I'm really not doing business

Chapter 105 A Small Collision Between Land Powers and Sea Powers

Chapter 105 A Small Collision Between Land Powers and Sea Powers
What Zhang Juzheng was worried about was happening. Daming was indeed gradually losing its commodity advantage.

The specific performance is: the only ships that can be built in the Ming Dynasty are two-masted sailboats with a load of [-] materials. Lost the ability to build such a big ship.

It is still possible to produce two-masted sailing ships because of the sea ban of Ming Dynasty, which itself does not prohibit two-masted ships from going to sea.

Due to the long-term sea ban, in the field of shipbuilding, Daming has lost its commodity advantage. Whether it is wood, tung oil, canvas, or ship design, Daming's ships have fallen behind in an all-round way.

Therefore, Francisco Sander, the governor of Dafolangji Luzon, wanted to sell the ship. While the price was high, he also made extremely excessive demands.

First, the little Buddha Langji has been stealing Haojing for decades, and the big Buddha Langji is willing to make amends with Daming, begging for a piece of cowhide land in Songjiang Prefecture to thrive.

Second, redefining the tariff, changing from the previous uniform tax to a ton tax. For example, a ship of [-] tons will no longer be subject to a tax, but no matter what is sold, it will be taxed in terms of tonnage.

Third, it is better than other countries’ tariffs. Dafolang’s merchant ship only pays full tax for the first time. After that, the ship’s trade only needs to pay 1/3 of the first amount. The original 200-ton ship, Pay 5400 taels of silver in full as a ton tax, and then 1800 taels.

Fourth, the priority to purchase goods. The quantity of raw silk is limited, and silk is the hard currency in Thailand and Western countries.

Fifth, Li Yashi, the special envoy of King Dafo Langji, hoped to make a pilgrimage to the capital of the Ming Dynasty in order to establish diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty.

There are five requirements in total, no matter which one, it will make Da Ming feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

However, the governor of Luzon made such an impolite request grandiosely, and Dafo Langjiren only guaranteed that the ship could be sold, and the amount of the ship to be sold and when it would be delivered were all confirmed by them.

The most important thing is that only the full payment is accepted, and whoever pays first will get the ship.

This year's galleon is earlier than in the past. Because of the time, Yuegang does not have enough raw silk to provide, and the advantages of Songjiang Prefecture, which is connected to nine provinces, are reflected. Therefore, Francisco, Legaz and Captain Antonio The ship was moored at the Shipping Department of Songjiang City, waiting for the supply of raw silk.

"Governor, your arrogance will lead us to hell sooner or later." Antonio said rather distressed.

Even Antonio felt that Governor Francisco's condition was too much, but the fifth condition was still possible.

The remaining few conditions, no matter from which point of view, are like a joke, and this kind of conditions, Captain Antonio, who only wants to do business, is very dissatisfied.

Francisco said quite calmly: "There is an old saying in the East, when a lion speaks loudly, our conditions are too high, and they can negotiate with us. If we speak of arrogance, the people on this land think they are The Kingdom of God has a higher status than all the countries in the world, isn't it even more arrogant?"

"The Kingdom of Heaven? Hmph."

Francisco's words are in Chinese, the heavens govern the country, and the heavens obey the people. He disdains these words very much.

Antonio spread his hands and said: "They are indeed arrogant enough, but if I were the king of this land, I would also be arrogant. This place is really too rich. Raw silk that is equivalent to gold can be bought here with only silver. , and it’s crazy cheap.”

"I have set up a factory in Mexico, bought [-] Bigfoot people, processed the raw silk, weaved it into very beautiful silk, and sold it at the price of gold in Lisbon."

Li Yashi smiled and said: "Mr. Captain, why don't you tell me about your mistress, a lady from France, Isabel, for a silk product, she is willing to show her elegant and plump figure, it must be very tasty."

"Hahaha." Hearty laughter came from the three people in the posthouse. Wealth brings enough social status, wealth brings more servants, wealth can bring everything you want, even the noble All noble women are willing to admire him.

Antonio didn't know how many titles the woman named Isabel had, but she was indeed a noble woman.

A rather gentle-looking middle-aged man in a linen shirt came in, pushed his glasses and said, "Three gentlemen, I don't want to disturb the interest of the three gentlemen, but I have to remind you of one thing, from Daming Officer, the message has just been sent."

