I want to be a warlord

Chapter 456: Kill them all

Having been locked in a car before, Yan Lingling and Zhen Zhenhua lost their last hope when they saw Sadiq and others being surrounded so quickly.

Damn it, Wang Zhen, who was so awesome just a few days ago and was known as the No. 1 Chinese in Iraq, suddenly failed.

Those militiamen who are said to be the most capable fighters in Iraq all ran away without even resisting!

It doesn't matter if Wang Zhen falls, the Chinese people who were implicated will also die here.

When they thought about the cruel and easy-to-kill people in Iraq, and the public beheading videos, several people couldn't help but burst into tears.

But just as he was crying, he suddenly heard an explosion in the building, and then... suddenly the situation was fucking reversed again!
So many militiamen came out!

The group of mercenaries who were showing off their power just now all surrendered, and a dozen or so who were too late to surrender were simply beaten to death on the spot!
In less than an hour, things reversed, reversed, and reversed again. Several people saw hope again, and the excited ones almost jumped away.

Hearing the noise coming from the car here, several people were quickly rescued. The tie ties trapped on their bodies were cut, and several people were free again.

"How are you? Are you injured?" Sadiq came over and asked with concern.

"No, it's nothing." Zhen Zhenhua turned to look at the others. Everyone only had some bruises from being tied up, and they only had a few bumps at most, but nothing happened.

"what happened!"

"They..." He glanced at a dozen corpses, and now blood was flowing all over the ground. He glanced at Zhen Zhenhua and turned back quickly, scared!
"The commander's decision is to see their proud faces and then ruthlessly smash them..." Sadik shrugged with a smile.

"Ah!?" Zhen Zhenhua and others' faces became distorted upon hearing this.

What the heck, turns out everything was designed?
We were almost beaten to death, you know, and then you told me it was all an act?

Just for Beau Beauty to smile, ah, Boss Beau smiles?
King Zhou You, right?
"Haha, don't worry, you think too highly of them. They won't dare to move until the commander is fine." Sadiq explained after seeing what Zhen Zhenhua and others were thinking. He didn't think it was anything. They just said He was face to face with a gun pointed at his forehead. Wouldn't it be more dangerous? If there was any slight movement, everyone would die.

"Why is it okay? Yan Lingling and the others were molested by them!" Zhen Zhenhua said with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Sadiq raised his eyebrows, and after one glance at Yan Lingling and the others, he understood, "Which ones? Point out which hand they used, and they will chop them off!"

Yan Lingling was immediately frightened by one sentence. They looked at each other, and no one dared to say a word. Growing up in China, you would cut off someone's hand after just a few touches. What kind of fairy behavior is this?
Not to mention the four of them, not even Zhen Zhenhua and the other men could make this decision.

"Haha, it's okay. Let's wait for the boss to deal with it." Sadiq said with a smile: "You guys should find a place to rest first."

Several people looked at each other and immediately agreed. The mood swings just now were so intense that they were exhausted physically and mentally and felt weak.

On the other side, in Wang Zhen’s office.

Listening to the gunfire and the explosion outside the door, Nasheed and the others sat there blankly, motionless. They saw it, but emotionally they did not want to believe that what they saw in front of them was real...

Until Golden Retriever and Donkey walked in.

"You, you..." Nasheed pointed at the Golden Retrievers with trembling hands, his face was pale, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"Surprise or not, surprise or surprise!" Donkey stepped over the corpse on the ground, walked to the six people, bent down, and said with a smile.

"You guys are trying to trick me!" Nasheed still doesn't understand.

If it hadn't been repeatedly confirmed that Wang Zhen had fallen out with this group of Americans and was driven away to the big market with another Chinese. The big market was in such chaos that Wang Zhen was not in the mood to manage it. He really looked like he was abandoned by everyone. How could he be in danger himself!

After all, he was the ruthless man who massacred Montashali's entire family!
Several Tikrit nobles such as Walid and Talal also had ugly faces and kept swallowing their saliva. This was actually a game against them, but they jumped down stupidly.

Got carried away by hatred!
But it's too late to say anything now!

"Stand up!" Donkey hit Nasheed's men on the head with the barrel of a gun. "You have no fucking manners at all, they are like pigs and dogs!"

Several people were forced to stand against the wall, and the donkey cursed loudly: "Open your excretory organs and speak. Weren't you very good at speaking just now? Oh, I'm sorry, was what I said a bit rude? Thank you, I will It was fucking intentional!”

Suddenly he raised his hand and hit Nasheed on the head with the butt of a gun. The guy's face was covered with blood. "I've been displeased with you for a long time. Just sit there and act like you're a big shot. What the hell are you doing?" That’s right, take a pee and look in the mirror. With the way you look on your head, I wonder why the World Expo didn’t call you to exhibit!”

"I have always thought that it is impossible for people to become pigs and that they are not that stupid, but you have successfully changed my mind. You are just a bunch of stupid pigs!"

"You should really be sent to the laboratory for further research. You will definitely make outstanding contributions to the research on intellectual disabilities!"

"Really, are your parents engaged in chemistry? You look like test subjects."

As expected of a donkey, the donkey didn't stop when he opened his mouth, sputtering out a lot of curses without repeating them. The scoldings made several people blush and have thick necks.

After a long while, the donkey wiped the foam from the corner of his mouth, laughed and said, "It's great!"

