I'm really not doing business

Chapter 484: One person teaches others, but everyone can’t teach

Chapter 484: People teach people, but you can’t teach them a thousand times

The emphasis on materiality and the emphasis on currency are incompatible because their fundamental orientations are different. It is extremely complicated to explain this problem, but it can probably be summarized as the contradiction between materialism and idealism.

Take the ship tickets of Yanxinglou Trading House as an example.

The purpose of Da Ming's issuance of ship certificates is to quickly withdraw funds to recover costs by transferring dividend rights and everyone plans to be a ship owner, and then put them into production again, accelerating the expansion of the scale of Da Ming's ship manufacturing industry. This emphasizes materiality and the fundamental orientation is Obtaining more creates more substances, or commodities.

This is the radical emphasis on materialism.

Ship tickets are traded in trading houses and are traded up and down among various speculators. For the fundamental orientation of "more commodities", there is zero return or even negative return, because the fluctuation of ship tickets may affect production. Even for the ticket price, you have to take risks.

However, if you start from the perspective of emphasizing currency, you will find that the transaction of ship tickets and the gradual increase in prices will bring more currency demand, which is a positive return for the fundamental orientation of "more currency" , the larger the trading house, the greater the demand for currency.

The ticket trading of Yanxinglou Trading House is invalid or even negative for the radicals; but it is effective and significant for the conservatives. This is the incompatibility between the two opinions.

What's interesting here is that they wonderfully achieve a balanced coexistence of yin and yang, and even complement each other. This is roughly the current situation of yin and yang as mentioned in the theory of contradiction.

The pursuit of more currency is not a fallacy, especially in the Ming Dynasty, when commodities were extremely scarce, the commodity economy lacked development, and the court insisted on using silver and copper precious metals as the standard. The pursuit of more currency itself is increasing the flow of commodities. Only when the quantity of money is greater than the total value of goods can goods circulate normally.

This weird balance is an intertwined situation caused by partial agreement and partial opposition between radicals and conservatives to each other's policies. If the dissent between the first and second ministers, conservatives and radicals evolves into As a result of political struggle, party censorship has even formed, and the consensus of seeking common ground while reserving differences has completely disappeared. Opposition for the sake of opposition, total opposition, and total negation will break the balance.

Wang Chong is true since ancient times. He didn't express his loyalty in front of the emperor. After receiving the holy orders, he started to obey the emperor's orders and boasted in front of the emperor for a long time. As a result, he was unable to implement the results. He always talked about difficulties and concerns, from system design to system promotion. , Wang Chonggu moved very quickly, and the speed of follow-up reports by newspapers could not even keep up with the speed of Wang Chonggu's implementation of administrative orders.

Zhang Juzheng bowed his head and said: "No, I think he did these things not only to consolidate his position, but also to leave a good name in history."

If you are admitted to the Imperial Academy or the Imperial Academy of Science and Technology, you will have crossed a class and officially crossed over from a producer to a meat eater.

Breach of contract may result in lifetime fines…

This is not only the consensus of meat eaters, but also the consensus of ordinary people in the Ming Dynasty. For example, during the reign of Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty, the Iron Army of the Anxi Protectorate had been defending the city alone for forty years. Surrender, or simply return to the hinterland? They did not, but stayed in Kucha for forty years.

Kong Yiji, the embarrassed Confucian scholar who refused to take off his long robe and could only stand and drink, was also widespread in the Ming Dynasty. But now an opportunity to change his destiny is right in front of him. As long as he is willing to promote culture and education, he can get generous rewards and have peaches and plums all over the world. Opportunities arise for life to become richer and richer.

In these third-level schools, children's education is not off-the-job, that is, learning literacy and simple arithmetic. As long as they pass the exam, they can go to elementary school.

Meng Xue is completely out of work. At this stage, the contents of the Four Books, Five Classics and arithmetic become more complicated. At this stage, it doesn’t matter if you can’t pass the Confucian classics exam. You can transfer to the Craftsman School to learn a skill. The three years of training will be thirty silver. , the court can advance the payment without interest, but the money must be paid back after completing the course.

Wang Chonggu probably means that the average age of craftsmen is less than thirty years old, so it is impossible for Ming Dynasty to enter the commodity economy.