"It's bad news. The Ming officials unilaterally banned the possibility of our ships buying raw silk, and it was a permanent ban. Because our conditions offended them, they wanted to punish us."

"It is worth noting that this ban will be applied in Yuegang and Songjiang ports, and we will not be able to obtain raw silk legally."

"I don't think we should have a conflict with them, because we can't beat their navy, they have homeland advantage, here is Ming."

"Their general, Yu Dayou, seems to be a taboo existence in this land. Even the nobles here dare not show their arrogant side to General Yu Dayou."

This man is the first mate on the ship. He has one-sixth Roman blood. He comes from Lisbon, a city by the sea, which is the capital of Portugal. The original meaning of Lisbon is: Praise Caesar.

The first officer continued: "I heard the news that the nobles from the southern capital sent their children to General Yu Dayou. They started as apprentices. They suffered a lot, but the nobles from the southern capital, I expressed my gratitude to General Yu Dayou."

"In fact, it is absolutely impossible for our large sailboat to defeat General Yu Dayou. Maybe a hundred? I'm not sure."

The first officer saw General Yu Dayou's southern soldiers, although he didn't see many of them, but they were all elite and professional soldiers, and they couldn't be wiped out by an armed merchant ship at all.

As soon as Antonio heard that Daming would no longer let the big Buddha Lang robot buy raw silk, he immediately felt as sad as if his father had died. He said angrily: "Mr. Governor, you have caused trouble again!"

"You opened your mouth like a lion, and offended Daming's majesty! You kept emphasizing to me that Daming people are very concerned about face, as long as you respect them, you can get enough benefits, but how did you do it?"

"You're offending them!"

"Here is a civilized world. They are not those barbaric natives. When we give them respect, they will also give us respect. When we don't respect them, they will not give us any respect. This is civilization!"

"Damn it, I bought [-] bigfoot people. If I can't get the raw silk back, I'll find a way to sell these expensive bigfoot people who can weave cloth. Damn it!"

Francisco said indifferently: "I said before that if given the chance, every Ming people will become pirates, and no one is loyal to their emperor. In fact, the Ming court always conservatively refuses trade. Before the Moon Harbor appeared, we couldn't even trade with the Ming people."

"Do you know what I do? The Ming court wants to maintain the majesty of the emperor, but the wealthy merchants and nobles of the Ming Dynasty want to make money."

"So, we only need to secretly trade with the merchants of Ming Dynasty. You know, merchants even sell their souls to demons for profit. They are not afraid of the wind and waves at sea and the barbaric natives."

The first mate said solemnly: "Mr. Governor, you may be disappointed. I have already contacted some merchants or landlords. They are very resistant to violating the prohibition. It seems that a family of nobles who have been passed down for hundreds of years has just been A piece of paper, destroyed."

"Captain Antonio, as the first mate on the ship, I don't recommend my captain to do this. This will further escalate the conflict. We have already offended Daming. If we continue to offend, even worse things may happen."

"Captain, we are here to do business, and making money is our first goal, isn't it?"

Antonio heard the first officer's reminder, stood up, tidied his clothes, and said with a smile: "Mate Marcus, your reminder is really timely! I'm here for business, you shitty politicians , Don’t even think about interfering with my business, don’t even think about it!”

"If necessary, I will chop off your head and give it to Emperor Ming in exchange for understanding!"

Wang Daokun's suspension of the raw silk trade on the galleon was to divide the decision-making layers on the galleon. Just like the interests of the officials of Ming Dynasty and the powerful and wealthy businessmen of Ming Dynasty are different, according to Wang Daokun's analysis, their interests are also different.

The excessive demands of the Governor of Luzon obviously run counter to the purpose of making a fortune, so Wang Daokun made a bold move to stop the raw silk trade in order to divide the decision-making layers of the galleon, cause them to have differences, internal strife, and then take the initiative to reduce those excessive requirements and continue to negotiate.

Wang Daokun didn't know that merchants, as a new class in Taixi, have mastered wealth and most of the right to speak. Merchants who do business everywhere are angry from their hearts and evil from their guts. They cut off the local governor. Well, it's not uncommon, and there won't be too much punishment.

