I want to be a warlord

Chapter 494 What shabby conditions!

Chapter 494 What shabby conditions!

"Is this a black man you're talking about?" Wang Zhen asked with surprise.

"Yes, black, purebred, one eye is big and one is small, and he is a bit ugly." Mou Xiantao whispered: "My family is a local prominent family, and the maternal family is also a prominent family. Otherwise, he would not have a chance to rise, and he would have been beaten long ago. died."

"Fuck, okay, keep talking." Wang Zhen slapped his mouth.

"Dante Group is competing with local cement companies in Kenya to acquire the huge limestone mine in Kitui to build a 5500t/d production line in the area..."

“[-]% of South Sudan’s cement is purchased from Dante Group, and the remaining part is from PPC in South Africa and North Sudan.”

"So awesome!" Wang Zhen looked shocked. Before this, he thought that black people had never been in the top 100 of Forbes...

Of course, it is normal for Wang Zhen to think so. Among the 2000 billionaires in the world, only 15 are black... Coincidentally, the first and second are Nigerians.

15 black billionaires, 4 Nigerians, 7 Americans.

"Forget it, leave him alone, then Nansu is not stuck on the cement. If this is a large-scale project, will he have to buy cement at a high price?" Wang Zhen said incredulously.

"It's like this, you know Juba Airport. I heard Zhang Hongwu, the project manager of the Second Public Works Bureau, said that at that time, he was almost forced to transport cement from China. Just such an airport cost 1.5 million US dollars. If we hadn't given him a loan They can't even finish the payment!" Mou Xiantao said in a low voice.

Nansu may be too idle here, these people are very gossipy, and with Wang Zhen's special status, Mou Xiantao seems to have finally found an outlet, talking about anything.

"So, if I give them money and buy their cement at a high price, I still have to look at their faces?" Wang Zhen said with a rather ugly face: "Am I not going to kneel down and beg for food?"

"Then you have to put it this way, if you buy cement from them in Sudan, you are really just kneeling down to beg for food." Mou Xiantao immediately followed the lines, "That's it, how many people want to kneel down but don't have this way!"

"No, what do you mean?" Wang Zhen blinked. He suspected that this guy was just playing lines with him.

"You first have to find their company's local agent in South Sudan. You don't think you can import directly from Kenya, do you?" Mou Xiantao asked with a smile.

"Ah?" Wang Zhen tilted his head, "I can't import it directly?"

"There is something called an import cement license. If you don't have it, you are not qualified to import it. Understand, every country has this regulation. If you don't have it, it's smuggling!" Mou Xiantao said with a crooked smile. These days, it doesn't matter if you do anything. Business!
Stuck you!
"What the hell..." Wang Zhen was about to curse when he suddenly thought of President Kiir, "Oh no, I can just ask the president to open one. Even if he is not in charge of this department, I still have some face."

"Uh..." Mou Xiantao was in a trance for a moment, almost forgetting that this guy is one of those hateful connections, "Then you also have to compete with local agents. Basically, the eastern region uses Kenyan cement. What do you think? Destroy people and money."

"I'm going to fucking kill his whole family!" Wang Zhen sneered.

Mou Xiantao scratched his head after Wang Zhen's retort. He interacted with Chinese businessmen every day and had never heard such words before. He was speechless for a moment.

This kind of banditry is unacceptable. You are going against the system...

"Why bother, just spend more money." Mou Xiantao advised with a wry smile: "Being harmonious makes you rich."

"Your right-leaning capitulationism is unacceptable. Fair, fair, damn fair. We know clearly that they are wrong. We cannot compromise just because of a little difficulty. If so, can our ancestors still win the revolution!" "Wang Zhen said impassionedly and loudly: "Can we still drive away feudal restorationism, imperialism and capitalism from our land!"

Mou Xiantao: "..."

Da Speechless, you are making a high profile with me, a party member, right?
"Ahem, what about that, Brother Wang, you are a capitalist..." Mou Xiantao reminded in a low voice.

"Hiss... that's right!" Wang Zhen laughed loudly, "What, what does the country think of investing in cement plants in South Jiangsu?"

"Wait a minute, we actually have a feasibility report on the cement plant investment project in South Jiangsu." Mou Xiantao said immediately.

Wang Zhen gave a thumbs up. It’s our Greater China and the government that has everything!

"Let me take a look. From the external environment discussion to prospect forecasts, competition landscape, risk assessment, business suggestions...it's all complete. Can I send it to you?"

"Okay, send it to me for a look!" Wang Zhen said with a smile: "You have to rely on the country. If you make this thing yourself, good guy, you won't be able to get it without millions!"

"This is not about money. First you have to find a team willing to come to South Sudan to do market research." Mou Xiantao said proudly.

"That's right, that's right." Wang Zhen wasn't complimenting him this time, he was speaking the truth.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zhen flipped through the documents. The format was similar to the last steel industry report. At first glance, it was made by the state. It was very neat and rigorous.

According to the analysis of these two reports, there is no separatist tendency in the internal conflicts of South Sudan. Both sides hope for peace and are looking for angles. Therefore, peace is the general trend and will come sooner or later.

Once there is peace, South Sudan will inevitably usher in a wave of great development.

As long as development occurs, cement and steel are indispensable!

Therefore, these two are very promising investment projects, but because we don’t know when peace will come, the current political situation is still chaotic, and the hostility of the South Soviet government starts from three points, it is recommended to start with small cement plants and steel plants.

