I'm really not doing business

Chapter 454: If you don’t take it, you will be blamed

Chapter 454: If you don’t take it, you will be blamed

Wang Daokun, Wang Guoguang, Zhang Xueyan, Wan Shihe, and even Zhang Juzheng are all farmers in essence. The problem of silver waste they discussed and the idea of ​​using asset proliferation to reduce silver waste are also path-dependent, converting currency into assets. path dependency.

The landowners of the Ming Dynasty loved annexing and buying land, and even Xu Jie was not exempt from this practice. The method given by Wang Daokun was also to 'buy land', just like the landowners always liked to purchase land. The rapid inflow of silver from the Ming Dynasty would When liquid assets are fixed, they are the place where money is converted into assets.

For example, the silver dam and idling, in fact, there was a solution in the Song Dynasty, which was the 'green seedling method'. If the Ming version of the green seedling method was implemented, the silver dam could be quickly pierced, and the silver could be dredged from the city to the countryside, and it could also It can solve the idling problem. Under the high interest rate, Ming's silver will quickly precipitate under the Green Seedling Method.

The only problem is that the Young Crops Law harmed the largest number of poor coolies in the Ming Dynasty.

The poor coolies used their own hands to create value through hard work in exchange for the inflow of overseas silver. The class that controlled and could mobilize more social resources used their control of silver to harvest the poor with high interest rates. Coolie forms a closed loop. Poor coolies are stripped of their surplus value in production, and are then ruthlessly harvested by the scissors of finance.

It is for this reason that Shen Shixing and Wang Daokun disdain the Songjiang School's advocacy of freedom. From the heights Wang Daokun and Shen Shixing stand at, they deeply understand the basic logic of social operation. Money is never open to the poor, and money is a tool for expropriation. One, but the Matsue School held that only money would be open to the poor.

This is a lie, and they themselves know that they are lying, but they tell too many lies and they deceive themselves.

Zhang Juzheng and others, their methods are a bit stupid, a bit conservative, and even a bit like farmers. There are obviously simpler ways, financial methods are right in front of them, but they choose to take a detour and use the thinking of old farmers to solve the problems encountered after opening the sea. The silver problem.

"Wang Cifu is busy with state affairs and family affairs, and the children at home are not worried." Wan Shihe suppressed a smile.

Zhang Juzheng made it clear about old things. Zhang Juzheng and Qi Jiguang had fundamental differences in their decision-making against the Northern Lu. One advocated defense, the other advocated using offense instead of defense. In the end, Qi Jiguang compromised. Such differences on the road, It is a huge harm to both parties who are gay and have fun together.

This is Zhang Juzheng's cowardice. As the chief minister of the empire, every decision he makes determines the safety of Ming Dynasty. He is afraid.

Authority shakes the master, and misfortune comes.

In the first year of Wanli, His Majesty took the trouble to knight Qi Shuai, and took advantage of Zhu Xizhong's death to bring a bloody memorial to the Chu Guild Hall, where he persuaded Zhang Juzheng to revive the military camp, and then completely handed over the Emperor's Sword and the Beijing Camp to Qi Jiguang. This is a big gamble, and it is also a act of bravery on the part of His Majesty.

Qi Jiguang immediately gave up being a lackey of the Chu Guild Hall, and instead turned to the emperor. His sincere heart for the country was beating. As a strong general in the military field, he judged the situation of the Ming Dynasty and the Northern Lu. To be extremely accurate, there was no great victory that could be remembered in the annals of history. They just resisted the enemy outside the Great Wall and were just hanging on for a while.

The general soldiers of Datong, Xuanfu, Jizhou, and Liaodong died one after another. The general soldiers were still like this, and the soldiers were nothing more than careless.

On the grassland, the Ming Dynasty is gradually losing its prestige, and disobedience is already brewing outside the Great Wall. If one punch is not opened, hundreds of punches will come naturally!

"That's it." Wan Shihe understood completely.