The world is so big, most of the governors in various places spend money to get the position of governor, and the dead governor can continue to sell money.

The gameplay of Daming and Taixi is completely different, but contradictions are full of everything.

Antonio was very angry, because the governor's stupid decision cost him a large amount of wealth, which he did not allow to happen.

"You'd better find a way to atone for your crime, damn it!" Antonio threw off his sleeves angrily and left the post room.

In the afternoon, Francisco finally came up with a more sincere offer and handed it over to the official of the post office, who handed it over to the officials of Ming Dynasty.

After Wang Daokun got it, he asked Tong Shi to translate it accurately, and he clearly knew that this note was somewhat sincere, sincere but not enough.

In the new five treaties, except for the fifth article, all of them have been revised, but they are still very rude.

The first rule is not to kneel down before the audience, but to bow with the Burgundian etiquette.

This one made Wang Daokun very embarrassed, and the Ministry of Rites couldn't possibly agree!The most important question here is that in this shitty Burgundian etiquette, people are not allowed to take a bath.

So these red-haired fans are always accompanied by a disgusting smell of body odor mixed with shochu and pollen.

This smell was really unbearable for Wang Daokun. He just met these emissaries and couldn't understand the necessity of the etiquette of not taking a bath.

Want to see His Majesty without taking a shower?It stinks to the little emperor, who will be responsible?

In order to negotiate with this group of people who claim to be Dafo Langji, Wang Daokun, after discussing with internal officer Zhang Cheng, Qianhu Luo Bingliang, and Songjiang General Soldier Yu Dayou, came forward with Luo Bingliang, a Qianhu who was sentenced, and broke into the post. The governor of Luzon, the captain, the special envoy, and the first mate were thrown into the hot water pool, and they were washed well amidst the howling of ghosts and wolves.

After forcibly bathing Hongmaofan, Wang Daokun finally summoned them.

Wang Daokun did not force the four of them to kneel on the ground to answer the envoys of the feudal state in the "Notes on Fan Guoyi", but motioned them to sit down.

Wang Daokun said, "Bathing and changing clothes is the etiquette."

"I heard that the general said that after the dystocia of your king's third queen, the doctor kept suggesting to change to a cleaner mattress and bath, but your king refused. In the end, the king's beloved queen passed away three days later? is that so?"

Tong Shi translated Wang Daokun's words very accurately.

Francisco was silent for a long time before he said, "That's right."

King Felipe II of Spain spent a full 1000 million gold coins to build the famous Armada, but he couldn't keep his beloved wife. After dystocia, the queen's fragile health gradually deteriorated under the poor sanitation environment. The court pharmacist kept suggesting to the king to take a bath and change the environment, but was limited by religion and etiquette, and finally passed away.

The big Buddha Lang robot and the little Buddha Lang robot always tell the love story of the king and the queen over and over again, but the result is a bit bleak.

After Wang Daokun heard Francisco's affirmative answer, he showed a smile and said: "Qi, there must be bright clothes, cloth, that is to say, you must change clothes after taking a bath. I don't quite understand how you endure the lice crawling on your head and cause it Itching, are you going to stick to your etiquette now?"

Tongshi tried to translate this allusion in "The Analects of Confucius Xiangdang" accurately. He organized the language for a long time before he said: "More than 2000 years ago, our Confucius said that after bathing, you must put on clean clothes. Clothes may not be silk or linen, but they must be clean."

Sericulture and silk have a long history. Leizu, the wife of the Yellow Emperor, was regarded as the first silkworm empress. Since then, silk clothing has been a luxury.

Bathing and changing clothes are always used in succession, which is also a weekly ritual.

"That's still based on your etiquette." Francisco lowered his head on the first point, whether he should take a bath or not is actually a topic that is often discussed throughout Tessie, but it is obvious that the person who should take a bath is crawling with lice Crawling around, itching, really scratching the heart and lungs.

Wang Daokun held the notes in his hand and said, "Very good, we have reached the first consensus."

"Second, the envoys of your country asked us to open the trading of raw silk. Before you offended us, we have been doing this business with the principle of being tolerant to all rivers, but obviously, you think this is a matter of course. We Can't promise."

"In the future, you won't be able to buy raw silk, but you can buy finished silk. I believe you can bring it back and make more profits."

