Chapter 27 The Mentor's Test II

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Qing saw the third wave of enemies.

There are still 100 murlocs, but there are no ordinary murlocs of level [-]. All of them are murloc warriors of level [-] or above. There are a large number of murloc warriors of level [-], a leader of level [-] murlocs and four murlocs of level [-]. man priest.

The murloc priest is the promotion route of the murloc family. It is directly promoted by the murloc fighters of the first rank. The rank is the third rank, and the second rank is skipped in the middle.

Level 4 Gray Scale Murloc (Scrap)——Level 11 Murloc Warrior (Normal)——Level 32 Murloc Priest (Elite)——Level 65 Ocean Warlock (Elite).

Like kobold priests, murloc priests are also rare in number, and they also have an extremely rare promotion route to the extraordinary level.

However, ocean warlocks are slightly weaker than kobold dragon vein warlocks, and they can only exert their maximum strength in waters, which is generally not as good as kobolds.

This round, Li Qing didn't dare to take it too seriously, and pointed at Long Shou before the murlocs attacked:

"I want you to attract the attention of the four murloc priests and kill them quickly!"

Long Shou pressed his fist on his chest and said loudly:
"Don't worry, my lord, I will do it!"

"Do not let me down."

The murlocs slammed into the shield wall like a tide and were blocked. During the stalemate, Long Shou suddenly retracted his bow, pulled out two long swords from behind, and jumped into the crowd of fish from a high platform of more than four meters. .

His nearly three-meter size endowed him with formidable strength. He knocked the crowded murlocs away with a collision, grabbed a long sword in each hand and turned around. There was a creepy tearing sound, and a large amount of flesh and blood flew flying.

Heroes are inherently strong, and the blood of the dragon endows them with stronger physique and strength.

When the strength reaches a certain level, a single slash can directly kill creatures that are not physically strong enough.

And the murloc's short spears, spikes, iron swords and other weapons cut on Long Shou's body without even a white spot, and could not pierce the hard dragon scales at all. Shou.

With the crushing of templates and blood, Long Shou at this time was unparalleled among the fish crowd like a god.

Li Qing stood on the stage and watched happily.

No matter how awesome the introduction of the attribute panel is, there is no unparalleled performance that is actually shocking.

The strength of Long Shou quickly attracted the attention of the four third-tier murloc priests. The murloc priest holding the bone staff waved his staff, and four half-meter-long water arrows condensed and flew out.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With four muffled sounds, the seemingly weak but incomparably tough water arrow smashed against Long Shou's body.

The four priests were taken aback, and one of them swung his stick again. A large amount of water gathered above Long Shou's head, forming a thick water rope that fell and bound him.

But Long Shou roared, the water rope broke one after another, he jumped seven or eight meters and smashed towards the murloc priest.

The other two priests swung their staffs immediately, and several magic lights lit up. Long Shou's body continuously lit up with blue light, and he fell into the crowd of fish powerlessly in mid-air.

Several spears reached his body, and he was unscathed.

On the contrary, the fine runes on Long Shou's body lit up, forming a faint layer of vitality and blood, which washed away the blue light of spells on his body.

Strong spell resistance directly exempts low-level spells.

Then there was another long jump towards the nearest murloc priest. The priest immediately slapped his staff, and a flexible film of water appeared on his body.

Long Shou's two swords were held upside down and stabbed fiercely. The water film was so flexible that it blocked the two swords.

Seeing this, Li Qing immediately shouted:

"All archers are ready, focus on the target of the knight commander's attack."

In the next second, more than a dozen arrows flew out, hitting the murloc priest with precision, and the light film on the priest's body disappeared the moment it was pierced.

No accident, the murloc priest died on the spot.

Although it is a law-based unit, murloc priests are similar to warlocks. They only know a few spells, and the spells of body protection are broken. In front of the dragon guard who has the hero template and the power of a dragon, there is no difference between the third-tier murlocs and the first-tier murlocs. It's all in a matter of seconds.

The powerful threat of Long Shou attracted the strength of the murloc crowd, and the other three murloc priests quickly retreated, and the other murloc priests surrounded them under the command of the leader.

But if you don't break the defense, you won't break the defense. Long Yun's defense comes from his own blood. The dragon scales cover the whole body without any shortcomings, and it is much more flexible than normal soldiers. It is unparalleled and has no enemy.

Li Qing stood on the high platform to watch the battle, and nodded with satisfaction:

"It's worth it!"

A little divine power, the mysterious power accumulated over ten days, and a giant dragon's bloodline cost a lot, but the dragon guard created is not only powerful in combat, but also has extraordinary potential.