Of course Zhang Juzheng understood the meaning of these words. He thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Uncle Da Zong is really worried too much. Ever since Qi Shuai returned the Quan Chu Guild Hall's waist card, there is nothing worth worrying about." Yes, indeed in the eyes of outsiders, Qi Shuai and I have been supporting each other for more than 20 years, can our friendship be severed by just a waist card? "

"Yes." Zhang Juzheng said with a hint of sadness, "Actually, I lied."

Once the two ministers and the emperor were in conflict, it would be a disaster for Ming Dynasty. No matter who won, Ming Dynasty would lose.

"I am not as brave as your Majesty." Zhang Juzheng gradually relaxed and said to Wan Shihe with a smile.

"This is sophistry. Even the world doesn't think I lied, but I know it myself. I just lied." Zhang Juzheng smiled and continued: "In the second year of Longqing, Qi Jiguang traveled from south to north. At that time, I met On his side, I told Commander Qi that his mission was to resist the enemy and not let the Northern invaders enter the pass. To plunder is to gain merit.”

"Perhaps, in Qi Shuai's heart at that time, I was just a coward who was just trying to make a name for himself." Zhang Juzheng said with relief.

"That was also the first time that Qi Shuai refuted my opinion. He said: We must use short swords to meet each other in the plains, so that the captives will not be able to support themselves and then be heartbroken! Reinforce the military and strengthen the army, and use the strong army to conquer the grassland in the north. Only then can we achieve a long-term victory. Policy."

"Qi Shuai and Yuan Fudao are different and are not conspiring against each other?!" Wan Shihe looked at Zhang Juzheng blankly. This was the first time he heard that Zhang Juzheng and Qi Jiguang were at odds, and it was on the road.

At the beginning, he was regarded as useless, and there was also some frustration in this regard. On the one hand, the responsibility given to him by the court was to defend the border, but he knew that only defending without attacking was useless, so he trained the northern border army in the same way. The intensity of training for guest soldiers is too high, and they don’t go out to fight, so what’s the point of training so hard?
Hulu soldiers and horses drink in the suburbs! The smell of killings can be heard in the city!
Then if they ask for help with the threat of troops, I will respond with my poor plan, and if the money is obedient, I will accept the alliance under the city. Wouldn't it be humiliating?
What a shame!
Qi Jiguang knew the basic logic of military affairs. The fundamental way is to make the opponent convinced and to make the enemy flee and not dare to invade. However, the Ming Dynasty at that time could not do it. Qi Jiguang was talented, but the military and political power of the Ming Dynasty at that time was , Gyeonggi, Fengli and public opinion, they can’t do it.

"Later, he even bluntly stated in the "Military Training Regulations" that only by training a strong army and clearing the desert forever can we maintain stability on the border."

This is Qi Jiguang's ambition.

When the emperor showed his perseverance in martial arts, when Zhu Yijun secretly attacked courtiers and conferred titles, when the emperor inquired about military affairs, when the emperor promised to fight and fight, Qi Jiguang immediately seized this opportunity.

The two ministers had left, and Wan Shihe was left alone. When he spoke like this, Zhang Juzheng naturally knew that there was something in his words. Literary and military officials were indeed a blessing to the country, but it could also be a disaster to the country. Once civil and military forces joined forces, it would be a disaster. Where does that leave His Majesty? The social resources that the two people can now mobilize are enough to complete the change of dynasty.

Wang Qian made some jokes. During the critical period when Wang Chonggu was being criticized verbally and written, this rich young man made a jealous joke in Taibai Tower. He sent a thousand flower baskets to a prostitute, and for a while it became a joke in the streets of the capital. It also made Wang Chonggu quite passive and unable to teach his children, which became another label on Wang Chonggu.

"Actually, it's just that they have different paths and don't work together."

Failure to educate one's children in a good way is also detrimental to one's personal ethics. For example, Yang Shiqi's son abused the countryside, which eventually led to Yang Shiqi being forced to become an official.

In the second year of Wanli, Li Chengliang conquered Gule Village, which proved that the Ming army still had the possibility to fight outside the fortress and win. Before that, there was no practice to prove that the Ming Dynasty could defeat the Hulu outside the fortress. The Ming Dynasty had been losing before, and had been losing. Keep losing.