"In fact, the silk products you wear are nondescript and expensive clothing materials. Once in your hands, you almost smashed the silk brand."

Antonio bought raw silk, and bought silk products woven by slaves in Mexico, which are completely different from the silk products of Ming Dynasty.

Silk is an extremely difficult raw material, very difficult to dye and easy to fade. Even if it is not dyed, it will turn yellow quickly if it is not properly made. Daming's silk technology is very mature, and the raw silk is sold to these red-haired fans , is really wasted.

On the other hand, it was Wang Daokun who wanted to fulfill his promise to the Nanya gentry, that is, trade protection.

The silk industry and cotton spinning industry are the pillar industries of Jiangsu, Hangzhou, Song, Jia, Hu and other important industrial and commercial towns. The Ming Dynasty returned the land in Nanya, and while recovering the land occupied by the wealthy and wealthy gentry, it was also necessary to ensure that they would return the land after returning the land. There is a business, and after the Songjiang Prefecture Shipping Department is established, it is also the duty of the imperial court to protect the trade and protect the silk industry and commerce of the Ming Dynasty.

Raw silk has been banned from export, but silk products are not on the list, but compared to raw silk, silk products are more expensive.

The ban on raw silk is not a dead letter, it can be implemented with a decree, and it also involves the vital interests of the Nanya gentry.

Antonio looked at the silk product on his body, and then at the silk and satin of Wang Daokun's official third-grade court dress. It was self-evident how to choose.

Even though the group of slaves he bought were high-end products that could weave cloth, they still couldn't weave and dye such exquisite silk.

Antonio nodded and said, "I just want silk, but I don't have enough silk, so I bought raw silk. If Daming can provide enough silk, I don't necessarily have to buy raw silk."

Wang Daokun said with a serious face: "You don't have to worry about this. It's very good. We have reached the second consensus. The third issue is to abolish the Shipping Department and demand free trade."

"If you insist on this one, I'm afraid it will provoke a war. Although Dafo Langji is far away, Luzon is very close."

Antonio said with some puzzlement: "I always thought this was the most acceptable in your country."

"My Ming Dynasty has its own national conditions." Wang Daokun didn't explain too clearly.

Alta Khan was in Jiajing for 29 years, why did he knock on the pass, why did he create the Gengxu Change? The original reason was that Alta Khan launched a war because of the failure of Daminggong City, and Alta Khan broke through Beigukou. After plundering Gyeonggi for eight days, the emperor agreed to withdraw from Gongshi.

Later, because of the trade problem in Gongshi, Daming and Altan Khan fought for 13 years, and created the monster Jin Party.

The imperial court will never agree to this condition, and it must not even be submitted to the court meeting in the court, otherwise the mad dogs of the Kedao officials will definitely tear Wang Daokun to pieces. This condition Wang Daokun stands on the stand of Hongmaofan It is understandable that their free trade is actually bypassing the Shibo Department and purchasing goods produced by Daming. To a certain extent, it can promote the flow of silver into Daming.

Wang Daokun has already noticed that among these four people, the captain is the one who decides about the trade, not the governor.

Wang Daokun said directly to Antonio: "The captain only has 400 million taels of silver for a ship, and the Shipbuilding Department can fully satisfy it. If you have to fight a dozen, you can come and have a try, if you are not afraid of delaying making money."

"Then don't fight." Antonio waved his hands again and again and said, "I'm just a businessman."

"Very good, we have reached a third consensus. Even if you bring four galleons to Songjiang Prefecture Shipping Department, they can meet your needs." Wang Daokun looked at the fourth article, shook his head and said: "The fourth I can't promise you either."

"You want missionaries to preach. This kind of behavior is forbidden in Ming Dynasty, especially at the moment."

"Then what are you going to agree to? Is there any need to talk? Then we don't sell the boat, and we don't need to talk about it." Francisco stood up abruptly, waved his arms and said: "I have said many times, you Always conservatively refuse trade, you are more arrogant than us, now you need merchant ships, not us!"

Wang Daokun said with a smile: "I can promise you that your envoy Li Yashi will come to Beijing to meet you. This is the only thing I can promise."

Francisco wanted to leave, but Legazit and Antonio sat down firmly, ignoring Francisco at all. This is in the territory of Ming Dynasty, and this is not the native country where children of nature scream without clothes.

