I want to be a warlord

Chapter 480 Different people see Wang Zhen as a murderer?

Chapter 480: Different people see Wang Zhen as a murderer? (The third update breaks out, please vote for me)
Baijing Juba has an overall hotel style from the 90s and [-]s. From the current perspective, it is indeed a bit old, but this calm and simple style is just right for Nansu.

After all, it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to build a Mandarin Oriental here!

Of course, the guest rooms are not comparable to the seven-star hotels in Dubai, but they are not bad compared to the rooms in the military barracks where they usually stay. Wang Zhen is not really a son of a big family, so he never picks on this.

After settling down, Yumit Sandoval stood up and said goodbye. He still had to go back to talk to his family elders about the king's town, and then he had to report the situation to President Kiir, and he still had to argue with people in the faction. Finally It's from several opposition parties.

After all, Wang Zhen's request for self-control was indeed excessive.

The previous contact had greatly touched him, but there were some things that he couldn't make the decision about, after all, his father was still alive.

65 years old and still not dead!

Yumit Sandoval has thought about it. If the old guy interferes and creates difficulties again this time, humph, then don't blame him, his son, for killing you, the old immortal!
The natural environment in Africa is very harsh, but the average life expectancy is not as low as expected. The average life span in South Sudan is 57 years old, and the elders of small tribes generally live to be in their 60s and 70s.

For example, the chief of the large tribe where Yumit Sandoval belongs has good sanitation and medical conditions, and can generally live to be over 70 years old.

But Yumit Sandoval can't wait any longer...

Not for yourself, but for this country!

Yes, that's it!
Naturally, Wang Zhen didn't know that Yumit Sandoval, who had left, had already embraced his filial piety like thunder and his filial piety was so powerful. After settling in, he went downstairs. Li Guanghua set up a few tables in the banquet hall downstairs to entertain Wang Zhen. Zhen group of people.

Originally it was just a reception arranged, and he himself did not want to attend, but it was different because the person taking the lead was a Chinese.

Wang Zhen, Shrapnel, Poet, Shovel, Bigfoot, Skua, Teacup and others, as well as 22 Iraqis including Atul, Kazimi, etc., a total of more than 40 people, a banquet hall was all booked.

There were Americans, Europeans, and Iraqis, but the Chinese leader was Wang Zhen. Li Guanghua was very unsure of the way to go. While Wang Zhen and others were settling down upstairs, he immediately went to the ambassador behind. I went to the museum to inquire about the situation.

Speaking of which, Li Guanghua heard that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed between the North and the South in 06, and he immediately realized that peace would inevitably bring about a wave of great development. At that time, the hotels in Juba were all prefabricated houses, and they were very expensive, so, After only 3 days of inspection, this guy decided to invest all his wealth in the Jubagan Hotel!


That's a three-story slab building!

That guy caused a sensation throughout South Sudan, including several surrounding countries.

How awesome is that!
At that time, government troops and anti-government troops were deliberately avoiding this area for fear of destroying this luxurious landmark building!

As long as people from other countries come to Juba, they must live here.

The next year, the Consulate General chose to move into this place. After all, it was Chinese-owned and the most luxurious. From then on, it became uncontrollable.

Three years later, the Consulate General was upgraded to an embassy. Diagonally opposite was the National Security Forces Station. Li Guanghua also became one of the leading figures of Chinese businessmen in Juba, and he was very powerful.

After hurriedly arriving at the embassy, ​​Li Guanghua immediately went to Mou Xiantao, the clerk he was familiar with, and told him about the reception he had just received, "What is the background of this Wang Zhen? Those Americans and Iraqis are not good people, and they don't listen to him anyway."

What is a good person?

If you are honest and don't cause trouble, you are called a good person!
What is a bad guy?

Anyone who causes trouble is a bad person!

"Wang, Zhen!" Secretary Mou Xiantao frowned, "This name sounds familiar. Wait a minute and I'll check it out!"

Li Guanghua's eyes lit up. If this group of foreign affairs people sounded familiar, they must not be ordinary people!

A few minutes later, Mou Xiantao said 'fuck', and Li Guanghua hurried over, "We found out, what's going on?"

"It's him!" Mou Xiantao raised his head, his expression a little heavy, and his eyes looked at Li Guanghua with some pity, which made Li Guanghua's heart tremble.

"What is the situation? Keep it secret?" Li Guanghua asked eagerly: "Or is he a dangerous person? A traitor?"

"It's not confidential information..." Mou Xiantao said, "But you are right about one thing. A dangerous person, an extremely dangerous kind. No, I have to report to the leader. This guy actually came to Nansu. , this is a big trouble!”

With that said, Mou Xiantao stood up.

"No, wait a minute, don't leave. Since it's not confidential information, tell me everything. I'm so worried. You have to worry me to death!" Li Guanghua grabbed Mou Xiantao and said anxiously.

