I want to be a warlord

Chapter 499: Use some means to change the direction of development

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Although the engineer shovel is not a plow, and it is indeed not very useful for plowing, the material of the engineer shovel is much better than the ordinary iron plow, and the pickup truck is also more powerful than an ox, so it works well.

After the isolation belt was finished, diesel was sprinkled on it, a fire was lit, and thick black smoke began to spread in all directions.

Everyone ran upwind to avoid it. With diesel as fuel, the fire was very intense at first, but the diesel burned out quickly, leaving only cow dung, branches, fallen leaves and the like to play a role. Especially cow dung, which was very hot. Resistant to burns.

There is a reason why nomadic people like to raise cattle.

This fire burned for more than an hour. When it was completely extinguished, it still felt a little hot to touch the ground.

At this moment, any snakes, insects, rats, or ants you had were all dead, and even the weed seeds were roasted.

You Congyun led people into the venue to inspect, and Wang Zhen followed from behind, "How is it?"

"Now that the machinery is not complete, we need to use more labor. The stones need to be cleaned and the land needs to be leveled. It is best to get a few trucks of lime to sprinkle on the ground and turn the soil over to completely eliminate the possibility of snakes and insects appearing next year."

"You decide." Wang Zhen said with a smile: "People, one thing unique to Najisho is that labor here is cheap and may not be more expensive than machinery. It's just right. Let Solari and the others find people they know to do the work."

You Congyun smiled and nodded. With Solari and the locals who were familiar with the situation, it would be much easier to advance many things.

Apart from anything else, everything they ate before was brought from Juba. Yesterday afternoon, Wang Zhen arranged for two locals from Sal and Humaid to buy a slaughtered cow back.


Once the camp was selected, things moved quickly.

After recruiting more than 100 local indigenous people, Wang Zhen sent 10 Dinka soldiers to accompany the guards. You Congyun began to arrange for people to clear the ground and prepare to build a color steel house.

In the eyes of Wang Zhen and others, this is a temporary camp. After all, it is a color steel house. But to Nansu, this color steel house camp is already very luxurious.

A standard camp for 200 people requires a lot of building materials. After the camp is built, whether it is a cement plant or something else, the number of various building materials, equipment, daily necessities, etc. will be increasing.

Wang Zhen first needs to build a huge warehouse here in Najishot to be used as a transfer station, which requires a large piece of land.

"Our house?" Arian thought for a while and said, "You don't need to buy land. If you want to build a house, you can just find an empty land and build it."

"You mean I can just pick a piece of land and build a warehouse?" Wang Zhen raised his eyebrows.

"If it's that big..." Arrian looked at Solari next to him and scratched his head, "It should be possible, but those big tribes or gangs might come to cause trouble."

Wang Zhen rubbed his nose in a funny way. At first, he was going to ask the mayor to buy the land directly, but after asking, he realized that the mayor and the so-called town government were just decorations.

They are people directly arranged by several large tribes, and these people still have to listen to the words of tribal chiefs and elders.

There is a bit of modern society here!

Now, there are two options before Wang Zhen. He can directly occupy the land and wait for the tribes and gangs to come to his door, or he can go to the local big tribe and spend money to buy it.

"It's better to buy it. The land in this poor place is worthless." You Congyun said from the side.

Wang Zhen didn't say anything. Things were not that simple.

After thinking about it, Wang Zhen opened his suitcase, took out a wad of money and threw it directly to Arian.

A large stack of green banknotes frightened Arian to stand up from his stool and hurriedly caught it.

Lowering his head, the smell of ink from the banknotes filled the tip of his nose, which was intoxicating. But when he looked at the banknotes, he was a little confused. Is this a US dollar?

They didn't even see the hundred dollar bill!

"I remember that you are from Wowota, the largest tribe in the area." Wang Zhen pointed at the wad of banknotes and said, "Here is ten thousand dollars. You can give it to the chief of your tribe and tell me that I will be there." Get a big warehouse here.”

Since there is no serious government, Wang Zhen is too lazy to say whether to buy or rent, it is meaningless.

"Ah? Ten thousand!" Arian's face was full of shock, his throat was trembling, he had never seen so much money.

"Abed, arrange for someone to go with him." Wang Zhen greeted.

"What are you doing?" You Congyun asked with some confusion as he watched several people leave.

"Express your attitude and test it out." Wang Zhen didn't explain much.

It is inconvenient for him to come to the door. If the other party disagrees and does not talk about face issues, then there is no room for maneuver. The purpose of recruiting so many local people is to have a communication channel.


"What do you mean by this foreign guy?" Looking at the ten thousand dollars on the table, an elder of the Wowoda tribe frowned and said.

"Whatever he means, it's not worth anything, but ten thousand dollars is definitely not enough. I've made inquiries in the past few days and found that the leader of those people is a Chinese and very rich. I think we can ask for more." Another person The elder said.

"What if he's here and doesn't leave?"

"They have opened up a piece of land in the mountains. Whether they can leave or not has nothing to do with us. No matter what he does, he must hire local people. If he is disobedient, no one will be allowed to work there." "Then find someone. He wants more money."

"We agreed, what about the other tribes?"

"That's his business."


