I'm really not doing business

Chapter 413: He commits many evil deeds and brings disaster upon himself.

Chapter 413: He commits many evil deeds and brings disaster upon himself.

People's joys and sorrows are not the same. Zhu Yijun understands the existence of people like Yang Youren.

Yang Youren's path dependence, which has been passed down from generation to generation, has become accustomed to making profits. They are extremely afraid of any changes in the world. They like to stay in their comfort zone and be content. They are indifferent to what is happening in the outside world and even deliberately avoid it. Yang Youren was like this. He covered his ears on the grounds that he needed to get a degree, shouted "I won't listen, I won't listen", refused the news, and understood the world completely according to his own ideas.

He wouldn't bother to understand the world beyond his understanding unless he was forced to do so.

That's why Yang Youren behaved so ignorantly. As a member of a wealthy family traveling outside, Yang Youren was obviously unqualified, far inferior to Yao Guangqi, Yao Guangming, Wang Qian, Xu Fan and other figures.

This is not an outrageous thing. Zhu Yijun has seen something even more outrageous in later generations. Some singers who participated in the Youth Song Contest did not even recognize the national flag.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the Taiping Rebellion lasted for more than ten years and was finally put down. As one of the founders of the Hunan Army, Luo Zenan was asked to be given an official position and a posthumous title because he died in the war.

In the middle of the court, the imperial family Hanlin and the national history compiler Linzhi kept yelling and scolding, and their rhetoric was very different from that of Yang Youren. The world was peaceful, and there was no such thing as hundreds of battles. It was obviously more bribes and random recommendations that allowed the villain to run rampant.

And this Luo Zenan was the founder of the Hunan Army. He died in battle in Wuchang. Emperor Xianfeng issued an edict to make him a governor, with a posthumous title of Zhongjie and a posthumous title of Gabaturu. A special temple was built to worship him.

Zhu Yijun was not interested in Yang Youren's views. He went to Taibai Tower firstly to see the dance of beauties from all over the world, and secondly to take a look at Yang Youren, whom the Yang family in the new capital had high hopes for.

King Zhu Yili of Lu was extravagant and extravagant, but the courtiers turned a blind eye, because the vassal ban meant raising pigs. If the emperor indulged a little bit, the courtiers' memorials drifted into Wenyuan Pavilion like snowflakes.

At dusk, Feng Bao whispered a few words to Xiaohuangmen, hurriedly walked to the emperor, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, Yang Youren hanged himself."

When Zhang Juzheng submitted the memorial, he had already thought that His Majesty would be so angry. He was not here to plead for mercy. If he wanted to protect Luo Yao, Wang Tingzhan would not go to Sichuan.

There are many imperial edicts not to appropriate people's surplus wealth. There were several copies during the Hongwu and Yongle years. In the twelfth year of Yongle, during the second northern expedition of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, a military household in Yingtianfu opened a shop and was extorted from military supplies by officials. Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty learned that he would personally Purpose: Shopkeepers, military and civilian households, officials and wealthy officials are not allowed to extort money. Anyone who dares to violate the rules will be punished without mercy. I admire this.

Wang Chonggu, the Minister of Punishment of the Ming Dynasty, never believed that the law could restrain His Majesty, although His Majesty most of the time followed the Ming Dynasty laws and regulations.

But being famous is not as good as meeting him. At this meeting, Zhu Yijun found that he was a complete loser. Even Kong Yiji praised him for wearing a long gown. At least Kong Yiji would find a way to pay back the money. This Yang Youren was just a cheap scholar at best.

Luo Yao arrived in Sichuan in the third year of Wanli. In February of the sixth year of Wanli, he was transferred to Nanjing as the right minister of the Nanjing Ministry of War. For three years, Luo Yao stayed in Sichuan without moving at all. Zhang Juzheng originally thought that it was due to complicated local conflicts and Luo Yao's incompetence. , until Wang Tingzhan took office and conducted careful investigation, he found that this was not the case at all.

"Qi Ren Jing" once said that to deal with Confucianism, we must use the method of Confucianism.

Since Yang Tinghe was deposed and returned to his hometown, and Yang Shen was exiled to Yongchang Guards in Yunnan, no one in the Yang family has passed the Jinshi exam. There are three or four candidates, but none of them have passed the Jinshi exam. Yang Youren has high hopes.