Train well, and you will be a hero in the future.

This wave didn't last long, and the remaining three murloc priests didn't survive long. After less than 2 minutes, they were chased by the unparalleled dragon guards all the way, and they were slashed by the archers on the high platform. kill.

Once the murloc priest died, the remaining murlocs were the fish on the chopping board.

In the 7th minute, the last murloc was killed by Long Shou, the third wave ended, and he got 15 points. At the same time, he was the fourth apprentice to complete the challenge of the third level
The battlefield was quickly cleaned up, and the soldiers rested to recover their strength.

Li Qing sat on the high platform and looked at the corpses all over the floor, frowning.

"The first wave is 5 points, the second wave is 10 points, and the third wave is 15 points. According to the instructor, doesn't this mean that you have to pass five levels in a row to get 75 points?"

Three waves have passed, judging from the increasing difficulty of these three waves, the next wave is estimated to be very difficult.

According to the information that Li Qing has now, the apprentices who are at the bottom of the ranking are almost ready to pass three levels.

Maybe some middle-ranked apprentices in God's Domain are stronger than him, but now this challenge is limited to 50 people, and their strength advantage cannot be brought into play.

Li Qing didn't believe that they could train a group of elite troops without injury like himself, and even a four-star hero.

That is to say, if only 50 people are counted and the force is limited, in fact, his own strength definitely ranks first among all the apprentices, about the top three.

The reason why they didn't dare to say that they were in the top three was mainly because those apprentices who ranked higher must have used his method to train a group of high-level soldiers, and they had more than one hero who could fight now.

Maybe the star rating is not as good as Long Shou, at most one or two stars, but there are more than one.

Two or three one- and two-star heroes can catch up with Long Yun. If there are legal heroes, it will be even more powerful.

The strength of a legal hero is not comparable to that of a third-rate legal system like a murloc priest. It is not a level of strength.

In addition, there is a high probability that they will have treasures such as relics. Even the lowest level of relics can greatly strengthen the combat effectiveness of the troops. It is not surprising that they are stronger than him.

Of course, this is only possible.

Maybe they don't have legal heroes, maybe they are just a hero, or maybe they don't have the money they imagined, and maybe the troops they cultivate are not as strong as him.

Ten minutes later, the fourth wave of enemies arrived as scheduled.

Before the strange tide arrived, Li Qing saw a large area of ​​gray aura rising from the entrance of the passage, and at the same time, a feeling of disgust rushed over his face.

He was wondering, when the monster crossed the corner of the canyon and appeared in front of him, Li Qing's expression changed slightly.

"A lot of undead."

A dense mass of pale skeletons surged along the corner of the canyon. The number of the front wave alone exceeded the previous wave, and the back flow continued.

"Damn it!"

"How come there are so many?"

Gongsun Jin looked at the dense sea of ​​skeletons coming from behind the canyon with a look of shock, feeling numb.

Although the level of skeletons is not high, only two levels and three levels, five or six levels are higher, and there are no undead above level one, but there are too many of them.

There are hundreds of them just now.

It was too late to change positions, and the sea of ​​skeletons swarmed towards their defensive position, immediately surrounding them tightly.

A hero wearing thick plate armor and holding a double-edged sword leaped into the crowd of skeletons, crushing several skeletons with his own weight alone, and the double-edged long sword in his hand swept across and smashed into pieces. Blockbuster.

Then the hero lifted his right foot vigorously, and when he lifted his right foot, invisible ripples converged towards him.


As he stomped down hard, a strong impact exploded centered on the hero, and the surrounding skeletons with a radius of ten meters instantly shattered to pieces.

A kick shattered at least seventy or eighty skeletons.

But compared to the number of skeleton seas, it is just a drop in the bucket. The total number of these things is probably two thousand, and such a hero's ultimate move cannot be used all the time.

In the sky above the space, where Gongsun Jin could not see, the mentor Nie Yang was watching the battle with several teaching assistants.

At this time, assistant coach Abram smiled and said to the other two assistants:

"Guess, how many of them can survive the fourth wave?"

Chris stretched out his hand and made a gesture of six:

"There are six."

"Which six?"

Chris rolled his eyes and said:
"Which six are you talking about? Who else is there besides those few?"

Abram shrugged and asked again:

"Then who do you think can survive the fifth wave?"

Chris shook his head and said:

"not a single one."

"The fifth wave will be commanded by a Tier [-] undead hero. In addition to more than [-] skeletons, there are about [-] skeleton archers. Why should they resist?"

