Chapter 102 Harvest Danger Concern
Han Li could only start digging traps at the downwind position, and with the help of disintegration, the traps were dug silently.

Han Li dug traps in almost all the places where he could escape from the downwind. These traps were big and deep.

To be on the safe side, Han Li also planted a lot of sharp wooden stakes inside. If the wild boar fell off, it would rot.

After doing all this, Han Li quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I quickly picked a thicker tree near the wild boar and climbed it.

Only then did Han Li realize that his whole body was already drenched with sweat, which showed how nervous he was just now.

But thinking about it, I kept hearing the howling and humming of wild boars when I was working.

If you are not careful, you will face the charge of the group of pigs. It will not be easy for anyone to change this matter.

But now that everything is ready, it's up to God to keep a few wild boars.

Han Li took out the crossbow from behind and thought about putting it within easy reach.

Then he took out the short javelins he had acquired before from the decomposition space, and aimed his arms in the direction of the wild boars following the mental force.

Now the wild boars have built their sleeping place, but unfortunately they are not destined to enjoy this place for too long.

Wild boars are family-based animals, and those who can get together are family members.

At the last moment when Han Li threw the javelin, he was still thinking that it would be good if the whole family could fall into the trap, and they could also hunt for food together over there.



As a wild boar was stabbed and screamed fiercely, the group of wild boars exploded in an instant, and they started running around without knowing the direction.

Han Li felt in his mental strength that many wild boars were running towards the trap, which caused the corners of his mouth to rise sharply.

There are two huge wild boars in the front, and a group of slightly smaller wild boars in the back, probably the children of the two of them.

There are so many wild boars huddling together and rushing in one direction at the same time, this scene is really a bit spectacular.

At this time, even an elephant standing in front of them will be killed and trampled, let alone a human.

At this time, the wild boars didn't even have time to distinguish the situation ahead, they still rushed towards the trap in a swarm.

At this time, even if a blind man shoots at the source of the sound, it is estimated that he can hit a wild boar.

At this time, he could vaguely see groups of black shadows, so Han Li didn't need mental power to assist him.

He aimed in the direction of the shadow, and threw the javelins in his hand one by one, stabbing them all at the wild boars outside.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."


"Boom. Puff Chi Aw. Aw..."

The boom is the sound of the wild boar falling into the trap, with the last scream of the wild boar.

Han Li couldn't help sighing. Although he has the help of decomposition ability, the most important thing is the human brain.

How else can we say that the wisdom of human beings is infinite, and a few traps almost wiped out their entire army.

Han Li took out a wooden stick and made several torches with pine nuts, and then he got down from the tree.

Holding a torch, I checked all the traps. A total of 18 wild boars were caught, which means that there were a few fish that slipped through the net.

But it doesn't matter, just these 18 wild boars made Han Li burst into laughter.

We must know that the era of meat shortage among ordinary people will last until the early 90s, and pork has been a hard currency during this period.

And these wild boar meat will not spoil if placed in the decomposition space, Han Li can not only satisfy his own meat consumption.

It can also add bricks and tiles to his future house and become a firm step on his avatar chartered road.

Putting the torches scattered on the side of the trap, Han Li dismantled the wild boars.

This time Han Li knew that the wild boar not only had to drain the blood, but if it was a boar, it had to be castrated as soon as possible.

Only in this way can the fishy smell of wild boar be greatly reduced, and the pork will become more delicious.

I can't feel the loss of time when I work, and decomposing wild boar meat is a delicate job.

The bristles can be exchanged for money and should be kept and stored separately, and the meat heads reserved for wolf skewers should be stored separately.

In addition, the delicious pork belly should be put away separately, and the pork belly is also called soft pork belly.There are five layers of meat, one layer fat and one layer thin.

The skin of the meat is thin, fat and thin, and the meat is tender, which is Han Li's favorite part to eat.

Pork belly is great no matter it is used for roasting, smoked, fried, or stewed. Braised pork with braised pork is the best.

Pork belly is a better place even if it is marinated and smoked. If it is sold, the price will be much higher than other parts.

Pork shoulder and neck meat, commonly known as upper brain, Tuozong meat, front row meat.

It is located on the upper part of the pig's front leg, a little closer to the neck.

The meat is lean and fat, slightly brittle, and tender.

Han Li prefers the taste of stir-frying, and the authentic barbecued pork in the south usually chooses this position.

Neck meat, also known as trough meat and blood neck, is the meat on the neck of a pig.

This thing is tender and old, fat and thin, and has a lot of lymph nodes, but it is no problem to take it out for money.