The Yang family is a big family in the whole of Sichuan, and the local prominent families in Sichuan are obedient. The noble families headed by the Yang family ask the brokers and compradors to receive the grain into the granary.

After Luo Yao arrived in Sichuan in the third year of Wanli, he colluded with local prominent families and chieftains to embezzle huge amounts of money. In three years, Luo Yao embezzled 340,000 taels of silver.

After he saw Wang Tingzhan's investigation results, he was also furious. Zhang's party was very large and there were many people. Some people got separated while walking.

"What a courage!" After Zhu Yijun finished reading the memorial, he stood up suddenly, walked around three times in a hurry, looked at Zhang Juzheng and said: "This Luo Yao is so bold! He seizes the people's wealth and scrapes the ground three feet away, how can I take it lightly? Forgive! Sir, don’t ask for mercy.”

"Your Majesty, Luo Yao's rebellious behavior will naturally be dealt with in accordance with the law. In addition to local officials, the Yang family of Xindu is also involved." Zhang Juzheng did not plead for Luo Yao, but made it clear what was going on. told His Majesty.

As the governor, Luo Yao received one penny and eight cents;

There are bureau chiefs in that place, so I don’t dare to say too much, and settle for less, and they will get one cent and five cents. The inspectors, chief bureau chiefs, and general bureau chiefs will all get it;

The three divisions have to take it, and the local government offices will naturally have to take it, the state and county government offices have to take it, the six houses have to take it, the strong squads and the police officers have to take it, and the grain chiefs have to take it too. The calculation goes to the heads of every household. It's not one and eight cents of silver, but one or two and eight cents of silver.

This time, Zhang Ju was cleaning up the house.

This is the level of apportionment. In the early years, Zhang Juzheng always advocated frugality. The fragmented political structure of the Ming Dynasty was completely responsible for the superiors. Once the superiors opened this hole, the people would bear the responsibility in the end.

Yang Youren was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. The pain was real, but he was more frightened now. If he let me know that he had offended such a person outside, he might not even be able to go home, let alone ask for money. It's all a luxury hope; on the other hand, it's revenge from the General's Mansion. Is Qi Jiguang really as gentle as he seems? Comparing his feelings with his own, Yang Youren didn't think so. If someone offended him, he would take revenge to death.

Now, the fellow villagers have abandoned Yang Youren, because his parents have taught everyone since childhood not to play with fools, or they will become stupid.

Adding weights to the weights will harvest a batch of rotten millet. The people need food. From the governor to the officials in various places, they actually don’t need food. These grains are difficult to get and difficult to sell. They need to be exchanged for general equivalents. This It's silver.

Zhu Yijun, who had a small belly and was determined to retaliate, returned to the palace and immediately began to make arrangements. The return of the Qingzhang in Sichuan during the Ming Dynasty was full of difficulties. The Yang family in the new capital was a breakthrough. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty issued several orders in succession, targeting the Yang family in the new capital. Various means are being prepared to be gradually launched.

Zhu Yijun finished reviewing the memorial in his hand. The Yang family's decision exceeded Zhu Yijun's imagination. Yao Guangqi and Wang Qian fought to the death. Although Yao Guangqi was defeated and abandoned in the end, the Yao family was not as unkind as one death. , when Yao Guangqi left Beijing, the Yao family also gave him two hundred taels of silver to settle down. Even the father-son relationship is still there.

It's over, this is Yang Youren's only thought now.

Zhu Yijun has always been a very stingy person. He would only give out two taels of silver, and would not be willing to give away five taels.

The right deputy governor of Sichuan, Wang Tingzhan, sent a memorial to the court, which caused a huge discussion in the court. Wang Tingzhan impeached Luo Yao, the former governor of Sichuan, for connivance, indulging in officials, oppressing the people, and keeping each other in disarray for several years. Change, a lesson learned from ants' greed, can break a thousand-mile embankment.

That's right, a common tactic used by cheap Confucians is to use the subject as an excuse!

"If you want to seek revenge, you can come to the General's Mansion to find us. If you want to file a complaint at the Shuntian Mansion Yamen, that's up to you." Zhu Yijun waited for the Tiqi to finish beating him, and then left directly with his people, highlighting an arrogant and domineering person. Don't take Yang Youren seriously.