Moreover, the court wanted to set up a school in the Engineer Corps camp, which completely made the scholar-bureaucrats unable to sit still. Wang Chonggu, a treacherous minister, betrayed the collective interests of the powerful and powerful, and now he began to take the lead in the charge. A terrible sense of crisis filled the air. in the hearts of all scholar-bureaucrats.

Letting knowledge smell like copper is a blasphemy to knowledge! This is the mainstream criticism of Wang Chonggu. The people's newspapers in Jingtang are like exploding against Wang Chonggu's misdeeds. What is most unacceptable to the writers of the poetry society is that the money for the silver reward is a pledge from the Shanxi Party and Shanxi merchants. !

Wang Chonggu was not afraid of criticism from cheap Confucians, because cheap Confucians could not hurt him at all. He said bluntly: Unless the emperor, Wen, Zhang and Wu Qi took action to deal with him, no one could deal with him in the Ming Dynasty. Yan Song was scolded for twenty years. , haven’t you also been the chief assistant for twenty years?

If the Ming Dynasty can spread its military power around the world, use strong ships and cannons to open the doors to the markets of various countries, conduct free navigation and trade, and the Ming Dynasty culture can penetrate into every corner of the world, and put the ideological stamp of the Great Tomorrow on everyone's heart, then The Ming Dynasty treasure banknote will become a reliable tool to dominate the world's resources, products, services and talents.

An emperor was hiding in the harem, taking opium, and not approving any memorials to the court. He obviously failed to fulfill his obligations.

Those who pass the exam can also receive 50,000 silver from internal funds. The reward bank receives a total of 100,000 silver donations every year to promote the third-level school.

Wang Chonggu's approach of setting up Huimin Pharmacy in the official factory group building and the engineering corps camp was basically aimed at "more goods". In terms of output, one experienced skilled craftsman was almost equivalent to three inexperienced ones. Craftsman apprenticeship is a good way to extend the average life span and working years of craftsmen.

The Ming Dynasty regained the Hetao and opened up in Liaodong, which directly used the names of the Tang Dynasty. This is the emphasis on history.

Now, Wang Cifu is running all the way on the road of revolution and reform, becoming a representative figure of the radical faction, while Zhang Juzheng has become a conservative responsible for maintaining stability. This magical sense of offensive and defensive momentum makes Zhu Yijun feel that Wang Chonggu is crazy.

Those are not just a few names, but history and inheritance.

Under this system, the people of the Central Plains need to be particularly responsible for history. Today, the Western Regions have been lost for nearly a thousand years. The Ming Dynasty has reopened many times during the Jingtai, Chenghua, and Jiajing years. The debate in the Western Regions still remains in the annals of history because of those names.

Formulating and implementing administrative orders, as a good official in the government office, this is what you should do, but Wang Chonggu paid for it out of his own pocket and brought his own dry food, so what's going on!
Wang Chonggu directly told all the scholars through the "Minbao": the annual donation of 50,000 silver to the silver reward treasury for the imperial examination was set as an annual donation. Wang Chonggu originally planned to monopolize it for the whole family, but Shanxi merchants took the initiative to donate the money. The reason is very simple. The coal mountains in Shengzhou and the gold, silver, copper, iron and coal mountains in Womagang are only valuable if they are dug out. These things are all in Hetao and Mobei. Without stable enough governance, these gold and silver mountains are not from the Ming Dynasty, but the Jin Dynasty Businessmen are the first beneficiaries.

So the pursuit of more currency, in this case, is not a fallacy, but makes perfect sense.

Kong Yiji's student Zhang San, because he was diligent and inquisitive, studied hard and passed the entrance exams in Mongolian studies and Confucian classics, and because of his extraordinary talent, he entered the Royal Academy of Geosciences. Kong Yiji could receive a reward of 120 silver for the entire process, even if it was Kong Yiji Even if he dies, his son Kong Bingji can also receive the reward.

How can the price be reduced!

Wang Chonggu’s establishment of laws by the official factory group was the foundation of Wang Chonggu. He could not exert too much effort on this foundation. There was a big problem with the establishment of the official factory group by the law. He was a traitor, so he had to be executed, and the official factory group There is no need to worry about being killed in the group building method. Wang Chonggu does not have to worry at all. He will end up like Yan Song and Hu Zongxian. When the Japanese invasion gradually stops, it will be useless and become a move to stop Qing Liu's mouth.

