I want to be a warlord

Chapter 489: Switching shotguns for guns, I’m in the United States, I just got off the plane

After the expansion, the number of glorious defense personnel will reach 120.

The marksmanship skills of these black Africans recruited later are terrible. Even the more than 40 Iraqis brought out by Wang Zhen personally still have a lot of room for improvement in marksmanship.

Besides, even Wang Zhen and the others need to take a few shots every day to maintain their grip.

Bullets, even the copper-cased high-standard bullets required by Wang Zhen, only cost one dollar each, which seemed inexpensive.

But what if the number of shooters per day increases to 120, and each person shoots 10 shots per day...

That’s a fucking $1200!

What if we add combat?

What if we need to increase manpower?
In that damn place in Nansu, a copper-cased bullet costs US$2.5!
No amount of money can support such a large amount of consumption!
Now that you are in charge of your own business, according to Lao Liu's suggestion, it is best to buy copper-cased bullets and then reload them yourself, which can greatly save costs.

Moreover, these people don't have much to do after training. Let them reload dozens of rounds of bullets every day, which will greatly save costs, which can be regarded as creating value.

In addition, as long as the bullets are reloaded by hand, the performance is actually better than the assembly line bullets as long as they are careful enough.

Real match-grade bullets, all reloaded by hand.

However, on this basis, Wang Zhen was thinking about whether he could start a bullet reloading business...

The consumption of bullets in Africa is actually very large, but I have a copper mine in my name...

It is definitely impossible to produce bullets independently, but flash caps and propellants can be imported. Copper casings and warheads can be produced... No matter what, the quality will not be worse than the bullets produced in Sudan and printed with Arabic characters!
Just thinking about it, Wang Zhen got excited and placed an order for 20 more rounds of copper-cased 7.62 intermediate bullets and 5.56 NATO bullets. Abdulrezak looked clear.

It's not that Wang Zhen doesn't want to place more orders, but that this quantity is already exaggerated. If he goes through formal channels, more orders will lead to investigation.

But, take your time...and order smaller quantities next time.


What is a feature?

Features are divided into two departments.

First: special, special, characteristic, different.

Second: Sex, hehe, hehehe...

Abdulezak Cordoba, how should I put it, has been unanimously recognized by everyone!
At three o'clock in the afternoon, it happened to be not that hot anymore. A group of people arrived at a military test site on the outskirts of Belgrade. Under the leadership of Abdulezak Cordoba, they entered after two security checks.

This is specially used to test heavy weapons produced by military factories. The site is very professional and has various obstacles, including slopes to test the climbing ability, trenches of various widths to test the trench ability, and other differences. Deep puddles, muddy areas of varying degrees of muddyness...etc.

This is the first time for Wang Zhen, including Donkey and the others, to come to such a venue.

Old Liu, on the other hand, looked embarrassed. He had stayed in this kind of place for more than ten years.

M-80s, including Milosh 2 and the latest Lazar 3, are ready, and the company has also equipped them with professional drivers and firepower.

After Wang Zhen and his party boarded the chariot, the other party first gave an explanation and ran around with the actual operation. At Wang Zhen's request and with Abdulrezak's public relations, Wang Zhen Donkey personally got on and started driving again. In a circle.

Special forces must be able to drive various vehicles. Besides, they have all driven the BMP-1 of the Democratic and Peace Party before, and even Wang Zhen himself can use it.

Subsequently, bulletproof tests and firepower tests were conducted, including Milosh 2 and Lazar 3.

After a lot of trouble, the cost was no less than US$5000. Wang Zhen did not embarrass Abdurezak and paid for it himself.

"It's getting dark, and everyone must be hungry. I've arranged a hotel here, let's chat while we eat?" Abdulrezak asked with a smile.

"Let's go!" Wang Zhen said with a smile.

During the banquet, Abdulrezak saw that it was almost over, so he asked, "What do you think, Mr. Wang?"

Wang Zhen looked at Old Liu, who put down his knife and fork, picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, "It has to be the M-80. If nothing else, the Lazar 3 has no amphibious capability at all, and you are in Nansu. You know, there are a lot of swamps, and there are a lot of rivers during the rainy season, which Lazar can't adapt to."

Wang Zhen nodded, "My idea is that in Nansu, I am not discriminating against them, but the real situation is that they are uncivilized. If you get a wheeled one back, they will think you modified it from a car yourself, and they will look down on you at all." , it has to be tracked, and it looks like a tank to be intimidating enough.”

After hearing this, everyone looked over. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhen could consider the problem from this perspective!

Abdulrezak nodded, "However, the improved M80 can no longer float across the river due to the increased armor thickness."

Wang Zhen looked at Lao Liu, who pondered for a moment and said: "You can buy an old version of M-80 first. In Africa, the main thing is that M43 has more intermediate bombs. This is what we mainly prevent."

"I will weld some screw joints on it when I go back. Even if the armor really needs to be thickened, I can directly attach a layer of bulletproof steel plate. The bulletproof effect will still be the same with the button of the screw. We don't care about appearance."