To change it into silver, someone needs to cooperate. Naturally, someone will deal with these rotten grains for officials.

When dealing with people, you don't have to be smart, but you can't be stupid.

Wang Tingzhan introduced a method of collecting money in his memorial, which was to put a scale on the scale where the royal grain tax was paid, so that the people had to pay more grain, and each household had to pay an extra eight cents of silver.

Sometimes, things develop beyond everyone's expectations. Zhu Yijun stopped here, but Zhang Juzheng took action.

Yang Youren was beaten up. The fellow villagers he invited, look at me and I look at you, froze in place without even giving a hand. I don’t know who took the first step and left secretly. Yang Youren’s fellow countrymen They chose to abandon Yang Youren.

After Zhao Yanbin refuted Yang Youren, the attitude of these fellow villagers was very subtle and they did not mock Zhao Yanbin, because judging from the content of the quarrel, regardless of whether what Zhao Yanbin said was reasonable or not, Yang Youren's words seemed extremely stupid.

Zhu Yijun stopped writing, thought for a moment, continued to review the memorial, and said with a smile: "Interesting, a strong man cuts off his wrist? It is indeed a big family. Yang Youren is confused, but the Yang family is not confused. The debt will be wiped out after death, and Yang Youren will pay for a few verbal disputes." How come the General's Mansion had an attack if he lost his life? If he continues to target him, it would appear that Qi Shuai is being stingy, killing two birds with one stone."

"Stop." Zhu Yijun made a decision and did not continue to pursue. Because in this conflict, Zhu Yijun acted against Qi Shuai's authority and continued to pursue, which was not good for Qi Jiguang's reputation, although Qi Jiguang never cared about these false reputations.

"Shuai Ti, ordered two Ti cavalrymen from thousands of families to immediately go south to Nanya, and ordered Luo Bingliang, the commander of Nanya Town Fusi, to assist. This Luo Yao is here for questioning."

The laws of the Ming Dynasty and the Huidian have relevant provisions, but the law has never restricted meat eaters, because the meat eaters themselves are one of the makers of the law.

The governors of Sichuan from Zeng Shengwu to Luo Yao and then to Wang Tingzhan were all members of the Zhang Party. Zeng Shengwu was from Pengzewei, Huguang, Luo Yao was from Baling, Huguang, and Wang Tingzhan was from Huanggang, Huguang. All three of them were members of the Chu Party, and they were all Under Zhang Juzhengmen, this time Wang Tingzhan impeached Luo Yao, the former governor of Sichuan, which was an internal strife within the Chu party.

The General's Mansion is now flanked by a hundred thousand capital troops. Who can afford to offend Ming officials? There is a conflict with the General's Mansion. Not to mention the Yang family in the new capital, even all the Zheshe households in Sichuan combined, the Beijing camp can be physically crushed by you.

These grains turned into green rice money. The people borrowed the millet and paid back the money, and the interest rate was so high that the people had no money to pay back the money, so they had to sell their sons and daughters to sell their land. This was annexation.

When you go out, keep your eyes open. Not everyone can mess with you. If you announce your home and people ignore you, you obviously have something to rely on.

There are many endogenous contradictions in the Ming Dynasty, which are all kinds of strange, but they can generally be summed up in the word "merger". A mere eighteen strokes of the pen describe all kinds of suffering in the world.

"Bah! What a bullshit house of poetry, books, etiquette and music, a scholarly family with hairpins, this is not bullshit! To say they are sanctimonious beasts is to praise them, they are simply worse than pigs and dogs, staring at the little surplus food of the common people, then Only a few dollars!" Zhu Yijun said dirty words after hearing what Zhang Juzheng said.

As a disciple of Zhang Juzheng, a great Confucian, Zhu Yijun rarely swears, rarely curses, has conflicts of interest, and fights with each other. Even though he has known the faces of this gang for a long time, but after hearing these things At that time, Zhu Yijun was still angry.

Originally, Yang Youren died, and the continued pursuit came to an end for the time being, but things developed like this, going around and around, and finally reached their Yang family again.

It's not that Zhu Yijun is targeting the Yang family, it's that on the way to reform and reform, either this or that incident, he will always encounter the Yang family. He does many evil things and brings disaster upon himself.

The Wanli New Deal has been implemented for the eighth year, and even the Zheshe households in Nanya have given up and accepted the imperial decree of clearing the abbot and returning the land.