"Haha, you're pretty damn greedy." Wang Zhen sneered, do you have that much tolerance?
He again took out 5000 U.S. dollars. Wang Zhen divided it into six parts and called several people from Solari, "Each of you go to one of the other six tribes and send 5000 U.S. dollars over. Just say that Wowoda received [-] U.S. dollars. The other tribes After charging us US$[-], they welcomed us to stay in Najishot. The more people from outside, the more money we can make.”

Solari: Huh?Why did the people of the Wowoda tribe suddenly become so easy to talk to?

Of course Wang Zhen won't explain to them, just tell them that the people in Wowoda didn't collect the money!
Wang Zhen is confident that these natives will not find the problem for a while. If they fully communicate with each other, then they will have to consider whether it is worth falling out with Wang Zhen over this small problem!


You Congyun is already busy. The land in the mountainous area needs to be leveled, and the construction of color steel houses in Najishot is also about to begin.

There need to be at least 10 rooms here, which can accommodate 40 people. In the future, this warehouse will store a large amount of materials. To ensure safety on this land, security with sufficient deterrent power is needed.

Besides, this is not only a warehouse, but also their office in Najishot.

On the mountainous side, the first batch of 20 buildings will be built, housing 80 people, to accommodate the exploration team and Abed's people.

Wang Zhen had already called Atul and Kazimi, who were on vacation in Iraq, and asked them to bring their equipment bags and fly over on a passenger plane.

We need additional manpower here.


Everyone in Najishot was busy, and Wang Zhen would not be idle either. He called Jiajia and asked Jiajia to buy a lot of gifts and go to a place in Baijing to visit a retired man. veteran cadres.

During the last expansion of Bairwanai, Wang Zhen asked Laohou to consult with several retired cadres who had built "big factories" in China.

This time, starting over, Wang Zhen was a little undecided, so he still had to ask these experienced old men for advice.

Jia Jia is beautiful and capable. Although she has never seen her before, she came to the door with gifts and was warmly welcomed by Wu Yuelin and his wife.

Wu Yuelin, 72 years old, worked in Liaodong when he was young. At that time, the old industrial area in Northeast China was at its most glorious. The factory had everything, including its own hydropower station, hospital, school, water plant... A factory can develop. into a town.

The old couple have retired a long time ago, and their children are not too young and have already started a family. Baijing is too big to go out, and they may not have time to come back every ten and a half months. Jiajia's visit makes this old house The house comes to life.

"Oh, Xiao Wang asked you to come. Isn't he in Iraq? His name is Bairwanai. I even made a design drawing for him. Haha, how is it going?" Wu Yuelin asked with a smile.

"Well, my brother is going to Nansu now..." Jiajia thought for a while and told the truth.

"Huh, Americans, there are no fucking good people!" Wu Yuelin's face drooped. He didn't care about anything else, but the city he designed was gone just after it started, which made the old man very angry. "Those Arabs are also stupid, guerrillas." Do you understand, those American devils simply..."

"Okay, you old fool, it's all in the past. This girl didn't come here to listen to your complaints." Wu Yuelin's wife scolded the old man in one sentence, "Come on, girl, drink water, no need." Who cares about this old guy, what’s the reason for coming here this time?”

"It's still a matter of building the city. My brother is planning to start over in Nansu..."

"Young man, you are ambitious!" Wu Yuelin immediately became energetic. He did not consider other issues and just wanted to show off what he had learned.

Even my wife next to me also became interested.

People, they always like to be lazy when they are young, but when they get older, they can’t take any time off and always want to find something to do.

What old people fear most is that they are useless...

Taking advantage of the joy of the two old men, Jiajia called Wang Zhen.

"In the past, it would have been to build an old kiln and burn cement directly, with a lower output. But times are different now..."

"I definitely don't recommend you to build a steel plant now. Nonsense, the steel industry, with the word 'industry', what does it mean? This is an industry. If you don't turn it into an industry, you won't see any benefits at all. I don't know how much money you have." , but I know that building a small steel industry chain from scratch would be unthinkable if it doesn’t cost billions!”

"Just build a cement plant. This is a basic building material and is used by all walks of life. It consumes a lot of money, so there is no need to worry about not being able to sell it!"

"Ordinary cement only costs 350-400 yuan per ton. Cement is not like steel. It is impossible to transport it over long distances from China. Not to mention the problem of rain protection and dryness, the freight is more expensive than cement!"

"We have a lot of projects in Africa. Whose cement should we buy?"

"Let me tell you, just work in the cement factory. This thing requires few people and has low technical content. Once you have a foundation in the cement factory, you can then think about starting a steel factory. By then, you will have trained miners and so on. You can transfer it directly and save most of the trouble."

Wu Yuelin gave Wang Zhen a crackling analysis, during which his wife also interjected a few words, "No matter what the situation is, you have to start from the basics. It requires a lot of workers. So many people can't all live in color steel houses, with supporting facilities." What to do with living facilities, whether to build roads for transportation, and you can’t just rely on importing cement.”

The two of them made a simple calculation for Wang Zhen. If the steel plant was launched directly, it would consume at least more than 10 tons of cement. This sounds like a lot, but in fact it is not much.

Wang Zhen: Just work in the cement factory?

Wu Yuelin: Just work in the cement factory! (End of chapter)

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