Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 233 Unbelievable Chance

Chapter 233 Unbelievable Chance

Wu Zhonglin didn't deny Li Qing's analysis, but he didn't approve of it either. He pondered for a while and asked:
"Let's talk about your thoughts, how to save this crystal wall system according to the most ideal situation."

Li Qing was a little surprised, and couldn't figure out what the boss meant by asking this question all the time.

After a little deliberation, he replied:

"From the junior's point of view, if we want to save this crystal wall system, the premise is that the two destiny civilizations, humans and illithids, no longer use this crystal wall system as a battlefield."

"Then please Your Majesties personally take action to eliminate the four major cancers one by one. This should take a very long time."

"After the four major cancers are eliminated, the broken main material plane must be repaired, or recast."

"We will also rekindle the four elemental planes."

"Destroy the Chaos Plane, return to Chaos and reopen."

"Re-cut the dead river of Styx and awaken the consciousness of the river of Styx."

"Finally, we need to spend a huge amount of plane origin to replenish the power of the crystal wall system that has been lost over the years, and most importantly, we need to give birth to the son of the crystal wall system."

After talking about this, there are actually some details behind, but Li Qing didn't say anything, he looked at Wu Zhonglin and said:
"This is the understanding of the younger generation. I don't know if it is perfect, so I ask the senior to correct it."

The supreme war lord nodded, but changed the subject and asked a question that was so unexpected that he hadn't thought of it at all:

"I want to restart this crystal wall system, and I want to support a true god to become the son of the crystal wall system of this crystal wall system. Are you interested?"

Li Qing opened his mouth wide in surprise.

It took a long time to react, and asked in amazement:

"Your Majesty, do you want to restart this crystal wall system?"

Wu Zhonglin nodded:
"Yes, I want to restart this crystal wall system, and support a son of the crystal wall system to help me restart this crystal wall system."

"I have been observing you for a long time, no matter your talent, ability, or luck, you are far superior to other true gods, and you are qualified to take on this task."


Li Qing didn't know what to say for a moment.

Of course he is not happy, what future does a son of the crystal wall of the crystal wall system that is doomed to destruction have?
Don't say that this is serving a great divine power who can climb up to the top.

What's the use of that, the difference between myself and the great divine power is too great, and the relationship is seriously unequal.

If I have to risk my life to fight, it may not necessarily make the boss happy.

Once he fails and dies, the big brother will immediately replace him with another person, and he will not leave a trace of impression in the big brother's heart.

Unless you are already powerful, you will have a little bit of autonomy.

Therefore, the difference in strength and status is too great, so don't force yourself to join the big shots, the pay and the gain are completely unequal.

So, he said with a look of regret and humility:

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, I still have very important things to do now, I'm afraid I won't have time to stay on the main material plane."

The middle-aged man's gaze shifted towards the cancerous heart in the center of the plane, and Li Qing felt that his soul and thinking were pierced by this gaze for a moment.

Either feeling or being seen through.

Fortunately, the important thing he refused to say just now is true, not false, so the Lord of War glanced at him for a while, and finally looked away after what felt like a year had passed.

Again he said:
"Don't worry, I never force others, you have important matters related to your own promotion of powerful divine power, I will not stop you, but"

"Do you know why this seat wants to spend a huge price to restart this crystal wall system that is about to be destroyed?"

Li Qing shook his head honestly:

"The juniors don't know."

"This incarnation of this seat has been on the plane battlefield for more than 7000 years. These years, I have been idle in the crystal wall system for a long time, but I discovered a very interesting thing."

"As we all know, death is never the end. Human death may turn into undead, and plane death will perish most of the time, but other results may occur in extremely rare cases."

"This crystal wall system is about to die, and the normal situation will gradually collapse and die, but because of our influence, things like strange things and strange domains have been born in the crystal wall system."

"From the initial weird thing, to slowly coming out of the tricky domain, and then slowly turning into a cancerous tumor, until now, I found that the death of the crystal wall system is being suspended and reversed, and the underlying rules of the entire crystal wall system are being affected by the cancerous tumor Distort change across the board."

