Years: Salted fish life since going to the countryside.

Chapter 709 The situation of flowers and jade

Chapter 709 The situation of flowers and jade

After Han Li had the idea of ​​returning to Shanghe Village, he couldn't hold it in any longer. Even if his body's biological clock prevented him from sleeping in anywhere, he still had to get up early every day after returning, but now he just wanted to go home to have a good rest and be clean. Two days.

Another point is that Han Li has been thinking about the two little ones, Ruhua and Xiyu. He wonders how they are doing now. If this trip goes well, they should be pregnant mothers by now, and they are lynx-like. The pregnancy period is only about two months.

It has been two months since Ruhua and Xiyu left Han Li. If they were pregnant in the shortest time, they would be very, very close to the date of giving birth. If Han Li did not go back here, I really can't let go.

Of course, Han Li's current situation is different from when he was the deputy dean in the past. He now has two important departments in the hospital in his hands. It's okay to be away for three or five days, but after a long time, he must find one. A suitable excuse will do.

Han Li thought about it in the office for a while and then came up with the idea that he could go to the countryside to inspect the "two management and five reforms" and "spring epidemic prevention" under the banner of "spring epidemic prevention". This task has no fixed location and no fixed number of days. He can come back anytime after he goes out. Follow your heart.

Moreover, if something happened at the county hospital during this period, both the personnel department and the security department would call him. At that time, he would be able to get back quickly on horseback.

If something happened in the county, he wouldn't have to worry. He didn't need to know about trivial matters that had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to know.

If something really big happened, or if it was related to Han Li's own affairs, both Aunt Liu and Niu Dahai would call him in advance. Their information was much better informed than the director and others. After receiving the call, he would return to the county hospital and these people. You may not even know.


The random check of historical knowledge went smoothly. Zhang Chaomei was studying very seriously while lying on the table in a white coat.

"Isn't Cao Cao's nickname Ah~Hou."

Not long after he officially started working two years ago, the chief of the human resources department was sent in, and the deputy chief was assigned to work as a health worker in a remote area.

"What was the nickname of Cao Cao, the famous Emperor of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period?"

Of course Han Li refused. How could he go back and lie down while waiting for the health worker below to report?

The two chatted insincerely for a while, and Han Lida left the dean's office after achieving his goal.

Finally, Han Li checked the time and called Zhang Chaomei over. He originally wanted to see if she had anything to bring back or if she didn't have anything. If not, he would take her and Zhao Xiangjun, Liang Weizhong and Zhao Xiangjun who had just come from Shanghe Village later. Her cousin went to the cafeteria to have a meal together.

"What. Huh?"

There is no way, this guy is too lethal, and he is also very unruly.

She might have been a little panicked because she disliked the tabletop, so she kept moving back, but Han Li was very strict and quickly rushed back, causing her to moan and resist more frequently.

It's good to start over and over again like this. The only drawback is that the time is a bit rushed and it takes up a lot of time.

County Hospital. Director's Office. Han Li didn't stay here for long. He just told the director the reason why he went out.

A year later, something went wrong and the entire security department was disbanded. Those who were assigned to the commune health center are probably still dreaming of promotions and salary increases. The key is that Han Li did these things that others did. Still can't find anything wrong with it.

When the dean heard that Han Li was going to the countryside for inspection, he was of course 100% supportive and wished he could beat gongs and drums to see him off.

Lu Erbao from the security department also called over and gave him some instructions. As for Liu Tiezhu, he still needed to dry out for a while, but he would draw a cake to cushion him before leaving.

"I already checked your chemistry homework last time. How about I check you on a little history knowledge this time?"

Then Han Li called Pan Zhaoyi and Du Yonghong from the personnel department to talk and draw pictures respectively. This cake was naturally the position of the section chief.

After Han Li made up his mind, he took out a pen and paper and drafted a list of related matters related to two management and five reforms and spring epidemic prevention.

However, the dean ostensibly tried to persuade him, saying that it was inconvenient to travel due to the cold weather, so he could just wait for the health worker below to report this kind of work.

Maybe it was the three people who had just arrived in Shanghe Village today that put a certain amount of pressure on Zhang Chaomei's heart. When she spoke, she looked like she wanted to ask but didn't dare to speak. Han Li used his mental strength to make sure there was no one around and stood up to open the door. He took her in his arms and did what he was supposed to do with his hands, and whispered in her ear with his lips.

Therefore, let alone Han Li, who had a ready-made excuse, even if he directly stated that he wanted to be lazy, the dean would help him find a way to cover it up.

At noon, Han Li called four people from the county hospital in Shangshanghe Village to come to the cafeteria to eat together. While eating, he explained to them what the hospital needs to pay attention to now, as well as the current situation of the security department, etc.