Many unscrupulous quick-frozen dumpling shops in later generations generally use this kind of pork neck meat.

The front leg meat is half fat and half thin, with many tendons and strong water absorption. It is a good material for dumpling stuffing or meatballs.

Tenderloin, also known as waist willow and loin back, is the most tender meat on pigs.

Whether fried, fried, stewed, boiled, fried, sauced, or pickled, they are all delicious, but Han Li's favorite is sweet and sour pork.

Hind leg meat, also known as Houqiu, includes door plate meat, weight meat, cover plate meat, and cucumber strips.

This place can adapt to most of the dishes in Chinese cuisine, which can be called the panacea in pork.

Pig heads are very useful in Gada, Northeast China. Local people like to roast pig heads on February [-], and they can be sold at a good price.

There are also trotters, elbows, large and small ribs, pig tails, large intestines, etc. Han Li likes to put them all in categories.

The remaining Zhengbao ribs, milk breast meat, sitting butt meat, sandwich meat, front sandwich meat, waist willow meat, eyebrow meat, and all kinds of offal, as long as Han Li can distinguish them, they will all be classified and put away.

Han Li was very happy when he disassembled these things, as if he saw a beautiful life beckoning to him.

But after dismantling all the wild boars, Han Li almost couldn't stand up.

The whole person's brain seemed to be split open by an axe, and the two feelings of pain and dizziness came at once.

At this time, Han Li felt that life would be worse than death, but the strong smell of blood in this place must not stay.

So Han Li just gritted his teeth and walked a certain distance in the other direction, then quickly climbed up a big tree.

Moreover, the tree trunk under him was full of sharp javelins, tied several layers densely, so that even a mouse would not easily pass through this defense.

He wants to use these things to stop the animals that want to eat him, and give himself some time to react.

After Han Li gritted his teeth and finished all this, he tied himself to the highest tree branch with a rope.

Then the whole person became confused, and he didn't know how long it had passed.

Han Li was awakened by the roar under the tree. He suddenly opened his eyes, and then he felt dizzy and headache again.

Although he was much lighter at this time, he was still very uncomfortable.

Han Li swore in his heart that he would never be so greedy and foolish again.

He was also obsessed with ghosts at the time. It would be great if he could simply break it down on the spot.

When he has time later, he will do it slowly, how can he suffer such a crime.

But this is not the time to complain about this, hurry up and see what is trying to climb the tree.

At this time, the surrounding sky was still very dark, and Han Li stretched his mental strength with anger in his hand and went down.

I saw a beast at the bottom of the javelin screaming because it could not break through the defense line. The shape of this beast is very unique.

Its shape is like a big cat, with a thick body, a short tail behind it, and a tuft of black hair growing on each ear.

The head is taller than the average big dog, but not as long as the big dog.

Isn't this a lynx?The locals call it Little Tiger Cub.

This thing doesn't always eat small animals like rabbits, but occasionally kills medium animals like roe deer. When does it have the appetite to eat a big man like itself.

Han Li didn't have time to think about the current situation. He aimed the crossbow in his hand at the lynx below and shot it.


The lynx was not shot, but it was still scared and fled here with a cry.

At this time, Han Li put away the crossbow and turned his wrist to check the time.

It was already 12:30 in the morning, Han Li shook his head to wake himself up a little.

At this time, he had to go back, otherwise other people might go into the mountain to find him.

Han Li put all his things back together, stretched his mental strength and began to walk back.

After stumbling all the way home, a few wolves started to please him.

But Han Li didn't care about these things at all right now, he washed himself up and lay down on the kang to sleep.

He heard the bell ringing in a daze, followed by the sound of a wolf barking its teeth, and He Mi appeared in Han Li's yard.

At this time, if Han Li saw it, he should be thankful that the wolf string was tied, otherwise He Mi would definitely be bitten a few times.

He Mi ignored the bared teeth of the wolf string, even though they pulled the rope straight.

When she came to the house, she saw Han Li was still lying down, and remembered that he didn't come back almost all night last night.

He Mi reached out and touched Han Li's head, and in turn touched his own forehead.

Uh, I don't have a fever, could it be that I suffered a serious injury?Then should she lift the quilt to check?

At this moment, Han Li had come to his senses. He saw He Mi's current state.

And since there were only the two of them in the room, Han Li's big hand directly grabbed He Mi's arm.

Then with a light touch, He Mi let out an exclamation and fell to his side.

"Ah, you scared me to death. If you don't feel uncomfortable, get up quickly. The clock has been ringing for a while."

But Han Li would make her happy there, just when he wanted to recall the taste of last time.

(End of this chapter)

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