I'm really not doing business

Chapter 417: If the law is not strict, it cannot be trusted; if the law is not believed, it cannot b

Chapter 417: If the law is not strict, it cannot be trusted; if the law is not believed, it cannot be treated

Anyone who has ever been a county magistrate can clearly feel that Hai Rui's ability is really strong. Most of Wang Qian's extravagant work is used to find clues. It is always Hai Rui who really catches corrupt officials. .

The basic social form of the Ming Dynasty is in a state of stable and out-of-control contradictions. To put it more simply and understandably, it is the big evil person controlling the small evil person.

After passing the Jinshi examination, he kept running around in the capital, and finally found shelter in someone's name, obtained an official status from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and went to a certain place to serve as a county magistrate. At this time, the first thing to do is not to take office immediately. Instead, they recruit masters and servants.

Without the master, it would be difficult for the family to move forward.

Once you get to the place, you will find that it is not easy to manage a county well.

The only official position in a county is the county magistrate, and there are no more than seven people receiving imperial salary. In addition to the county magistrate, they are: county magistrate, chief registrar, patrol officer, tax envoy, teaching edict, and postmaster. These people will never follow the example of the county magistrate. The county magistrate is of one heart and one mind because these people are all locals.

Local officials have different customs and customs in different places. I don't care whether they are polite or not, but they are definitely a community of interests.

There are definitely not only seven people in a county government office, but also three shifts and six wards. In some places, the number of government officials is as high as thousands. These are also locals, and their official ranks are like a grate. These government officials are a mixed bag, and they are definitely not good people. There are many people who are robbers themselves.

The magistrate is like a dragon crossing the river, and except for the magistrate, everyone is a local snake.

For Zheshe households, to put it bluntly, even Liu Xian, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan Province, is one of our own. Liu Xian faked his nationality and took the martial arts exam in Sichuan. He won the military merit in Sichuan and became a deputy thousand households. He went out to pacify the Japanese. , after the war, he returned to Sichuan.

The staff are unreliable, so they need masters, and the government servants are unreliable, so they need long-term servants.

In Wang Qian's eyes, this Luo Xiangxian is beautiful, but it is far inferior to Liu Qiniang when she was still in Yanxing Tower, and even worse than Liu Qiniang now. After Liu Qiniang became Zhi Niang, although she did not apply pink and white, she lost a lot of aura. With a more dusty smell and a bookish air, Liu Qiniang, who teaches in the weaving courtyard of the official school for craftsmen and women, is somewhat elegant.

Hai Rui was known for his integrity. As the governor of Yingtian, he had neither a master nor a long-term retainer. When he arrived at Yingtian Mansion, he promoted benefits and eliminated harm, built water conservancy projects, renovated the Wusong River, cut redundant postage fees, and deprived his connections of household names and qingzhang. , investigating the corruption and mergers in Xujie, and all these things, it is impossible to do it only by relying on integrity and righteousness.

The lyrics are "Joining the Army" and the song is called "Happy Flowers and Full Moon". It is one of the movements composed by Zhu Zaiyu, the dean of the Imperial Academy of Ming Dynasty and King of Virtue, and one of the designated movements for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The singing and dancing of the world are inseparable from the sacrifices and sacrifices of the border guards. Dedication, the war is far away from the hinterland, because the war takes place on the border, the military march and the full moon are now closely connected.

The Xindu Yang family has seventeen shops in Chengdu Mansion, selling all kinds of exotic products, as well as three restaurants. It is the largest restaurant in Sichuan and is also the distribution center for fine wine in Sichuan. Yang Ningren has two hundred servants. This is Among the servants in Yang's house, there is a lackey Taihehui in the city. It is a gang with more than 3,000 people. There are nearly a thousand people in the government office documents, and they are all Yang's lackeys.

Zhu Zaiyu's talent in music is definitely unparalleled in the world. Of course, the biggest regret of the emperor's uncle Zhu Zaiyu is that he did not develop his majesty's musical ability when he was young. His majesty has never been interested in it.

Anyone who looks at this thing will be confused.

The people Feng Bao sent to the official factory for placement should be treated as if they were related, whether they were related or not.

"Is that Yang Ningren of the Xindu Yang family?" Wang Qian looked at a figure. The Yang family's carriage had arrived, and Yang Ningren came in person, which was quite grand.

The land of abundance has thousands of miles of fertile fields, fertile fields, prosperous people, and abundant reserves.