"Uh... Let me tell you this, this guy's experience is more legendary than yours. After being wanted by the Thai government three years ago, he smuggled into Iraq alone. I don't know what means he used to recruit a group of American special forces to work for him, and he founded a defense company in partnership. ." Mou Xiantao stopped and said with emotion: "In three years, the defense company he led killed more than 4000 people and supported a political party that almost became the largest party in Iraq."

"If the Americans hadn't killed that party leader with a drone a while ago."

"This guy is called the No. 1 Chinese in Iraq, not a Chinese businessman, but the No. 1 Chinese. Less than a month ago, he fought a big battle with the Iraqi government troops and killed more than 800 government troops. ."

Li Guanghua's expression was distorted, his eyes were as wide as a cannon, and he almost fell out. Killed more than 4000 people?
What a fucking murderer!

With government troops?
Killed more than 800 people?

Are you fucking living here now?

Don't come here! !
Looking at Li Guanghua who was completely frozen in place, Mou Xiantao shook his head and patted his shoulder. Li Guanghua shuddered and woke up, "You wish for good luck, be careful. This guy has an extremely bad temper. More than a month ago, in Tai At the border, he severely beat up an official stationed in Thailand in front of other people in the embassy and thousands of people, just because he was in a bad mood." "I have to report the situation to the leader. Your information is very important. It’s important!”

Li Guanghua had a sad face. The air conditioner in the embassy was turned on quite loudly, but the clothes on his back were still soaked. He was scared!
What does it mean to beat up an official stationed abroad just because he is in a bad mood?

I dare to do this to my boss, but what about me, a small businessman?

Don't just mess with me when you're unhappy, right?
Killing more than 4000 people, are the terrorist organizations and drug criminal organizations in Africa so vicious?

After leaving the embassy, ​​Li Guanghua's mind was in a mess. When he thought of hosting Wang Zhen for dinner in person, his legs were spinning, he was shivering, and he was sweating layer by layer.

Nothing else, afraid of death!

Mou Xiantao said he believed Thaksin, but the problem is, this is too false.

There are quite a few Chinese defense companies in Africa, but everyone knows the background and they only accept business from Chinese.

But for a Chinese to raise a team abroad, kill so many people, and build the largest party, this is a bit of a fantasy.

While walking back slowly, he called other Chinese businessmen in Juba. He wanted to contact a Chinese businessman in Iraq for verification.

Needless to say, he actually found her after a few phone calls.

"Wang Zhen, that's really awesome...the people are very nice...the market is big..."

The news he got from the Iraqi Chinese businessman was very similar to what Mou Xiantao just said, but the evaluation was a two-level reversal. Li Guanghua suddenly felt much more relaxed.

One is an official and the other is a businessman.

Another person's enemy is my hero. The same thing, the same person, and different perspectives may receive completely opposite evaluations.

Especially in domestic culture, officials and businessmen have completely opposite views on many issues.

Wang Zhen's official evaluation is that he is an uncontrollable and extremely dangerous person. He is a double-edged sword. If he makes a mistake, he will scratch himself. This kind of person is extremely disgusted by the domestic officialdom.

Let’s just say that in Iraq, King Town has a very good reputation, but from an official perspective, except for the river dredging project and pipeline project, everything is negative.

Including big markets!
There is no big market, and domestic products occupy 80% of the daily necessities market.

There is a big market, but an increase of 2-3 percentage points is the limit. For Chinese businessmen, it improves security, status, and profit ratio, but it has little significance to increase to the official level.

But Wang Zhen’s support for Faisal has brought negative impacts!
As we all know, we remain neutral and never interfere in the politics of other countries!

Fortunately, there are only two Chinese people in Glorious Defense, so it is difficult to pin the label on the country.

Therefore, when the leader heard Mou Xiantao's report and found out that Wang Zhen had come to Nansu, he immediately frowned. This big trouble had really come!

He knew that Yumit Sandoval had invited Wang Zhen, and Lao Hou helped pull the strings, and reported the entire process.

It's just that they think that Nansu is so backward that Wang Zhen can't possibly like this place. It's not easier to make money anywhere than in Nansu.

But he never expected that big trouble would really come for this man named Wang.

"Leader, why don't you give him a warning?" Seeing the leader's headache, Mou Xiantao suggested in a low voice.

"What's the warning?" The leader glanced at Mou Xiantao, "He's a Greek, not a Chinese. If they don't want to hear it, they don't have to abandon us."

This is where the trouble lies. It’s okay for ordinary businessmen to warn you.

As for Wang Zhen, poor communication, like that Hou Guoyu, will make things develop in a worse direction.

"Ask Li Guanghua to check his tone. If he is really planning to come to Nansu, then you can arrange a dinner." The leader sighed and said.


"Ah? Me?" Li Guanghua, who had just walked to the door of the banquet hall, answered the phone, "This... I... OK."

After hanging up the phone, Li Guanghua muttered with a look of misfortune on his face, "Isn't this a scam?"

No matter how he, Li Guanghua, is the number one figure in Juba, he has no room to refuse official orders.

Especially this kind of private request.

"Who tricked you, Director Li?"

A voice sounded behind him, and Li Guanghua was frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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