Wang Guoguang and Wang Daokun left together. When they left, they were still discussing words such as auditing, commodities, exchange, and production. Wan Shihe was left alone. He had a Doubts need to be cleared up by Zhang Juzheng. This doubt is the relationship between Qi Jiguang and Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Juzheng's face finally turned painful. He rubbed his brows and said, "I can actually make a couple of arguments for myself. For example, I can say that the Conquest of Ritual and Music came from the emperor. I, the first assistant, made such a policy. Is this an act of arrogance?" The late emperor is in hiding, your majesty is young, and as a minister of the country, I have exhausted all my plans."

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang and Qi are one, but they don't seem to be as monolithic as imagined. This unbreakable political alliance seems to have had differences, and they seem to be very serious.

They must meet each other with short swords in the plains! The prisoner couldn't bear it and then he was heartbroken!

Wan Shihe got the answer and left with satisfaction. He no longer had any worries about granting Qi Shuai a title.

"This is not only the concern of the great uncle, but also a concern that many people in the DPRK dare not speak out."

Zhang Juzheng leaned on the back of his chair, his expression a little desolate, and lost his former majesty. He looked at the beams and pillars of Wenchang Pavilion with some scattered eyes and shook his head and said: "Manpower will eventually be exhausted."

"Yuan Fu is belittling himself. Qi Shuai is a sensible person. He knows that Yuan Fu has Yuan Fu's difficulties, so he will not blame Yuan Fu." Wan Shihe comforted Zhang Juzheng, and he also confirmed the person deep in his heart. The doubt is that Zhang Juzheng and Qi Jiguang really parted ways, and even their conflicts and differences happened earlier than everyone expected.

Qi Jiguang is about to be ennobled, and His Majesty is very relieved, but there is a question that is difficult for the emperor to ask, and Wan Shi and the Minister of Rites need to come between them.

Wang Chonggu is now old and can no longer chase Wang Qian.

"I lied to Your Majesty, to the court, to all the civil and military officials, and to the people of the world. I said that the Longqing peace talks were just for a short period of rest and recuperation, to recuperate and recuperate, and to seek revenge for blood in the future. , In fact, I know very well that the peace negotiation is the end, the peace negotiation is completely turning the page and becoming the past. "

"This is also sophistry. In fact, I just don't dare. I am just afraid. I don't dare to take military risks. What if I lose? After all, I have never won before. Cowardice is cowardice. There is no need to make other sophistry."

Wan Shihe shook his head and said, "No, no, no, what Yuan Fu said is wrong. An Dahan has been captured. This is not a lie."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." Wan Shihe, the Minister of Rites, is a person who likes to have fun!

You can't talk in vain because of the facts. If Bansheng City is defeated, I will be captured.

"Wen Zhang and Wu Qi can rise and rise, turn the tide before it falls, and support the building before it collapses. This is truly a blessing to the country." Wan Shihe's words were flattery, boasting of the two people's achievements, and his words were not considered true. Boast and tell the truth.

But Zhang Juzheng sat in Wenyuan Pavilion for a long time, uncovering his scars. He didn't need courage. He didn't say what he said to Qi Jiguang in private, and Qi Jiguang wouldn't say it everywhere. But Zhang Juzheng knew Wan Shihe's doubts. Finally, the scars were revealed.

Your Majesty is more brave than Zhang Juzheng.

He actually knew very well that Qi Jiguang did not look down on him from the bottom of his heart and regarded him as a coward, but Zhang Juzheng looked down on himself. He actually knew that Qi Jiguang was right, but he just couldn't do it.

Everything is just right now, just right.

Zhang Juzheng hummed a little tune and played Ba Duan Jin for a while. He was so tired that he was covered in sweat. After resting for a month, he learned this Ba Duan Jin. It was considered as a daily exercise. The state affairs went smoothly, so that he could touch the pillow now. Sleep instead of worrying about the past.

Zhu Yijun finally received a memorial jointly signed by the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Accounts, and the Chief Minister of the Cabinet. The content of the memorial is "Silver Waste", which systematically discusses the waste of silver and the solutions. Zhu Yijun strongly agrees with these solutions. , although troublesome, state affairs are never simple.

