Chapter 60 Studying Medicine Can't Save Iraq
There's nothing money can't fix.

If there is, then the money is not enough!
Wang Zhen patted Feisal's arm lightly, and then withdrew his hand. Although he didn't know what serious illness this guy had, but, to borrow a word from a fellow villager, as long as the money is in place, all obstacles will be destroyed!

Anyway, Wang Zhen is full of fighting spirit now!
After changing his position and sitting next to Feisal, Wang Zhen had a very friendly smile on his face, "How are you going to pay for the consulting fee?"

"5." Feisal glanced at Wang Zhen, gritted his teeth, "10, US dollars!"

"For the time being, I can't take out any more!" After finishing speaking, he added another sentence.

Wang Zhen didn't believe it. He didn't know how much money the public households received over the imperial barrier?

After Ahmed's 50 yuan, there were more than 80 yuan in various donations and sponsorships.

Ahem, of course, Feisal only took 40%...but that's more than [-] yuan, and you can't eat it so fast!

But Wang Zhen didn't overweight, Du Lisan also needed money for this road!

"Your situation is actually not difficult." Wang Zhen coughed lightly, and began to explain like a teacher: "There are too many cases that can save you a lot of detours."

"Say it!" Feisal cheered up.

Wang Zhen was also unambiguous, and after passing the prepared materials in his mind, he began to preach: "By the way, in 1880, a man named Du Lisan was born in Northeast China..."

A "Three Biography of Du Li" tells the story, from eradicating vicious clan uncles, pulling poles up the mountain, attacking local tyrants, imprisoning local areas, monopolizing river transportation, attacking Tsarist Russia, and finally being tricked into trapping and killing.

The historical figures are true and convincing, especially Du Lisan's poor status also makes Faisal feel particularly substituting.

Of course, in order to make Feisal understandable and have a sense of substitution, Wang Zhen deliberately processed and processed many concepts in the Middle East. The vicious uncle became the son of a big family, and pulling up the mountain became the formation of an armed force to attack The local tyrants have turned into clearing up the local big families, the prisons have become occupied cities, the monopoly of the river has become the control of transportation lines, and the attack on Tsarist Russia has become the attack on the United States... It is the attack on Tsarist Russia!
Anyway, what I heard was that Feisal's blood was boiling, and he wished he could rush out and pull the team to gather in the mountains and forests now!
"The government needs to see that your influence has gone further. This influence cannot simply be brought to you by the United States, but develop your own influence on this basis."

"How does this influence come from?"

"Studying medicine won't save Iraq!"

"At this point, Huaxia is the proof!"

"There is only one way to end the chaos, and that is unification by force." Wang Zhen continued with a serious face: "Have you found out? History has shown us the solution to the problem. For you, the most important thing is to form a group that belongs to you." Your own armed forces!"

"Forming an armed force?" Feisal's eyes brightened.

"We will try our best to support you!" Wang Zhen nodded heavily.

In the final analysis, it wasn't that Feisal was less knowledgeable and easily persuaded by Wang Zhen, it was entirely a cultural issue!

This brings us to the issue of religion.

In the Middle East, or in Europe and the United States, in the whole world, there is a topic that can never be avoided about YSL, secularization!
Three simple words, but full of aspects, education issues, women's rights issues, human rights issues, class issues and so on.

The current global situation is that the vast majority of terrorists are from YSL, and all of them firmly oppose secularization.

At the same time, in the Middle East, including places where YSL is believed in Africa, secularization is the number one problem.

In the Middle East, whether you are a Saudi princess or a UAE princess, you have no right to decide your own life rights at all, and the possibility of marrying an old man is very high.

It can be seen from this that no matter how much the kings shout about secularization, they are firmly opposed to secularization in their bones, which is breaking the foundation of their rule.

Currently in the Middle East, a king's child is a prince, a family's child is always a family, a farmer's child is always a farmer, and a worker's child is always a worker.

In Saudi Arabia, the first movie dedicated to the royal family was released in 1991, and the first movie "Black Panther" was released in 2018.

One of the most important issues in secularization is education. Take Boko Haram in Nigeria, one of the world's most famous terrorist organizations, as an example. The residents of Maiduguri, its birthplace, call the organization Boko Haram in the Hausa language, roughly meaning "" Prohibition of Western education".

Boko in Hausa means "referring to all non-YSL-taught education or reading materials", and Haram means "illegal", "forbidden", "sacred and inviolable" and so on.

"Boko Haram" opposes Western culture, modern science, Western education system, democratic election voting, wearing shirts and shorts. The YSL teaching method, what he likes to do is to arrest female students and then kill them...

A typical YSL school offers two main courses: Hafez's course, which is the recitation of the Qur'an, and the regular teaching content includes Arabic, Tafsir (commentary on the Qur'an), Sharia regulations (YSL law), Hadith (sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad), Mantik (logic) and YSL teach history.

YSL Noble School will provide advanced courses, such as Arabic literature, English and other foreign languages, mathematics, writing style, grammar, grammar, poetry, composition, natural science, politics and etiquette.

Of course, there are two points that need to be explained. First: Iraq did a good job in secularization under the hands of Silly Damu, and the education was relatively open.

Second: Conservative education does not mean that YSL has no scientists. The fact is that YSL has made great achievements in philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, physics, medicine, music and other fields.

The Mesopotamia is in Iraq!
However, the object of education is the nobles.

The popularization of education has nothing to do with the development of science.

Faisal’s background is too ordinary. He was in his 40s and was born in 1972. When he was 8 years old, Iraq began to fight the Iran-Iraq War, and then the Gulf War was smashed by the United Nations led by the United States. The educational environment in Iraq itself was extremely unfair. , and experienced wars and national upheavals at an age that required education...

Anyone in Iraq in a special period can be a member of parliament. This does not mean that these people have political wisdom and means.

Faisal is a pig on the cusp of the wind, seizing the opportunity of the times. Fortunately, he met the sickle team and Wang Zhen.

Feisal clasped his fists and clasped his hands, "Faisal has been wandering for half his life, and he only regrets that he has not met a famous teacher. If the public does not give up, Feisal is willing to worship him as a master."

Wang Zhen:! ! !

Add more chapters at 9 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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