I want to be a warlord

Chapter 441: Catch the duck and put it on the shelves

The fourth update breaks out, please give me a monthly ticket!
Be confident!


Israel cuts off Gaza's water supply...

The old fireworks are startling, so be careful lately...


When the call was connected, John was a little silent.

Both parties stopped talking for a long time before John sighed, "Man, I want to say, I'm sorry."

"John, Fake Squid!" Wang Zhen cursed through gritted teeth.

"I have no choice, man. It was Mr. President who gave the order. The new Secretary of State and CIA Director came to Baghdad personally to take charge. I think you still remember the phone call I hung up on. The new Director is not easy to talk to. He wants to take power. This No one can stop this." John sighed again. He sighed more times during this period than in the past year.

He had to give Wang Zhenlai this call to explain the matter clearly. It was not just a matter of partners, the two of them were still friends.

At the beginning, Wang Zhen said that he took money for the pipeline project and the river return project to bear the infamy and to save more people. He has always kept this in mind.

It seemed like a light sentence, but it still sounded strong and unreasonable, but it was very important to him.

Well, it is important for every corrupt official.

This is a kind of psychological comfort, which is equivalent to going to church to confess to God after doing something bad. It can greatly relieve psychological pressure.

And this kind of specious and heresies is obviously more comforting to them than simply confessing to God, because they have made mistakes at all, and they are moving forward with a heavy burden!

Fundamentally different!
John was very grateful to Wang Zhen.

Of course, he made this call because he was afraid that Wang Zhen would come back to retaliate against him on impulse... He knew the man surnamed Wang very well. This guy was really going crazy, and he would most likely be dead.

So what if the US government avenges him in the future... people are all dead!
After making so much money, before I had time to enjoy it, the money was gone while people were still alive!

Various reasons led to the current situation.

"Why didn't you notify me secretly?" Wang Zhen asked through gritted teeth.

"Man..." What I said, I am so crazy to inform you, but John did not go to refute Wang Zhen at this time, but said: "I reminded you a long time ago, your policy direction... Today's democracy The Peace Party has grown so big that it is very likely to become the largest political party in Iraq, and your core ideas are too red-leaning, and it is impossible to obey the orders of the US government."

"On the other side, both Sadr and the Iranian faction are resolutely anti-American. If you add them together, you will form an absolute majority. The government has spent tens of billions and it is impossible to watch Iraq completely lose control."

Wang Zhen was silent for a long time. He said rationally that he knew that John could not help himself, but it would be difficult for him to stay rational at this time. "That was my best friend and best cooperation in Iraq." partner!"

John: Isn’t it me?
"I understand, I understand. I hope to have the opportunity to worship him afterwards and apologize to him in person."

"Fuck you!"

"Man, I have to tell you that you are also in danger now. Many people are eyeing you. According to the intelligence I have received, many Iraqi nobles have been communicating with each other in private. They are in the Baghdad government." John transferred Topic said.

"Haha, haha." Wang Zhen sneered twice, "What do they want to do? Damn it, do you really think that if Faisal dies, we, Wang Zhen, will have nothing!"

"According to the information I received, they first asked the Baghdad government to re-investigate the Muntashari family incident. They could not just watch a noble family be murdered in an dishonorable manner. They also requested that an investigation be initiated into the death of the former government official in Tikrit City. Investigate and demand a fair trial." John reminded Wang Zhendao: "You have to be careful, these are all targeting you."

"And this is just the beginning."

"I know, it's not that easy to control me!" Wang Zhen sneered.

"Man, you have to be careful. This is Iraq. In this damn land, even the U.S. government can't do anything good. The people here are too backward, too barbaric, and too closed. What will they do to me?" It’s not surprising.” John reminded Wang Zhen again.

"I know, is there anything else?"

"No, I hope you pay attention to your own safety. In addition, the mission in Syria can be started at any time." John finally reminded Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen said softly and hung up the phone. Now he understood why John suddenly helped him contact the mission. This was to transfer him out of Iraq.

It's just that he didn't expect that he had already arrived in Lannatai.

and many more!

From this perspective, his current mission... Wang Zhen frowned. This mission came at such a coincidence, and it is so troublesome!
It's not that he doubted Zeng Jiarang. If the current task was really that the domestic side had deliberately transferred him out of Iraq, then the country had obviously also received the news!

No, there is another possibility!
John could see the problem a long time ago, so with the political sensitivity of this group of people in the country, they would not fail to see it.

John's phone call made him think a lot, including Li Jianbin's warning when the Democratic and Peace Party organized a military parade, and Lao Hou's Ruoyouruowu reminders several times.

Thinking about it, Wang Zhen raised his hand and slapped himself hard!

Damn, that was when the Democratic and Peace Party was making great progress. Everything was under its control. The continuous victories, whether in business, military or politics, made me completely drifting. I was so drifting that I didn't even listen. Come out with their warning.if……

No if!