When the magistrate is ready to take drastic measures to clean up these free-paying borers, everyone will advise, listen to the advice, you are the magistrate, if you don't listen, you will be a piece of shit in the future.

Therefore, Hai Rui is very capable. The clues that Wang Qian found were just clues in the hands of others, but in the hands of Hai Rui, they became a piece of information in the Forest of Happy Steles outside Chaoyang Gate. A tablet of greedy ink.

When Wang Qian arrived at the place, he had a big quarrel with the governor Wang Tingzhan, and then immediately hosted a banquet and invited all the Zheshe households to have fun. Naturally, everyone responded. Wang Tingzhan is determined to implement the harsh government of the imperial court. As the imperial court gives you more support, the imperial court's support comes. It's a young man who is gold-plated in the local area. These noble families come to Huayang Mansion to learn and eat, and they might as well come to see Wang Tingzhan's excitement.

This is also the reason why local prominent families in Sichuan have relaxed their vigilance towards Wang Qian. They are local snakes who have been local snakes for so many years. No matter who comes to their territory, they must be controlled by me even if they are dragons or tigers. Lying down!

After Wang Qian entered Shu from Baima Pass, he saw a village called Shenghua Village. In this village, there was no man, all women and children. After careful inquiry, Wang Qian learned the reason from Tiqi Qian's household registration. In the name of conscripting labor, the county government gathered strong men to work for the famous families. All the men fled to the mountains and became bandits.

In this environment, arresting criminals is like a joke, and beatings are the norm. Every collection of summer and autumn taxes is like going to the countryside to plunder, and armed tax resistance is common, and even civil unrest breaks out to break through prefectures and counties. Most of the people like prosecutors, brokers, and compradors are the mouthpieces raised by wealthy gentry.

On the fifteenth day of August in the eighth year of Wanli, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival. The bright moon hangs high in the sky. There is a peaceful atmosphere in Chengdu. Chengdu is the largest city in the southwest and has always been prosperous. The bright moon sheds layers of silvery white on the scattered streets. On the streets, shops are lined up in rows, and high-speed cars and horses are flowing continuously on the streets, flocking towards Huayang University.

What happened to Zhang Juzheng's disciples? Luo Yao, the governor of Sichuan, was not only a disciple, but also a fellow villager. When he reached the border of Sichuan, didn't he have to join in with them?

In addition to Wang Qian's wild behavior along the way, the noble families recognized him as one of their own, because Wang Qian behaved like one of their own in every aspect.

No matter from which angle you look at it, a distinguished family can confidently shout: I have the advantage!

This Luo Xiangxian is too dusty.

Wang Qian stood on the high pavilion of the school, watching the cars driving into the school, showing a gentle smile.

The famous artist adjusted his posture and gently pulled the strings. The melodious music was like a trickle, slowly smearing in the night. Opening, like a violent wind and rain, like an iron horse and a glacier coming into a dream, seems to be a story that is being told.

He finally fully understood for the first time why His Majesty gave Zhang Juzheng unreserved support.

Doesn’t the Prince of Shu’s Mansion care? With the vassal ban, the King of Shu had to apply to the emperor to even leave the palace, and often did not receive approval or response.

When you become a county magistrate in a place, the first problem you face is the salary of the thousands of people under your command. Take the Linzi County government office as an example. There are 4,000 government officials, three classes and six rooms, and 200 clerks. The salary is only one Tens of thousands of kilo of grain are needed every year.

Luo Xiangxian clenched her fists tightly. These beauties from all over the world were really burning up! Burner than her! 80% of men like this, and 20% of them are stubborn.

Wang Qian, who left the most benign place in the capital, finally faced the tragedy of the world for the first time.

But when Wang Qian arrived in Chengdu, what he saw and heard when he entered Shu was that the road was full of bones. He saw many corpses beside dead roads. Struggling hard, the people I saw were all naked and had no food to eat. The fertile fields were thousands of miles away. They were indeed fertile fields, but they were all overgrown with weeds. The cultivated land was abandoned and famine lay before our eyes.

Wang Qian looked at Luo Xiangxian, the leading actress, and shook his head. However, there was a beautiful lady named Liu Qiniang in Yongsheng Woolen Official Factory. She used to be the leading courtesan of Yanxing Tower before the official woolen factory flourished. She looked like that , Wang Qian has seen many beauties and wanted to take a look at them more, but he has never seen them because they are His Majesty's people, and the entire official factory, large and small, knows them very well.