Commodities have two values, one is use value and the other is exchange value. These are the two elements of commodities, and labor contains two elements, concrete labor and abstract labor. The duality of labor determines the duality of commodities. , there is a close internal connection, but this is not a one-to-one correspondence, a close connection and an independent relationship.

For example, some of the various technical books sold by Huangzhuang have extremely low use value. In material terms, they are just a book and some ink. The price of a book ranges from 2000 taels to 5000 taels, but the value of this technical book The content contains extremely rich abstract exchange value and is worth the price.

The production diagram defines production, labor, and commodities in detail.

The silver of the Ming Dynasty was composed of the hard work of the hardworking people of the Ming Dynasty.

At first glance, a commodity is a simple and ordinary thing, but after a little in-depth analysis, you will find that it is a weird thing full of subtleties and weirdness, because labor itself can also be regarded as a commodity. Touting. The boat master Shi Peng was called Shi Liu before he became a boat master. He only needed six cents to transport goods from the warehouse. In order to make one more transport trip, he would go back to the place where the goods were distributed. This was selling his labor.

The commodity nature of labor can only be expressed indirectly through commodity exchange, that is, only when labor is sold and remuneration is obtained, labor shows its commodity nature.

At this time, an inevitable social problem appeared in front of Ming Ming Gong's case: commodities are the masters of everything.

Producers, poor coolies, can transform their own, private labor into social labor only through the exchange of commodities.

Commodities will only be recognized by society when they are circulated and exchanged, demonstrating their use value and exchange value.

This is a major event that endangers ethics and ethics. For the Ming Gong in the court, this is unbelievable!
In the past, it was virtue that determined everything, that is, the abstract spiritual world was the master of all things; but now, after the emergence of works such as the Theory of Contradiction, the Theory of Production, the Theory of Public and Private Affairs, and the Theory of Class, these theories seem to have pushed the world to The other direction is that matter determines everything, that is, in the specific material world, commodities are the master.

However, these two completely opposite theories have become self-consistent under the theory of contradiction. Just like the yin and yang fish in Tai Chi, where you are in me and you are in me, they complement each other. Under the theory of contradiction, metaphysical Abstract, physical and concrete are all important, regardless of priority.

Knowing and doing are consistent with conscience, and contradictions are solved one after another.

In order to study and understand the nature of commodities, Ming Dynasty had already conducted a full discussion. At this time, it naturally entered the discussion of currency.

The essence of currency, functions of currency, attributes of currency and current assets are efficiently transformed into fixed assets.

The financial and economic affairs of the world are reserved, fixed, and flowing, just like the changes in the four seasons, and the movement of heaven and earth, which cycle over and over again. Heaven, earth and people, these three talents, Liu Guliu, these three wealth.

The retained assets are the basic necessities of life, the fixed assets are the means of production, and the current assets are the circulation and exchange of commodities.

At this time, the court officials were surprised to find that Bai Yin was almost omnipotent and terrifying.

As long as you own silver, this general equivalent, you can exchange it for any necessary clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and you can also obtain sufficient means of production, and silver itself is still a commodity that can be circulated and exchanged.

And the most terrifying thing is that silver itself seems to be a fixed asset, because it can directly obtain profits from lending! Production can be completely bypassed!
Thinking and discussing about Bai Yin even made Ming Ming Gong feel confused. The newly constructed theory that production and productivity determine everything, and material determines everything, collapsed in front of Bai Yin.

Silver, or currency, is terrible, it can do anything.

This is where Wang Daokun is confused. It seems complicated, but in fact it is not simple either.

Zhu Yijun was very aware of his doubts and confusion, but Wang Daokun didn't know his problem at all.

When he didn't know what he was wondering about, he got the answer he was looking for from the Songjiang School's theory of complete freedom. He figured out the problem clearly. Silver is not a fixed asset, not a reserved asset, or even a liquid asset. Assets are general equivalents and commodities.