The spring breeze in March is warm, but the court is very, very uneasy, because the stakes of going to Suiyuan to support the frontier have been reduced! The promotion went from three years to six years, which made the scholars who were waiting and watching completely unable to sit still!

Zhu Yijun summoned Zhang Juzheng in the side hall of Wenhua Hall. Wang Chonggu was busy with Huimin Pharmacy and the third-level school in Xishan. Apart from court discussions, he basically saw no one.

In order for classes with conflicting economic interests to avoid annihilating themselves and society in meaningless struggles, there needs to be a force that appears to be above everything else. This force should mitigate conflicts and keep conflicts in 'order' Within the scope, this transcendent power is the dynasty.

Major newspapers began to report at length on the possible impact of this incident, and they followed up the report completely, because Wang Chonggu was not joking, he established three-level schools, namely children's school, elementary school and Confucian classics, three-level school After completing the nine-year third-level school, you can be admitted to the Imperial Academy. If you are talented in arithmetic, you can even be admitted to the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

So the Ming Dynasty no longer practiced money law, but changed to banknote law. Will this idea of ​​pursuing more money become a fallacy?

Passing the Confucian classics examination means that one foot has crossed the class. You can choose to pay a tuition fee to study, or sign a training contract. After completing the study, you will not be admitted to the Imperial Academy or the Royal Academy of Confucianism, and you will need to fulfill the contract and go to Suiyuan, Liaodong, In Yunnan-Guizhou, Nagasaki, Luzon, Jiugang and other border areas, the amount of repairs for the past three years is thirty silver. After signing a contract, the court can advance the payment.

As for the legacy of the Ming Dynasty, it is very important to every Ming Dynasty person. The Ming Dynasty does not talk about the afterlife. You can be the retribution of a master in the next life after reincarnation; end; end
The Ming Dynasty talks about eternal life, eternal existence in name, eternal life in name.

Zhao Heng, Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, said in "Poems to Encourage Learning: Poems to Encourage Learning" that the book has its own beauty like jade, and the book has its own house of gold. I don't care whether it was true in the Northern Song Dynasty, but in the Ming Dynasty, there is really real gold in the book. silver.

Teachers in the army began to be recruited, and the treatment given was very generous. The treatment was divided into basic endowment and rewards for passing the examination. In a school, the students led by the teacher would pass one of the exams of Meng Xue, Confucian Studies, Imperial College, and Imperial Academy of Science and Technology. There are varying degrees of reward.

Because in theory, there is no end to the construction of official factories. As long as the imperial court starts the official factories and gets benefits from them, it will be impossible to stop.

When Wang Chonggu set up the reward bank, he had already planned it and took it out directly. However, after hearing the news, Shanxi merchants ran to the Jin Guild Hall and cried, how could Ci Fu have the heart to abandon me and wait for him? In the end, he could only The pledge of fifty thousand silver was divided equally.

Zhu Yijun knew that Wang Chonggu was capable, but Zhu Yijun didn't have high expectations for Wang Cifu when he overstepped his arrogance. Zhu Yijun was already satisfied that he could run the woolen official factory safely.

It is also the meaning of the imperial court to the Ming Dynasty and the meaning of the emperor to the court.

Based on the basic point of view that there were too many unscrupulous scholars in the Ming Dynasty, the establishment of the third-level school of the Engineer Corps showed its ferocious face from the beginning.

"I feel that Wang Cifu is a bit too radical." Zhu Yijun said to Zhang Juzheng with a complicated expression.

Everyone will become an insignificant speck of dust in the face of time. When standing at the crossroads of history, those who have the opportunity, ability, and courage can become a pillar in the long river of history. After thousands of years of erosion, they still stand firm, and even When he became part of the spine, Wang Chonggu's performance could not be called crazy.

Zhang Juzheng agrees with the theory of the victory of the Central Plains of the Jiecu Yuan, because once we think about problems on a thousand-year scale, it is not a military issue, a political issue, or an economic issue, but a cultural issue. Ups and downs, and rising cycles are contradictions. Although the core point of view is stated, the firm support of culture makes that theory of victory more convincing.