The emperor gave an imperial edict to Wang Qian to handle the case. How to reply was not just a matter of Wang Qian's words? The most important thing is that this is also a great opportunity for the Jin Party to expand its influence in Sichuan. Although the Jin Party and the Zhang Party are not life-and-death in the government, they are constantly fighting with each other. With such a good opportunity, Wang Qian, as Wang Chonggu's only son, will plot no matter what.

There are only four words in "clearing the father-in-law and returning the land", but it is the only chance for the people to live, and it is also the only opportunity for the Ming Dynasty to survive and become strong.

The county magistrate will be confused. There are only a dozen or so people working in the three shifts and six rooms. Why do so many people have to be paid when the salary is paid? It is true that there are only a dozen scribes working, but there are more than 200 scribes who receive salaries. These people who do not work also receive salaries. The reasons are all strange and strange, such as being sick, studying abroad, performing filial piety before the sick bed, etc. This is what it means. Eating free money is the norm, and it's not just among the military.

In the night, the ancient stage seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of silver powder by the moonlight, looking solemn and mysterious.

The reasons for the abandonment of cultivated land are extremely complicated. It is annexation, excessive taxes, tax evasion, and apportionment. It is the misery of the people and the precarious situation of the Ming Dynasty.

The lights on the stage dimmed, and when it brightened again, beauties from all over the world were put on the stage. There were twelve beauties in total, holding their waists, raising their heads, and straightening their swan necks. They were dressed extremely boldly and were ready to go. This is also a show that Wang Qian borrowed from Songjiang Sun's Painting Boat. As the cheerful music played, the big white legs swayed on the stage in a very dazzling way. With the movements, professionally trained expressions kept changing with the dance, shaking their hips. Swinging the hips, there are all kinds of charms, the beauty is as charming and charming as the wind.

Wang Qian knew a word called falling on the road, which means that a person faints from hunger and suddenly falls to the ground while walking, and then never stands up again. After entering Shu, Wang Qian witnessed this several times with his own eyes.

Wang Qian, who is accustomed to extravagance, was eye-opening the first time he saw this beauty from all over the world perform. Sichuan's customs have always been closed-minded, and the singing, singing and dancing are a bit conservative. This scene has never been seen before.

Zhao Qianhu nodded and said: "Yes, the Yang family in Xindu has four mansions in Chengdu. The largest one is located on the north side of Zhengfu Street inside Qingyuan Gate, covering an area of ​​about 40 acres. It has multiple floors and pavilions, and it is almost half-empty. There are two hundred and thirty-four musicians in the mansion, all of whom are beautifully painted. They sing and dance all night long, advocating elegance and beauty. They are graceful and graceful, and they wear skirts hand in hand. The woman beside Yang Ningren is the leading actress in the mansion, named Luo Xiangxian."

The curtain opened, and after everyone took their seats, the lights on the stage were brightly lit. Several beauties were sitting on the stage, each holding an instrument in their hands. The leading woman held an erhu in her hand. This is a famous Jiangnan artist. Wang Qian borrowed the help of everyone from the Sun family in Songjiang.

In this song, there are the ancient frontier cities, the Xiongguan Fortress, the soldiers guarding the border with cold armor and high aspirations, and the figures of distant marquises on the pier who did not close their posts that night, galloping on the grassland. There are also coastal defense inspections, chopping waves in the sea. , the song ended, and cheers came and went.

"Have you started?" Wang Qian clutched the wine glass in his hand. The Tiqi had already prepared. As long as the glass in Wang Qian's hand fell, there would be a bloody storm.

According to the agreement, when these people gather together, Liu Xian, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan Dusi, will follow the orders of the emperor's envoy to clean up the servants and gangs in Chengdu Mansion. The more lively Huayang Academy is, the more crowded Chengdu Mansion will be. It's lively.

Wang Tingzhan, the governor of Sichuan, and Wang Qian were not worried. Wang Tingzhan had already made his choice when he impeached Luo Yao, and he had no way out.

But Liu Xian has more choices. Liu Xian is a local. He ambushed five hundred swordsmen and axemen, broke the cup as a signal, and killed the people here. The power of the noble family is still in the city. If he does not figure out where the government is, let alone Thinking of other places, Liu Xian could choose not to do anything, so that he could get more benefits. Wang Qian was on the road, looking at the firearms he was escorting, always worried that Liu Xian would make the wrong choice.

Who is stronger, Liu Xian or Qi Jiguang? There is no answer, because they are comrades-in-arms, not enemies.