"As this distortion continues to deepen, the remaining crystal wall system has begun to actively distort itself in order to save itself, and actively accommodate the changed rules and cancer."

"According to my speculation, if things go on like this for tens of thousands of years, the remaining will of the crystal wall system will completely merge with the four major tumors. At that point, the main consciousness of the four major tumors will automatically become the son of the crystal wall system, or the crystal wall system. Lord of the Wall System."

"Once you reach that point, under the urging of the cancerous tumor, the entire crystal wall system will be completely distorted, turning into a super-huge twisted life form with the entire crystal wall system as its body and the four major cancerous tumors as its will. The super evil power of great divine power."

Li Qing listened to the Lord of War with a shocked face, rubbed his brows, and said:

"Your Majesty's conjecture is really astonishing, but I'm afraid it will be tens of thousands of years later, and it will have no effect on human beings. We have four supreme gods, and we don't need to be afraid of them."

"Of course there is no need to fear in normal circumstances, but"

Speaking of this, the voice suddenly stopped, Li Qing raised his head, and saw a trace of hesitation on the face of the Lord of War.

Strangely enough, the voice appeared directly in his mind:
"You can't say what's next."

Li Qing nodded:

"The junior will never say anything."

"It's okay, you can't say it."

"According to my guess and that of the other majesties, once this crystal wall system completes its self-salvation, it will become a super distorted life body. Because it is regarded as a plane battlefield by us, a large number of heroes of destiny have fallen here, so once it can be successfully born , there is a high probability of obtaining the destiny."

Hearing this, Li Qing's pupils opened suddenly, and an incredible idea emerged in his mind.

However, when he wanted to make further associations, the news he had just heard suddenly disappeared from his mind, and he was suddenly at a loss.

When he retracted his thoughts, the memory that had just disappeared appeared again.

Now Li Qing didn't think about it anymore.

But the shock in my heart is beyond words.

According to what the supreme war lord said, this plane battlefield has the possibility of becoming an eternal existence.

To use a simple analogy, no matter the Eternal Sacred Tree of humans or the Eternal Brain Pool of the Illithid Destiny Empire, they are actually an eternal super life form.

They are not born to be eternal existences. At the beginning, they were all super life forms born in the void sea of ​​​​chaos, but they had the opportunity to carry a race of destiny. Combined with the destiny, it will eventually evolve into an eternal super life form.

What is an eternal level super life form?


After the scouring of time, it is immortal and eternal.

Immortal until the end of the current era.

Weak divine power, weak divine power, medium divine power, strong divine power, great divine power, eternal divine power.

The further you go, the greater the power gap between each level is, the difference between the great divine power and the eternal divine power is one level, but the eternal divine power can accommodate a large amount of great divine power.

At this time, Li Qing understood the thoughts of the Lord of War, and he wanted to intercept that eternal opportunity.

If this thing can really be born as a super twisted life form, if the four major cancers are the main consciousness, it will only have the chance to carry the destiny, but it is not high, and it may only become a super life form wandering in the chaotic sea.

However, if the main consciousness is a War Lord of Destiny, the possibility of obtaining the Destiny will be higher, at least twice that of the original state.

He let Li Qing be the son of the crystal wall system, of course not giving him this eternal opportunity, just like Wu Zhonglin said, he is just the son of the crystal wall system, and then cooperate with him.

He is only the son of the crystal wall system, not the master of the crystal wall system.

Wait until the last step in the future.
Of course, although the possibility of dominating this super life form is not great, if it really succeeds, let the Lord of War seize this eternal opportunity to become a newborn eternal life form. As the son of the crystal wall system, he is also a great contributor. The chance of great divine power is not a problem.

To be honest, Li Qing was a little moved at this moment.

Even with a golden finger, he is not sure about being promoted to great power.

Although the bloodline of the ancestor ancient dragon was comparable to the great divine power in the end, and became stronger as it went on, but this is the bloodline, not the divine power.

If possible, of course he would like both himself and his divine power to reach the level of great divine power.

In this way, his strength must be at the top at the level of great divine power.

The risk of the Lord of War proposal is simply too great.

To become the son of the crystal wall system, he not only needs to face the all-out repulsion of the four major cancers, but also needs to face all-out destruction from the illithid side.