Byzantine XI shouted, I will return like lightning, but Rome has no signs of returning at all.

The Han Dynasty has great power, and there are loyal and good people in every generation.

Zhang Juzheng thought for a moment, then bowed his head and said: "Looking south to Jiuyuan, where is the dusty and dim road? This is Wen Tianxiang's last poem. Three hundred years ago, Wen Tianxiang was escorted to Beijing and beheaded by Kublai Khan in Chaishi City. What he said The Jiuyuan mentioned is Jiuyuan County, at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, a border city built by Zhao State, Jiuyuan County in Qin Dynasty, the northern end point of the straight road built by Qin Shihuang, Wuyuan County in Han Dynasty, and Wuyuan County in Tang Dynasty. Fengzhou is now Wuyuan Prefecture.”

Zhang Juzheng answered His Majesty's questions completely. This is the weight of history. "What you said makes sense." Zhu Yijun understood what Zhang Juzheng wanted to express. Indeed, Wang Chonggu's behavior was not crazy, and was even very restrained.

"The ministers came to remonstrate and ask King Lu to take over the vassal state." Zhu Yijun sat up straight and talked about King Lu's arrangements after his wedding.

King Lu Zhu Yili was so ridiculous that the whole capital was talking about it, asking the emperor to restrain him, and also asking the emperor to arrange for Prince Lu to join the vassal state. After joining the vassal state, all the ridiculous things that undermined the majesty of the court happened in the palace, not in the capital.

The place where King Lu became a vassal is located in Weihui Mansion in Henan. This royal palace was built during the Hongzhi period and has been at least seventy years. In the 14th year of Hongzhi, your king Zhu Youji came to Weihui to become a vassal. Your king Zhu Youji was eliminated from the country. The palace was uninhabited until the tenth year of Wanli, and it was already in devastation. The court officials wanted to seize King Lu here.

"Prince Wei Hui's palace is dilapidated and still needs to be repaired. I think it is not appropriate to grant vassal status immediately. The imperial court's Suiyuan Chidao and Suiyuan Mining Industry are in a tight budget. There is really no money to spend on repairing the palace. I think that King Shiling Lu will continue to stay in the capital. "Zhang Juzheng didn't think it was a good idea to seal him to Henan."

There were too many royal palaces in Henan, and it was a long-standing problem to clear the throne. It was finally done little by little, and King Lu would become a vassal, which might not be conducive to clearing the throne.

Zhu Yijun said: "I plan to seal King Lu to Davao City in Mindanao."

"Your Majesty, this..." Zhang Juzheng had already prepared for the overseas vassal sealing, but His Majesty said it directly, making Zhang Juzheng unable to answer the question for a while.

There are too many problems that cannot be solved overnight.

First of all, it is impossible for Queen Mother Li to agree. Is Mindanao a good place? Davao is said to be the largest city in Mindanao and the second largest city in Luzon. Even including the red-haired people, it only has a population of 62 people. There are people in one county in Shanghai. It’s right to go to that shitty place. With a giant crocodile baring its fangs, what kind of shabby place does the Queen Mother’s favorite youngest son have to go to join the feudal clan?

Queen Mother Li was determined not to think that the courtiers were doing something for the country. In Queen Mother Li's eyes, criticizing the clan so harshly was rebellion!

"I think it is inappropriate, but we still need to consider it in the long term." Zhang Juzheng did not want to irritate Empress Dowager Li, or in other words, he did not want to change the stability of the current top-level political ecology of the Ming Dynasty. Empress Dowager Li is in a very good condition now. Taking care of her children in Tonghe Palace is really With children and grandchildren around his knees, Zhu Yili's stay in Prince Lu's Mansion is completely enough.

Overseas vassals must be established bit by bit.

"I will handle the affairs in the palace." Zhu Yijun was not sure whether he could persuade Queen Mother Li, but this was the inevitable result of opening up the sea. Otherwise, the overseas governor's mansion would always be of a censorship nature, and he wanted to consolidate the territory and counties. , you must take this step.

Zhang Juzheng was still very stubborn and said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Lu is too young. This matter is too big to be careless."