Liu Xian has a great reputation. If he really wants to be the military governor of the Ming Dynasty and separatist power, this is the best opportunity. However, His Majesty has special trust in Liu Xian and his son.

Zhu Yijun knew that Liu Xian himself fought for the Ming Dynasty all his life, and Liu Xian's son Liu Wei died for his country in the Battle of Sarhu. He did not become a traitor like Hong Chengchou. Zhu Yijun knew that, but Wang Qian did not know, so Wang Qian was suspicious.

If Liu Xian has joined forces with the noble families, Wang Qian's move will be very, very dangerous. The prey in today's trap is not these noble families, but Wang Qian himself.

"Let's do it." Wang Qian saw several places in the west of the city. One after another, the sounding arrows were rising. The sounding arrows exploded in the air with a cloud-piercing scream, shining like stars.

This is a signal, which means that Sichuan General Liu Xian led the military guards to clear out a gang's den of thieves.

Cut off its wings, cut off its mouthpiece, and finally cut off its head. Liu Xian made his own choice. The executioner was his son Liu Wei. In other words, Liu Xian had already made his choice. When he left Sichuan to pacify Japan, he had already seen the Ming Dynasty in decline. He did not want to become a sinner of the Ming Dynasty. When Liu Wei was in Hunan, he once punched Zhan Shu, the prefect of Mahu, just because this guy took something by force.

Today's choices are the result of all past choices.

Wang Qian turned the wine glass in his hand and waited for the lights on the stage to darken completely. Wang Qian drank the wine in one gulp, threw it to the ground, and shouted loudly: "I am supervising the handling of the major case of Zhutou by His Majesty's imperial decree. I will arrest you today." Take the rebellious thieves and those who disobey orders and kill them without mercy!"


Wang Qian's wine glass fell to the ground, and a bed crossbow appeared on the courtyard wall of the school. Tiqi began to enter the courtyard. Four mother cannons were pulled to the door and aimed at the confused noble family. They, and the flint-haired muskets in the hands of the Tiqi were also picked up, obviously intending to take action as long as there was resistance.

"Wang Yushi, is there any misunderstanding? We are all Ming Dynasty gentry here. The herdsmen of Antu are responsible. Why are we meeting each other like this?" Yang Ningren tightened his grip on Luo Xiangxian's thigh, which made Luo Xiangxian's face turn pale. It was really It hurts so much.

Wang Qian didn't talk nonsense to Yang Ningren at all, and shouted loudly to Zhao Qianhu: "Take it down!"

"Everyone, put down your weapons, put your hands on the back of your head, and lie down on the ground. I will count to ten. Anyone who is still standing will be charged with treason!" Zhao Qianhu raised his left hand and said loudly: "Ten ,Nine…"

"Bold!" The gun in Zhao Qianhu's hand suddenly pointed at a servant, because the murderer suddenly rose up and rushed towards Tiqi. Zhao Qianhu pressed the trigger, and under the action of the spring steel, the fire sickle slid towards The flint was struck, and sparks flew everywhere, igniting the tinder powder in the fire door.


There was a gunshot, smoke filled the air, and the particles of black powder in the gun barrel suddenly exploded. Under the pressure and explosion, and under the action of the yin and yang lines, the lead quickly rotated and flew towards the murderer. The lead directly hit the murderer's head. Blood splattered all over his abdomen, and he screamed again and again.

The melee began, and the noble families who came here all brought their servants, who were the confidants of the noble families. There were too many lawsuits involving human lives in their hands. At this time, they could only fight desperately. They all brought weapons and began to move towards As the Tiqi troops charged forward, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the sounds of gunpowder explosions and shouts of fighting and killing came and went.

Two quarters of an hour later, no one dared to stand in the venue anymore. Zhao Qianhu didn't even finish counting to three. The smell of blood echoed in the school. Those actors holding their heads and shouting, I'm afraid I will never forget this scene in my life.

"I originally wanted to dig a hole in the school, and then blow up the entire school and these famous families." Wang Qian was very satisfied with the results. He looked here and there and was very satisfied.

"What made Wang Yushi give up this idea?" Wang Tingzhan asked curiously.

Wang Qian said with great certainty: "It's poverty."


"The entire venue is less than two acres of land. If you want to blow it up to the sky, you will need at least five thousand kilograms of gunpowder. One tael of gunpowder costs six coins and two cents of silver. In other words, if you want to blow these two acres of land to the sky, you will need 50,000 kilograms of gunpowder." Two taels of silver." Wang Qian is indeed very rich, but fifty thousand taels is still a bit too expensive, and one-tenth of it is in the late emperor's mausoleum.