Interest on loans is fundamentally a form of class-based exploitation, that is, money never opens the door, or even the window, to the poor.

Those wealthy households, famous families, pen editors, brokers and compradors of the Songjiang School who advocate complete freedom are completely dormant in front of money. Money is like a god in the real world, omnipotent. The emergence and current harvest of the Songjiang School It has attracted countless fans, and they are actually thinking about the essence of silver. However, in the process of thinking, they gradually became slaves of money and completely succumbed to the power of money.

It has to be said that a creature like Da Ming Ming Gong is, in a sense, an extraordinary creature. Even if one does not know what one is wondering about, even under the constant clamor of these money slaves, one can still find it. The answer to the question, this kind of non-confusion, is the extraordinary power of Ming Gong.

But this kind of extraordinary ability is invisible, and the conditions required to express it are extremely harsh. If any of the conditions cannot be met, it will be hidden. It requires political coordination, the general trend, and expression. There are too many conditions required. More, just like the commodity nature of labor, it will only behave the same when it is exchanged.

"Old farmer thinking." Zhu Yijun smiled and said to Feng Bao: "However, I fully recognize the old farmer thinking of the ministers. It is best for the Songjiang School not to recite sutras in front of me."

"Does Your Majesty want to refute them with reason?" Feng Bao asked with some doubts.

Zhu Yijun waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, I will fully recognize this doctrine. Since it is said to be complete freedom, wouldn't it be great if I relied on my strong soldiers and horses to rob them all and take them all as my own? "

"What a wonderful world."

"Ah?" Feng Bao's expression was a little stunned and a little dull. He immediately fully understood what His Majesty meant. When the imperial power, with the help of the complete liberals, completely broke free from the constraints and shackles on the body, and there were no taboos, I am afraid that these people who admire complete freedom would The famous family of Pai is the first unlucky person!
Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps. Is it possible to expect big fish not to eat fish?

Feng Bao said sincerely: "Your Majesty understands freedom."

Under the feudal monarchy, especially in front of the emperor who has control of force, what is the difference between talking about complete freedom and seeking death?

Zhu Yijun took out another memorial and read it for a long time. He looked at the signature with uncertainty and said dullly: "Do we Ming officials all like flipping sesame cakes so much?"

"This... the situation has changed." Feng Bao could only explain it this way.

It is a memorial written by the Officers and Soldiers Section of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to Zhang Dingsi who was involved in the incident. In this memorial, Zhang Dingsi and others loudly shouted that the Chi Road from the capital to Datong and from Datong to Hetao must be repaired, and it must be repaired immediately, otherwise it will not work. , can’t wait for a moment! The war is not over yet, we still need to repair it!

Prior to this, the officials of Ke Dao were the main force against Xiu Chi Dao. They were very taboo about King Hua of Suiyuan and even disagreed with the conquest. This aspect was due to the influence of actuarial wind.

Zhu Yijun calls this repeated behavior of opposing and now supporting the biscuits, just like the biscuits needing to be turned over in the stove. It is completely different from a boomerang, which is used by others. To refute what you have said, and to flip the biscuits is to object to your own past remarks.

The reason why Kedao officials turned over the sesame cakes and this change occurred was because a large number of coal mines were discovered in Datong, Shanxi and Dongsheng County, north of Yulin, and they were the kind of open-pit coal mines that are extremely easy to mine. In the Dongsheng County Basin On the northeastern edge of the coalfield, the structural outline of the coalfield is an uplift in the east, a depression in the west, a coal mountain that runs approximately north-south and tilts to the west, which is a real coal mountain.

In Ma Gui's memorial, he called this coal mountain "inexhaustible." From the documents accompanying the army, the outline of this coal mountain was outlined using the triangular drawing method.

Therefore, Kedao spokesperson immediately changed from opposing the construction of the Chi Road to the Loop to fully supporting it.

Firewood, rice, oil and salt, the word firewood is the first, this firewood has always been profitable, this is not a mountain of coal, it is clearly a mountain of gold!

The Ming Dynasty actually lacked understanding of the Hetao area. The actual rule of the Hetao area can be traced back to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, including Shuofang County, Wuyuan County, and Yulin County.

