Chapter 226
Next, Li Qing did the same thing, using the space in his palm to put away the hidden monsters in several dilapidated rooms in the small courtyard.

Then when I came to the gate of the small courtyard, I could see that it was bright outside the gate, and there were many vague figures walking around, and I didn't know if it was a strange thing.

Li Qing thought for a while, took out a steel golem from the space in his palm, and ordered it to walk out of the small courtyard.

Just like before, the steel golem disappeared into the gray air.

But he waited on the spot for a while, and the steel golem walked back again. Li Qing checked it, and there was nothing abnormal.

Then two hoplites were sent out, and they returned after a while, and nothing happened.

Li Qing felt relieved and led his subordinates into the door.

In the next second, his eyes lit up, and a loud voice appeared in his ears. When he could see things, he saw a circle of beggar-like people in front of him, staring at him with strange eyes.

He subconsciously prepared to do something, but he heard one of them laughing and saying:

"Welcome newcomers to the land of the dead."

Li Qing paused, and glanced at the people around him, his eyes were a little suspicious.

Then the man waved his hand to him and said:
"Don't worry, we, like you, are all people trapped in this strange realm."

At this time, another person said with a strange smile:

"Long time no newcomer, welcome!"

Everyone greeted him in a hurry, some expressions were normal, and some expressions looked weird.

"Brother, we haven't had a newcomer here for a long time, tell us about the situation on the plane battlefield."

At this moment, Li Qing's mind was full of question marks and vigilance.

Although these people seemed normal, as if they had been trapped in a strange realm before, he did not believe them.

Judging from the situation he encountered when he came in just now, he really couldn't believe that these people who were also suppressed as ordinary people could persist here for so many years.

But he looked vigilant. These people seemed to have not seen them, and asked him some questions enthusiastically. Most of them were asking about the situation outside. It really looked like they had been trapped for many years.

Li Qing pondered for a while, and began to answer their questions while remaining vigilant.

However, after answering a few questions, he suddenly noticed something was wrong, because after answering each question, he found that he didn't remember the question he had just asked after answering it.

It is the answer that I have answered, and I am actually losing these memories.

He decisively shut his mouth, turned around and retreated to the small courtyard just now.

However, this time the barrier at the gate of the small courtyard disappeared, and a group of people rushed in, asking questions in a hurry.

Li Qing ordered without hesitation:


The tall steel golem swept across with a sword, and a group of people were cut in half, and the bright red blood flew.

Li Qing raised his hand in surprise, squeezed his fingers, some sticky blood flew onto his hand, and saw that many people who hadn't responded to the killing, even the few people who had been cut off in the middle seemed to have no feeling, looking forward to it Looking at himself, he waved to himself.

An inexplicable chill came to my heart.

Li Qing quickly opened the space in his palm, and then pulled out a few steel golems and more elite troops to kill these weird creatures that seemed to be living humans but were definitely not humans.

They were quickly dismembered by their subordinates, and the ground was covered with stumps and blood, but only the stumps still asked him as if they didn't feel anything, and the stumps dragged blood on the ground and leaned towards him.

Li Qing frowned fiercely, and was about to open the space in his palm to take them away and refine them.

But he felt that the sky was getting dark, and he raised his head subconsciously, but saw the sky darken rapidly, and a little black came from a distance, drowning the sky and the earth like sticky ink.

Then many strange things seemed to sense something, and they shouted:
"Quick, the Lord of the Paradoxical Domain is here, find a house to hide."

One of them also said to Li Qing:
"You also hide quickly, don't worry, it will pass in less than an hour."

As he said, the corpses squirmed and rushed out one by one, and some rushed to other rooms on the side of the small courtyard, with bloodstains dragging everywhere on the ground.

The sky quickly turned dark, and Li Qing felt the increasingly strong warning signs, and ordered his subordinates to retreat to the room he had just entered, and then put away several steel golems, leaving only one at the door.

Soon the sky completely darkened, the viscous ink drowned everything, and the outside of the doorway returned to its original appearance, and it was so dark that nothing could be seen.

But the strange thing is that there is no door in the room, but the black liquid didn't come in.

Almost instantly, Li Qing lost contact with the steel golem outside the door.

He wanted to go out to have a look again, but after thinking about it, he held back and decided to wait an hour before going out.