Only a strong dragon can suppress the snake. The snake in the east is a giant dragon, a huge monster. An armed merchant ship, open to merchants to buy, can suppress the dragon and bow its head. Francis is always dreaming.

Franciscius had a plan to conquer Ming Dynasty before, from the first twenty soldiers, to one or two thousand soldiers, to the current ten or twenty thousand soldiers.King Felipe II of Spain was not a fool, so he ignored the suggestion of the lunatic Francis.

Antonio, I don't think that [-] to [-] Spanish soldiers can destroy Ming Dynasty, but those [-] southern soldiers cannot be captured by [-] to [-] soldiers who came from afar.

King Felipe II of Spain sent his special envoy Legaz to establish diplomatic relations with Ming Dynasty. The two countries are extremely far away, and there is no possibility of conquering each other. Cooperation with each other can bring more opportunities to each other.

And Antonio came here to do business, and he only had two words in his eyes, making money.

Daming's attitude was much better than the rumors, especially the governor of Songjiang who was always amiable. Although he didn't agree to conditions, he never refused to communicate.

"I think we have a lot to talk about." Spanish royal envoy Legazt said with a smile on his face: "I come from far away Europe with sincerity and goodwill. My king is a very accomplished man. Lord, he built an invincible fleet, and gained the right of free passage on the seas. When I came to the East, my king spoke to me."

"He told me: We must find ways to establish commercial relations with China in order to obtain Chinese silk, porcelain, benzoin, musk and other materials. By carrying out such commercial activities, residents can immediately increase their wealth and income."

"While the Armada is very powerful, it is also very expensive."

What Legazit told was the truth. In the 36th year of Jiajing, Felipe II declared the Spanish state bankrupt once. When Legazit left Spain, Felipe II, who built the Armada, was planning to declare bankruptcy for the second time. , although taxes have been raised many times, but the finances that cannot make ends meet still arouse the dissatisfaction of the Spaniards.

Building and maintaining a huge armada requires gold coins.

The captain Antonio said eagerly: "My first officer said that the Ming army is very powerful. I want to see the strength of the East. I wonder if the honorable Ming officials can satisfy my wish?"

"This is our first mate, Marcus, a gallant sailor who has conquered storms, monsters, and natives at sea."

Wang Daokun thought for a while and said, "This is Chen Lin, our deputy commander. The sword has no eyes."

Wang Daokun and Antonio discussed the rules of the competition. It was not so much a competition as it was the first small collision between a land power and a sea power. If you lose the competition, there will be no bad consequences. Who is better.

Chen Lin stood up and went to change his armor. His armor was a cloth face armor.

And Marcus also put on his own armor, a pair of plate armor with only eyes all over the body, Greenwich-style armor, Tessie's armor in this era, and began to pay attention to leaving a buffer space between the armor and the body, unlike Gothic armor. The style is as close-fitting as the Maximilian style, so it looks even more bulky.

The armor shows brown oxidation treatment, the whole body is baked blue, and the edges are decorated with golden patterns.

"It's flashy." Chen Lin looked at the armor, and commented like this, good-looking is good-looking, but this kind of armor can't protect against firecrackers.

The rules of the competition are short soldiers, long soldiers, bows, and firecrackers.

Chen Lin took out the magic tool for killing Japanese, the Qi family's waist knife. As soon as this five-foot-long waist knife was taken out, Marcus called out that it was not good. Is this thing a short weapon? !
After Chen Lin warmed up, he used the T-shaped back attack against the staggered pillars, and the long and short wooden sticks snapped in a flash.

"This is indeed our short weapon, it looks a bit long." Wang Daokun explained to Antonio.

First Officer Marcus took out an epee, but after he swung it twice, he knew something was wrong. His armor was too large, and bulky represented bloated, bloated armor plus inflexible body. Epee, when facing the nimble Chen Lin, will be hung up and beaten.

Antonio has already realized that this ancient civilization is a land power, and it has already played to the extreme in land warfare. It is completely self-inflicted humiliation for a sea power to compete with a land power.

This is true.

Marcus fell into a disadvantage at the beginning, and Chen Lin was not in a hurry. He used Marcus, a bloated man, as a target to play, and after fully demonstrating his martial arts skills, he took advantage of Marcus' epee to fall When the momentum was strong, he put the waist knife on Marcus' neck and ended the battle.

