I want to be a warlord

Chapter 448: Annihilation and confession

"Everyone, as a team, enter the surrounding buildings!" Wang Zhen shouted in the channel. The gun in his hand did not stop, and he fired with a short burst, killing a person whose head was exposed on the roof of the side.

He quickly glanced towards the street from the open door on both sides. The firefight on the street was fierce, but the attacker did not use the RPG again. Whether it was already lighted or otherwise, Wang Zhen turned around and re-entered with a hand. Inside the armored vehicle.

A large crater was dented in the bulletproof steel plate near the front of the armored vehicle. It was obviously the location where the RPG exploded just now. It was probably because of the angle of the RPG warhead that it only withstood the shock wave of the side explosion.

The extent of the damage to the armored vehicle is unclear, but it obviously does not affect its use as a bunker.

With a casual sweep, Wang Zhen rushed to the gun stand, grabbed the box containing the grenade, pulled down the ladder on the roof of the car, pushed open the sunroof and climbed up.

The surrounding buildings were all two-storey at least, and some even had three floors with attics. The other party occupied the high point, and they were at a huge disadvantage. It was not easy even to throw a grenade up, so Wang Zhen took the risk to get on the roof of the car.

I glanced out and saw a gun barrel sticking out of the roof of a building more than 20 meters away. "Display, release the drone, blind man, shoot the mortars at the roof!"

After giving instructions, Wang Zhen opened the safety cover and leaned out half of his body, raised his hand and threw a grenade.

Regardless of the effect, he climbed up on the roof of the car in twos and twos, swung the grenade box forward, and the man followed and rolled towards the front of the car. He wanted to use the bulletproof steel plate raised in front for shelter.

It takes a minute for the combination of the monitor and the blind man to exert its power. Wang Zhen must try his best to fill this one-minute firepower gap.

He didn't dare to stand up, he just squatted on the ground with his butt stuck out. When he straightened up and took a look, he threw the grenade suddenly.

For a moment, Wang Zhen transformed into a human-shaped grenade and threw more than 40 grenades toward the roofs within a range of 20 meters ahead at an average speed of one every three seconds.

Wang Zhen didn't know how many attackers were killed, but on one third of the battlefield, the firepower of the attackers was instantly weakened.

Our own militiamen immediately seized this opportunity and attacked the buildings on both sides.

Reminded by Wang Zhen's behavior, the first armored vehicle in front also climbed on top to attack the militiamen. However, this guy was too close to the middle of the battlefield. He just threw out a few grenades, which immediately caused the attackers on the surrounding rooftops to set fire. In an instant, He was swept down on the roof of the car, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead for a while.

After Wang Zhen fought for it for a while, the drone with the monitor behind the car finally took off, and a series of data reports were sent to Guo Jingyun who was waiting anxiously.

"Pedal" "Swoosh"

Even if the propellant charge of the cannonball in Guo Jingyun's hand was reduced, it would still take 10 seconds to fly in the air. Therefore, after firing one shell, the display immediately displayed the second coordinate.

"Pedal" "Swoosh"

The first shell didn't explode until the display showed the coordinates of the third rooftop with an attacker.


"The first impact point was 3 meters away from the 2.5 o'clock direction, and the target was killed!"

After all, it is a mortar, and its lethality is not comparable to that of a grenade. As long as it is within the killing range and there is no bunker, it is difficult for an unarmored target to survive.

Guo Jingyun kept moving his hands, adjusting the angle slightly, and the third shell was launched with a "kick" and "whoosh".


With Guo Jingyun's firepower support, the attacker's firepower was immediately suppressed.

When Wang Zhen saw this, he immediately got off the roof of the car. It was still too dangerous up there.

Sure enough, as soon as I jumped down, I heard the monitor shout: "Be careful, RPG!"

The soul of Wang Zhen was so angry that he bent his waist and jumped out of the car in two big steps. Before he could land, there was a "boom" explosion behind him.

After landing, he rolled over and turned around to take a look. There was nothing going on in the car.

Obviously, it either hit the front of the car or was hit crookedly.

"Donkey, report the situation!"

"No one is inside the house, they have occupied the roof."

"Shovel, help me lift the cannon!"

"Donkey, pipe, cover!"

Damn, it seems like someone doesn’t have heavy firepower!
The only problem is that the 105 recoilless rifle is on the armored vehicle in the middle, and they have to cross a short section of the battlefield.

After taking a look, Wang Zhen and the two men rushed out with their waists bent close to the vehicle. It was only more than 20 meters away and they rushed over in 6 seconds.

There is no need for a gun mount, and the weight of the gun body alone is as high as 120 kilograms. Fortunately, there are militiamen nearby. Without Wang Zhen and shovels, two militiamen rushed out from the nearby building and quickly entered the building carrying the gun body. Wang Zhen and Tiezi each carried a box of shells and followed.

When the 105 recoilless rifle is transported to the roof, it will be the end of these attackers!

Compared with the 60mm mortar, the 105mm shell is obviously more powerful. Within 400 meters, Wangzhen can be used as a sniper rifle. You can use any bunker and all problems will disappear with one shot!

..."Is there a fight?" Muhammad Sadiq Sadr asked his men in a villa manor in Najaf, the holy city of Yepai, in the lower reaches of the Euphrates River, the capital of Najaf Province.