"I request His Majesty's order to send an envoy to Sichuan to handle this case." Zhang Juzheng did not correct His Majesty's misconduct. It was just a few swear words. They didn't mind being dirty when they were doing things, but did they mind His Majesty's swearing?

"Sir, do you have anyone to choose?" Zhu Yijun asked.

Zhang Juzheng bowed his head and said, "Wang Qian, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

To deal with the Zheshe households, it is necessary to send people who are very familiar with the Zheshe households. Wang Qian is the son of the leader of the Jin Party. As a political enemy, he went to Sichuan to avoid collusion. In order to combat the arrogance of the Zhang Party, Wang Qian will not hesitate to Remaining efforts.

"The person recommended by Sir is extremely suitable. I am worried that Wang Qian has been in the capital for a long time and may not be able to handle this matter well. If trouble occurs, Wang Ci will be the only son, which may damage the harmony between the monarch and his ministers." Zhu Yijun agreed with this candidate, but Wang Chonggu was the only son.

Three years and 340,000 taels of silver were less than Wang Qian's pocket money.

If Wang Qian died in Sichuan, how would Wang Chonggu deal with himself? Wang Chonggu's family members were very active, and the government and factory groups had created laws and achieved phased results. Naturally, Wang Chonggu's opinions would be taken into consideration in personnel appointments.

"I have communicated with Wang Cifu. It is my duty to work for the country and the dynasty. It is natural for me to be loyal to the emperor when I eat the emperor's salary." Zhang Juzheng looked around and said in a low voice: "Wang Qian already has three sons, two sons. A daughter."

If Wang Qian dies, it will be to accumulate holy relatives for the old Wang family. Anyway, he already has a successor. "Wang Qian is the censor. If something happens in Sichuan, Sichuan will not be able to bear the price." Zhang Juzheng further explained that this errand is somewhat dangerous, but not particularly dangerous. Unless Sichuan wants to rebel, this is Based on the premise of restoring administrative power.

"Well, let's go to Wang Qian." Zhu Yijun finally confirmed Zhang Juzheng's recommendation. Wang Qian took Tiqi Qianhu, Tiqi, and officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate to Sichuan, mainly targeting local prominent families in Sichuan. As for officials, It is a matter for the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Personnel.

Zhang Juzheng came to Li Palace to meet the saint. Naturally, it was not just about the case of the Sichuan leader. He shook his sleeves, took out a volume, and handed it to Feng Bao.

Seeing the book placed on the imperial case, Zhang Juzheng had mixed feelings and was filled with emotion.

Class Theory, Zhang Juzheng elaborated on his understanding and definition of class in this volume.

Class is a standard that measures the ability to control and mobilize social resources.

Zhang Juzheng divided them into hereditary officials, elected officials, prominent families, virtuous rural gentry, lackeys and officials, self-cultivated farmers, long-term tenant farmers, poor day laborers, and lowly slaves.

For example, it is common for the Fanyi slaves in the Ming Dynasty to be of low status. In the distinction between Hua and Yi, Fan Yi is not a human being, and having a low status is already a high level.

At the beginning, Zhang Juzheng attributed the fundamental reason for the emergence of class to the imperial system, which made Zhang Juzheng unable to write.

If the cause of the emergence of classes is entirely attributed to the imperial system, wouldn't it mean that overthrowing the imperial system would eliminate classes? Overthrowing the imperial system. As a die-hard royalist among the royalists, how could Zhang Juzheng be so rebellious?

This made Zhang Juzheng think about it for several years. Zhang Juzheng, a young genius who had gone through ups and downs, had been regent for five years and had been in power for nine years, spent several years thinking about this issue.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Juzheng found that he was a little blind and narrow-minded.

The emergence of classes is not the result of the imperial system and the bureaucratic system relying on the imperial system. Classes, the imperial system, bureaucracy, and contradictions are all results, not causes.

There are many reasons for the emergence of class. Zhang Juzheng discusses it in detail in this volume. In Zhang Juzheng’s view, class appears along with the expropriation, and the expropriation represents the surplus of production, and the reason for the existence of class is There is a surplus in production, but productivity, that is, people's ability to change nature is not sufficient, and the production surplus cannot satisfy all needs, which is why classes are created.