Abram said:

"I think Cao Wenyuan is very powerful after awakening the bloodline of the steel-armored giant bear. In addition, he has a very sophisticated set of equipment and weapons, plus three two-star heroes. It should be possible to block it."

Chris shook his head and said:

"If he's willing to pay a big price, maybe it's a little bit possible, but he's not necessarily willing to pay that big a price."

"Although the God's Domain building is good, if he pays too much, he will lose his competitiveness in the next month or two, and he may be overtaken by his opponent in the first ranking."

"It depends on how they decide."

In the challenge space, Li Qing felt for the first time what the word Skull Sea, which was only three characters in the textbook, represented in reality.


The steady stream of skeletons seems to be inexhaustible, rushing forward one after another.

The white skeleton frame rushed up and was cut down with a knife, and the latecomers continued to move forward by stepping on the former's bones.

Killing and killing, the bone fragments scattered in front of the infantry in the front row piled up higher and higher, even surpassing the infantry station, and hitting the back caused the skeletons rushing up to be even taller than the infantry.

Li Qing had no choice but to order the infantry to retreat to the slope.

At the same time, he ordered the cavalry patrolling in the distance to attack the sea of ​​skeletons and lure some of them away.

"It's too outrageous to be on a horse, this is only the fourth round!"

It's like the difficulty of the first round is 1, the second round is 2, the third round is 4, and the fourth round is not 8, but 40, who can bear it.

"The next wave is estimated to be impossible."

Li Qing sighed lightly, which meant that the possible God's Domain building could not be obtained.

But there is no way, the difficulty has exceeded my own strength.

And fortunately, there are no long-range units in these skeleton seas. They are all melee-type skeletons with a minimum level of one level and a maximum level of seven or eight.

If there is such a thing as a skeleton archer, then there is no need to fight.

According to the base number of the skeleton sea, even if only one-tenth of them are skeleton archers, there are still two hundred, which can easily suppress the archers on the stone platform.

The fourth wave is grinding, which is slowly consumed with the help of terrain.

Fortunately, Li Qing's group of infantry is all elite, and the high slope is narrow, so only four infantry can hold the defense firmly.

Every time you carry it for a while, or if an infantry is injured, another group of infantry will alternately carry it.

They are all elite, and their rank is much higher than that of skeletons, so they are quite capable.

The archers are constantly shooting arrows, and every powerful arrow can break the bones of the skull and lose control.

But the only problem is that the bones of the skull are full of holes and gaps, and there is a high probability of shooting an arrow down.

In addition, the number of arrows of the archers is limited. Although most of the arrows are recovered at the end of each round, it is still not enough.

After fighting for an unknown amount of time, the archer finally ran out of arrows and had to put down his bow and draw out his equipped long sword to join the battle.

But until now, the sea of ​​skeletons has consumed more than half of it.

Most of them were Long Shou Kai Wushuang among the skeletons, and five cavalry rushed back and forth.

It was quite surprising to say that the results of the five cavalrymen were stronger than he had imagined.

The armored war horse charged, and these skeletons with a level of no more than 10 shattered as soon as they were hit, leaving behind a pile of broken bones after a round of charging.

It's a pity that the number of cavalry is not enough. If there are twenty or thirty cavalry forming a front, one charge can easily kill one or two hundred.

But no matter what, through the concerted efforts of all the subordinates, most of the skeletons were finally destroyed, and there were hundreds of remaining skeletons, but the threat was no longer great.

Feeling that it was almost done, Li Qing ordered a full-scale counterattack, and the rested infantry and archers slid down from around the platform to participate in the battle.

Li Qing continued to stay on the high platform while groping and directing.

Seven minutes later, the last skeleton was smashed by Long Shou's punch.

After chopping off an unknown number of skeletons, the two swords in his hands were worn out.

"Weapons don't work!"

Li Qing touched his head, then suddenly raised his head and shouted towards the sky:

"Mentor, can I let my subordinates change weapons and replenish arrows?"

After a while, all the apprentices heard the mentor's voice:

"After this round is over, you can go back to God's Domain to rest for two hours, repair equipment, replenish weapons, and heal injuries."

Li Jing immediately opened the door of God's Domain on the spot and ordered all his subordinates to return to God's Domain.

Although no subordinates were killed in battle, all the infantry were injured to varying degrees when they were replaced back and forth. Although the attack of the skeleton soldiers could not break through the defense, they were powerful. Carry.

No matter how hard the armor is, those who are cut hundreds of times will also be injured by shock.

(End of this chapter)

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