Wang Zhen really didn't know about the hostility of the South Soviet government before. He thought that the relationship was only average at most, but he didn't expect this to be included in the report.

It is pointed out that in June 2015, the South Sudan government complained to the International Trade Management Committee that Huaxia Steel was dumping in South Sudan. In July 6, the International Trade Management Committee ruled that there was no dumping behavior. As a result, this year, South Sudan Steel Manufacturing The businessman once again filed a lawsuit with the High Court...

The words here are rather vague, but Wang Zhen understands clearly that the politics of South Sudan are even darker, and corruption pervades the entire political arena. It doesn’t matter that it’s difficult to move forward here!And Qiqia is the one who has the connection!
"How much does it cost to build a million-ton cement plant?" Wang Zhen looked at You Congyun.

Wang Zhen picked up the phone and called Lao Hou again. Lao Hou came up and said, "Why are you back again? You are nostalgic for Iraq!"

"I mainly miss you, Lao Hou, how can I live without you!" Wang Zhen cried.

"Get out!" Lao Hou laughed and scolded: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"That's right. How much will it cost to build a cement plant in Nansu, with a capacity of one million tons?"

"I... just wait, I'll give you a professional one." Lao Hou sighed.

"Okay, okay, I'm in Bairwanai. Come on, I'll treat you to a dragon!" Wang Zhen said with a laugh.

"Stop testing cadres with such empty words!" Lao Hou snorted and hung up the phone.

After a while, Lao Hou sent a phone number. Wang Zhen dialed it directly. After a few rings, the other party picked up, "Hello, Mr. Liu, I am Lao Hou's friend."

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

After a few words of greeting, Wang Zhen asked directly. The person on the other side pondered for a moment and said, "Excluding land and mines, the cost of construction from scratch should be around 2.3 million."

"Why is it so expensive?" Wang Zhen was shocked. "What if it's second-hand old equipment? I'm planning to build a factory in Nansu without having to worry about pollution."

"Now all the equipment is new, more energy-saving and lower-cost. Although the old equipment is cheap, it consumes more coal, consumes more electricity and requires more labor for the same output. Let's put it this way, before 100 million A ton line requires more than 400 workers. If the equipment is new and intelligent, more than 60 people will be enough. This will drive up the cost price and there will be no price advantage." Mr. Liu thought for a while and added, "Of course, Nan I don’t know what’s going on at Su’s side, but if we monopolize the market, it doesn’t matter if the cost is high.”

"How much does it cost to build a factory with second-hand old equipment?"

"That's not necessarily the case. It depends on the condition of the equipment. If I give you an estimate, excluding transportation costs, it would be around 1 million."

"Oh, by the way, does this thing consume a lot of electricity?" Wang Zhen suddenly thought of a serious problem. Less than 5% of the entire population of South Jiangsu has access to electricity.

It’s not the region, it’s the population that has access to electricity!
Just this 5% cannot guarantee 24-hour power supply.

Just a few minutes ago, Wang Zhen thought that the cement plant only needed to burn coal...

"It consumes a lot of electricity. There are many crushers, pulverizers, coal mills, ball mills, and coolers. You just think, the raw materials must be ground into powder before they can be calcined. This all consumes electricity. The cement plant consumes a lot of electricity. Big TV company.”

"I..." Wang Zhen's vision suddenly darkened. He was used to a civilized society and used electricity, and he had completely forgotten about the lack of electricity in Nansu!

Such a large power consumption cannot be solved by buying two 750-kilowatt generator sets when we first entered the big market.

Besides, Jiba Nansu relies on imported diesel. If it really uses a diesel unit, then does it have to build a chemical plant?
"Okay, thank you, Brother Liu. I don't understand anything at all. I guess it will cause you a lot of trouble." Wang Zhen put the electricity problem behind him and said on the phone with a smile: "It's not convenient for me to go back to China. , when you want to go abroad, you must tell me and let me do my duty as a landlord."

In a word, if I can't do it for Mr. Liu, what does it mean that it's inconvenient to return to China?
Are you afraid of being caught?

What kind of criminals are you talking about? It’s not convenient for you to return to your country. How dare I look for you?
Of course, thinking about it, the verbal response was still very positive.

After exchanging a few words, Wang Zhen hung up the phone and called Mou Xiantao again, "Tell me, is it suitable to build a hydropower station over there?"

"Ah?" Mou Xiantao was all numb. Didn't they discuss the cement plant just now?

There was a steel factory a while ago...

This jumping speed can only be said to be worthy of a criminal!
"I don't know whether it is suitable to build a hydropower station. This requires on-the-spot investigation. However, you reminded me that the first issue you should consider is drinking water!" Mou Xiantao said in a faint voice: "What do you think, why Juba Residents still rely on water trucks to deliver water, and residents fetch water?”

Wang Zhen:! ! !
Stop telling me bad news!


Three days ago, my son caught a cold... I thought it was just a small cold. I took some medicine and didn't care. Yesterday, I also felt a headache, sore throat, and cough. I felt that things were not that simple, so I took my child to the district health station for treatment. Take a look.

The doctor suggested going to a large hospital for a checkup to see if it was dengue fever or Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection...it was said to be a nationwide epidemic recently.

The old man was so frightened that he quickly took his child to the hospital for a blood test...

Good news: It’s not dengue fever.

Bad news: Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.

Worse news: Old Fireworks is also infected...


(End of this chapter)

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