"Sir's ideas are almost the same as Confucian Datong." Zhu Yijun finished reading a short paragraph and planned to study it carefully, and said to Zhang Juzheng with a smile.

According to Zhang Juzheng's logic, the fundamental reason for the emergence of classes is that there is surplus but still insufficient productivity. When there is surplus productivity, there will be material surplus, and classes can be eliminated.

But Zhu Yijun feels that this is not the case. Even if there is excess productivity and material excess, there are still classes.

Zhang Juzheng is not naive. Just like Confucianism, self-cultivation is valued higher than the sky. It seems that as long as everyone cultivates self-cultivation and cultivates virtue, it will be a sweet and harmonious world where you love me and I love him. However, this cultivation of self-cultivation has taken two thousand years. , the world of great harmony is still an unattainable dream.

Political opinions have always been like this. All political opinions must build an utopia that everyone yearns for, and then work hard towards the ideal.

The Utopia is not for realizing, but for dreaming, commonly known as drawing a big pie.

The more specific, detailed, and real the pie you draw is, the more people will follow you and support you, making the pie more specific, detailed, and real. With constant additions, maybe, it is possible. , probably, the day when this pie finally comes true.

"I can only do so much if my ministers are not talented and have little knowledge." Zhang Juzheng does not feel that he is incompetent. In terms of political knowledge, he and His Majesty have already gone to the forefront of everyone. As long as his theoretical methods are not lost, It is destined to be famous forever.

As for the development of productivity to that point, the Utopia did not appear. Zhang Juzheng was already a withered bone in the grave at that time, and he could only believe in the wisdom of future generations.

Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng chatted for a long time. Wang Chonggu's work-for-relief scheme to resettle gangsters was actually creating a class, a class above the lackeys and officials, and equivalent to the rural gentry and gentry, the craftsmen.

Once this class is formed and stabilized, and becomes a force that competes with the rural gentry and the gentry, this group will continue to promote the development of productive forces for its own survival.

On the other hand, with the opening of the sea and the influx of large amounts of silver, a class will be born below the elected officials and above the prominent families. The social resources they control: population, land, means of production, production surplus, etc. It will far surpass the likes of noble families and gentry, and as this class continues to expand, it will continue to expand its influence in society, and deeply affect officially elected officials and hereditary officials.

This is something the court must be wary of.

According to Zhang Juzheng, once the claws of this group extend to places where they shouldn't be, they must be chopped off.

Zhang Juzheng has a specific reference. There are two examples of this reference, one is Wang Chonggu and the other is Sun Kehong's Sun family.

They are both representatives of the privileged economy. They are two behemoths raised under the adjustment policies of the Ming Dynasty. The social resources they control have far exceeded those of famous families, and they are even the mainstay of elected officials.

The next step is to usurp imperial power.

"Sir, you are a great talent." Zhu Yijun just read it briefly and gained a lot of insights. He asked with some confusion: "Where did you gain enlightenment, sir?"

The Theory of Contradiction is Zhang Juzheng's summary of what the sages of the past dynasties gained by observing the moon, the lake, the wind, and people. The Theory of Class is a further political discussion based on the Theory of Contradiction and the Public and Private Theory.

Zhu Yijun was more curious about how Zhang Juzheng figured it out.

"I realized what I learned from watching the Monkey Mountain." Zhang Juzheng hesitated for a moment, but still satisfied the emperor's curiosity.

Zhu Yijun frowned and asked, "Monkey Mountain?"

"Monkey Mountain." Zhang Juzheng nodded and said: "Monkey Mountain also has a monkey king, and this monkey king takes food from the monkeys and grandchildren. The monkeys and grandchildren dare not resist, and there are many fights, but they do not starve to death, so there is more than enough production. When I thought about it, after the sufficient supply of food, the food was extremely abundant, and there was indeed very little internal strife in the Monkey Mountain, and there was no longer fighting with each other."

Zhang Juzheng did not lie to the emperor. He really figured it out in front of the Monkey Mountain. If you observe the monkeys carefully, you will find that they actually have a monkey king and a class, but the food is extremely abundant and there is no need to snatch it. After that, there were still monkey kings, and even some emaciated monkey grandsons were still emaciated.

This is not consistent with Zhang Juzheng's theory.

This is also the content of the second volume of Zhang Juzheng's Class Theory, distribution. He has not yet written it, and he does not know whether he will be able to write it before his death.