It is a very cruel approach to let a flower in a greenhouse face the front line of the open sea conflict. King Lu will conquer Davao. The result is that King Lu may not be able to fulfill his responsibilities as a fence, and may even endanger his life and kill himself. disaster.

This is not Zhang Juzheng’s alarmist talk. Mindanao is a hodgepodge of natives, red-haired tribesmen, Japanese pirates, and desperadoes. The conflicts are extremely fierce. At King Lu’s age, even sealing the vassal will have no effect.

Once something unexpected happens to King Lu's enfeoffment of vassalage, the road to overseas vassalage will come to an end. It will be a fantasy to think about overseas vassalage in the future.

Zhu Yijun thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Sir, what you said makes sense. It is indeed a bit too hasty and premature to seal the vassal overseas."

Zhang Juzheng suddenly understood that His Majesty did not want King Lu to seize the vassalship now, so he proposed to seal the vassalship overseas. In this way, the clamor of the courtiers for the vassalage would stop abruptly.

Taifu Yuanfu understood the holy intention.

"Recently, Yingtian Governor Li Le reported the corruption in Nanjing Taxation Bureau. Nanjing Tishuai Luo Bingliang submitted a letter to resign. I refuted Luo Tishuai's memorial and asked him to do his best. Corruption will be investigated and dealt with. "Zhu Yijun talked about the Nanjing Tax Inspection Bureau corruption case. It was a case reported by Hai Rui. A total of three people were sentenced to death, and a total of 3,400 taels of silver were 'corrupted'.

The 3,400 taels of silver were discovered during the accounting department's audit last year, and the incident occurred. It took no longer than three months to find out.

These three people who were sentenced to thousands of households did not take the money and put it in their own pockets, but gave it to the archers of the tax collector's office as a reward.

The Tax Inspection Office divided 30% into local taxes, and shipped the remaining 70% to the capital. The remaining 30% was retained by the local governments. The profits were divided among the local government offices, the tax inspectors responsible for tax inspection, and the archers. Therefore, the Tax Inspection Offices were set up all over the country. Every prefecture had a tax inspection office, and every county had a tax inspection inspection office, which led a number of archers to collect taxes.

"I will pay close attention to it. If the Nanya Admonition Officer has nothing to do, he can dredge the waterway." Zhang Juzheng was very concerned about this case. It was not a big deal at first. Speaking of things, even Luo Bingliang was reduced to shame and could only serve as an official.

When the local government has no money, they will go to the tax office to beg for food. The tax office also needs the cooperation of local officials, so as long as it is not excessive, the tax office will also give money, which is considered a loan. The local government has no choice but to go to the subordinate government office. Most of the money borrowed from Jinyiwei's tax office will be repaid, but there is a time lag, and the silver reward for the archers has to be paid, so there is a deficit of 3,400 taels of silver.

This is a normal political matter, but Jiangnan Township's Xian Jinshengbao was troubled by the Tax Inspection Institute. When he got the opportunity, he naturally went to death for impeachment.

Zhang Juzheng is preparing to find some work for these Kedao Yanguan who are full and have nothing to do. Dredging waterways is a long-term job. The 400,000 miles of waterways in the Yangtze River need to be dredged. If Kedao Yanguan has the ability, he can dredge the waterways. Of course, the sky is going straight up, and if you can't roll it up, just get out and go home.

A corrupt official with a missing arm, a lame leg, a rotten heart, and a rotten heart. How can he pretend to be a clean person and think he has lice on his head? He actually felt that the 3,400 taels of silver from the Taxation Yuan were not punishable. According to this sentencing, wouldn't all those low-handed guys in Nanya have to be dragged away to Lingchi?

We don’t even look at how much taxes the Tax Inspection Institute can collect to the court in a year. Every reminder is issued step by step by colleagues from all over the Tax Inspection Institute.

Zhang Juzheng never showed mercy to Yan Guan.

"I really don't like the yin and yang of the Kedao Yanguan on the Northern Expedition of the army. Although they don't mention Qi Shuai and the Jingying camp in their memorials, they always make noises like this, as if the Ming Dynasty Jingying camp is deliberately causing massacres outside the Great Wall. "Zhu Yijun sat up straight and talked about the memorials of the officials of the Imperial College.

