the scene just now, but their mentality was completely opposite.

One side was palpitating and terrified, the human captain ecstatically attacked and entangled the opponent, when he saw Li Qing suddenly flashing behind the opponent, he rushed forward without hesitation.

Illithid Legend's hairs stood on end. At this moment, he could feel his soul being stabbed like a knife. Without hesitation, he turned his head to look at Li Qing who was holding his scythe behind him. His pupils lit up with a dazzling white light. Dao's invisible spiritual spike flashed, and no one was in Li Qing's pupils.

However, the usual invincible trick failed this time, and Li Qing slashed down with a scythe without blinking an eyelid.

Legend of the Illithid only had time to lift the sword upside down and stick the sword behind his back, when he felt an unimaginable force attack, and he was thrown flying with the sword.

It is also fortunate that he has reached the legendary level, his perception and reaction are too strong, and he found the only way to survive at this moment.

It is also fortunate that the weapons of the legendary strongman are good enough to block Li Qing's brute force attack.

However, Li Qing didn't just have one blow.

The scythe smashed the target into the air, and he flashed behind the inverted illithid legend again without hesitation. This time, instead of swinging the scythe, he swung his fist down.

The fist quickly turned into a dragon claw full of dragon scales and hit the parrying sword body. With a loud 'clang', the illithid legend flew again.

Li Qing flew forward without hesitation, and Hualong's claws bombarded wildly.

The terrifying power came down again and again, and the legend of the illithid was blasted away after only five blows. It hit the chest with a punch, and everyone in the audience could hear a loud 'click'.

Li Qing didn't give him any chance, and took advantage of his defense wide open to sweep with a scythe, cutting him in two!

"3 points of merit have been obtained!"

When the legendary captain died, the morale of the remaining illithid team members plummeted and they all fled.

But under their stalking and siege by the two teams, only four were able to escape alive in the end.

After the battle, the team leader who was rescued by them came to Li Qing and expressed his gratitude to him very formally.

Li Qing nodded and accepted their thanks.

On the road again after the war, everyone looked at him differently this time.

I used to show respect for his legendary strength, but now I am completely convinced by his powerful strength.

His ability to kill legends of the same level like chopping melons and vegetables is definitely a super strong among legends, called a super legend, and has the strength not inferior to demigods.

Not all legendary powerhouses will take the path of conferring gods. Some legendary powerhouses will not take the path of conferring gods, but will dig deep into their potential on the professional route and discover the rules they master to advance to legend.

This can also improve strength, similar to the ancient gods who follow the rules, the ancient gods who have no godhead.

This kind of legend is called a super legend, which is not inferior to or even stronger than a demigod.

Theoretically, when the understanding of the law reaches a certain limit, a super legend with a super high professional level has the strength not inferior to a true god.

This kind of legend is extremely rare, much less than true gods, but there are indeed such super legends.

In their hearts at this moment, Li Qing is that kind of super legend.

After all, his physical body has not yet been fully deified, and he is not considered a serious demigod.

Next, the aircraft began to fly aimlessly in the plane, flying around.

The plane battlefield is like this, wander around without any goals, fight when you encounter enemies, and return until you have accumulated enough meritorious deeds.

Li Qing didn't show anything more for the time being, just wandered around with the team, occasionally brushing some undead and monsters.

A destroyed world is the easiest place to give birth to undead. Even if the undead is killed and the remaining dead energy gathers, new undead will still be born, which is almost impossible to kill.

What they have to do is if they see a large number of undead gathering, try to destroy them as much as possible, so as not to give birth to undead lords.

The resentment and hatred of the will of the plane of death will give birth to the undead lord. Under the urging of the residual will of the plane, the strength of the undead lord will grow very fast, and it is easy to be promoted to legend or even higher.

In these tens of thousands of years of history, from time to time, it was heard that a certain plane had an undead lord whose strength was comparable to that of a true god. Those were undead lords that had not been cleaned up for a long time, or had been hiding somewhere.

These undead lords or demon lords, or distorted monsters, once their strength reaches legend or above, killing them will not only give them extra merit, but the key will be a treasure chest of loot.

This is also the only chance to have loot in the civilized battlefield, and there is a chance to get some ancient treasures of this crystal wall system.

(End of this chapter)

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