"Do they want to repair it? I have no money, and I don't have any money from the national funds." Zhu Yijun reviewed the memorial and discussed it with the cabinet for the next chapter. He shook his head and said: "They are really a group of guys who are blind to money. They keep repeating this. There is simply no virtue at all. According to what Zhang Dingsi said, the people should be mobilized to repair the Chi Road now, and the people should be mobilized and repaired immediately. "

"Recruit now, what are you going to do? To raise Chidao, you need to check the hydrology, survey the geography, and find a suitable road to build. It will take several months for the Ministry of Industry to prepare. Chonggu Chidao has been proposed since Wang Chonggu. Construction started only half a year later, and it was still built in Shanhaiguan in the capital of Ming Dynasty. "

Zhu Yijun was well aware of the difficulty of the project, especially such a large project. It took Zhu Di fourteen years to build the official post road in Nuer Gandusi. It started in the third year of Yongle and lasted until seventeen years before it was completed. .

The industrious Ming Dynasty scholars always put forward completely unrealistic goals without considering reality.

Coal Mountain is certainly attractive. Dr. Gewu from the Royal Gewu Academy of the Ming Dynasty accompanied the army to map the hydrology and geography of the Hetao area. Only after the army's expedition was basically settled can the road be built. Of course, Ma Gui has already placed a group of prisoners in the Dongsheng Open-pit Coal Mine. Carry out preliminary mining and mine preparation.

"Your Majesty, Wang Cifu is here." Xiao Huangmen hurried in to report.


"Your Majesty, it's a great thing. Your Majesty, it's a great thing! Coal, countless coal!" Wang Chonggu's eyes were shining. As the general office of Xishan Coal Bureau, Wang Chonggu knew too well that Coal Mountain = Jinshan. He knew too well. What does this mean to Ming Dynasty?

"No courtesy, I already know, don't be in a hurry, sit down and take your time." Zhu Yijun signaled Wang Chonggu to be calm and calm.

Zhu Yijun hesitated for a moment, shook his sleeves, and took out a Tangbao from his sleeve. This was the Tangbao of Duntai Yuanhou. Wang Chonggu was the Second Assistant and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and had no right to ask about Duntai Yuanhou's information.

"Qi Shuai led his troops to march to Fengzhou and found a mountain of gold, silver and copper three hundred miles north of Yinshan Mountain." Zhu Yijun handed the Tangbao in his hand to Wang Chonggu, and at the same time motioned to Zhang Hong to pick up something.

Wang Chonggu tremblingly opened the memorial in his hand, read it for a long time, and couldn't help but said: "Oh my god, is there really a golden mountain?"

The hinterland of the Ming Dynasty was short of copper, silver and little gold. Wang Chonggu was shocked to the extreme by this Tang Bao. According to the contents of the Tang Bao, this was really a golden mountain!
"This is the Woma Gold brought back by Duntai Yuanhou, about one pound or three taels. It is a natural gold nugget that Duntai Yuanhou found in the mountain stream when he heard about Wala's westward march and avoided Wala's scouts. The texture is impure. "Zhu Yijun pulled open the red satin on the table, revealing the lying horse gold inside. This natural gold nugget looks like a lying horse, hence its name.

Marquis Yuan of this pier handed the gold nugget to Qi Jiguang, and Qi Jiguang urgently reported it back to the capital. That area was also named Womagang by Qi Jiguang.

Dr. Gewu who accompanied the army went to Xunlong to share the gold. He was looking for Miao Yin. He was called Xunlong, which was Dalong looking for veins. He found that Womagang not only contained gold, but also silver and copper. Twenty miles away there were also There is a high-grade open pit coal mine.

Wang Chonggu stood up abruptly, clenched his fists and said loudly: "Your Majesty, if you don't take it, you will be blamed! Your Majesty, issue an order to build the road!"

No wonder Wang Chonggu reacted so violently. When Zhu Yijun received the Tong Bao, he was not much better than Wang Chonggu.

(Location of Wolmagang [today’s Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper mine])

(End of this chapter)

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