After dinner, when Han Li came to the Security Department to lead his little brown horse, he talked to Liu Tiezhu alone for a while. After waiting for others to help him harness the horse, he took the reins and stroked the little brown horse towards him. The arched head turned over and left on horseback.

However, Han Li did not go back to Shanghe Village directly after leaving the county hospital. Instead, he first went to the Educated Youth Office to sit with Aunt Liu for a while, and then went to Niu Dahai, the supply and marketing cooperative, to talk back, and then went to buy some in front of the supply and marketing cooperative. Daily necessities and gifts started to go back.

Even though the little brown horse's pace was not slow, it was too late when it started, and it was already dark by the time Han Li returned to Shanghe Village.

The old rule is to send the little brown horse to the stable and leave two bottles of wine for the old man.

Han Li didn't want to move tomorrow, so after he came out of the stable, he took out the specialties from the Four-Nine City that his family had prepared from the decomposition space in a deserted corner, and went to Village Chief Zhao's house and Captain Liang's house.

It was completely dark when I actually walked to my house. The advantage of it being dark is that I don’t have to say hello to too many people, and I don’t have to be supported by a group of people to go home. Occasionally, I meet a few children who are not afraid of the cold and play outside for a while. Just a piece of candy will do.

When Han Li opened the street door, only two dogs came forward. The other dogs were accompanying Hou Yuhua behind. When Han Li knelt down and rubbed the two dogs' heads vigorously.


It was a cry like a flower, like a jade. Han Li raised his head and saw two pot-bellied lynxes jumping down from the firewood pile in the woodshed and running towards him.


Han Li watched the big-bellied Ruhua and Xiyu squatting beside him and purring. While he fed the little guys with meat from the decomposition space, he complained about the male lynx in the animal world. After he was satisfied, he left. , He doesn’t even care about the pregnant beast and the child, what a scumbag.

Fortunately, he came back in time, otherwise Ruhua and Xiyu would have given birth to the baby on the firewood pile. Although that kind of place couldn't get wet and was covered with thick hay, there was no place to block the wind. The baby If you were born on that, you would suffer.

The other thing is that the gap in the firewood pile is too big. If I am not at home, if the baby falls into the gap, it will be almost as if he is declared dead.

Han Li fed them and saw that there was only one path in the yard, and the other places were covered with snow. The highest point was more than one meter high, but it was quite good for Hou Yuhua, a small girl, to make it like this. As Han Li walked inside the house, he used decomposition to clean up the snow on the road in the yard. After he walked through, the original road in the yard was exposed.

Han Li returned to the house and put down his things, touched the hot kang, and picked up a thermos bottle, which was full of hot water. Needless to say, Hou Yuhua poured it in after heating it every day. He felt the temperature inside the thermos bottle. Gao, it seems easy to imagine that although she doesn't know when she will come back, she boils water and pours it in every day to prevent there being no hot water available when she comes back.

Han Li smiled, made himself a cup of tea, opened the air duct, added some firewood inside, and returned to the yard.

Ruhua and Xiyu were about to give birth, but Han Li did not intend to let them wait in the house for giving birth. One was because it was dirty, and the other was that the environment was too warm and was not conducive to the growth and development of the little lynx.

Han Li looked around the yard and quickly selected a place that was sunny and not eye-catching. Then he broke down some wooden boards of suitable size, took out nails and used his fist as a hammer, and it took just a few moments to complete the construction. Two small wooden houses.

Han Li was very satisfied with the two small houses. He filled them with soft hay just like a cave in the wild. It was perfect for Ruhua and Ruyu to wait inside.

However, when Han Li placed the two lynx huts at the predetermined locations, the fresh wooden boards looked unsightly. Didn't this mean that there were three hundred taels of silver in this place?
With no other choice, Han Li nailed some dry bark to the top, and piled some firewood and snow around it to hide the two lynx huts.

After Han Li looked at it from a distance and was very satisfied, he took out a lot of soft hay from the decomposition space and spread it on Ruhua and Ruyu, and then called them over.

"You two have one, and whether you like it or not, you have to live here until the baby is born."


Ruhua and Xiyu pressed their heads against Han Li's trouser legs. Without fighting, they each picked one and got in. They sniffed around inside and finally lay down on the hay while purring at Han Li. Shaking his body, he flattened all the hay.

Han Li rubbed their heads before going back to the house. He sat on the hot kang, drank tea, and put his feet into the hot basin. This felt much more comfortable than when he was in the county hospital. times.

The next day, Han Li got up from the kang after being awakened by his biological clock, got dressed and went to the yard to do his daily exercises.

However, his boxing movements this time were wide open and wide, vigorous and vigorous, as if he wanted to get back all those frustrating days in the hospital, from his technique, waist strength, leg skills, footwork, to the Five Elements Boxing , Twelve Forms, and Tear-off. After three consecutive beatings, Han Li slowly stopped with a smile on his face.