Enlightenment depends on chance.

"Monkey Mountain is good, Feng Daban. The monkeys in Monkey Mountain have made great contributions. May the fifth generation be well fed." Zhu Yijun rewarded the Monkey Mountain. He actually wanted to continue to promote Zhang Juzheng to a higher position in order to present books and make decisions. As a reward to Zhang Juzheng, he was willing to give it to a marquis, but Zhang Juzheng would never take it.

"I obey the decree." Feng Bao bowed his head and said.

The greatest achievement of the first volume of Class Theory is the recognition of the existence of classes. This is acknowledging problems and facing problems. Refusing to even admit classes is cowardice. Recognize the existence of classes, face the many problems brought about by classes, and then reconcile them. The contradictions between various classes are the obligations that the court must fulfill in order to enjoy its rights.

The division of classes, the fundamental reasons for the emergence of classes, and the continuous self-replenishment of classes in the contradictions and changes of all things are also the results of the first volume.

On the other hand, Zhang Juzheng, who was subject to the influence of the ethics of monarchs and ministers for thousands of years, still divided the emperor into a separate class. In fact, the various attributes of the emperor should be regarded as within the hereditary official class, but Zhang Juzheng still divided the emperor into those who were destined by destiny. A saint on earth.

The master of living things and the sect of Xingyi.

It's not that Zhang Juzheng didn't understand that he was escaping, but he still had to rely on the superior imperial power to promote his new deal. This was reality, and His Majesty's wisdom also made Zhang Juzheng occasionally think about it, is it really possible that there is destiny?

This makes the class theory in this first volume a bit strange, but not much. As a minister, Zhang Juzheng did not discuss the emperor's class too much. In the entire volume, he only listed the emperor separately.

With a big stroke of his hand, Zhu Yijun crossed out the emperor's class, letting all the strange smell of the whole volume dissipate. Anyway, under the imperial system, ministers could not discuss it, so it was better not to set it up.

In the early morning of the next day, the bloody debts of the Zhutou case and the class theory appeared on the front pages of major civil newspapers. Di Bao even published a lengthy article with personal comments from the emperor.

There is no doubt that this will be the norm for decades, if not centuries, to come.

The emperor personally gave the explanation, which means that the theory of contradiction, public and private issues, and class theory will definitely appear in future imperial examinations. This is inevitable. It is a link in Zhang Juzheng's rectification of academic affairs and one of the practices of the Ming Dynasty.

This made the students complain incessantly, and they still haven’t figured out the arithmetic yet!

The death of Yang Youren also made the scalps of the Zheshe households numb. The sword of the General's Mansion was not open to the outside but to the inside. As long as Qi Shuai returned to the capital from outside the pass, he would be no different from the previous doormat. Only this Mr. Huang, the General was so conniving. , it really makes people have a lot more guesses.

Many of the courtiers have known or thought about it for a long time. They know that Mr. Huang is probably not the Huang family of Penglai.

The Zhutou case caused a huge commotion in the capital. If used in conjunction with the theory of class, it gave everyone a more essential understanding of the logic of how the world operates. With mutual confirmation, the Yang family in the new capital immediately became Brought to the top of the waves by the wind.

Yang Deren, the son of Yang Dun, who was a Jinshi in the second year of Jiajing, came from the second wife of the Yang family in Xindu. Yang Youren collided with Mr. Huang. Yang Deren single-handedly caused Yang Youren to hang himself. However, it seemed that the general's palace was still not satisfied and wanted to pursue him. Yang Deren took two cars with him. With the gift and the greeting card, he came to the General's Mansion, asking to see Qi Jiguang and asking Qi Jiguang to let him go.

Qi Jiguang did not get the greeting card because the general was not at home. The general was busy in the capital camp and there were basically no people visiting during the day.

But Yang Deren got a reply from the general from the concierge, saying that he had done something wrong and would not survive.

Qi Jiguang's answer clearly told the Yang family about Qi Jiguang's attitude. It was not Qi Jiguang who wanted to mess with the Yang family, but the Ming Dynasty and the general trend of the New Deal. Moreover, this answer also had another more clear meaning. His Majesty's sword pointed at Wherever the troops go.

Even if you are in Sichuan and dare to rebel, your ashes will be raised.

(End of this chapter)

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