Gunpowder is expensive to make, expensive to transport, and even more expensive to preserve.

"It's indeed very expensive." Wang Tingzhan said with certainty as soon as he heard this figure.

The arrest of Huayang Academy was very smooth, and the actions of Liu Xian and Liu Wei and his son were also extremely smooth. Several gangs in Chengdu Prefecture were wiped out. Thanks to the truckloads of firearms brought by Wang Qian, Firearms in Liu Xian's hands fully demonstrate their value.

Zhang Juzheng once taught Zhu Yijun a principle: don't use people you doubt, and don't doubt people you employ.

If you have doubts about a person, don't use him. This will be good for both the emperor and his ministers. For example, Zhang Juzheng never wanted the in-laws of his children to come to the court again, because Zhang Juzheng doubted Wang Zhigao, even if he was the in-laws of his children;

And employing people without doubt means to appoint a person without doubting him. If something goes wrong, solve it and be willing to admit defeat. Every choice in life has already been marked with a price.

If you still employ people who are suspicious, both the emperor and his ministers will lose their dignity. The emperor will be worried, and his ministers will not try their best. If you still employ people who are suspicious, you are destined to achieve nothing.

Zhu Yijun had great trust in Liu Xian. If Liu Xian really made another choice, Zhu Yijun could only accept defeat and appease the leader of the Jin Party, Wang Chonggu, and send troops to Sichuan!

Fortunately, that result did not occur.

The first time Wang Qian took action, Sichuan was shaken three times. The pursuit of the Yang family and the liquidation of the Yang family's lackeys took only three months. The Yang family and their lackeys in Xindu , was uprooted.

Liu Wei, deputy general of the Sichuan Army, led 2,000 troops to garrison Bozhou to prevent Yang from Bozhou from causing chaos with his seedlings to strengthen the Yang family's momentum in the new capital. Liu Wei's 2,000 guest soldiers stood on the head of the Yang family in Bozhou. Yang didn't dare to take any action, but there were more things that Liu Wei couldn't do.

The chieftains in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Guizhou faced each other offensively and defensively. If Liu Wei really attacked at this time, he would be forcing the chieftains to rebel. Outside the Ming Dynasty, King Mangyinglong of Dongguo was about to die. When Mangyinglong died, the sprouts outside the country would be without a leader. When the chieftains within the Ming Dynasty and Taungu outside the country could not cooperate internally and externally, it was not too late to take action.

The reaction of the chieftains to this was quite strange. It was probably due to internal strife among the Han people. What does it have to do with me? For the chieftains to understand the principle of lips dying and teeth cold, Wang Hua's continued promotion is needed.

Wang Qian's first ambush battle when he entered Shu was fought brilliantly. The first case he supervised came to light, including a group of forced and voluntary officials of the Ming Dynasty, including the governor, the inspector general, and several prefects. and his staff, the entire Sichuan ground is in turmoil.

Before receiving Wang Qian's memorial, the imperial court had already made a round of personnel appointments and went to Sichuan to supplement officials. After receiving the memorial, another round of appointments was made.

Ming Dynasty is like three people waiting for a trap. If you don't do it, others will do it.

Wang Qian's reputation is completely rotten. It's a foul-smelling one. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the day of reunion, and the day of harmony and beauty, Wang Qian did something like this. It can be said that there is no etiquette, justice or shame at all. It is even worse than Yan Shifan's reputation. It's going to be dirty!

Wang Chonggu was a treacherous minister, and he gave birth to a son who was still a treacherous minister!

Snowflake's memorial was sent to the cabinet, and all of them criticized Wang Qian and Wang Chonggu.

"It's surprising that Wang Cifu didn't take the opportunity to expand his power." Zhu Yijun made an x ​​sign to indicate that he had read it and refused to listen, and said to Feng Bao with some emotion.

Wang Chonggu's choice is very interesting. He chose to mingle with Sichuan's prominent families in a physical sense.

This choice is somewhat unexpected, but it makes sense. The territory of the Jin Party is large enough. If it were bigger, the emperor and the court would not be able to accommodate it. Wang Qian did not pick and choose among the noble families and cultivate party members. This kind of thing He's actually quite good at it. As a dandy, he doesn't know how to cultivate a loser, so he doesn't deserve to be a dandy.

Wang Qian chose Yiguoduan, which was obviously given by Wang Chonggu before leaving.