The next Spring Breeze Transformation Rain Technique was not very picky about the size of the place, so Han Li practiced it twice as before and then finished it.

As soon as Han Li finished his work, all the dogs and lynx came running over. After touching their heads one by one, his eyes rested on the two lynxes, Ruhua and Ruyu.

Lynx can give birth to about 2 to 4 babies per litter. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but when Han Li checked with his mental power, he found that Ruhua and Xiyu were both carrying two.

This situation gave Han Li a bit of a headache. It wasn't that he disliked the large number of lynxes in his family. Based on their appetite in the past two years, each lynx could be fed with two kilograms of meat per day after adulthood. If they eat five or six pounds of meat at one time and don't move much, they can last three to five days without eating.

Han Li can definitely feed a total of six lynxes in this situation. He just needs to work harder for a few more days in the mountains this year and prepare more food for himself and these little guys before returning to the city. How hard it is for him during the winter and summer vacations. , work hard, go deep into the mountains and old forests to supplement your meat diet.

Han Li was worried that the little lynx would have to be fed by himself due to insufficient milk like flowers and jade, because this situation was very likely to happen. Although he didn't know when they came back, they definitely didn't have their own milk when they were pregnant. If you eat well at home and fail to keep up with nutrition, it is very likely to cause insufficient milk supply.

Han Li couldn't just watch the little lynx die in front of him. At that time, he could only buy a bottle and feed it himself. He felt dizzy just thinking about this situation.

Lynxes rarely eat vegetarian food and stop eating when they are full. This made it impossible for Han Li to feed them even if he wanted to.

Han Li looked at their current appearance again. Is this milk enough for two babies? He sighed and thought that we would have to wait and see when the time came. If that didn't work out, he would have to be the little lynx's baby daddy for a while.

Han Li returned to the north room to wash himself up. Since he didn't know when Hou Yuhua came here recently, it was not appropriate for him to go there rashly. Because an aunt from the Zhao family would accompany him there every day, so he started from the decomposition space. I took out the meat buns I bought in the county town to make a meal.

In fact, Han Li's guess was correct. Hou Yuhua would come over every day around ten o'clock in the morning after Aunt Zhao left, and again in the evening.

But today was different. Hou Yuhua heard the dog in the courtyard grunting for a long time last night. At that time, she suspected that Han Li had come back. However, it was already very late at that time, and Aunt Zhao was nearby and she could not come out. confirm.

When Hou Yuhua got up from the kang to feed the flying dragon with Aunt Zhao this morning, she saw that the smoke on the chimney of Han Li's house was different from usual. Even if there was smoke at this time, it was weak and intermittent, but today the smoke inside the chimney was different. There's a lot of smoke.

Hou Yuhua usually uses the smoke level of the chimney to determine when to add firewood there, so she knows this very well. The current situation, coupled with the abnormal behavior of the dogs last night, means that Han Li has returned. .

After Hou Yuhua waited for Aunt Zhao to leave, she quickly went back to the house to wash up and dress up before arriving at Han Li's house.

Opening the street door and looking at the snow that had been cleared in the yard, Hou Yuhua was even more certain that it was Han Li who had returned. When she closed the street door, walked through the yard, and came to the house, she saw Han Li lazily leaning on the kang cabinet and reading a book. At this time, a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Yuhua is here."

"Brother Han, when did you come back? Have you had breakfast? I'll go make it for you right away."

"I came back last night. I just managed to make ends meet for breakfast. If you've eaten, please get on the kang and warm yourself up quickly. I didn't know how to dress thickly when I came here. Your little face will be frozen. famous."

"I'm not cold."

Although Hou Yuhua said she was not cold, she still took off her coat and shoes, climbed onto the kang, and sat obediently next to Han Li.

Upon seeing this, Han Li put down his book, hugged Hou Yuhua and asked her to sit on his lap. He put her cold little hands into his arms and asked.

"How did you spend the New Year alone?"

"Aunt Zhao gave me some sticky bean buns. I wrapped the dumplings and froze them hard before sending me a bag. It was the same at other times. Only on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, Aunt Zhao couldn't come, so In two days, I called all the five dogs from Brother Han's house and the dog from Sister Hongmin's house.

I led them all to the outhouse, but Sister Hongmin's dog couldn't do it. It came into the house and peed randomly, so I drove it into the yard at that time. "

Just say it, Hou Yuhua said and kept gesticulating. You must know that she was sitting on Han Li's lap now.

Therefore, Hou Yuhua quickly sensed something different. She blushed and adjusted her sitting posture, from sitting horizontally to sitting astride. She wrapped her hands around Han Li's neck, put her head close to him and whispered softly.

"Brother Han, how about we play Lift Up?"

(End of this chapter)

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