I want to be a warlord

Chapter 410 Political Fighting

Chapter 410 Political Fighting
"I hope to hire your team to conduct an audit on the net worth and accounts of the current group of officials in Tikrit. I hope to find evidence of their corruption, bribery, tax evasion, etc." Wang Zhen got straight to the point.

Lerol Alomar was silent for a while, then frowned and said, "Sir, this is very dangerous."

Although Natalia told her what she meant before coming, Lerol Alomar did not consider whether to accept this order.

As we all know, it is not easy to kill a few people in Iraq.

"Don't worry, your work can be carried out in the military camp. If you don't like the military camp, I can also arrange a small island for you in the Aegean Sea. You can take your team to work directly there. I only want results." Wang The town has already thought of a countermeasure, "As for the subsequent issues, you can choose to expose it and KPMG will help with the investigation and audit, or you can choose not to expose it."

"I don't think KPMG is afraid of local tycoons."

"Of course, KPMG is one of the top ten accounting firms in the world, and of course it will not be afraid of anyone." Lerol Alomar said with his head held high.

What was left was a discussion about the price. Because the risk of this audit was relatively high, the price finally negotiated was as high as US$400 million.

After seeing off Lerol Alomar, Wang Zhen stood at the door and shook his head with emotion, "You have to be a technical talent. Damn, it's really profitable."

"It's not bad, it's only 400 million. Looking back, you can earn more from those officials." Natalia said.

"Why do you ask me to earn more? It's the Democratic and Peace Party, and this money can't fall into my pocket!" Wang Zhen rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes," Natalia said perfunctorily, turned around and walked away.

These officials not only have the stolen money left by corruption and bribery, but after they lose their current status, many of their original assets cannot be saved. Coupled with the power vacuum left behind, the interests there are gone.

However, if you want to investigate these, you not only need an accounting firm, but also the cooperation of many people, including intelligence dealers.

For example: Salah.

"No, no, no, you didn't call me today. I didn't hear anything. Damn it, how could I be involved in such a thing? Do I still want to hang out in Iraq?" Salah now wants to pick his own. ear.

Wang Zhen and the others are not afraid of revenge, but he is!

"You are so scared. What I want is for you to provide intelligence support, and your name will not appear in the report." Wang Zhen said angrily.

"Stop making trouble, it will leave traces." Salah said urgently: "It's impossible for me to have all the information. When necessary, I will find the people below to investigate, and I will return it once or twice. Well, if there are too many, how can it not leave traces? It will be easy to expose me when the time comes."

"In that case, who do you think is most likely to expose you? Tell me and I will send him away before the matter is over." Wang Zhen said.

"What do you mean by sending him away?" Salah asked carefully.

"Just as you guessed it."

"No, no, no, are you kidding? That is my closest partner. We have known each other for more than ten years and are one of my best friends!" Salah said loudly.

"I understand, I understand, dear friends and relatives, I'll add money!" Wang Zhen sneered.

"Ahem, this is not a matter of money. Without him, I would have to re-establish a regional intelligence system, which is very troublesome." Salah coughed lightly and said.

"Say a number and I'll ask the shovel to pay you." Wang Zhen said calmly.

"Say? It's not good, right?" Salah smacked his mouth, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Selling it for a good price will be worthy of your more than ten years of friendship. You don't want him to die worthless." Wang Zhen joked.

"Okay! For our friendship!" Salah gritted his teeth and said: "80 US dollars!"

"Oh, okay, for the sake of your many years of friendship, I won't bargain." Wang Zhen smiled and hung up the phone.

Next to him, Jin Mao looked at Wang Zhen in surprise, "If you don't bargain, why are you so generous this time?"

"What's the price?" Wang Zhen let out a 'heh' in his nose, "Do you think Salah got this price for nothing? Stop making trouble, he is an intelligence agent, how much is his so-called friend worth? Could he not know?"

"I bet that guy's net worth is around $80."

"Ah, you mean..." Jin Mao looked shocked. He never expected that Salah would be so ruthless, not only killing people, but also devouring the other person's wealth.

"Now that everyone is dead, what will happen to his assets? You can't just leave them there. Salah also has good intentions." Wang Zhen said the plan that he didn't believe in, and he laughed out loud, "Then we will have to Let the Democratic and Peace Party cash it out for him, and make up for the difference in cash, otherwise he won’t ask for such a high price.”

"It's really..." Jin Mao's face was full of disdain, and he turned around and spat fiercely. He was a loyal person, and he couldn't stand Salah's unjust behavior.

If it were him, he would never agree to Salah's request, and he might even turn around and shoot Salah.

"Don't think so much. There may not be anything going on between them. Do you really believe that they have been friends for more than ten years?" Wang Zhen patted the golden retriever on the shoulder, turned around and walked out.