After reaching the long soldiers, Marcus didn't know how to win. After being dazzled for a while, his helmet was directly knocked out.

Chen Lin smiled and put away the long and short soldiers.

The third battle was bows and firecrackers. Marcus lost again, and the firecracker Daming used bird blunderbusses. In the forest, the flying birds hit eighty-nine out of ten shots. As for static targets, they even hit ten out of ten shots.

Chen Lin was Yin Zhengmao's sharpest spear in the fight against the Japanese in Guangdong and Guangxi. Chen Lin was also a young general with high hopes in the Ming Empire. Marcus was only the chief mate on an armed merchant ship. Marcus' defeat was extremely reasonable.

However, Chen Lin's powerful combat power still left a deep psychological shadow on Antonio and Marcus. Is this still a person?
"You're amazing!" Marcus lost all three rounds. Although he was a little unconvinced, he still admitted that Chen Lin was indeed amazing.

Chen Lin showed a smile, of course he knew that he was good.

At this moment, in Xu Jie's ancestral house in Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, a guest came, Dashitou Shen. Xu Jie's wife, Shen Zhongheng, came from Dashitou Shen.

The organizer of Shen Changming's last poetry meeting, Shen Changming didn't come here this time to discuss countermeasures with Xu Jie. He decided to return the land and change the ship.

After exchanging pleasantries with Xu Jie, Shen Changming said, "Old Xu, we are all old, and we must obey the old when we are old."

"This house is working every step of the way. There is no chance at all. I plan to build a few weaving workshops. My family is doing this business. Now the imperial court has issued a ban on the sale of raw silk, but it does not prohibit silk from going to sea. I think the conditions are already satisfied. Very nice."

"If you continue to fight, I'm afraid Zhang Juzheng will get annoyed."

Xu Jie glared angrily, and said sharply: "Don't say Zhang Juzheng, even ten or eight of them, can turn this muddy world into a clear sky and clear water?! I can't do it, Gao Gong can't do it, Neither can he! Nobody can!"


Xu Jie is angry!
It's not just the Shen family who surrendered right now, those powerful gentry who have returned their armor are all waiting and watching. Once the Shibosi is really done, the matter of returning the Nanya to the land is not the court's request for the Nanya gentry, but It was the gentleman who rushed to find the imperial court to change the boat.

Shen Changming looked at Xu Jieyu and said earnestly: "Old Xu, Zhang Juzheng really can't do it, but together with Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou, Tan Lun, Wang Guoguang, etc., etc., can they do it together? ? If they can't, what about His Majesty?"

"Zhang Juzheng is not alone, he is some people, some people who want to do things lifted him up, he is not himself!"

"And Zhang Juzheng's actions have been recognized by the palace, just like Yan Song was supported by the Shimiao back then. If it wasn't for Yan Shifan's rebellious son, Xu, Grand Master Xu, would you really be able to fight Yan Song?"

"When a drop of clear water falls into the ink, it is naturally mixed with the current, but what if the water from the vast ocean is involved in the ink?"

"Old Xu, don't get angry with Zhang Juzheng, and don't get angry with yourself."

Shen Changming knew that Xu Jie was fighting against Zhang Juzheng, because he saw that his students were doing better than him, and he refused to accept this anger, thinking that he could do well too.

Shen Changming stood up, sighed heavily and said: "I heard that Grand Master Xu has been secretly buying land recently and intends to invade and annex it. I have heard about it. It is impossible for the Yamen of Songjiang Prefecture not to know. It is impossible for Wang Daokun not to know. Zhang Juzheng also I'll find out soon, I advise Grand Master Xu to stop."

 In the third year of Wanli (1575), Legazzi, the governor of Spain and the Philippines, sent missionaries Rada and Martin to Fuzhou, and found Liu Yaohai, the governor of Fujian, who submitted a letter from the governor of Spain and stated the meaning of commercial missions.Yaohai played a report, and the next chapter in the court: Although Lu Song is not a tribute country, but he can come to the court in admiration of righteousness, he will pay tribute according to the rules of Siam and Chenla.As for the business and missionary work, the governor still issued an edict to reject it.Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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