"Wang Cifu has a respectful heart. I am not speaking for Wang Cifu. In recent years, the errands Wang Cifu has done in the court are obvious to all." Feng Bao rarely said a kind word for the ministers. Those who didn't know it thought he had accepted Wang Chonggu. Feng Baoke, Wang Chonggu, Yang Bo, Ge Shouli and other members of the Jin Party scolded him for bribery.

Feng Bao really confiscated Wang Chonggu's money. Your Majesty rewarded you with enough money. Your Majesty hates those dogs that eat inside and outside the most. He doesn't want to be like Chen Hong and be made into a specimen in the Jiecui Courtyard.

Feng Bao stood from the standpoint of the Ming Dynasty and said a few good words for Wang Chonggu. His Majesty's words were a relatively dangerous signal.

The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, and accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. It is always the courtiers who can directly threaten the emperor.

"What you said makes sense." Zhu Yijun agreed. This time Wang Chonggu's choice in the Sichuan Zhutou case added a thick layer of holy family members to the old Wang family.

"Wang Qian's method is a good one, but it can only be used once. No one will be fooled next time, and only he can use it." Zhu Yijun was quite regretful and had a deep understanding of Wang Qian's arrogance and domineeringness.

"Promote the prince, and after returning to the capital, he will serve as the censor of Qiandu." Zhu Yijun promoted Wang Qian, but still worked in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He was promoted to three ranks in a row and climbed to the fourth rank.

This official position is actually very low. Yan Shifan started out as Shangbaosi Shaoqing, and Xu Jie's son also started out as Shangbaosi Shaoqing, a fifth-rank official. Wang Qian was only a seventh-rank supervisory censor in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Zhang Juzheng His sons also started as doctors of the fifth grade.

Wang Qian had made great contributions to Zhu Yijun, and he helped Hai Rui investigate corrupt officials in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He also did a good job on this job, so he was naturally promoted.

Zhu Yijun finished reviewing most of the memorials, threw the memorials impeaching Wang Qian into the trash can, and said to Feng Bao: "I will go to the Ying Gongfu, Chengguo Gongfu, and Dingguo Gongfu to commemorate Yong Yong in the suburbs tomorrow. Mausoleum, let Emperor Shizong know the news that the Yang family in Xindu has been arrested."

The Taoist master's wishes were unreasonable, but Yang Tinghe and Yang Shen definitely died a good death. The Taoist master, who was still very young at the time, let the two of them go, which eventually led to an endless stream of imitators, who stepped on the emperor to gain fame. During the Jiajing period, Very many times.

The Yang family in Xindu suffered such a tragedy. It would be a lie to say that there was no personal grudge.

"Former Sichuan Governor Luo Yao, just deprive him of his official status and never use it again when he returns home. Mr.'s disciples should always be treated with extra leniency. What do you think, Feng Bao?" Zhu Yijun looked at the memorial in his hand and hesitated. This was not the first time that he had forgiven Zhang Juzheng's protégé. Gao Qiyu had done that kind of thing in Yingtian Mansion, and Zhu Yijun also forgave him.

Feng Bao thought about it for a while, but reminded him: "Your Majesty, Mr.'s floating ticket said that he was exiled to Yunnan. If the law is not strict, it cannot be believed, and if the law is not believed, it cannot be cured. Since the Ming Dynasty Code has been repaired, it is natural to follow the law, so If you neglect public affairs privately, you may lose trust in the world and make the people uneasy. Luo Yao is the censor of Zuodu when he is patrolling Sichuan, and he is in collusion with the local prominent families. If he indulges in private affairs easily, he may attract criticism from others."

"Your Majesty, what Gao Qiyu did was right and wrong."

Gao Qiyu's mistakes were completely different from those of Luo Yao. In the final analysis, Gao Qiyu directly offended the Ming Emperor himself. His Majesty, the person involved, did not care. Others had no right to care. It was selfish. However, Luo Yao was conniving and covering up, which led to the Sichuan local disaster. The situation has further deteriorated, which is public;

Therefore, according to the Ming Dynasty Law, exile to Yunnan is already a lenient treatment.

"Then let's go into exile in Yunnan as my husband said." Zhu Yijun finally chose exile. This was a business matter.

When the rules are broken, they are completely broken.

"When will Xu Wei come to Beijing?" Zhu Yijun asked Xu Wei, Governor of Nagasaki, who had returned to Beijing to report on his duties.

(End of this chapter)

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