"Yes, Imam." The subordinate said respectfully: "The Kurds have already taken action."

"Ha, they are really a bunch of idiots!" Sadr said with a mocking look on his face.

Seeing that Sadr was in a good mood, his subordinate immediately asked with curiosity: "Imam, I don't understand why I let the Kurds attack them? Is there any benefit to us?"

After hearing the questions from his subordinates, Sadr was in a good mood and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter who he is. What matters is the sect, the one who theoretically sides with the United States."

"This morning, a reporter posted the footage taken at the scene of yesterday's attack in Baghdad to the Internet. When the drone swooped down, he happened to capture it. After the screen was enlarged, it can be recognized. The drone that attacked was obviously not the battlefield in Iraq. Modified from the more popular civilian drones.”

"Either the American Switchblade 600, or the Israeli Delilah. Someone has processed the picture, and it is almost 100% sure to be a switchblade."

"So, whether it was done by the U.S. government or not, it is now done by the U.S. government."

"We don't need this attack to do us any good, as long as it does harm to our enemies." Sadr said with a smile.

His subordinates kept nodding as they listened, with admiration on their faces. Sadr, who was very proud of himself for having accomplished this operation in such a short time, was very proud.

Or if someone can get into this position, he knows when to praise him!
In addition, what Sadr did not say is that a very important reason why he wanted to unite with Faisal last time and spend money to find the Kurds to attack King Town this time is that his sphere of influence is the province of Karbala on the lower reaches of the Euphrates River. Najaf and Dhi Qar governorates.

Because of the river-cutting incident, members of the Democratic and Peace Party have a good reputation here, which threatens Sadr's position here to a certain extent.

Now that Faisal is dead and Wang Zhen is in conflict with other Sun sects, the Democratic and Peace Party will no longer be able to influence his sphere of influence.


The battle started suddenly and ended relatively quickly. It took less than half an hour to kill and clear the battlefield.

"What are the casualties?" Wang Zhen asked, looking at Sadiq in front of him.

Sadiq, the commander of the 200 Sharp Knife Battalion that Wang Zhen had trained before to attack Tikrit, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

"Eight of our troops were killed and 8 wounded," Sadiq said with a sad look on his face.

Most of the casualties were caused by the first wave of rocket attacks and self-destructing vehicles, which were so sudden that there was no time for reaction.

This is the most troublesome aspect of urban warfare!

Wang Zhen pursed his lips and patted Sadiq lightly on the shoulder, "Arrange a car and I'll arrange a hospital immediately. Don't worry, going to the US military hospital in Baghdad will definitely provide the best medical conditions!"

"Thank you, sir!" Sadiq saluted with a military salute.

Although he was attacked after returning from a mission with Wang Zhen, Sadiq did not think that Wang Zhen should be blamed for the problem. He was not stupid. It was obviously the Democratic and Peace Party that was targeted. It can be said that the attack on Faisal The aftermath.

Wang Zhen was not polite and called John directly. The US military hospital in Baghdad was also open to the public. The call was just to receive treatment in a more timely manner.

After arranging the issue of the wounded, Wang Zhen continued to ask: "Has there been any result from the prisoner interrogation?"

"As soon as I asked, they were Kurds." Sadiq replied.

Wang Zhen frowned, "Why did they attack us? There is no fucking grudge between us, right?"

Hearing this, Sadiq's expression was a little ugly, "The captives don't know who the target is. The leader of this group is dead."

As he spoke, Sadiq's expression was hesitant to speak, and he obviously still had something to say.

"If you have any questions, just ask them directly. We are friends, brothers and family, right!" Wang Zhen said.

"After getting off the plane, I received news from other people in the military that the drone that attacked Mr. Faisal was launched by the Americans. Did you know?" Sadik stared at Wang Zhen's eyes, and finally said Ask out.

Wang Zhen sighed secretly, he also saw that video.

After regaining his composure, Wang Zhen raised two fingers and said, "First, if it was done by the US government, as long as they don't officially admit it, there's nothing anyone can do about it. Maybe we can just say it bluntly. Even if they admit it, there's nothing they can do about it. A government order can't be done by just one person." Right or left, even if we want to retaliate, if it is equivalent, it must be the leader of their Xiang Party or Donkey Party, or the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, or the military general."

"But..." Wang Zhen shook his head. Sadiq understood what he meant. It's impossible. He doesn't have the ability.

"Second, it was not done by the U.S. government. That kind of drone is not only owned by the U.S. military. I can get it. Then the attacker is trying to frame the U.S.."

As he said this, Wang Zhen put his arm around Sadiq's shoulders and said, "This is politics. We seem so weak and powerless when facing this kind of thing."

"I want revenge." Wang Zhen leaned into Sadik's ear and lowered his voice: "After a while, now is the chaotic period of the Democratic and Peace Party, and we can no longer give people any excuses, even if we are not the ones who provoke the problem. This is Faisal, it’s you, it’s our common cause, and I don’t want it to be ruined, even if I’m not an Iraqi or a Muslim.”

"Even if all this has nothing to do with me in the book."

"I understand, sir." After a while, Sadiq took a deep breath and said. (End of chapter)

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