life play game

Chapter 233 Crisis 4 Volts

Chapter 233 Danger Perils (Part [-])
"The owner of this virtual space has turned up the pain!"

All hackers are aware of this the first time.

Pavel had also been in this virtual space before, and the pain adjustment was not high at that time, which was about the same as in the game, only about 5%.

So whether it is falling from a high place, or being attacked by hunters or zombies, it will not hurt too much, but there will be a little psychological trauma.

But this time, the pain sensation in this virtual space has obviously become higher!
Of course, it still hasn't been raised to 100%, and it won't be completely consistent with reality, but it's at least about 50%.

And the result of this adjustment is that those relatively unimportant parts, such as arms, thighs, etc., will not cause any serious damage, and the pain is much lighter than in reality; but those vital parts are different, such as Kicking the crotch will still cause people to be so painful that they will completely lose their combat effectiveness.

Because the pain in these vital parts is too strong, even if it is reduced by half, it is still unbearable for ordinary people.

Pavel came to the side of the hacker: "What's wrong?"

The hacker curled up on the ground and said with difficulty: "That passerby...he...he suddenly ran over and kicked me, and then ran away..."

It all happened so fast that the hacker was already on the ground before he could shoot.

This ordinary citizen, who was wearing a suit and looked like an office worker, was originally walking on the road with a briefcase on his back, passing the hackers, seemingly completely unaware that these hackers were intruders.

So the hacker who ran at the end didn't think too much, and ignored the citizen like everyone else.

Unexpectedly, after this citizen came in front of him, he unexpectedly kicked him in the crotch with the pointed toe of his leather shoe!

Then, without a second of hesitation, the righteous citizen ran away, hid in a nearby shop, and disappeared.

Although the hacker had a gun in his hand, he was lying on the ground in severe pain, and he couldn't even raise his pistol to fight back.

Pavel frowned, and looked at the street ahead again.

The street, which was originally bustling with many civilians, has become empty at some point.

Obviously, these pedestrians are not hiding, but ambushing!
Although compared with the previous labyrinth route, the route this time is smooth, but it is not enough to walk directly along the main road. There will still be many twists and turns during the period, such as the need to enter buildings and various shops. You have to walk through the dark alleys in the city.

On the following route, there are still many locations suitable for sneak attacks.

Pavel snorted coldly: "It turns out that new defensive measures have been set up. But unfortunately, we have guns!"

He is sure that the owner of this virtual space must have left a special passage, or will only encounter fixed enemies, otherwise the owner will not be able to pass through smoothly?
As long as the hackers can find this special passage, no, they don't even need to find it, just shoot anyone they see with a pistol, and they can go all the way.

Pavel checked the pistol habitually, loaded it, and then said to the other hackers: "Shoot anyone you see. Follow me, don't fall behind. As for you... after you go out, call someone!"

The last sentence was of course addressed to the hacker who had the misfortune of being attacked and his eggs were smashed to pieces.

Kicking the crotch is also fatal, and the cause of death is painful shock.The citizen kicked his crotch firmly and ruthlessly. The hacker was only wearing a conventional combat uniform, mainly for climbing activities, and did not have any special protective capabilities.

Therefore, this hacker was directly knocked down by the first level, and because of his serious injury, the underlying rules were triggered, and he was about to be kicked out.

He couldn't get back in for a short time after that, but other hackers were fine.

So Pavel asked him to call someone.

There are many other hackers in the organization. The reason why Pavel didn’t call for someone last time was because it was useless if there were too many people. We could only go around in circles together in the maze; but this time the situation was different. All the way to kill the past.

Even counting various detours, this route is only four or five kilometers long. Pavel felt that as long as he was quick, he should be able to pass it quickly.

Several hackers held guns in their hands, kept alert to their surroundings at all times, and moved forward quickly.


Zhou Ping was woken up again in his dream.

He is nearly middle-aged, and has entered the stage of health preservation... In short, he was very unhappy after being woken up.

"Huh? Another alarm message!
"Hey, why did I say again.

"What is Lu Zhixing doing again!"

This time it was later than last time, it was already past two o'clock in the morning, which is the time when most people in the country are sleeping soundly, even those night owls who like to stay up late, most of them are already lying in bed and falling asleep by this time up.

Obviously, this time the hackers are more rigorous.

"How come the 5-minute golden reaction period has passed again!...Well, if it's Lu Zhixing, it's not surprising..."

After the last incident, Zhou Yiping calmed down a lot, and no longer made a fuss like before.

He knew that Lu Zhixing was fully capable of tricking hackers around, so it was normal not to ask him for help immediately.

So what is Zhou Ping going to do now?

After thinking about it, he called Lu Zhixing directly.

"Hello? Hackers have entered your virtual space again?" Zhou Ping was not surprised at all.

On the phone, Lu Zhixing's voice was also very calm: "Yes, team leader, but there is no threat yet. So I haven't alerted the authorities for the time being."

Zhou Ping asked: "How about it, can you hold them back for half an hour?"

Lu Zhixing thought for a while: "If they continue to try to break through inside, it should be fine for an hour. However, if they take the initiative to withdraw, it will be hard to say."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Okay, then I will notify other security personnel and try to trace the intrusion path of these hackers!
"I don't know which hacker group it is this time, but it doesn't matter which hacker group it is, they can track down domestic chickens and puppet machines, and try to take down a few virtual spaces and destroy a few gangs like before!
"in addition……

"I want to visit your virtual space, okay?"

Obviously, Zhou Ping was also very curious. This time, Lu Zhixing thought of some way to deal with hackers, and he was able to extend the time.

Soon, Lu Zhixing sent him an invitation.

Zhou Zhouping quickly entered Lu Zhixing's virtual space, and together with Lu Zhixing, observed the movements of these hackers from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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