It's not that Wang Zhen looks down on the original Tikrit officials. When it comes to how to take advantage of others, how to cooperate with the big families to undermine the country, how to make peace with others, and how to shirk responsibility, these guys are really good at it.

But speaking of it, these are just charms. When it comes to treating the lower-class civilians, although this group of people does not have the status of aristocrats, they have perfectly inherited the decadent ideas of the aristocrats. They really look down on them, look down on them, and pay no attention to them.

Don't focus on the people at the bottom.

On the other hand, the Democratic and Peace Party is completely different from the bottom.

With the return of these original officials, the implementation of many policies of the Democratic and Peace Party was slow or simply stagnant, and there was wrangling everywhere. Walid suddenly felt relieved and watched the excitement from the side.

As for the agreement with Wang Zhen, there is no rush.

Wang Zhen is not in a hurry. It is just the second round of political games. He has confidence in the new team of the Democratic and Peace Party. It is so full of vigor and vitality that it cannot defeat you group of old coffin flesh!Both sides have a tacit understanding that whoever loses will pay the price.

They took action to hinder the government, and Wang Zhen immediately launched a counterattack.

Of course, the method is what I am good at...


"Have you heard? Hey, the government wants to give us tax exemptions. It is said that Tikrit has been occupied by terrorists for two years, which has led to economic depression and soaring unemployment. In order to save the local economy and to make people's lives difficult, he said I want to be tax-free for a year!" One person said to the person next to him with a smile.

"Ah? Is it true?" The friend next to him immediately widened his eyes.

It’s good to be tax-free. If you are tax-free, you will save a lot of expenses and your family’s difficulties will be alleviated.

"of course it's true."

"That's great."

"I've heard about it too." At this time, a person sitting next to him turned his head and said, "But I don't know the specific details, so I'll tell you."

With an outsider involved, the man was very happy and said loudly: "Okay! I heard what my neighbor said. He works for the street committee. The government requires them to compile statistics on the income of residents in the area. For tax exemption considerations, he said that the probability is It needs to be implemented.”

With this opening, everyone in the teahouse looked at him and joined in the discussion. Wang Zhen specifically ordered him to be let out.

Generally, the government likes to announce its actions in advance to see how the public reacts.

Of course, this refers to normal government, not monarchy.

"It is said that the scope does not seem to be limited to individuals, but also includes some small businesses..."

Tax exemption is something that benefits everyone. Everyone is discussing it enthusiastically. This is the best information they have heard in several years. Everyone is starting to praise the Democratic and Peace Party.

In fact, before this, the reputation of the Democratic and Peace Party was just that. After all, they drove everyone out of the city and squatted outside for a month. Many people lost their jobs as a result.

Although the purpose is to expel terrorists, civilians don't think much about it. In-depth management relies on the streets.

Now that it has come to light, it has immediately changed the public opinion significantly.

While everyone was discussing in full swing, a person who had been silently drinking tea and not participating in the discussion suddenly said loudly: "Don't think about it, the tax exemption thing has stopped!"


"What did you say?"


"Where did you hear the news?"

Everyone was in high spirits, and when you poured a basin of cold water over them, the tavern immediately exploded.

"Where did the news come from? Haha, I'm afraid you don't know that there are two teams in the city now, one is the new Democratic and Peace Party, and the other is the original one." The man sneered and said: "Originally this group Don’t you know what the thing looks like?”

"They still don't understand the situation in Tikrit. If they wanted to be exempted from tax, they would have been exempted long ago."

"We are exempt from taxes? Where does the government's money come from? We can't let those big companies and nobles fill this hole, right?"

"It used to be that one team needed to pay salaries, but now there are two teams with more people and higher expenses."

"They are not cooperating at all and are still dragging their feet. Don't even think about carrying out this matter!" The man shook his head as he said this. He drank the tea in the cup in front of him in one gulp, stood up, and walked out with some hesitation.

The teahouse was quiet, and it took a while before someone slapped the table and cursed in a low voice.

This time it seemed like a switch was turned on, and a group of people started to curse.

It's okay if you can't see hope, but you have already seen it, and it would be too uncomfortable to be cut off again!

The same thing happened at the same time in the taverns on the streets of Tikrit.

What does it mean to be a professional actor?
Anytime and anywhere is a stage, play freely and never make mistakes!

In just two days, word of what the original Tikrit government officials had done spread throughout the city, and there was an outpouring of curses.

Is this over?

Obviously not. In addition to tax exemption, there are many policies.

For example, street repairs, compensation for reconstruction of damaged houses, urban cleanup and recruitment...

Another example is disbanding the street committee...


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(End of this chapter)

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