An hour passed quickly, and when the time was up, he ordered a hoplite to go out, and told him to return immediately after going out.

Soon the soldiers went out and back, and Li Qingcai went out with him.

There was nothing outside the door, the shadow of the steel golem who had been guarding the door before was gone, and the blood and pieces of flesh all over the ground were also gone, as if nothing had happened before.

He frowned and looked at the other huts in the small courtyard, but he saw someone rushing out of one of the huts and shouting:

"Brothers, it's over, come out!"

Then a person rushed out of a door on the left and laughed loudly:

"I'm not dead, I'm still alive."

"What about the other brothers?"

However, no one responded, and the other rooms were completely dark.

Several people immediately paused, looking disappointed:
"The other brothers didn't make it through, they were assimilated."

Li Qing watched them silently without any reaction.

He clearly remembered cutting them into pieces before, but now he has turned into a normal appearance, his body is intact, and he seems to have forgotten what happened just now, as if what happened just now didn't happen, and said to Li Qing:
"You have seen it all. This is the case in this Paradise Realm. Every once in a while, the Lord of the Paradise Realm will come out to hunt. If you hide in time, you can hide there. If you don't hide, all your memory and soul will be taken away and transformed into a Paradise Realm. minion of the lord."

He suddenly pointed to himself and said:

"Although I have forgotten what happened an hour ago, I can see what you may have discovered from your vigilant expression. I feel that I may not be able to go back. If you can, give me a happy and kill me completely."

"But I don't think it's possible. You are more likely to be trapped in this paradox with us until you are completely assimilated and become a part of the paradox."

At this point, he suddenly laughed, turned around and rushed out the door to disappear.

At this moment, Li Qing basically understood what these people were.

If you guessed right, they are all people who have been lost in this paradoxical domain. The master of the paradoxical domain harvests it every once in a while. Those who fail are harvested with their souls and all memories turned into strange objects. Transformation of monsters.

As long as you can't escape, the final result can only be transformed into a strange thing, it's just a matter of which day.

Before he came to those huts, it was pitch black inside the door.

Stretching out a finger, the exit of the space in the palm opened and blocked the door, and a powerful attraction came from it, forcibly sucking out the dark and viscous liquid from it.

In the same way, use the same method to devour and refine the monsters in the other two rooms.

Next, a dozen steel golems and hundreds of soldiers walked out of the small courtyard, and another group of people surrounded them on the street outside, repeating what they said at the beginning, as if what happened an hour ago had never happened.

Li Qing sighed lightly, stretched out his hand, and the troops began to kill wildly.

The palm space channel opened, allowing the soldiers to forcibly grab them and throw them into it.

Before being completely assimilated into monsters, they just have the ability to be immortal just like ordinary people.

Afterwards, Li Qing continued to send troops to search for all moving things in the city. The houses were destroyed, and the strange things hidden in many houses were attracted and forcibly swallowed.

His huge movement attracted the attention of a large number of strange things in the depths of the strange domain, and soon a large number of strange things rushed out from the depths of the strange domain.

Looking from a distance, it is a dark and viscous liquid tide rolling in.

Li Qing quickly retracted his subordinates, opened the door of the space in his palm to the maximum, and stood in the center of his palm.

The dark tide hit the door of the black hole heavily, and quickly poured into it with the force of gravity.

Being in the channel of the space in the palm, affected by the power of the space in the palm, most of the suppressing and prohibiting effects exerted by Guiyu on Li Qing failed, and he immediately recovered part of his strength.

An absolute space force field protects itself, watching the viscous black liquid pour into the palm space along the surroundings, and then quickly decomposed and refined into law fragments.


As a large amount of viscous liquid was swallowed, the entire space of the Paradox began to vibrate, and then the inner city of the Paradise began to vibrate violently, distorted, and the world began to be destroyed, gradually turning into black.

In just a short while, everything in the entire paradox disappeared, replaced by endless black liquid rolling.

A will that cannot be described in words came slowly, Li Qing only felt it for a moment, and he was stunned for a moment.

At that moment, he lost his mind for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, his right hand was in severe pain, and he found that his right hand had been inserted into the pitch-black liquid and had rotted away, and the black liquid was extending along the rotted severed hand to his shoulder.

