I want to be a warlord

Chapter 465 Mr. Liu shows off his power and the Middle East is shocked

On the other hand, things were much better for the mercenaries. After they noticed that the mortars had stopped, they began to alternate cover and retreat again. Although it was a little slower, they finally waited for the artillery support of the government forces to allow them to retreat. It's really not much of a loss.

In fact, including Wang Zhen, the mercenaries were seen retreating in an orderly manner from the drone footage, and Guo Jingyun did not let Guo Jingyun waste artillery shells on them.


But even so, when all the government troops were withdrawn and the battle losses were calculated, the faces of the two mercenary regiment leaders turned green.

This time it was considered a trial attack, with only half of the manpower deployed. The government army sent 600 troops and the two mercenary groups sent 200 troops.

The results were good. The government troops were not injured. Only about 300 of them were withdrawn. More than 280 people were directly killed. There was no need to look for those who had not returned. They were injured and bled to death.

The two mercenary regiments were slightly less, with a total of 32 killed, an average of 16 per side.

This is a huge loss for the two mercenary groups, more than one tenth.

These two medium-sized mercenary groups usually do not take on high-end missions. The risks are too great. They only live in low-end and mid-range missions. They are also very careful on the battlefield. A loss of more than 10% in one battle is something like one or two. It doesn’t happen once a year!
Fortunately, not everyone has a family and must pay pensions, otherwise they would really lose money!
In private, the two mercenary captains touched each other and said, "This battle is difficult to fight. I have always heard that the militiamen of the Democratic and Peace Party have high combat effectiveness and can inflict pain on terrorists. I have fucking seen it this time!"

"Damn it, the Abboud family also said that Wang Zhen was abandoned by the people of the Democratic and Peace Party. I can't help his whole family. Why do I feel that Wang Zhen abandoned the people of the Democratic and Peace Party? This is bringing along all the elites. Are you coming?"

"The devil knows! Their instantaneous firepower output is too strong. Look, I don't believe they can maintain this intensity forever. The shells consume too much."

"Well, be careful later. I think we should divide the attack area with the government troops." A mercenary group leader said with a roll of his eyes.

"what do you mean……"

"Yes, didn't you notice? When we retreated, they didn't use mortars. I feel like they didn't want to cause too many casualties to us, and they were trying to show their good will."

"It's possible. After all, we are all in the mercenary circle. There is no need to fight to the death. I am really willing to continue fighting with them. It will only take a year."

Of course, another benefit is that the chaos caused by the fighting between the provincial government troops has affected them.

The two looked at each other and laughed immediately, and the matter was settled.


After several days of preparation, the actual fighting took just over an hour before the government troops were defeated and retreated.

But in just over an hour, too much can be seen.

Various forces sent back the captured footage one after another, causing quite a stir.

Most people came here to see the actual effect of the three-dimensional container defense line constructed by Wang Zhen. It can be said that the results are satisfactory.

Whether facing shelling or mortar attacks, the defense line withstood the test. Of course, most of the credit lies in the level of trench digging.

But in the subsequent battles, this line of defense did play a very good role. Whether it was an RPG or a recoilless rifle, the impact was not very good. Even if the concentrated firepower destroyed a little bit, the depth of the second line of defense was the same. can work.

The most important thing is that the crossfire network within a hundred meters is really fierce!
If the container defense line is used in the city, this thing can directly block the entire intersection, and tanks can't fucking break it open!

With this thing, it's no problem to withstand ten times the enemy's attack!
In addition, for the first time, all parties have truly witnessed the combat effectiveness of the Democratic and Peace Party militia. They are indeed well-trained, at least under the command of Glorious Defense.

He actually persisted until the enemy was close to [-] meters before firing!
The most important thing is to dare to show your head and shoot instead of shooting with faith!
These days, anyone who dares to show his head and shoot is considered an elite!

Why can't government troops defeat terrorists, even though they are clearly better equipped?

It's because government troops don't dare to show their faces, but terrorists do!

It is obvious that the government forces suffered heavy losses, while the losses on Wangzhen's side were minimal. Anyone who understands can see that if the government forces don't have a better way, the current group of people will never even think about getting in!
This is something that even Adan Abboud, who shot several videos from different angles afterwards, had to admit after watching it.

But the problem is, it’s hard to get off the tiger!