"What you should consider more is the firepower at the top. To be honest, the firepower is really strong, and there is no bi-stable device. It is impossible to design accurately while moving. It can be stopped to attack, and it is easy for the guerrillas to use RPGs to gather it. Fire, well, has a lot of problems.”

"There are also smoke grenade launchers and infrared thermal imaging cameras." Wang Zhen turned to look at Abdulezak, "Can these be modified?"

"No problem. The military still has more than 300 M-80s in hand. They don't mind selling some for cash. Of course, it will definitely cost more to modify them."

"Then it's fine."

"Where's the helicopter?" Donkey suddenly said, "Didn't you say you're attracted to the Serbian version of the little antelope?"

Upon hearing this, Abdurezak Cordoba's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he looked at Wang Zhen with burning eyes.

"Do you understand the plan..." Wang Zhen said angrily: "I still want to buy a fighter jet. You must have an airport that can park planes!"

"There is no such thing as a training base right now. Diesel in that damn place in South Sudan has to be imported. Where can I buy aviation kerosene?"

"Okay." Donkey shrugged.

Wang Zhen turned to look at Abdulezak, "I definitely need to buy a helicopter, but not now. Not only is it a hardware problem, it also requires someone who can drive it and perform simple maintenance. We don't have the conditions now."

"I understand Mr. Wang's difficulty, and I will help you find someone here." Abdulrezak said very politely.

"Then please!" Wang Zhen immediately smiled and picked up the wine glass.

Let the donkey say this, isn't it because he is interested in Serbian talents.

Lao Liu has no problem playing with tanks, but when it comes to airplanes, he can only tinker with simple modifications like drones. Wang Zhen has long wanted to find talents in this field. However, now that the domestic economy is developing very well, this There is no shortage of jobs for engineers. No matter how much money they spend, they will not come to Nansu to feed mosquitoes with you!

Lao Liu's inner fire was developed by Wang Zhen, which was a special situation.

But things are different in Serbia. It has only been 10 years since the war ended. The economy has been declining since it reached its peak in 08. It feels a bit like Wang Xiaoer's New Year is not as good as the previous one.

Those old mechanics have all experienced war, and they must not have any objection to going to a place where war may happen at any time.

If Wang Zhen wants to start things in South Jiangsu, he can't place all his hopes on China and the United States. That's a big banner and a tiger's skin. In reality, it needs to be more flexible.

I decided to buy an M-80, modified it and added some common accessories, haggled for a while, and finally settled on a price of 60 with free shipping.

Wang Zhen is quite satisfied. The price is definitely more expensive than the BMP-1, but it has become much more advanced after modification. The BMP-2 of the same grade costs US$150 million.

After signing a contract again, Wang Zhen asked Shovel to pay a deposit of 20, and then the purchase was considered over.

It's a good start. As long as there are no problems with Wang Zhen's inspection, there will definitely be other purchases in the future.

After a day's rest, Wang Zhen got on the plane early the next morning and headed straight to the United States. He was accompanied by Donkey and others. This time, Teacup and others will return to the United States. Golden Retriever will also go back after a busy few days. It's a big vacation!

Lao Liu transferred back to China to take a vacation, see his family, and purchase a batch of things.

There is nothing in Nansu. The construction of repair (military) science (engineering) factories must be started from scratch. All equipment can only be purchased domestically, ranging from electric welding to CNC machine tools, steel pipes from Laiyang, etc. Bulletproof steel plate...

South Sudan is not Iraq, let alone China. There are not many car repair shops there, and many spare parts are simply unavailable. You can't just send them over when you need them!
Therefore, Lao Liu also has a very heavy task. This time he is going to purchase a batch of equipment. At the same time, he must ensure that the spare parts of this batch of equipment are interconnected, and he must also purchase the accessories that may be needed.

It’s very troublesome anyway!

Everyone is busy!

I flew from Serbia to France and landed in New York, USA one day later.

After getting off the plane, Wang Zhen took a deep breath. He hadn't been here for more than two years, and he really missed it!

I have to go back and see the coach.

Turning around to look at the others, they all had smiles on their faces. Some of them hadn't been back for half a year. They originally said they would spend a day in New York to indulge themselves, but as soon as they got off the plane, they couldn't wait to go home.

"I have asked my parents to move. No one knows me there. I will definitely not get into trouble when I go back this time!" Shrapnel said with a smile.

"Okay." Wang Zhen looked at Donkey, "It seems that you are the only one who can accompany me."

The donkey smiled and said, "You know, my lovers miss me a lot, and that takes a lot of time!"

"Well, that's such a pity. Walter Nobbs also said he would take us to meet the upper classes. It seems I'm the only one there!" Wang Zhen's lips curled up.

"Ahem, Wang, you know me. Although they miss me very much, I can't let you be alone. It's too dangerous. We are brothers, the closest, half-brothers!" Donkey grabbed him Wang Zhen raised his arms and looked at him affectionately, "No one can separate us!"


It's the last day, the monthly pass will expire soon!

Ask for a monthly pass!
Help us explode next month! (End of chapter)

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