Thinking of this, Wang Zhen laughed at himself. Muntasari and Walid said that they were food delivery people, but they were actually right. They knew nothing!

I didn’t understand anything. Looking back at the beginning, I just set a few templates for Faisal based on his situation at that time, because I didn’t understand politics at all and didn’t know how to adapt to local conditions.

I was actually just trying to catch up, and I never thought that the Democratic and Peace Party would develop to this extent!

Everything is a coincidence.

As his power grows, the only things he can bring out are middle and high school political textbooks and modern history. And coincidentally, the current state of Iraq is so similar to the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. He just copied it and got bigger and bigger...

Wang Zhen was sitting here, thinking a lot in his mind for a while, including the first time he fooled Feisal and put him in the Du Lisan template, the first time he set up a big market with high spirits, and the first time he led a team to do an unexpected mission. Qixi wanted to hang drones on trees, march into Tikrit, and push the Democratic and Peace Party to the top...

Looking back on his experience in Iraq over the past two years, Wang Zhen felt a little dazed for a while.

Until he heard someone calling him in his ear, Wang Zhen looked up in a daze and saw Guo Jingyun's concerned face, "What's wrong with you? If it doesn't work, let's not take action tonight."

"Ah." Wang Zhen stared at Guo Jingyun for a long time before coming back to his senses. He took the other person's hand and stood up. Wang Zhen shook his head, "No, we must fight today!"

"Rescuing people is one thing. We must go back with victory, instead of returning to Iraq in embarrassment after hearing the bad news." Wang Zhen patted his head a few times to wake himself up, "We can't let people see anything. weak!"

"We must let those people see that even if Faisal dies, we are still fighting and determined. Otherwise, they will immediately turn into vultures to gnaw at our flesh and blood!"

Guo Jingyun opened his mouth, but finally gave up trying to persuade Wang Zhen.

He doesn't understand this at all. He only knows how to fight. He can't be of much help at this time. He should just obey orders and protect the safety of Wangzhen.

To be honest, not only Guo Jingyun, but also Jin Mao and all of them were confused at this time. The situation changed too fast!

Not to mention that they themselves are not this material, otherwise they would not come out to work hard. Even if they understand, they will be greatly disturbed when they are in the game, and they will be at a loss for a while.

At this time, we really can only count on Wang Zhen.

I hope Wang Zhen can still make the right decisions as always, otherwise, everyone may not be able to leave Iraq...


Twenty minutes later, Wang Zhen, Donkey, Shrapnel, Pliers, Pipe and others, plus 10 transferred militiamen, stood silently by the Moai River in a field of corn on the Lanna Thai side.

"I just received news from Baghdad that something big has happened, a big thing." Wang Zhen stood in front of the militiamen and looked around. "Originally, this news should not be announced at this time, as it will affect the subsequent battle."

One sentence made this group of militiamen look at each other, a little at a loss. It could make their heads say that something important would affect the battle... The hearts of a group of people suddenly started to rise.

"But you are the best soldiers I have trained, the most outstanding ones selected among thousands of people, the best soldiers in Iraq. Whether you are compared with terrorists or government troops, you are the best." OK."

"You have a firm will to fight and a strong belief, which are accumulated in training day after day and in battle after battle!"

"So, I decided to tell you before we start taking action that just 3 hours ago, your leader, founder of the Democratic and Peace Party, and my good friend Mr. Faisal was attacked by a drone during a public speech in Baghdad. He left this world after half an hour of resuscitation!"

'Buzz' The scene immediately seemed to explode, and chaos instantly broke out.

Faisal was the leader of this group, and the news of his death was completely unacceptable to the people at the scene!

You must know that a few days ago, there were still rumors in the organization that they would win this election and become the largest political party in Iraq in the future. They were about to come to the forefront, just like they changed Bairwana and Tikrit. Change the whole of Iraq and give Iraq a new lease of life.

They love their motherland!

This is a great cause that they fought for and sacrificed for!

But just before they were about to reach their peak and start to succeed, their leader died in a conspiracy assassination...

How can they accept this!
Wang Zhen didn't say anything. He had to let these people vent their emotions and he had to tell them at this time.

If the militiamen found out after they arrived in Iraq, they would immediately direct their anger at Wang Zhen who concealed them. This is concealment and deception!

Even if Wang Zhen is the instructor who trains them, cracks are inevitable, and these people will also affect more people. It will be difficult for Wang Zhen to maintain his influence on the militia.

Soldiers are all innocent. If you lie to them once, they will never believe you again.

Wang Zhen couldn't tell them after today's battle. That would only make the militiamen think that Wang Zhen had no confidence in their will to fight. It was also a stupid approach!

Now, Wang Zhen must be careful not to make a wrong step! (End of chapter)

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