Without hesitation, Li Qing slashed off the severed hand shoulder-to-shoulder with a palm of the knife, and the stump quickly turned into a ball of pitch-black liquid and fell into the surrounding torrent.

Then he quickly blessed himself with a series of spells to strengthen his soul and will, and then added a layer of time turbulence around himself.

Then the indescribable will constantly impacted his will, and the pitch-black liquid continuously impacted the space in his palm. Li Qing, who was prepared, firmly maintained his clarity.

As time passed, the terrifying will gradually began to weaken, and the jet-black liquid that poured in gradually decreased. At the same time, Li Qing could feel his own strength slowly recovering.

He knew that this was the beginning of the collapse of the Paradise, and the suppression of himself was slowly weakening.

Until a certain moment, the indescribable suppression suddenly disappeared completely, and Li Qing understood that the paradoxical domain had completely collapsed.

When the last trace of black liquid disappeared, he walked out of the black hole gate, and found that the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and he had left the paradoxical domain and returned to the plane.

The huge black hole embedded in the wasteland under his feet has disappeared.

"Is this considered to have completely cracked a paradox?"

Li Qing closed the space in his palm. At this time, the center of it was filled with a large amount of black liquid, bound by an invisible space.

It can trap even a true god to death outside, but in the space in the palm it is a dish for him to dispose of.

Li Qing raised his head to look around, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Find a place to refine first!"

He couldn't wait to see what this supernatural source quality, which was worth a high-level divine favor, was and what it was useful for.

When he came to a barren mountain, he found a barren hole and got in.

Open the space in the palm and start to decompose the Lord of the Paradox trapped in the refinement.

It is no different from decomposing other things, except that the speed of decomposing and refining is slightly slower, but it can still be decomposed and refined.

As time passed, it took Li Qing four and a half days to completely refine the countless black liquids, and finally refined a large cluster of starlight and a stream of light that kept flickering.

Starlight is countless law fragments, and the flashing streamer
It is a mixture of a large law fragment and a crystal wall system source sea fragment.

Needless to say, the law fragments, this Li Qing understands, this piece is just bigger and more complete, but it will definitely not reach the point where it is worth a high-level divine favor.

And this crystal wall is the source sea fragment.
Let's put it this way, no matter the source sea of ​​the plane or the source sea of ​​the crystal wall system, it is the gathering place of the wisdom and memory of countless creatures for the entire crystal wall system from its birth to the present for hundreds of millions of years. Embody.

At the moment when any true god becomes a god, the soul will have the opportunity to contact the source sea, so as to obtain the infinite wisdom accumulated in the history of the entire crystal wall system, and get in touch with the underlying laws of the crystal wall system at close range, so that the true god can transcend everything.

But when the true god conferred the gods, what he gained was only wisdom and knowledge of laws, and it was absolutely impossible to distinguish the source sea fragments of the crystal wall system like now.

What does this thing represent
It's hard for Li Qing to say now, but it's definitely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Even for ordinary people, this thing is useless. It is only useful for the legendary and above powerhouses, and it has the greatest effect on true gods.

It also has a great effect on the tree of eternity, because it allows the tree of eternity to directly obtain a part of the infinite wisdom and infinite creatures, including the memory of the true god, accumulated by this crystal wall system for hundreds of millions of years.

This thing also has a huge effect on Li Qing.

If he can refine this thing, he will gain a lot of knowledge and wisdom, which will greatly increase his understanding of the rules and greatly enhance his own strength.

Without thinking about it, Li Qing took it out and started refining it.

The first step is to refine the fragments of these laws, but this time it is mainly used to strengthen the laws of space.

The law shards obtained by devouring and refining a crafty domain almost caught up with the sum of the law shards he had accumulated in the past few decades. After being completely refined in one breath, his mastery of space law changed from 1.01% to 1.47%, less than 1%. .

If it is replaced by the law of enhanced prophecy, it is estimated that it can be increased by about 15% in one go.

This is the gap between different laws, one is just the median law, and the other is one of the supreme laws.

This is still the early stage, and when the mastery of the laws reaches a certain level later, so many law fragments may not be able to improve by 0.1%.

After refining these fragments, Li Qing took out the streamer that fused with the Yuanhai fragments, and merged and refined them without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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