Not to mention the favors and benefits paid, the real money alone cost a small 500 million!

After all, he didn't dare to owe the mercenary money for the price that was negotiated before...

Now let him admit defeat?

It's impossible!

I contacted these people that night, and they always said the same thing, even if we beat them, now that we want to withdraw, aren't we afraid of retaliation? This way we won't be able to get to the negotiation table. At least let the person named Wang see our determination, and in his hands He also has countless weapons. Even if he uses resources to hit him, he will still be hit to lie down!
After much effort, I finally managed to convince many people. In the early morning, eight tanks, escorted by twenty armored vehicles, headed straight for the front line!

Although Wang Zhen won this battle and won beautifully, it also made everyone see the problem of Wang Zhen's lack of heavy weapons.

The container defense line is indeed strong enough, but when I use tanks to blast your defense line bit by bit at the RPG limit distance of 500 meters, how do you respond? !

Here, before the tanks came out of the defense line, Wang Zhen had already received John's notification.

Eight tanks are indeed difficult to obtain. If it were still the former Democratic and Peace Party, Wang Zhen would not be stupid at all. He would have AT3 in his hand. Although the model of that thing is a bit older, it depends on whose hands it is used, whether it is Guo Jing. Whether it is cloud, beer or monitor, controlling the AT3 has an 8% chance of hitting the moving tank and a 4% chance of completing the attack on the top.

If it was a year ago, when Wang Zhen and Lao Liu had just developed a drone equipped with a tandem armor-piercing warhead, there would have been no problem.

But now in the entire Middle East battlefield, who doesn’t know how to put a barbed wire fence on the tank turret?

It can be said that Wang Zhen has no equipment on hand that can deal with tanks.

Wang Zhen does not have any anti-tank missiles that can penetrate the T72 armor head-on. Even if he mounts 30 kilograms of TNT on a T30 and blasts it directly, it will not work.

The T30 is too slow to catch up with the tank, and will be blown up by anti-aircraft machine guns during the pursuit.

It's even less reliable to just drop it and explode it, and there's no way to track it.

For a moment, Wang Zhen felt really numb.


The colonel was really relieved when he saw 8 armored vehicles and [-] tanks arriving for support early the next morning. Yesterday's battle really completely destroyed the low morale of the government troops.

The loss is too great!
Of course, even if the tanks come, they can't fight today. The soldiers must rest and relieve their physical and mental fatigue, otherwise they will be defeated even if they suffer a little loss.

This rest lasts for three days!

Adan Abboud's face turned so green, you don't have to spend money on love, right?
In three days, the $120 million was gone again!

This is what the strong wind blows!
There were several calls a day to urge me, but there was nothing the colonel could do. The soldiers had no fighting spirit.Finally, on the fourth day, another offensive was organized.

This time, two mercenary regiments sent 600 people, targeting the nearly 2-kilometer defense line in the south, while the government troops came out in force to attack the remaining 3 kilometers of defense line.

3 kilometers, 25 armored vehicles, 250 armed pickup trucks, 12 artillery pieces at the rear, 1400 infantry, carrying 40 mortars, this time they really came out in full force.

After all, everything that should be tested has been tested.

People from the Tikrit Democratic and Peace Party who were bribed revealed that the stock data of the arms depot in Bairwanai has been leaked, and it is already known that Wangzhen does not have much heavy firepower.

There is still a drone exhibition in the sky, and there are more of them than last time. Wang Zhen took a quick look and found that there should be no less than 60...

Through the wide field of vision brought by his own T30, Wang Zhen's expression became solemn. This should be the last battle.

Not to mention whether the government troops could afford to fight, I was almost unable to fight anyway. Although I obtained some artillery shells through some channels, they were only enough for a two-minute saturation shooting.

"Jiggs, artist, creative writer, believer in love and justice, Mr. Liu, how are you preparing the secret weapon?" Wang Zhen turned his head and looked over with an affectionate look.

"Fuck!" This long list of names made Old Liu shiver and he said angrily: "Don't worry, there are 120 artillery pieces and 2400 rounds of artillery shells, 200 of which are pure TNT versions."

The TNT version has a small damage range and serious damage overflow, but within the core killing radius, the power is absolutely overwhelming, and nothing can resist it!
"But how powerful it can be exerted depends on Guo Jingyun."