Even the human side has the potential to sabotage.

This chance can be seen by the Lord of War, and the other supreme beings can also see that they didn't pay attention before, but if the Lord of War wants to make a big move, it will definitely be known, and when the time comes...
Eternal chance!Who is not jealous.

Li Qing thought about it again and again, and finally he was firm in his heart, shaking his head:
"Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I am not here!"

Wu Zhonglin looked at Li Qing seriously with that indescribable gaze. The indescribable pressure made him extremely uncomfortable, but he still resisted the discomfort and met that gaze head-on.

This is just an incarnation of the Lord of War, it should be one of those few special incarnations, its strength surpasses any powerful divine power, it gives him the same feeling as facing Xia Yuanqing's real body when he was not a god.

It is estimated that a random finger can easily press him to death.

Moreover, through the connection between the incarnation and the real body, the real body and all incarnations can be annihilated in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, this gaze didn't last long, and it quickly moved away.

"Since you are not interested, this seat will not force you. If you change your mind, you can come to this seat at any time within 1000 years."

After speaking, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, facing a great divine power, he was really nervous. After all, he was an existence that could completely annihilate himself with a single finger.

As for the promise of the God of War, he didn't take it to heart.

If you don't agree now, you won't agree in the future.

It's not that I have no way to go further, the worst thing I can do is to take the bloodline route, there is no need to take this risk.

Retracting his thoughts, Li Qing looked at the huge heart in the center of the main material plane, pondered for a while, then turned and left.

Then he changed the direction and flew towards the bottom of the crystal wall system between the bottomless abyss and hell, preparing to see the second cancerous tumor.

The boundless void is not too far for the true god, especially since he has the priesthood of space, and every teleportation can span an extremely long distance.

It is also that the crystal wall system has been destroyed, the underlying rules have begun to distort, and the original coordinates have become invalid, otherwise he would have been able to directly locate and teleport into the abyss.

From time to time in the void, there are real figures flying by, including human true gods and real bodies from illithid civilization.

Most of them traveled everywhere, and only a few stopped to fight.

The level of the true god is different from the level below the true god. There are not many of them, and it is not easy to gather an incarnation. Generally, as long as the strength is not too bad, they will stay away from them.

Not long after, Li Qing came to the bottomless abyss.

The bottomless abyss of this crystal wall system is not much different from the bottomless abyss of the Eiger plane group. Countless layers of abyss overlap and hang down to the depths of the void.

Not far from the bottomless abyss, there is a nine-level hell similar to the demon altar.

A pitch-black twisted black tentacles like the snake of the world plunged into hell and into the bottomless abyss.

The normal bottomless abyss has the will of the abyss, but at this time the bottomless abyss no longer has the will of the abyss, replaced by an extremely crazy and twisted will.

And this black snake, which connects hell and the bottomless abyss, is the twisted and corrupted Styx, the second cancer.

This thing has been born with the original original will, which will grow slowly over time, and finally give birth to a complete will.

According to what the Supreme Warlord said, it will eventually become one of the four main wills of the resurrected super life form, possessing a power comparable to great divine power.

At the only connection between the bottomless abyss and the nine hells, there is a once bloody battlefield.

What used to be an endless battle between demons and demons has now become an area where a large number of humans and illithid warlords battle.

The heroes of Destiny are fighting in other places, and the warlord is mobilizing his God's Domain troops to fight in the bloody battlefield.

Here also inherited the ability of the Bloody Battlefield, killing enemies and leveling up is very fast, and there is no bottleneck at all, even if a dog has a chance to kill a dying demigod, it can instantly become a legendary husky.

Similarly, the Bloody Battlefield will also be a great boost to give birth to Destiny in the future.

The Bloody Battlefield is not only a battle between God's Domain subordinates, warlords also enter the battlefield from time to time, and warlords fall here almost every day.

Accumulated for a long time, a large number of war lords died in battle, and the fate accumulated, there will be a chance for the crystal wall system super life forms that will be resurrected in the future to obtain the fate, and thus have the possibility of being promoted to the eternal life body.

(End of this chapter)

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