After the donkey was satisfied, Wang Zhen slowly walked over, stretched out his hand and slapped several people on the face, "Do you know why you can walk into Bairvanai?"

"The main thing is that I want to see the villain's face after you thought you won, and then watch the false victory be shattered before your eyes, and watch the expressions on your faces change from arrogance to shock, and then from disbelief to shame. Sweeping the floor is so much fun!”

"After Faisal's death, I have been in a bad mood. I tried many ways to adjust my mentality, but to no avail. But now, I want to thank you. Your clown-like performance successfully made me laugh."

"Okay, Wang Zhen, we lost this time, but don't be too proud, the Iraqi nobles will not let you go!" Nasheed covered the wound on his head and said unconvinced: "You have offended too many. Now that Faisal is dead, do you still think you can command the Democratic and Peace Party?"


Wang Zhen raised his kick and slapped Nasheed on the chin. The sudden kick caused Nasheed to bite his own tongue, blood spurting from his mouth, and he fell to the ground with a thud and passed out. "You, you killed him, you are crazy, you are nothing now, and you still dare to kill people!" Talal looked at Nasheed, pointed at Wang Zhen and shouted loudly.

"Really?" Wang Zhen took out his pistol with a smile, slowly pointed the gun at Nasheed's head, and slowly pulled the trigger under the horrified eyes of several people.

"Bang!" Nasheed walked away without any pain.

"I've killed him now, what can you do?" Wang Zhen asked with a smile.

"You, you, you are crazy, you devil, you madman." Walid muttered.

"Not only will I kill him, I will also kill you." Wang Zhen said softly, putting the muzzle of the gun on Walid's head, "Come, beg me, beg me, maybe I will let you go. "

"Impossible, just kill me!" Walid closed his eyes. He is a noble and must retain his last bit of dignity no matter what. "Someone will avenge me!"

"Who, your family? Wow, I'm so scared. Are you reminding me that I should order people to go to Tikrit immediately to kill your whole family!"

"You are so cruel!"

"How dare you!" Walid suddenly opened his eyes, "You, you, you..."

He wanted to say that Wang Zhen was crazy, but now he found that Wang Zhen seemed to be really crazy!

Why do you want to jump out?
Why can't we wait any longer?

I've endured it for so many years, why can't I bear it now?
Walid regretted that his intestines were blue.

"Send you to meet your god in advance. Don't worry there, I will send your whole family to reunite with you soon." After saying that, Wang Zhen suddenly pulled the trigger, "Bang!"

"You, you, no, no, no, don't kill me..." Talal, who was the toughest and most violent before, knelt down at Wang Zhen's feet and kowtowed.

"Oh, for people like you, living is just a waste of food!" Wang Zhen did not hesitate to pull the trigger, "Bang"

"Don't kill me, I'll give you money, all the money!"

"Take it to hell..."




Wang Zhen shot them all one by one, killing them all.

After looking at the corpses on the ground, Jin Mao suddenly asked: "Did you really decide to kill their whole family?"

Wang Zhen turned to look at Jin Mao, "What's wrong? Can't you be cruel?"

Golden Retriever said, "Isn't this a little too cruel?"

"Haha, Golden Retriever, remember, many times what is vigorously promoted may not be correct. It is just a view that the ruling class deliberately instills into the ordinary people. The law is fundamentally a tool used by the ruling class to maintain rule." Wang Zhenshuai After taking a shot of gunpowder, he inserted it into his waist again, walked to the sofa and sat down, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and then continued: "There are classes in this world, nobles and poor."

"Of course, you said it's the same for rich people and poor people."

"If it is a grudge between a poor person and a poor person, he once killed your parents and relatives but escaped the punishment of the law, and then you kill the other person, the law will sentence you to death. Do you think the sentence is fair?"

"It should be no problem...it must be illegal to kill someone." Golden Retriever said with a frown.

"Okay, so now there is hatred between a rich man and a poor man. The rich man can use the influence of money to make a poor man lose his job, lose his family, lose his life, and then slowly die in endless pain. One night, do you think this is illegal?”


Before the golden retriever could reply, the poet said directly: "It's not illegal."

"Remember, Golden Retriever, the rich have a hundred ways to circumvent the law to achieve their own goals. It seems fair to everyone not to be implicated, but for the poor, killing the men in their families is tantamount to implicating them. , the result is the same, but it’s not a big deal to the noble family, and he can still turn around and continue to take revenge on you.”

“The purpose of the law’s abolition of implication is not for some nonsense about human rights and justice, but for the ruling class to maintain its rule. Without implication, they would have constant opportunities to make mistakes.”

Wang Zhen pointed to the corpse on the ground and said, "Do you think why they dare to come here is just because of the smoke bomb I released?"

"No, they think that I don't dare to kill them in this situation, because they have a family behind them, and I will be afraid of their revenge."

"Either you kill my whole family, or you dare not touch me!"

"This is the confidence of the children of a big family!"

"Well, you may be right." Jin Mao sighed. Anyway, he couldn't find anything to refute. "Now is not the past. If you kill their whole family and other nobles, the Iraqi government will not let us go."

"Yes, this is what I want!" Wang Zhen smiled coldly, "I can see that this war must be fought. If we don't fight, we will have no chance to leave Iraq even if we want to!"

"Ah? Why?" The Golden Retrievers looked at each other in confusion. (End of chapter)

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