"Don't worry, leave it to me. This time I will make sure they don't have enough to eat!" Guo Jingyun said, patting his chest.


The government troops who tested out the firepower configuration of Wangzhen raised the artillery to about 3 kilometers. The accuracy was not enough, so they had to make up the distance...

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

Under the artillery cover, the government tanks opened the way, armored vehicles guarded the sides and rear of the tanks, and behind them were armed pickup trucks. The infantry relied on the armored vehicles and armed pickup trucks to rush up to the position little by little.

The formation was maintained well, with a large space between the tanks and a zigzag shape, which protected the infantry team at the rear while maintaining speed.

Ten minutes later, we were within one kilometer of the position.

After 15 minutes, the artillery bombing stopped, and the government troops approached within 600 meters. The tanks began to show their power, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"

Entering the 400-meter range, the heavy machine guns on armed pickup trucks and armored vehicles also began to show off their power. This firepower was so overwhelming that Wang Zhen couldn't even lift his head.

The tank almost shoots flatly. The position is right in front anyway. Once the gun hits the ground, it will be a large crater with a radius of 5 meters. If it lands near the trench, the trench will be cut down by more than half a meter.

However, the container mound once again withstood the test. A shell fell on it, and about a quarter of it collapsed. Seeing this scene, Wang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. There were only 8 tanks, unless they were concentrated in one area. , otherwise with the accuracy of this group of people, they would not be able to blast through these three layers of defense even if they fired all the shells.

Fortunately, the tanks did not continue to advance within the 300-meter range of the advance. The government troops were also afraid of using RPGs to focus fire when they got closer to Houwang Town. As long as the number was large enough, the tanks would not be able to hold it!
At this moment, without Wang Zhen's orders, Guo Jingyun's pickup truck, equipped with artillery, rushed towards the position, followed by 50 Dongfeng trucks, which were piled with gas canisters and shells.

Don't dare to put this thing on the position in advance, otherwise if it is hit by the artillery of the government army, Wang Zhen will be completely destroyed...

At this moment, everyone who was monitoring the battlefield through drones in the sky frowned. The Dongfeng truck was covered with canvas and it was hard to see what it was, but the cannon pipe hanging on the pickup truck was really hard to understand.

What the hell is the secret weapon?
This guy named Wang...

However, several forces from Syria seem more and more familiar the more they look at it, this... can't be the case!

A few hundred meters away, the pickup quickly rushed to the position that had been reserved. Four people jumped out of the car and had already set the launch scale. Now they only needed to adjust the level.

The following Dongfeng stopped suddenly, and several people jumped down. They tore off the canvas and began to move the gas cans and shells.

The only bad thing is that the front-loading ammunition is a waste of time and manpower, which Lao Liu hasn't had time to improve.

This is a gas tank!
All the forces watching the battle were dumbfounded, including the government forces who also opened the map.

Gas tank bombs have been around four years ago, but they are only so powerful, and their accuracy and range are worrying.

But the cannonballs here in Wangzhen look a little different.

Observing this scene from behind, the colonel did not give any orders, but the two mercenary captains immediately ordered everyone to avoid.

Everyone thinks about completely different things!
Loading and ignition, after all, were trained, and the speed was quite fast. The loading was completed in 3 minutes, and Guo Jingyun gave the order, "Light up!"

Fortunately, they didn't use lighters to light the fire like the Syrians...

"Whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"...

120 gas tank shells flew into the sky with countless expectations from Wang Zhen and others. The tail flames sprayed flames and drew a parabola in the air toward the battlefield.

120 of them all landed on the side of the government troops. There really was no tacit understanding. Who told the tanks to be here?

As the first gas canister bomb landed...


The black-red flames spread fiercely in all directions, covering hundreds of square meters in an instant. The flames rolled in the air for a full two or three seconds before rolling towards the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the smoke and dust raised by the shock wave were more than 10 meters high, forming a huge circle and spreading in all directions, and the sound of explosion rumbled.






After all, detailed ballistic tests were conducted in advance. 120 gas tank shells landed evenly on a three-kilometer-long defense line, covering nearly one-tenth of the battlefield!
The air waves and shock waves caused by the explosion caused all the drones that moved towards the battlefield to get a clearer view to fall!

But everyone watching the scene from a distance was stunned by this scene. What the hell kind of weapon is this! (End of chapter)

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