These memorials are very good in explaining principles, but there are many things in this world that are not useful without reasoning.

The grassland people could not live in peace, so they had no choice but to go south and plunder. That's why the Ming Dynasty needed Wang Hua grassland. This was a complete mutual reconciliation.

The Ming army suppressed bandits in Suiyuan, and turned from appeasement to extermination. This made it difficult for the scholar-bureaucrats who advocated the virtues of Rouyuan people and God to live a good life. Judging from the Tang newspaper, Qi Jiguang's order was very harsh.

Because the cruel methods of the horse bandits outside the Great Wall are beyond the imagination of this group of gentlemen who have never seen the world.

They cut off ears and pulled out tongues just to interrogate food, pulled out all the hair before killing people, put people in the water and choked them to death over and over again for fun, and inserted burning sticks into the vagina to kill women. Stirring a person to death, throwing a person into boiling water and using a broom to sweep away the skin is called sweeping the hair, splitting the legs of a child and throwing him into a hot pot to make the poor boy turn over...

After Qi Jiguang knew this, he ordered all camps: Anyone who does not surrender will be resolutely destroyed! Any horse bandits who resist, no matter where they are found, must be eliminated immediately. Only victory is allowed, victory must be achieved!
The people of Hetao had nothing but praise for Qi Jiguang's suppression of the bandits, and even built many temples for rescuing people in distress.

Zhu Yijun thought for a moment, took out a list from his sleeve, and said: "The comfortable life gave them the illusion that a stable life is something that is within easy reach. Survival and survival are never innate." rights, but the trophies that countless warriors took from this cold world."

"The capital was captured twice by the Northern invaders. The capital was shaken and uneasy. I thought that the solution was to let these dozen people go to Kaiping Guard and Yingchang Guard to face the cruelty of war."

Zhu Yuanzhang had a theory of reincarnated parents. It is the parents who give birth to a person, and it is the king who allows people to grow up and live in peace. This theory was reasonable in the feudal monarchy of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yijun applied this theory to the idea of ​​reincarnated parents. The concept has been extended to every warrior who strives for the collective good of the Ming Dynasty and who carries a heavy burden for the country and the country.

Zhu Yijun could not accept the fact that the Beijing camp who reported to the emperor to rescue the head of Guizhou was portrayed as an executioner.

There are a total of seventeen people on the list. These seventeen people are the first group to be exiled to guard the border. They can stay as long as they can. If they can't stay, they will break up. They will be stripped of their official status and honor and go home.

"I obey the order." Zhang Juzheng looked at the list. What's interesting is that there are Chu Party, Zhe Party, and Jin Party. The distribution is quite even. The stable and peaceful life makes the scholar-bureaucrats always have some unrealistic ideas. fantasy.

If you teach someone, you will not be able to teach it a thousand times. If you teach someone something, you will be able to teach it once.

Zhang Juzheng did not think that there was anything wrong with Your Majesty's move. He believed that the literati who could not distinguish between grains and cereals had to see the world and then they could understand why Qi Jiguang's suppression of bandits changed from appeasement to annihilation, and why the orders he issued were almost the same as those when he suppressed the Japanese pirates.

After Zhang Juzheng came out of the side hall of Wenhua Hall, his thunderous methods directly shocked the Jingtang. Seventeen people from the Jingtang were exiled to Suiyuan, and more than 30 officials from the Nanya Metropolitan Procuratorate were sent to Guizhou to change their land and return home. Dredging the Wujiang River.

As for the name-calling, Zhang Juzheng had long since stopped caring. No one dared to call him names anyway.

These dispositions were issued based on the content of the imperial edict, and were sealed by the emperor. At this point, there is actually still a way to save it, that is, the six sections of the Six Sections Gallery can refute the matter and refute the emperor's imperial edict.

For those in the Sixth Section, they just closed the door and pretended to be stupid. Whoever wants to go can go! Whoever wants to go will go, but they won’t go anyway.

On the contrary, they were very happy that they were not on this list.

The reason why the Six Sections were not involved in these bad things was because they were busy making trouble for Wang Chonggu, and they just escaped.

After all this trouble, some people started to go to Suiyuan in response to the imperial edict. If they didn't go, all the traps would be occupied.

(End of this chapter)

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